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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: blacken700 on November 11, 2009, 12:53:38 PM

Title: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: blacken700 on November 11, 2009, 12:53:38 PM

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: The Luke on November 11, 2009, 09:17:43 PM
I now scan this board with the sole intention of reading only threads started by blacken700... or debates he's involved in.

Keep up the good work dude, you are the only thing stopping 333386 from ruining this place.

The Luke
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Coach is Back! on November 11, 2009, 09:30:14 PM
Lucky him!
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Purge_WTF on November 11, 2009, 11:09:40 PM
  Even if I think she's hit the snooze button on her fifteen minutes of fame one too many times, I admire her for owning up to the video.

  I have no use for porn, but if she were underaged at the time, do you think that anyone who bought or sold it could face charges?
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2009, 12:18:23 AM
 Even if I think she's hit the snooze button on her fifteen minutes of fame one too many times, I admire her for owning up to the video.

  I have no use for porn, but if she were underaged at the time, do you think that anyone who bought or sold it could face charges?

LOL Interesting angle I never thought of. Good point.
That might actually have been the reason TMZ wouldn't run with it.
Protestations of it being too racy to air sound somewhat disengenuous coming from TMZ. They're not above anything.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 12, 2009, 03:12:12 AM
she was 16 or 17, getting herself off for the camera for her boyfriend?

yeah, some role model for our youth.  A real pillar for morality in a whorish world. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: chadstallion on November 12, 2009, 06:03:45 AM
she was 16 or 17, getting herself off for the camera for her boyfriend?

yeah, some role model for our youth.  A real pillar for morality in a whorish world. 
reportedly, one of her boyfriends is the Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps.  Lucky Michael; wonder if it was pre or post implants?
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 06:07:03 AM
I now scan this board with the sole intention of reading only threads started by blacken700... or debates he's involved in.

Keep up the good work dude, you are the only thing stopping 333386 from ruining this place.

The Luke

Hysterical -  Skip, Tony and myself completely destroyed you over three threads and you have the balls to call me out?    
Is this the best you and blacken can do?  Make fun of Fox and Palin?  

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: The Luke on November 12, 2009, 06:22:10 AM
Hysterical -  Skip, Tony and myself completely destroyed you over three threads and you have the balls to call me out?    
Is this the best you and blacken can do?  Make fun of Fox and Palin?  

...just making the point that you keep posting/copy'n'pasting the rantings of every deranged shoddy source who happens to agree with you.

Any moron who claims Obama is secretly a Muslim/communist/socialist/Kenyan/Al-Quaeda sleeper agent/black radical/racist/End Times Antichrist/intellectual/liberal... etc etc or any permutation or combination of any of the above, is quoted verbatim by you as many times as it takes to pollute the board with such bullshit.

Just my two cents... don't be worried, I'm surely the only person who feels this way and no one will agree with me.

The Luke 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 06:31:01 AM
...just making the point that you keep posting/copy'n'pasting the rantings of every deranged shoddy source who happens to agree with you.

Any moron who claims Obama is secretly a Muslim/communist/socialist/Kenyan/Al-Quaeda sleeper agent/black radical/racist/End Times Antichrist/intellectual/liberal... etc etc or any permutation or combination of any of the above, is quoted verbatim by you as many times as it takes to pollute the board with such bullshit.

Just my two cents... don't be worried, I'm surely the only person who feels this way and no one will agree with me.

The Luke 

1.  There is nothing secret about Obama being a marxist/socialist/racist or any combo of the above.  Many of us have posted the overwhelming evidence of the same many times over.  Just because you are blind as a bat and refuse to see the reality of what has occurred, is occuring, and is set to occur, is more a reflection on you than it is me.         

2.  More people agree with me than they do with you.   

3.  I post articles about health care, cap & trade, etc., yet, not one idiot liberal like yourself seems to be able to defend any of this garbage being put forth by Dear Leader & Stretch.  Blacken, Mons, and a few others are left resorting to juvenile attacks against Fox News & Palin, while being incapable, unable, or unwilling to discuss anything of any substance.  I know the answer as to why, and so do you.   

Are you really that much of a glutton for punishment that you need to be embarassed again? 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: BM OUT on November 12, 2009, 06:33:33 AM
she was 16 or 17, getting herself off for the camera for her boyfriend?

yeah, some role model for our youth.  A real pillar for morality in a whorish world. 

Its funny,she said shes against gay marriage and people want to kill her.31 times on the ballot 31 times crushed,stomped and destroyed.I guess if your Obama its ok to be against gay marriage,but if your a a white women it makes you a target.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 12, 2009, 06:35:22 AM
Its funny,she said shes against gay marriage and people want to kill her.31 times on the ballot 31 times crushed,stomped and destroyed.I guess if your Obama its ok to be against gay marriage,but if your a a white women it makes you a target.

I think it's a little hypocritcal for anyone making underage porn movies to lecture people about sexual morality.  But that's just me.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 06:40:19 AM
I think it's a little hypocritcal for anyone making underage porn movies to lecture people about sexual morality.  But that's just me.

She needs to go away.  She is making an idiot of herself. 

However, the way the left went after her was typical of their various idiotic mental disorders. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Straw Man on November 12, 2009, 07:05:08 AM
She needs to go away.  She is making an idiot of herself. 

However, the way the left went after her was typical of their various idiotic mental disorders. 

funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you.  Even in this thread you can't help bringing up your Glenn Beck/Faux News inspired CT about Obama being marxist/socialist/racist.

Here's the latest media triumph from Prejean.  She finds Larry King (king of the friggin softball interview) to be "inappropriate" but she's so fucking stupid she doesn't know how to take off get rid of all her microphonesand various tethers so she just sits there like a the clueless bimbo that we've all come to know and love.   The next logical step for her is politics

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 07:08:12 AM
funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you.  Even in this thread you can't help bringing up your Glenn Beck/Faux News inspired CT about Obama being marxist/socialist/racist.

Here's the latest media triumph from Prejean.  She finds Larry King (king of the friggin softball interview) to be "inappropriate" but she's so fucking stupid she doesn't know how to take off get rid of all her microphonesand various tethers so she just sits there like a the clueless bimbo that we've all come to know and love.   The next logical step for her is politics

Care to debate a topic on the merits for once? 

BTW - Luke brought it up first if you had an ounce of reading comprehension, which you dont. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 12, 2009, 07:10:56 AM
LOL.... I took my mic off.... but now I'm stuck... someone help me...
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Straw Man on November 12, 2009, 07:17:37 AM
Care to debate a topic on the merits for once? 

BTW - Luke brought it up first if you had an ounce of reading comprehension, which you dont. 

333 - none of your nutty CT's have any merit.

I thought you would have understood that about 6 months ago

you're a complete and total joke.....just like Carrie Prejean

that's the relevence to this thread
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Hedgehog on November 12, 2009, 07:21:09 AM
Larry King is one of the best interviewers.

But this time he didn't cut it.

He should've just stuck with her and left out the in-caller.

He had something really great going there, almost had her talking about the whole settlement, but screwed it up by saying a little too much.

Just ask a simple question. Then she has to answer. The silence will take care of that.

Don't fill up the void with small talk.

That's where he went wrong.

But all in all - Larry is a helluva lot better than O'Reilly or any other "tough" interviewer who never gets anything out of their interview targets.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 07:23:05 AM
333 - none of your nutty CT's have any merit.

I thought you would have understood that about 6 months ago

you're a complete and total joke.....just like Carrie Prejean

that's the relevence to this thread

That's hysterical coming from a brain dead idiot like yourself who said the Stimulus Bill & CFC were good programs that would work.   

Go figure. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Straw Man on November 12, 2009, 07:26:40 AM
That's hysterical coming from a brain dead idiot like yourself who said the Stimulus Bill & CFC were good programs that would work.   

Go figure. 

dude - you declared those failures before they even went into effect

that's why you're a joke

btw - don't you actually profit from a bad economy. 

Don't you make your living shaking down failing business owners for money

Gee.  Go figure you're always are the first person to declare everything a failure
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: BM OUT on November 12, 2009, 07:44:43 AM
I think it's a little hypocritcal for anyone making underage porn movies to lecture people about sexual morality.  But that's just me.

No different then a president claiming fiscal responsibility and exploding the deficit with massive pork spending.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: rockyfortune on November 12, 2009, 07:44:49 AM
so if you can't talk about anything..why the f**k is she going on these shows?  what a dumb bimbo.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: BM OUT on November 12, 2009, 08:34:28 AM
She is an example of the right wings problem.We tend to think because someone did one good thing that now she or he is qualified to speak on every issue.The lib media encourages it of course but,it might be nice if some of these people would say "no thanks" when the left lib media asks for an interview.They are always exposed as not ready for prime time.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 12, 2009, 08:59:10 AM
No different then a president claiming fiscal responsibility and exploding the deficit with massive pork spending.

Hey, I agree obama is spending like a drunken sailor.  Seems you agree Miss Morals she aint?
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Colossus_500 on November 12, 2009, 09:06:44 AM
Her story is definitely not done.  Carrie has an opportunity to use this for a positive.  Hypocrite you say?  Absolutely.  But, I must remind those of you with scriptural knowledge about the people that God used to reach others so that they might trust and obey him.  Examples:

David - adulterer, murderer, also known as a "Man After God's Own Heart"
Abraham - adulterer, but also the "Father of All God's People"
Moses - murderer, but also known as the "Deliverer of the Ten Commandments"
Paul - murderer of Christians who went on to lead people to God (author of much of the New Testament)
Peter - denied knowing Christ, yet Jesus called him "The Rock" or the foundation of the Christian Church

The list just goes on and on...

How many of you look at porn? And if you were to be ousted on this site, would you want to be thrown out as many of you are with Carrie?   You wouldn't believe the measures that I have to go through to keep those temptations that I have struggled with for years.  My wife knows my struggles, and there's no amount of apologies or efforts to erase my past or the hurt that I've caused her. 

How many of you are cheating on your spouse or gf/bf?  Are you to be thrown away as trash because of this, or is there still good in you.  I tend to believe the latter. 

We are all HYPOCRITES...democrats, republicans, and independents alike.    Yet, there is still good in ALL of us.  We just have to determine whether or not we want to shrivel up and crawl away, or own up to our mistakes (like Carrie is doing), learn from them, and move on to make an impact in other people's lives. 

Carrie's decision to speak about this, knowing full well the roasting that she will take from the media, website blogs and such is likely to stop some 15-17 yr. old girl from making the same mistake.  And who knows what that same 15-17yr-old might become with respect to being a public figure. 

Can we at least come to an agreement on this? 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: BM OUT on November 12, 2009, 10:29:55 AM
Hey, I agree obama is spending like a drunken sailor.  Seems you agree Miss Morals she aint?

I just dont get the whole thing of talking about how saintly you are if you KNOW you have skeletons in your closet.People used to say to me "you should run for office you seem to love politics".Can you imagine?I have so many skeletons in my closet that it would look like the backyard at the hostel[the movie].By the time the election came Id be nicknamed "the bone collector".
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 10:32:11 AM
I just dont get the whole thing of talking about how saintly you are if you KNOW you have skeletons in your closet.People used to say to me "you should run for office you seem to love politics".Can you imagine?I have so many skeletons in my closet that it would look like the backyard at the hostel[the movie].By the time the election came Id be nicknamed "the bone collector".

This broad needs to go away.  She is trying to sell a book and is making a fool of herself.  She had her 15 min, now go away. 

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: shootfighter1 on November 12, 2009, 10:41:47 AM
I don't give 2 shits about broad but she's an idiot.  Needs to go away, agree.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: chadstallion on November 12, 2009, 01:12:26 PM

Are you really that much of a glutton for punishment that you need to be embarassed again? 
you do quite the job of doing that yourself !
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 12, 2009, 01:24:33 PM
you do quite the job of doing that yourself !

Ok Twink.   What topic do you want to debate?   
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: chadstallion on November 12, 2009, 06:34:31 PM

Ok Twink.   What topic do you want to debate?  

winstrol; oral or injectable.
thanks for the twink - you can be troll.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Busted on November 12, 2009, 08:19:43 PM
she was 16 or 17, getting herself off for the camera for her boyfriend?

yeah, some role model for our youth.  A real pillar for morality in a whorish world. 

Actually she was 20... The boyfriend has MANY tapes and Carrie called him begging him to say she was 17 even tho he met her in San Diego when she was 20...
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Busted on November 12, 2009, 08:23:28 PM
Why is this chick even relevant?  When the right wing realizes she is NOT a conservative and is playing the "conservative card" in order to get publicity she will do porn or playboy...

Nude Photos
Sex Tapes
Plastic Surgery
Breach of Contract
Fake Christian
Fired from an AGENT due to her being "impossible to deal with"
Caught lieing
Doesnt know what "freedom of speech means"
Preachs about strong family morals yet her mom had a girlfriend and her dad had a boyfriend... What a FUCKED family..
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 12, 2009, 08:23:52 PM
Actually she was 20... The boyfriend has MANY tapes and Carrie called him begging him to say she was 17 even tho he met her in San Diego when she was 20...

wow.... this takes it beyond youthful mistake.  This makes it a lie, cover-up from an adult.  

Link to where you seen this?  A lot of ppl are defending her by saying she was underage - fox can't stop using that word to make it 'okay'.

If there are dozens of tapes she made when she was 20.... well, hopefully she's gonna stop lecturing ppl on how to live their lives.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: tonymctones on November 12, 2009, 08:35:08 PM
I agree this chick needs to just go the fuk away but i cant resist point out the epic hypocrisy in this thread...

LOL all the bullshit obama quotes and clips were defended by the majority of you guys as being years ago... ::)
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Purge_WTF on November 13, 2009, 12:04:02 AM
  Also, I find it more than a little odd how she's been giving so many interviews to the members of that evil, no-good mainstream media that took away her freedom of speech.  ::)
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 13, 2009, 05:23:14 AM
Why is this chick even relevant?  When the right wing realizes she is NOT a conservative and is playing the "conservative card" in order to get publicity she will do porn or playboy...

Nude Photos
Sex Tapes
Plastic Surgery
Breach of Contract
Fake Christian
Fired from an AGENT due to her being "impossible to deal with"
Caught lieing
Doesnt know what "freedom of speech means"
Preachs about strong family morals yet her mom had a girlfriend and her dad had a boyfriend... What a FUCKED family..

You libs are amazing. 

This girl is only in the spotlight because you guys hyperventilated and melted down like little twinks and bitches when she gave an honest answer to a question posed to her.

The only time when she is brought up on this board is when you libs want to mock her and avoid a debate on serious issues, which seems to happen a lot lately.     
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Eric15210 on November 13, 2009, 05:46:01 AM
She should embrace being a slut and do nothing but hardcore porn

she met that guy on myspace   ;D
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: chadstallion on November 13, 2009, 05:52:49 AM
She should embrace being a slut and do nothing but hardcore porn

she met that guy on myspace   ;D

best answer yet!  She knows what she is good at; it would be a great example of Capitalism at work.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 13, 2009, 06:15:42 AM
This girl is only in the spotlight because you guys hyperventilated and melted down like little twinks and bitches when she gave an honest answer to a question posed to her.

No, it was the Hannity love-fest for 2 months that gave her the spotlight like this.  Can't blame the libs when she's a co-anchor on FOX ;)
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 13, 2009, 06:29:00 AM
No, it was the Hannity love-fest for 2 months that gave her the spotlight like this.  Can't blame the libs when she's a co-anchor on FOX ;)

Just when I thought you were coming back to your sense you post nonsense like this. 

Dont you remember the whole Perez Hilton garbage and all the nonsense as to why she got second etc etc? 

The left lashed out first, and then she went on Hannity.

Dont make up your own timeline on this. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 13, 2009, 06:42:41 AM
Just when I thought you were coming back to your sense you post nonsense like this. 

Dont you remember the whole Perez Hilton garbage and all the nonsense as to why she got second etc etc? 

The left lashed out first, and then she went on Hannity.

Dont make up your own timeline on this. 

Okay, I concede the left made a big deal of her answer.  FOX only changed it from a 1-week news story to a 2-month news cycle.  And they cover the story waaaay more than MSNBC.  I think she's an ignorant self-righteous freak.  But I think FOX is the one still talking bout her today when MSN isn't.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 13, 2009, 06:51:24 AM
Okay, I concede the left made a big deal of her answer.  FOX only changed it from a 1-week news story to a 2-month news cycle.  And they cover the story waaaay more than MSNBC.  I think she's an ignorant self-righteous freak.  But I think FOX is the one still talking bout her today when MSN isn't.

Look she is a 23 y/o idiot.  Because she looks a little older peop,le were expecting a more mature person. 

She needs to go away. 
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: IronFan on November 13, 2009, 06:51:57 AM

Here's the latest media triumph from Prejean.  She finds Larry King (king of the friggin softball interview) to be "inappropriate" but she's so fucking stupid she doesn't know how to take off get rid of all her microphonesand various tethers so she just sits there like a the clueless bimbo that we've all come to know and love.   The next logical step for her is politics

Larry King deceived her.  Did not honor the pre-interview agreement.  She is a young woman being bullied by Larry King: a selfish, greedy, filthy piece of garbage.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: rockyfortune on November 13, 2009, 07:59:57 AM
Her story is definitely not done.  Carrie has an opportunity to use this for a positive.  Hypocrite you say?  Absolutely.  But, I must remind those of you with scriptural knowledge about the people that God used to reach others so that they might trust and obey him.  Examples:

David - adulterer, murderer, also known as a "Man After God's Own Heart"
Abraham - adulterer, but also the "Father of All God's People"
Moses - murderer, but also known as the "Deliverer of the Ten Commandments"
Paul - murderer of Christians who went on to lead people to God (author of much of the New Testament)
Peter - denied knowing Christ, yet Jesus called him "The Rock" or the foundation of the Christian Church

i heard abraham got off on a technicality...and moses beat his rap on appeal. 
The list just goes on and on...

How many of you look at porn? And if you were to be ousted on this site, would you want to be thrown out as many of you are with Carrie?   You wouldn't believe the measures that I have to go through to keep those temptations that I have struggled with for years.  My wife knows my struggles, and there's no amount of apologies or efforts to erase my past or the hurt that I've caused her. 

How many of you are cheating on your spouse or gf/bf?  Are you to be thrown away as trash because of this, or is there still good in you.  I tend to believe the latter. 

We are all HYPOCRITES...democrats, republicans, and independents alike.    Yet, there is still good in ALL of us.  We just have to determine whether or not we want to shrivel up and crawl away, or own up to our mistakes (like Carrie is doing), learn from them, and move on to make an impact in other people's lives. 

Carrie's decision to speak about this, knowing full well the roasting that she will take from the media, website blogs and such is likely to stop some 15-17 yr. old girl from making the same mistake.  And who knows what that same 15-17yr-old might become with respect to being a public figure. 

Can we at least come to an agreement on this? 

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: tonymctones on November 13, 2009, 05:30:49 PM
I agree this chick needs to just go the fuk away but i cant resist point out the epic hypocrisy in this thread...

LOL all the bullshit obama quotes and clips were defended by the majority of you guys as being years ago... ::)
any of you obama butt plugs want to explain why you gave obama a pass but not this girl?
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: chadstallion on November 14, 2009, 05:35:25 AM
any of you obama butt plugs want to explain why you gave obama a pass but not this girl?
well, first off; his sex vid hasn't surfaced ?!?
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: blacken700 on November 14, 2009, 05:57:31 AM
any of you obama butt plugs want to explain why you gave obama a pass but not this girl?

 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: 240 is Back on November 14, 2009, 06:18:32 AM
any of you obama butt plugs want to explain why you gave obama a pass but not this girl?

Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Skip8282 on November 14, 2009, 06:46:48 AM

Obama is also against gay marriage.
Title: Re: Sean Hannity Interviews Carrie Prejean
Post by: Soul Crusher on November 14, 2009, 07:07:15 AM

How about campaigning against mandates for health insurance and now theatening jail?