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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: gearsgears on November 13, 2009, 08:50:13 PM

Title: 2nd Cycle Question
Post by: gearsgears on November 13, 2009, 08:50:13 PM
I'm about to start my second cycle. Previously I used sust and deca. For my
pct I used clomid. I struggled a bit towards the end and the clomid didn't get
my libido going as fast as I thought it would.  :-\

So for my second cycle I'm thinking of using sust and dbol instead of Deca.
For my pct I'll use Hcg instead of clomid. How does deca compare to dbol and
hcg to clomid?
Title: Re: 2nd Cycle Question
Post by: gearsgears on November 14, 2009, 08:50:22 AM
...anyone with some actual advice? :-\
Title: Re: 2nd Cycle Question
Post by: jerseymuscles113 on November 14, 2009, 12:13:53 PM
your a moron you don.'t get locked up over a possessing charge esp. when its an amount for personal consumption and if your on this website and going to take an aas you've already weighed out the consequences....on your last cycle did you run the test longer then the deca? if not that would def be a reason you feel  shut down longer and  Dbo is great you'l definitely like long as you have access to Hcg run it with your cycle 1000ius per week split into 2 shots of 500ius you'l definitely notice the amount you'l be shut down decrease Alot.....and for post run 1000ius of Hcg eD for 10 days along with 20mg of nolva for 30 days and 50mgs of clomid
Title: Re: 2nd Cycle Question
Post by: Arnold jr on November 15, 2009, 11:41:25 PM
I'm about to start my second cycle. Previously I used sust and deca. For my
pct I used clomid. I struggled a bit towards the end and the clomid didn't get
my libido going as fast as I thought it would.  :-\

So for my second cycle I'm thinking of using sust and dbol instead of Deca.
For my pct I'll use Hcg instead of clomid. How does deca compare to dbol and
hcg to clomid?

HCG as part of your PCT will help out a great deal, but that should only be used in conjunction with either nolva or clomid...HCG does not replace nolva or clomid.

Something that a lot of people don't realize, when you run a cycle, once you run your PCT you are not 100% back to normal, it doesn't matter how good your PCT is. It can take months for your body to fully "normalize" after a cycle, even with a good PCT.

As Jersymuscles said, deca should always be stopped before your test stops in a cycle.

As for deca comparing to dbol, they don't compare at all. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but they are two different drugs.
Title: Re: 2nd Cycle Question
Post by: gearsgears on November 16, 2009, 01:01:01 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate it.