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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 09:33:23 AM

Title: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 09:33:23 AM
One thing that worries me is the sleep deprivation my friends and family tell me about, its like everybody, its actually quite funny - the first thing that most people tell you
when they hear that your wife is expecting is..
A) Game over now man - enjoy your last days of freedom
B) Man the sleep deprivation is crazy you be soooo fucking tired
c) it's only the first 15 years then you get used to it

Closely followed...

A) But don't worry its the best time you will ever have ::)

Anyways - so I know I don't do too good without sleep - so I was wondering anybody who has kids every tried to take some Ephedrine? Does that work?
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: _bruce_ on October 27, 2009, 10:28:13 AM
Give the kid some GHB and benzos...

problem solved  8)
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 10:35:39 AM
Give the kid some GHB and benzos...

problem solved  8)

Or like they have done in the "old" times in ireland - warm milk with some Brandy ;D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: _bruce_ on October 27, 2009, 11:20:29 AM
My uncle got raised with a mix of milk and wine... kept him silent and calm...
a lifetime brainiac he truly was...  :D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: nycbull on October 27, 2009, 11:20:38 AM
since you are becoming a father soon, how about stopping all drugs?
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Man of Steel on October 27, 2009, 11:21:29 AM
One thing that worries me is the sleep deprivation my friends and family tell me about, its like everybody, its actually quite funny - the first thing that most people tell you
when they hear that your wife is expecting is..
A) Game over now man - enjoy your last days of freedom
B) Man the sleep deprivation is crazy you be soooo fucking tired
c) it's only the first 15 years then you get used to it

Closely followed...

A) But don't worry its the best time you will ever have ::)

Anyways - so I know I don't do too good without sleep - so I was wondering anybody who has kids every tried to take some Ephedrine? Does that work?

Young parents enjoy putting the fear of God into first-time, expecting's that simple.   I loathe the "JUST WAIT!!" line from current parents now that my wife and I are expecting our first.

One of the worst that loves to bust my balls all the time about expecting our first came to me not long ago and said, "bro, you have a tax accounting background, right?  Well, I'm getting audited and I flubbed some stuff on my last couple returns.  Can you help me?"  So I looked over his stuff and heard out his story and concluded with some suggestions and he says, "think it'll be bad?"  To which I reply, "JUST WAIT!"  I walked off laughing.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: lvtolft on October 27, 2009, 12:01:11 PM
If this is your first, you won't need anything to keep you awake.  For me, it really wasn't that bad.  Your body adjusts to less sleep pretty quickly. 
It really is a great time.  For guys, it gets better once they start to interact with you more, about 3 months.  It is an awesome experience.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 12:33:16 PM
Thanks guys - I got to say I am scared of the lack of sleep - I know I cannot work without the propper sleep, never mind a good workout.
But I guess I stick it for a year and it should be ok then.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: dyslexic on October 27, 2009, 12:41:34 PM
Dude, you will be fine.

If you think you need something to keep you awake, then take it when you need it.

But... when you get a chance to sleep, take it.

BTW, if you decide to use ephedrine, you don't have to take the full dose. Break the caps apart and mix them in Crystal light, or if they are tabs, just break them.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: lovemonkey on October 27, 2009, 12:45:39 PM
Is ephedrine legal where you live? If not, it would be quite hypocritical to criticize steroid users for supporting illegal underground activities when you seem very capable of doing the exact same thing.

Even if it's legal though, it shows that you're willing to use drugs to enhance "performance" so to speak.

EDIT: Seems like ephedrine is treated by the UK government in the same manner the US does, so you can buy ephedrine but only in very limited quantities and not for recreational use. So where would you buy your stuff from if you do decide to go ahead and use that drug? (
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 12:48:06 PM
Dude, you will be fine.

If you think you need something to keep you awake, then take it when you need it.

But... when you get a chance to sleep, take it.

BTW, if you decide to use ephedrine, you don't have to take the full dose. Break the caps apart and mix them in Crystal light, or if they are tabs, just break them.

thanks bud - I've jeard that you're body can get used to coffein pills and or ephedrine very easy so I will take it easy and only take them if I am afraid to drop the baby :D

If this is your first, you won't need anything to keep you awake.  For me, it really wasn't that bad.  Your body adjusts to less sleep pretty quickly.  
It really is a great time.  For guys, it gets better once they start to interact with you more, about 3 months.  It is an awesome experience.

the problem is of course that I still have to work - I probably take my break and sleep in my office for an hour :D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Fury on October 27, 2009, 12:49:42 PM
That's pretty nice of you to raise the mailman's kid.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Ursus on October 27, 2009, 12:50:12 PM
Get your wife to raise the baby. She shits it out she can stop it crying.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 12:51:15 PM
Get your wife to raise the baby. She shits it out she can stop it crying.

lol - I keep that in mind
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: lovemonkey on October 27, 2009, 01:16:35 PM
Is ephedrine legal where you live? If not, it would be quite hypocritical to criticize steroid users for supporting illegal underground activities when you seem very capable of doing the exact same thing.

Even if it's legal though, it shows that you're willing to use drugs to enhance "performance" so to speak.

EDIT: Seems like ephedrine is treated by the UK government in the same manner the US does, so you can buy ephedrine but only in very limited quantities and not for recreational use. So where would you buy your stuff from if you do decide to go ahead and use that drug? (

Lets hear it, tough guy  :D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: lvtolft on October 27, 2009, 01:21:33 PM
the problem is of course that I still have to work - I probably take my break and sleep in my office for an hour :D
Honestly, I felt the same way as you did.  You really get used to it.  It is not as bad as you think it is.  I took a week off of work to help and don't really remember taking any naps.  Plus, the excitement of having a baby really takes away from the focus of sleep.  You will have a great time.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 27, 2009, 01:29:11 PM
Honestly, I felt the same way as you did.  You really get used to it.  It is not as bad as you think it is.  I took a week off of work to help and don't really remember taking any naps.  Plus, the excitement of having a baby really takes away from the focus of sleep.  You will have a great time.

yeah I do that too - thats a good idea take a week off - I get some days off from work anyways + I can always work from home as well.

You know (and I am sure you probably had the same fear) I'm a big clotz meaning I always drop something run into something or break something (arm) and man I am really scared I am dropping that little long until you get used to holding a baby?
Maybe I should try with a baby that isn't mind :D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: disturbia on October 27, 2009, 01:31:06 PM
I used to have to nap all the time. When I started taking 4000 mg of Omega 3 and 2000mg of vitamin D, my energy was completely different.  Don't know if that truly was it, but I'm completely different.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: lvtolft on October 27, 2009, 01:47:05 PM
yeah I do that too - thats a good idea take a week off - I get some days off from work anyways + I can always work from home as well.

You know (and I am sure you probably had the same fear) I'm a big clotz meaning I always drop something run into something or break something (arm) and man I am really scared I am dropping that little long until you get used to holding a baby?
Maybe I should try with a baby that isn't mind :D
lol  You will be fine the moment he/she is born.  Everything changes (for the better) when you have your first child.  It is really weird, like a switch is flipped.  When my first son was born, it was like, BLAM!  I am a dad and it felt awesome.
I remember the nurses told us to wake him up to feed him about every 2 hours and the secon night at the hospital we let them take him for a few hours so we could sleep and after the 3rd hour, I was wide awake calling the nurses telling them to bring him in so we could feed him.  I was pissed they waited so long!  Funny being a new parent really keeps you on your toes.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: SizZ on October 27, 2009, 02:46:45 PM
no need, just make sure your woman breastfeeds. It really is the best option for the kids health and gives you your rest for a year or so! win win for dad and the kid. lol
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Samourai Pizzacat on October 27, 2009, 02:49:55 PM
Why worry about a possible problem?

Perhaps you'll do just fine...come back if it really turns out to be an issue.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: dyslexic on October 27, 2009, 02:50:55 PM
she can stop its crying.

If that works, see if she's interested in becoming a MOD ... ;D
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: A2daMIR on October 27, 2009, 03:08:45 PM
Give the kid some GHB and benzos...

problem solved  8)
too soon, just give the kid some benadryl, it'll regulate the beta receptors as well
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Mr Anabolic on October 27, 2009, 04:02:05 PM
One thing that worries me is the sleep deprivation my friends and family tell me about, its like everybody, its actually quite funny - the first thing that most people tell you
when they hear that your wife is expecting is..
A) Game over now man - enjoy your last days of freedom
B) Man the sleep deprivation is crazy you be soooo fucking tired
c) it's only the first 15 years then you get used to it

Closely followed...

A) But don't worry its the best time you will ever have ::)

Unfortunately all of those are spot on.

Here's a few more to cheer you up...

D) The sex life you once knew is now over.
E) Your wallet is about to get thinner... diapers, formula and baby room accoutrements add up.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: MP on October 27, 2009, 05:39:51 PM
You'll be fine. Been through it twice. Those who complain are pussies.

The real issue will be down the road when trying to schedule solid gym time around you and your wife's work schedules and who will be watching the kid (one of you, family or daycare). That's when it gets tricky.

And hey, if the ephedrine helps, go for it.

Good luck. Enjoy.

Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: JimmyJam1974 on October 27, 2009, 05:55:21 PM
My wife and I have a 4 month old son. Sleep will be much less than what you're used to. It is all worth it though man. Congratulations - take a deep breath and take it all in stride. Don't forget to smile!
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: 240 is Back on October 27, 2009, 06:06:47 PM
take a lot of pics.  lay off the stimulants now... you wanna be fresh receptive when the time comes.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: mantronik on October 27, 2009, 07:38:53 PM
Worst is when they cry because of colic. Get something for that or ask around what helped best.

Important is to help raise the baby.
My son is more attached to me now because I stayed home with him for 6 months after his mom went back to work when he was 3 months.
He is a great kid when he's with me and terrible when he's with his mom, not the same person.
So DO invest your time in the baby. It really pays off...

Oh and it is true that you're free time is now over in the sense that you can't get out of the house when you want or as fast as you want anymore.
You have to think about if you have everything for the little one (making a mess in his carseat and don't have a diaper is not the greatest for example)
Going to restaurants is not so easy anymore because you have to entertain the little one instead of enjoying food or conversation.

But on the other hand: you learn what the true meaning is of unconditional love (no homo)
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: 240 is Back on October 27, 2009, 07:45:51 PM
Important is to help raise the baby.
My son is more attached to me now because I stayed home with him for 6 months after his mom went back to work when he was 3 months.
He is a great kid when he's with me and terrible when he's with his mom, not the same person.
So DO invest your time in the baby. It really pays off...

yeah - I agree with this.  my son is 3 now.  I've been home with him just about every day since he was born.  and he is a diff kid around me than with mama.  and it's amazing the things he has learned already. 
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: mantronik on October 27, 2009, 07:52:16 PM
and it's amazing the things he has learned already.

You mean to say he can design a website for me for $3? Businesscards included?
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: mantronik on October 27, 2009, 08:44:35 PM
Why not attack the root of the problem: child that doesn't sleep when you want to?
Google Dr. Richard Ferber or Ferberization for self soothing methods for babies or:
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Eric2 on October 27, 2009, 09:25:43 PM
 Congratulations!! And yes you will be deprived of your sleep. You will get used to it. I am the father of 4 and have had many nights of no sleep. Nothing however compared to my wife, due to her having the milk. You just have to deal with it and turn off the tv and go to bed early if you want to maintain your sanity. I would not advise the use of any boosting agents as that will just tap your natural reserves even more and you will pay for it harder in the long run.
    Rule #1 for getting sleep. If you are home with the baby and the baby is taking a nap and you are tired as well..............join them. take a nap whenever you can, I found this to really help when I was home from work on the weekends.
    If sex life becomes an issue then make sure your wife does not coddle the baby all damn day long as the baby will never want to be let go. there comes a time when you just have to put the child in the crib and let it cry itself to sleep. this may take a few hours each night for up to a week. But they will learn and your nights will be much much better.  ;)
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 28, 2009, 01:21:42 AM
You'll be fine. Been through it twice. Those who complain are pussies.

The real issue will be down the road when trying to schedule solid gym time around you and your wife's work schedules and who will be watching the kid (one of you, family or daycare). That's when it gets tricky.

And hey, if the ephedrine helps, go for it.

Good luck. Enjoy.

yeah we talked about Gym.... I really have to go because I hit seriousy medical issues if I don't - I have a potential fat liver so I need to keep in shape in order to be healty.
But in all fairness my workout with cardio never took me longer than an hour and I was never the type that goes to the gym to meet other people.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 28, 2009, 01:23:50 AM
all very good advice thank you all very much
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: DK II on October 28, 2009, 01:32:32 AM
One thing that worries me is the sleep deprivation my friends and family tell me about, its like everybody, its actually quite funny - the first thing that most people tell you
when they hear that your wife is expecting is..
A) Game over now man - enjoy your last days of freedom
B) Man the sleep deprivation is crazy you be soooo fucking tired
c) it's only the first 15 years then you get used to it

Closely followed...

A) But don't worry its the best time you will ever have ::)

Anyways - so I know I don't do too good without sleep - so I was wondering anybody who has kids every tried to take some Ephedrine? Does that work?


You don't need Ephedrine, stay healthy and be there for your kid.
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: DK II on October 28, 2009, 01:33:56 AM
no need, just make sure your woman breastfeeds. It really is the best option for the kids health and gives you your rest for a year or so! win win for dad and the kid. lol

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

GREAT advice there!
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: WingedLion on October 28, 2009, 04:25:44 AM
Young parents enjoy putting the fear of God into first-time, expecting's that simple.   I loathe the "JUST WAIT!!" line from current parents now that my wife and I are expecting our first.

One of the worst that loves to bust my balls all the time about expecting our first came to me not long ago and said, "bro, you have a tax accounting background, right?  Well, I'm getting audited and I flubbed some stuff on my last couple returns.  Can you help me?"  So I looked over his stuff and heard out his story and concluded with some suggestions and he says, "think it'll be bad?"  To which I reply, "JUST WAIT!"  I walked off laughing.

you have a wife ?

how did you get her pregnant ?

was it hard ?
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: ironneck on October 28, 2009, 04:29:49 AM
gratulations stark
Title: Re: Sooo since I will become a father very soon - Ephedrine to stay awake?
Post by: Stark on October 28, 2009, 07:17:50 AM
gratulations stark

thanks man :)