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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: musclepost on December 08, 2009, 04:57:18 PM

Title: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: musclepost on December 08, 2009, 04:57:18 PM

December 8th, 2009 by Aaron Saenz

As published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers at the National Children’s Hospital (NCH) and Ohio State University have proven that blocking myostatin in monkeys will lead to skeletal muscle growth with few or no discernible negative side effects. Myostatin is the protein that helps mammals regulate muscle building, acting as a signal for muscles to stop consuming resources and stop growing. Blocking myostatin leads to enhanced muscle strength and continuous muscle growth. You may remember Liam Hoekstra, the baby apparently born without the myostatin gene, and similarly enabled animals that have absurd strength. Using gene therapy, NCH scientists were able to get follistatin (a myostatin blocker) to promote phenomenal muscle growth in the quadriceps of macaque monkeys. NCH is now working with the FDA to perform the preliminary steps necessary for a human clinical trial. We could see a superman gene therapy available in the next decade.

The National Children’s Hospital interest in myostatin is not to create super strong children, but to help those children whose muscles have already atrophied. Muscular Dystrophy (MD) affects thousands of children in the US who slowly lose muscle and rarely survive into adulthood. Follistatin gene therapy could serve as a method to extend their lives or perhaps even reverse the symptoms of their conditions. Likewise, the eldery are susceptible to several diseases that lead to a loss of muscle strength and coordination. By blocking myostatin, we may all be able to live with the strength of our youth even as we age into our 80s.

My concerns about myostatin have largely focused on potential organ damage, possible unknown dangerous effects on smooth muscle tissue, and ligament/tendon stresses. The NCH work addresses these concerns rather well. Macaques were observed for 15 months after receiving a gene therapy that promoted follistatin (and blocked myostatin) in their quadriceps. There was no observed damage to internal organs, the treatment only seemed to affect skeletal muscle, the reproductive cycles and cells functioned normally, and there was no reported damaged to tendons or ligaments (though this last issue wasn’t expressly pursued by the research).

As with all animals we’ve seen with myostatin inhibition, the monkeys at NCH enjoyed some serious boosts in strength. The macaques exhibited enhanced muscle growth for 12 weeks after treatment, beyond which muscle mass stabilized. The average circumference of the animals quadriceps increased by 15%. Using electric stimulation (you can’t order a monkey to lift weights) scientists were able to observe profound increases in leg strength. One specimen demonstrated a 78% increase over control results.

The next step for NCH is toxicology and biodistribution tests as outlined by the FDA. After that, further rounds of testing will be necessary before human clinical trials can begin. Still, considering the lack of negative side effects, and the profound need from the Muscular Dystrophy community, one hopes that those trials will begin in the next few years. If ultimately successful, follistatin gene therapy could treat the symptoms of MD while different genetic therapies could affect the causes of some forms of MD. And let’s not forget the weight-lifting 800 pound gorilla in the room. Along with MD treatments, and therapies for muscle loss in old age, the defeat of myostatin could lead to an effective way for all of us to get fit fast. No workouts necessary, eat almost all you want, and have a body like Adonis. This research is taking us one step closer to that goal…but it still sounds too good to be true. We can’t all be Superman, can we?
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Jizzacked on December 08, 2009, 08:55:22 PM
sign me up, I'll roll the dice in the name of science
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: uberman09 on December 08, 2009, 08:57:46 PM
hahaha what's the point of obtaining something without puting in the endeavours required... it just removes taste to life. Suffering gives a meaning to happiness, and happiness gives a meaning to suffering.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: gordiano on December 08, 2009, 09:10:21 PM
hahaha what's the point of obtaining something without puting in the endeavours required... it just removes taste to life. Suffering gives a meaning to happiness, and happiness gives a meaning to suffering.

Thank you! Well said. Lots of folks don't understand this concept.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Parker on December 08, 2009, 10:21:00 PM
Thank you! Well said. Lots of folks don't understand this concept.

Here is the problem, man tries to pretend there is no drawbacks to this stuff, but other studies suggest that one doesn't live that long. There is a reason why one can get ony so big. Fool with that, and something else goes haywire. Unless they can make a dude grow a larger cock, due to it having muscles... and watch that shit grow uncontrollably at that, I don't really see a market for it.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: TRIX on December 08, 2009, 11:12:37 PM
This is all a load of bull. Flex was myostatin negative to some degree and he was 230 at 5'11 on stage.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: tbombz on December 08, 2009, 11:15:46 PM
hahaha what's the point of obtaining something without puting in the endeavours required... it just removes taste to life. Suffering gives a meaning to happiness, and happiness gives a meaning to suffering.
for most in this culture, its not about substituting drugs for hard work, its about combining drugs with hard work because hard work alone would never yeild the desired results.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: io856 on December 08, 2009, 11:21:01 PM
myostatin deficient rats had incredibly weak and stiff tendons with almost 4 x the muscle than the control groups...

just a thought...
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: dyslexic on December 08, 2009, 11:33:15 PM
The damage to the smooth muscle of the heart has already been proven in myostatic deficient cattle.Having a large heart is not conducive for health. In Belgium Blue cattle that are myostatin deficient, they have massively hypertrophied muscle, but myostatin-deficient hypertrophic cattle are prone to stress-induced muscle damage, cardiac and respiratory problems and have a lower VO2max than other less-muscled breeds. Will drugs that reduce myostatin in humans cause similar problems?


Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Parker on December 08, 2009, 11:37:00 PM
The damage to the smooth muscle of the heart has already been proven in myostatic deficient cattle.Having a large heart is not conducive for health. In Belgium Blue cattle that are myostatin deficient, they have massively hypertrophied muscle, but myostatin-deficient hypertrophic cattle are prone to stress-induced muscle damage, cardiac and respiratory problems and have a lower VO2max than other less-muscled breeds. Will drugs that reduce myostatin in humans cause similar problems?


probably. That's what I said, keep fucking around with shit, and it comes back to bite you. There is a reason why there is a fucking regulator, to keep all things in check and keep a balance.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Rami on December 08, 2009, 11:58:59 PM
 It'll be fun to see these people who voluntarily go through life carrying these swollen slabs of flesh all over their body in the name of vanity. When it's just like another form of obesity and probably as unhealthy.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Tyr on December 09, 2009, 04:59:26 AM
The damage to the smooth muscle of the heart has already been proven in myostatic deficient cattle.Having a large heart is not conducive for health. In Belgium Blue cattle that are myostatin deficient, they have massively hypertrophied muscle, but myostatin-deficient hypertrophic cattle are prone to stress-induced muscle damage, cardiac and respiratory problems and have a lower VO2max than other less-muscled breeds. Will drugs that reduce myostatin in humans cause similar problems?



Remember that pic of Ronnie getting oxygen after posing?
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 03:31:57 AM
Don't worry; we'll all be supermen.
A disease will be introduced to the human population that will alter the germline--forever changing the human race.
All major advances in science, art, music, sports, etc...
all are predicated on the existence of the great individuals that create these innovations.
This is the point that is missed. Much time and money is spent on improving the lives of humans, but not much is spent on improving humans.
If humans themselves are improved everything else will follow. This should(and will be) be the number 1 focus of scientist.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Parker on December 12, 2009, 03:38:53 AM
Don't worry; we'll all be supermen.
A disease will be introduced to the human population that will alter the germline--forever changing the human race.
All major advances in science, art, music, sports, etc...
all are predicated on the existence of the great individuals that create these innovations.
This is the point that is missed. Much time and money is spent on improving the lives of humans, but not much is spent on improving humans.
If humans themselves are improved everything else will follow. This should(and will be) be the number 1 focus of scientist.
Super Saiyan...or Super Simian?
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 03:54:51 AM
Super Saiyan...or Super Simian?

Yes, just like that.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Swedish Viking on December 12, 2009, 04:01:33 AM
Sounds like there's actually a good amount of getbiggers in on this thread with good heads on their shoulders. I get slightly freaked out by this shit, one day we could create something that doesn't need us anymore.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Method101 on December 12, 2009, 04:04:03 AM
Super Saiyan...or Super Simian?

somone already did that in real life, btw Saiyan is obvious reference to ary an lol.

Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Parker on December 12, 2009, 04:20:34 AM
somone already did that in real life, btw Saiyan is obvious reference to ary an lol.

No, it's not...if you know anything, the whole Dragonball saga--Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT is based on the Chinese fable Journey To The West...

BTW that vid is a good representation when blakc male college kids (that is a dorm room he's in) look at too much Anime. 
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Method101 on December 12, 2009, 04:27:39 AM
No, it's not...if you know anything, the whole Dragonball saga--Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT is based on the Chinese fable Journey To The West...

BTW that vid is a good representation when blakc male college kids (that is a dorm room he's in) look at too much Anime.  
Super Saiyan = blonde hair and blue eyes, arya n = blonde hair and blue eyes.. hmm

lol that cartoon is so full of nazi/mildly racist references it's not even funny.
Similarity? lol, maybe they are trying to brainwash kids subconciously
 :o ::)  :D

Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 04:46:05 AM
Sounds like there's actually a good amount of getbiggers in on this thread with good heads on their shoulders. I get slightly freaked out by this shit, one day we could create something that doesn't need us anymore.

It is possible to modify living people through a virus.
We needn't replace ourselves necessarily. This area will be a major battle ground in the future of science--
sooner than later.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 06:39:35 AM
Super Saiyan = blonde hair and blue eyes, arya n = blonde hair and blue eyes.. hmm

lol that cartoon is so full of nazi/mildly racist references it's not even funny.
Similarity? lol, maybe they are trying to brainwash kids subconciously
 :o ::)  :D


That cartoon probably had influences from many sources. I'm sure you're both right.
The Japanese have a fetish for costumes, and philologist will tell you: a similar name does not necessarily indicate the same origin--
or idea in this case. If you are looking for such things you will find them.

The idea of us becoming superhuman is destined to happen. It is in our genes. We are in fact becoming Gods by altering living things.
This is what the Gods have already done in the past when they still had contact with us(creation of vampires and werewolves as tools for war).
We are doing what's called "breeding back"--
purging ourselves of the negative pollutants and becoming closer to the Gods that spawned us.

For a long time the Gods stopped contact with us, due to our rejection of them for the human religion called Christianity.
They turned their backs on us, and allowed the great masses to subsume us. However, the Gods will get the last laugh.
We are about to re-establish contact with them. Not through a direct connection--but within.

This is destined. It is our duty as humans (hybrids) to usher in the era of the Gods sooner.
I am part of an organisation formed to do just that.
But whether we do so or not it will happen. Speaking teleologically, it is the end result of our genetic coding--or purpose.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: Method101 on December 12, 2009, 09:00:42 AM
For a long time the Gods stopped contact with us, due to our rejection of them for the human religion called Christianity.
They turned their backs on us, and allowed the great masses to subsume us. However, the Gods will get the last laugh.
We are about to re-establish contact with them. Not through a direct connection--but within.

This is destined. It is our duty as humans (hybrids) to usher in the era of the Gods sooner.
I am part of an organisation formed to do just that.
But whether we do so or not it will happen. Speaking teleologically, it is the end result of our genetic coding--or purpose.
I didn't understand much of that.. lol.

All i know is, it took hundred thousands of years of evolution for me to be the way i am, 6f.2 blue eyes, brown hair and very pale skin, there must be a reason why i evolved to this form, i don't want to destroy thousunds of years of natures work,  i only want to reproduce with somone who evolved the same way i did, if thats not possible then i won't have children.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 09:04:27 AM
I didn't understand much of that.. lol.

All i know is, it took hundred thousands of years of evolution for me to be the way i am, 6f.2 blue eyes, brown hair and very pale skin, there must be a reason why i evolved to this form, i don't want to destroy thousunds of years of natures work,  i only want to reproduce with somone who evolved the same way i did, if thats not possible then i won't have children.

Yes method, that's good!

However, you also probably have people in your bloodline somewhere that don't possess very good traits.
There's probably a club-footed hunchback somewhere in the woodpile...or maybe a few genetic diseases.
These genes could express themselves phenotypically in the future.
We are simply working to eliminate that. You will eventually be able to breed with anyone you want,
because nobody will have a degenerate trait. Every bloodline has such people--
because we defied the Gods and accepted Christianity.

Only negative traits will be purged, not regular beneficial variation.
Basically, it's about eliminating the possibility of undesirable people--
those that burden the economy, commit crime, etc.
After that, we will become something much better than ourselves.

We will become the Gods.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on December 12, 2009, 04:23:50 PM

Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: 240 is Back on December 12, 2009, 04:37:38 PM
"hahaha what's the point of obtaining something without puting in the endeavours required... it just removes taste to life. Suffering gives a meaning to happiness, and happiness gives a meaning to suffering."

I'm sure that many athletes with access to, and willingness to use myostatin boosts, would also train world class. 
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: haider on December 12, 2009, 04:39:51 PM
That cartoon probably had influences from many sources. I'm sure you're both right.
The Japanese have a fetish for costumes, and philologist will tell you: a similar name does not necessarily indicate the same origin--
or idea in this case. If you are looking for such things you will find them.

The idea of us becoming superhuman is destined to happen. It is in our genes. We are in fact becoming Gods by altering living things.
This is what the Gods have already done in the past when they still had contact with us(creation of vampires and werewolves as tools for war).
We are doing what's called "breeding back"--
purging ourselves of the negative pollutants and becoming closer to the Gods that spawned us.

For a long time the Gods stopped contact with us, due to our rejection of them for the human religion called Christianity.
They turned their backs on us, and allowed the great masses to subsume us. However, the Gods will get the last laugh.
We are about to re-establish contact with them. Not through a direct connection--but within.

This is destined. It is our duty as humans (hybrids) to usher in the era of the Gods sooner.
I am part of an organisation formed to do just that.
But whether we do so or not it will happen. Speaking teleologically, it is the end result of our genetic coding--or purpose.
Hi Sevastase  ???
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 05:10:40 PM
Hi Sevastase  ???

My writing style is not the same, sorry.
His is very incoherent, nearly schizophrenic rambling.
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: G o a t b o y on December 12, 2009, 05:22:53 PM
Hi, gh15!   :D
Title: Re: Super Strength Substance (Myostatin) One Step Closer to Human Trials
Post by: James Phoenix on December 12, 2009, 05:30:32 PM
Hi, gh15!   :D

I am not growth hormone 15 international units...

However I am very old and have a direct connection with the Gods you have forsaken.
Whether you realise it or not, there is a new era coming. Our job is simply to bring it sooner than later.
That way we can prevent further suffering, racism, disease, and appease the Gods.
They hate Christianity very much.