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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 240 is Back on November 30, 2009, 07:28:50 PM

Title: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: 240 is Back on November 30, 2009, 07:28:50 PM
This confirms what many generals were screaming about during oct-dec 2001.  We knew we had bin laden trapped and we delivered LESS THAN 100 MEN to get him.  he wrote a will and expected to die.  We left the north road unguarded and he just drove right outta there.  I'm betting we hear more and more about this in the coming years - did Bush let this boogeyman bin laden escape to keep the wars going?

The Bush administration permitted the world's most notorious terrorist mastermind to escape because it needed additional justification to invade Iraq, according to a Democratic lawmaker from New York.

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) leveled the allegation during an interview with MSNBC host David Shuster on Monday afternoon.

"Look what happened with regard to our invasion into Afghanistan, how we apparently intentionally let bin Laden get away," he said. "How we intentionally did not follow the Taliban and al-Qaeda as they were escaping. That was done by the previous administration because they knew very well that if they would capture al-Qaeda, there would be no justification for an invasion in Iraq."

"They deliberately let Osama bin Laden get away?" asked an incredulous Shuster. "They deliberately let the head of al-Qaeda get away right after he, right after the 9/11 attacks? You really believe that?"

"Yes, I do," Hinchey replied. "There's no question about that. The leader of the military operation in the United States called back our military, called them back from going after the head of al-Qaeda because there was a sense that they didn't want to capture him."

"I don't think it will strike a lot of people as crazy," Hinchey said. "I think it will strike a lot of people as very accurate and all you have to do is look at the facts of that set of circumstances and you can see that's exactly what happened. When we went in there, when our military went in there, we could have captured them. We could have captured most of the Taliban and we could have captured the al-Qaeda. But we didn't, and we didn't because of the need felt by the previous administration and the previous head of the military -- that need to attack Iraq, which is completely unjustified."

Hinchy apparently based his allegations on a recently released Senate report that found then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld rejected calls for reinforcements in December 2001, when the military allegedly had bin Laden trapped in Afghanistan.

"The vast array of American military power, from sniper teams to the most mobile divisions of the marine corps and the army, was kept on the sidelines," the report says.

"Instead, the US command chose to rely on airstrikes and untrained Afghan militias to attack Bin Laden and on Pakistan's loosely organized Frontier Corps to seal his escape routes."

Entitled "Tora Bora revisited: how we failed to get Bin Laden and why it matters today," the report -- commissioned by Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- says Bin Laden expected to die and had even written a will.

"But the Al-Qaeda leader would live to fight another day. Fewer than 100 American commandos were on the scene with their Afghan allies and calls for reinforcements to launch an assault were rejected

Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on November 30, 2009, 07:31:08 PM
Good to see people talking honestly!
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: War-Horse on December 01, 2009, 09:18:56 PM
Bin laden lives in the George H Bush mansion. (Downstairs of course).   He has shaved and writes songs for rapper 50cents. 
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 01, 2009, 09:38:34 PM
This guy has been proven to be a wackjob, like Levine said today, there's no mental screening or IQ test to be in congress, if there were this clown would have been laughed out of congress. Besides, he obviously confusing Bush with Clinton because it was Clinton who had at least 10 times and let him go. Levine called his office numerous times to invite him on his show and he or his staff always have an excuse as to why he won't come on. Why do you think this asshole came on MSNBC....even the lib interviewer couldn't believe what this fraud said.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 01, 2009, 09:42:22 PM
I'm convinced that damn near every lib in office and libs who support this rhetoric are nothing short of traitors.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: War-Horse on December 01, 2009, 09:45:41 PM
I'm convinced that damn near every lib in office and libs who support this rhetoric are nothing short of traitors.

Your a tard.     typical blind passion for stupidity.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 01, 2009, 09:52:06 PM
I call as I see it. Great respose btw. You really think these libs give a shit about this country?? We have a president who bows to dictators and shits on America while giving speeches in other countries. You fucks voted for and we have to live with you inept decisions.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: War-Horse on December 01, 2009, 09:59:01 PM
I call as I see it. Great respose btw. You really think these libs give a shit about this country?? We have a president who bows to dictators and shits on America while giving speeches in other countries. You fucks voted for and we have to live with you inept decisions.

Im not impressed with obama bailing out wallstreet.   But the effects of the worst president in history (Bush2) will take time to fix.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 01, 2009, 10:05:46 PM
Seriously dude, stop using Bush as a crutch, its old lame, this became ENTIRELY Obamas baby this first 3 months after he was elected. Bush is FAR from the worst president in history, as of now that honor belongs to Carter (a lib terrorist sympathizer) then Obama ( a theif, Sol Alinski, communtist/terrorist sympathizer).
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: BM OUT on December 02, 2009, 06:43:21 AM
Clinton had Bin Laden in the cross hairs and let him go.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: 240 is Back on December 02, 2009, 06:46:00 AM
this debate has kinda been settled already.

Clinton had bin laden in the crosshair and let him go.
Bush had bin laden in the crosshairs (2001 tora bora and 2005 pakistan) and let him go.

Face it, these guys needed bin laden around.  it's that simple.  Obama doesn't need his ass, so if he's still alive, I think Obama will finish him.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: rockyfortune on December 02, 2009, 06:49:35 AM
this debate has kinda been settled already.

Clinton had bin laden in the crosshair and let him go.
Bush had bin laden in the crosshairs (2001 tora bora and 2005 pakistan) and let him go.

Face it, these guys needed bin laden around.  it's that simple.  Obama doesn't need his ass, so if he's still alive, I think Obama will finish him.

No kidden? is that before or after he drops another 30,000 men into afghanistan with know known strategy in sight to get an afghan army online...and a clear exit strategy to end that mess? 
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: George Whorewell on December 02, 2009, 06:50:53 AM
Obama couldn't finish a bug if he had a nuclear powered fly swatter.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 02, 2009, 08:45:05 AM
this debate has kinda been settled already.

Clinton had bin laden in the crosshair and let him go.
Bush had bin laden in the crosshairs (2001 tora bora and 2005 pakistan) and let him go.

Face it, these guys needed bin laden around.  it's that simple.  Obama doesn't need his ass, so if he's still alive, I think Obama will finish him.

Oh really....within the 18 months he set to pull troops out? Will he finish him before or after he bows too him?
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: 240 is Back on December 02, 2009, 08:47:26 AM
30k men flooded into that pakistan border - if bin laden is there, they'll get him.

if the biggest military in the world can't get one man/region quelled in 18 months with 150k men and a near-unlimited budget...

well, then it will never happen lol
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 02, 2009, 08:57:35 AM
30k men flooded into that pakistan border - if bin laden is there, they'll get him.

if the biggest military in the world can't get one man/region quelled in 18 months with 150k men and a near-unlimited budget...

well, then it will never happen lol

If anything, Obama will protect him......just like gitmo, just like the 9/11 suspect who admitted to planning and carrying it out.
Title: Re: Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’
Post by: 240 is Back on December 02, 2009, 08:59:30 AM
well, if you want to go there...

can you answer why Dubya didn't prosecute that 911 suspect?  ;)