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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: BayGBM on January 12, 2010, 05:43:26 PM

Title: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: BayGBM on January 12, 2010, 05:43:26 PM
Has Mark's little brother competed in any real contests? ???

Would Mark have made a good bodybuilder?  :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: io856 on January 12, 2010, 05:45:25 PM
looks to have pretty good shape

me likey  :P
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Bodybuilding Related on January 12, 2010, 06:00:57 PM
Is that the brother who was in the media 1-2 years ago blasting him, saying that he should just 'fess up to juicing, saying it had torn their family apart or something like that?  Didn't know he was a bodybuilder...
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Smokincrazy on January 12, 2010, 06:01:45 PM
Marks brother Jay has competed in NPC shows.  He ran some personal training business in Cali for awhile.  Saw some stuff on the msg boards that he screwed some people over
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 12, 2010, 06:04:57 PM
Marks brother Jay has competed in NPC shows.  He ran some personal training business in Cali for awhile.  Saw some stuff on the msg boards that he screwed some people over
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Bodybuilding Related on January 12, 2010, 06:06:17 PM
Yeah interesting link right here...
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Coach is Back! on January 12, 2010, 06:21:27 PM
Yeah interesting link right here...

Ha, the author of that is a facebook friend!
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: nycbull on January 12, 2010, 07:14:33 PM
Ha, the author of that is a facebook friend!

aka: you dont really know him.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: nycbull on January 12, 2010, 07:15:07 PM
Yeah interesting link right here...

sounds like his brother turned Christian and wanted Mark to repent.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: bigdumbbell on January 12, 2010, 07:20:11 PM
Has Mark's little brother competed in any real contests? ???

Would Mark have made a good bodybuilder?  :D
weirdo family
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: HUGEPECS on January 13, 2010, 07:35:45 AM
Has Mark's little brother competed in any real contests? ???

Would Mark have made a good bodybuilder?  :D

shit, Jay has a good set of wheels. he would have done good at contests
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: funk51 on January 13, 2010, 02:09:49 PM
whatever happened to his two other brothers the failed basketball playa and dan the failed football playa.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: funk51 on January 13, 2010, 02:12:31 PM
dan  the bigger mac.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: nycbull on January 13, 2010, 02:28:49 PM
kinda ridiculous how McGuire got caught. Wasnt it because he had pro hormones in his locker, or is that just the story the FBI tells? 

In any case, sounds like he really wasnt doing that much. Just enough to get a slight edge. Amazing he wasnt more careful, could have had his brother buy it for him and no one would be the wiser...Why the fuck did he tell anyone? what a stupid fuck. Could have been in the hall of fame.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Earl1972 on January 13, 2010, 06:21:25 PM
kinda ridiculous how McGuire got caught. Wasnt it because he had pro hormones in his locker, or is that just the story the FBI tells? 

In any case, sounds like he really wasnt doing that much. Just enough to get a slight edge. Amazing he wasnt more careful, could have had his brother buy it for him and no one would be the wiser...Why the fuck did he tell anyone? what a stupid fuck. Could have been in the hall of fame.

canseco's book outed him, then he "wasn't there to talk about the past" in front of congress

Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Earl1972 on January 13, 2010, 06:22:56 PM

baseball is so gay

Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: marty31672 on January 13, 2010, 06:24:04 PM
his brother is hoter
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Doug_Steele on January 13, 2010, 06:34:22 PM
his brother is hoter

Outed, once again.  8)
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: marty31672 on January 13, 2010, 06:35:02 PM
Outed, once again.  8)
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: big L dawg on January 13, 2010, 06:52:20 PM
jay McGuire has been busted for steroid distribution....
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: nzmusclemonster on January 13, 2010, 08:09:00 PM
That's not Jay Cutler.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: BayGBM on February 27, 2010, 12:32:47 AM
Brother says he injected McGwire
John Shea, Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, February 27, 2010

(02-26) 21:33 PST -- Barry Bonds' single-season home run record can be traced to ... Mark McGwire's little brother.

If Bonds became a steroid user because of McGwire (see "Game of Shadows"), and if McGwire evolved as a juicer because of his little brother (see "Mark and Me"), then the squashing of Roger Maris' record started with the youngest of the five McGwire brothers, Jay.

"Somewhat, yeah. Who knows what would've happened if Mark didn't use steroids?" Jay McGwire said Friday in a Chronicle interview. "I don't know if he would've hit 70. That's pretty freaky right there. It motivated other athletes. Baseball didn't have a drug policy at all. It was a dream setup for athletes. I guarantee it drove Bonds to get competitive."

Jay McGwire was a professional bodybuilder based at Gold's Gym in Walnut Creek in 1994 when he began overseeing a training program for his brother that included steroids and human growth hormone - according to Jay's book ("Mark and Me: Mark McGwire and the Truth Behind Baseball's Worst-Kept Secret"), to be released Monday.

Jay was to his brother what Greg Anderson was to Bonds - without the grand jury testimony or perjury trial. But despite being estranged from Mark for eight years, he said, the book is "not about throwing my brother under the bus." Jay said it's about sharing his own story of a once-suicidal drug abuser saved by religion, sending a message to others to avoid steroids and even defending Mark for being much more than a steroid user.

"I didn't have regrets at the time. But later on, yes," said Jay, who now lives with his wife and three children in Corona (Riverside County) and recently opened his own gym. "At that time, I thought it was the right decision for Mark. I was a user and had good, clean stuff. I got him back on the field and performing."

Jay said he was the first to inject Mark (then with the A's) with steroids, four years before McGwire broke Maris' record (1998) and seven years before Bonds broke McGwire's record (2001). Jay said he stopped supplying his brother in 1996 when he stopped juicing himself.

Continued use

In his Jan. 11 admission, Mark said he continued using steroids while breaking Maris' record - "leftovers from what I gave him in '96, or maybe he ran into someone else," said Jay, who speculated that Mark was off steroids by his final season in 2001 if only because he was slowed by right knee tendinitis that juicing might have helped prevent.

If Mark had kept playing, Jay said, "He could've hit 700, 750, 800 home runs."

Mitchell Report investigators whiffed, said Jay, claiming he never was contacted. In his Dec. 13, 2007, report on baseball's steroid use to Commissioner Bud Selig, George Mitchell wrote that his people spoke with coaches, club personnel, ex-teammates and "other persons who know McGwire," and got nothing more than Jose Canseco repeating what he wrote in his memoir.

"I thought they were going to hunt me down," Jay said. "I was in the mode of protecting Mark. But if I was subpoenaed, I would obviously tell the truth. No one tried to reach me. People knew I was a bodybuilder, and you'd think they would put it together."

Jay said Selig and owners knew players were juicing in the '90s but ignored it because the home run jolt helped return fans to ballparks after the 1994-95 strike.

"Everyone's making money. You keep it hush-hush. They're not going to confront it," Jay said. "Tony (La Russa) says he never knew. I have a hard time believing it. Then again, they're winning. The crowds are bigger. Mark put 25,000 in the seats just for batting practice."

Jay said he didn't provide drugs to other athletes, including his brother, Dan, an ex-NFL quarterback. "We kept it under wraps at that time," Jay said. "Mark's like Tiger (Woods). He keeps quiet."

In the book, Jay writes of his dream to excel in team sports ending in high school when he lost his right eye in a BB gun accident. Bodybuilding became his passion, and he soaked up the lifestyle, including steroid use. He began spending a $150,000 insurance settlement on steroids and partying.

Seeing his kid brother's life deteriorating, Mark invited Jay to move to the East Bay in 1990, and Jay eventually persuaded him to try steroids to recover from injuries that shelved Mark most of the 1993 and 1994 seasons, introducing him to his Sacramento supplier, whom Jay refused to identify.

"Basically a guy I ran across," said Jay, who used the connection to win a Contra Costa County bodybuilding title and found another supplier for Mark in Walnut Creek. "These guys are behind the scenes. It takes a while to find someone you trust. There's a lot of fake stuff out there."

'Creating a masterpiece'

According to Jay, Mark began taking Deca Durabolin for strength and healing and HGH to keep him lean - and later added Winstrol and Primobolan, making him more flexible at 260 pounds than he was at 230. Jay said he also introduced Mark to androstenedione.

"In addition to the healing prospects I saw ahead for Mark," Jay wrote in the book, "I saw in him a blank canvas. I pictured what a beast he could become with the proper training, and I wanted to use my expertise to help create a masterpiece."

Jay said he tried reaching out to Mark since their relationship crumbled after a 2002 incident in which Jay's stepson tickled Mark, causing Mark to spill coffee and swat the child. Jay and his wife did not attend Mark's wedding, and the brothers haven't spoken.

"I guess that's how he wants it. I've tried," Jay said. "I'd love to have a relationship with him. I saw where he said he never wants to talk to me again. Well, we haven't talked in eight years."
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: The_Punisher on February 27, 2010, 09:16:28 AM
it's a sad story. Marc Mcgwire said that as long as he's living, He wishes to never see or have anything to do with his Brother again. it sounds like their Brother to Brother relationship was over 8yrs ago. For jay Mcguire to come on TV and throw his own blood Brother under the truck like this, means that the bad blood between them existed long ago.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Palpatine Q on February 27, 2010, 04:34:55 PM
Fuck fucking Mark McGwire and the horse he rode in on. I'm so sick of him and his bullshit humble "aw shucks, woe is me" act. I remember him back in the 90's swaggering around in his cutoff tees, aweing people with his size and power. He was eating that shit up with a spoon and reveled in the role of a superhuman Goliath. He is the most insincere of all of those fucking dudes.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Doug_Steele on February 27, 2010, 04:37:21 PM
Fuck fucking Mark McGwire and the horse he rode in on. I'm so sick of him and his bullshit humble "aw shucks, woe is me" act. I remember him back in the 90's swaggering around in his cutoff tees, aweing people with his size and power. He was eating that shit up with a spoon and reveled in the role of a superhuman Goliath. He is the most insincere of all of those fucking dudes.

Just think Goink has a Book coming out and so does Mark's brother.  ;D

Both will be Top Ten Best Sellers.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: Palpatine Q on February 27, 2010, 04:44:35 PM
"Nasser's Father.....and other tales of enlightenment" will be a breakout best seller
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: funk51 on February 28, 2010, 10:41:11 AM
one bro a bodybuilder,  one bro a baseball god, one bro a failed pro football playa, one bro a failed basketball playa. what was the fifth mac bro's talent hummmmm?
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: BayGBM on March 02, 2010, 01:29:32 PM
McGwire brothers are two of a kind
by Gwen Knapp

Jay and Mark McGwire shouldn't be estranged. The brothers have too much in common, especially their message about performance-enhancing drugs. The two might as well be lobbyists for the steroid and growth-hormone industries.

The drugs, each brother says, were primarily healing agents for Mark. They were merely shortcuts. They let Mark get back on the field, saving his baseball career after an array of injuries.

Oh sure, both brothers express regret for using the drugs and tell future generations to just say no. Jay's book, released Monday, describes frightening side effects from his excessive consumption as a bodybuilder.

The caveats don't outweigh the justifications, which easily can be twisted into promotions. Jay's book, "Mark and Me: Mark McGwire and the Truth Behind Baseball's Worst-kept Secret," contradicts its cautionary tales so often that it won't deter anyone from doping. It might prevent famous athletes from relying on a lost-soul little brother as a guide through the world of synthetic hormones, but that's about it.

Jay says his Christian faith prompted him to write the book, to achieve catharsis. But he does a lot of verbal strutting over his role in helping Mark juice.

He brags that bodybuilders know more about steroids than any other athletes or, for that matter, doctors. He says of Mark's confession to trying the drugs in 1989, five years before Jay claims to have been counseling him on doping: "Obviously, he had no idea what he was doing!"

Jay describes receiving a 1998 Ford Explorer from his big brother shortly after Mark took Roger Maris' home run record in 1998. "I believe this was Mark's way of saying thank you for being a part of his success. I had helped him save his career by getting him into the right lifestyle and helping him to heal by prescribing the right stuff for him."

Just 14 pages later, he writes: "Steroids need to be out of sports and society completely. They hurt people physically and emotionally. They are incredibly addictive and debilitating."

Apparently, they also lead to dramatic contradictions.

Jay acknowledges having suicidal thoughts as he tried to kick the steroid habit, as well as horrible sleep disorders and difficulty breathing when his body expanded to freakish proportions. In the most candidly unflattering passage in the book, he admits to abusing girlfriends, "physically pushing them around" and saying they "came to think of me as psycho."

Most of those complications can be rationalized by other information in the book. Jay became profoundly depressed as a teen, after losing an eye in a BB-gun accident, so perhaps he already was predisposed toward emotional problems. Any weight gain, whether by steroids or pecan pies, can leave people winded.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, he says, left bodybuilding to avoid the damage of long-term doping. Some retired bodybuilders, after over 20 years' doping, "look good and healthy" to Jay, though he concedes that he doesn't know their emotional status.

If he wants to dissuade potential drug users, why not rattle off names of several bodybuilders who died before age 50? Two brothers went in their sleep, just two days apart. Another, who needed a heart transplant, collapsed at a bodybuilding show. His doctor later was charged with reckless endangerment for prescribing steroids to him, even after the transplant.

Jay also talks about a "not very toxic" steroid that a mature bodybuilder recommended to him and other teenagers. "He knew that it would help us gain strength, but that it wouldn't hurt us," the book says.

Kind of like Flintstones chewables.

Jay and his big brother have not talked since 2002, after a dispute that the book says began when Mark disciplined Jay's stepson with a swat on the backside. Mark, upon hearing that the book would be published, recently said he never plans to speak to Jay again.

He might want to read the book. It's very respectful, constantly referring to the first baseman's humility, hard work and thoughtfulness. Although Jay has said in interviews that it would be ridiculous to dismiss steroids' effect on his brother's power-hitting, the book largely supports Mark's position that health concerns alone drove him to the juice. It also celebrates his home run record as legitimate.

The brothers probably don't even realize that they're making a case for steroid use, presenting it as medicinal and enabling people who want to rationalize or trivialize it. They're simply playing sloppy defense, which appears to run in the family. They're both naturals.
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: funk51 on March 03, 2010, 01:32:11 PM
bigger mac
Title: Re: Bodybuilder: Jay McGwire
Post by: TooMuchMuscle4U on March 03, 2010, 01:39:16 PM
Fuck fucking Mark McGwire and the horse he rode in on. I'm so sick of him and his bullshit humble "aw shucks, woe is me" act. I remember him back in the 90's swaggering around in his cutoff tees, aweing people with his size and power. He was eating that shit up with a spoon and reveled in the role of a superhuman Goliath. He is the most insincere of all of those fucking dudes.

At least he admitted his drug use. just admit yours  ::)