Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 11:34:51 AM

Title: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 11:34:51 AM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: nukkaready on February 12, 2010, 11:36:56 AM
eat the fuckin pizza and soldier on with your diet...
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 11:37:57 AM
eat the fuckin pizza and soldier on with your diet...

That's what I'm thinking.  A slice of cheese pizza won't hurt.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Princess L on February 12, 2010, 11:40:49 AM

The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Just scrape the top off the crust and eat with a fork.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Pecs on February 12, 2010, 11:41:26 AM
well, are you competing?? If not, go ahead with the pizza and do some cardio.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: rockyfortune on February 12, 2010, 11:42:04 AM
tell them you ate lunch already and aren't very can't fire you for that..or you can say if you eat pizza you give off loud, stinky, wet farts that none in the office would enjoy...
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 11:45:19 AM
tell them you ate lunch already and aren't very can't fire you for that..

They would ask why I just ate knowing that there was this free lunch.  People are such animals to.  Some of these fat fuckers will pound down 1/2 a large pizza during these things.  They actually start sweating while inhaling it.  I'll just throw a slice on a plate and nurse the fucker and chuck it.  To be honest I don't even want to eat pizza.  No cravings for it. 

The main question is What Would Nasser Do?

Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: DeadSquatPress on February 12, 2010, 11:46:42 AM
you don't be a bitch and you eat the fuckin pizza.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 11:46:46 AM
tell them you ate lunch already and aren't very can't fire you for that..or you can say if you eat pizza you give off loud, stinky, wet farts that none in the office would enjoy...

Then they would figure out who keeps on farting in their offices when they step out.  It's one of my favorite things to do. I lay an egg in someones office and close the door waiting to see their reaction when they walk back in from the coffee room or bathroom.  Classic.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: rockyfortune on February 12, 2010, 11:47:30 AM
They would ask why I just ate knowing that there was this free lunch.  People are such animals to.  Some of these fat fuckers will pound down 1/2 a large pizza during these things.  They actually start sweating while inhaling it.  I'll just throw a slice on a plate and nurse the fucker and chuck it.  To be honest I don't even want to eat pizza.  No cravings for it. 

The main question is What Would Nasser Do?

i worked in a mortgage company like this..they'd order pizza three days a week to prevent you from leaving your desk for lunch...when you didn't eat got shit..i used to bring a slice back to my desk..leave it there for three hours and some fat hog would come over with cheese and sauce all over his face and go ''you gonna eat that''?  problem solved.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: YngiweRhoads on February 12, 2010, 11:53:32 AM
I don't even eat that shit when I'm not dieting.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: dr.chimps on February 12, 2010, 12:01:33 PM
If you can't eat a couple of slices after 3 full weeks of dieting, something is really wrong. Dig in and enjoy.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: funk51 on February 12, 2010, 12:06:44 PM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

bring a machine gun to work and well you know the rest. that's what he would do.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: spinnis on February 12, 2010, 12:07:38 PM
Just do some extra cardio (not that its gonna hurt eating it anyway) but that makes you feel good afterwards also =)
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: saopl on February 12, 2010, 12:09:02 PM
nothing wrong with a slice or two, you won't instantly gain the weight. eat, enjoy and do some cardio or take fat burners pussy.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: bigbobs on February 12, 2010, 12:23:37 PM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Why would your coworkers dare ask you why you aren't eating pizza?  By your own words they are "scared to death" of you and even move out of the microwave lineup when they see you ???

AND if they do muster up the courage to ask you then just remind them of your shirts that tore at work during your high carb days as they could not handle the incredible muscle transformation under their seams last time you ate high carbs according to what you posted here.

Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: liquid_c on February 12, 2010, 12:31:18 PM
Don't eat the pizza and have some dicipline. 
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Coach is Back! on February 12, 2010, 12:32:57 PM
Pack a lunch and suck it up!
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Power on February 12, 2010, 12:41:49 PM
Demand that they order a pizza with whole wheat crust and when they refuse hit them with a hostile workplace environment lawsuit.  Sad part is you would have no probelm finding a lawyer to take the case.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 12:51:50 PM
Lunch just finished and here's the deal.  There was a fucking crowd three people thick at the table where the pizza was, so I avoid it and go straight into the main room where everyone was sitting.  There were about 10 people already eating.  The three fattest of the fucking bunch were the only ones to open their mouths and ask why I wasn't eating.  I think they ask because then they can have an extra slice each and claim they are eating my share. The skinny people didn't say a word.  Why do fat people wonder why other's don't want to eat the same shit they do?
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Rami on February 12, 2010, 12:53:41 PM
I you want pizza eat it. If you want to try and stick to your diet as good as you can then don't have the pizza.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: liquid_c on February 12, 2010, 12:56:59 PM
Lunch just finished and here's the deal.  There was a fucking crowd three people thick at the table where the pizza was, so I avoid it and go straight into the main room where everyone was sitting.  There were about 10 people already eating.  The three fattest of the fucking bunch were the only ones to open their mouths and ask why I wasn't eating.  I think they ask because then they can have an extra slice each and claim they are eating my share. The skinny people didn't say a word.  Why do fat people wonder why other's don't want to eat the same shit they do?

Because they feel guilty about being fat and eating that crap and have no dicipline whatsoever and it irks them that you do. 
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Fury on February 12, 2010, 12:57:00 PM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Dear Abbey,

I'm afraid of looking bad in front of my co-workers. I already concoct stories on the internet about ripping out of my t-shirts when I carb up at lunch but now I'm wondering if I need to keep up the intimidation factor and eat a slice of pizza in front of them. Please help!

Yours truly,

A very insecure individual
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: wavelength on February 12, 2010, 01:06:38 PM
nothing wrong with pizza
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: NaturalWonder83 on February 12, 2010, 01:08:27 PM
Dear Abbey,

I'm afraid of looking bad in front of my co-workers. I already concoct stories on the internet about ripping out of my t-shirts when I carb up at lunch but now I'm wondering if I need to keep up the intimidation factor and eat a slice of pizza in front of them. Please help!

Your truly,

A very insecure individual
Dear Abbey,
I'm afraid of leaving my dorm room and interacting with the other students. I already concoct stories on the internet about talking to girls,going to parties every weekend, and having a non mutated horse face. But now I'm wondering if I will ever break out of my shell and stop being a dorm room shut in, or if I will finish my college years only playing video games and waging internet wars.

Yours truly,
Clueless in Connecticut
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Montague on February 12, 2010, 01:10:54 PM
For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Yeah, I know the kind of office you’re working in.
And you’re right, there will be lots of comments about mon_of_steele not being a "team player" all because he wouldn’t eat a shitty piece of pizza like everyone else.

Some options:
Most realistic action is to just have one piece. It’s not the same as eating 5 pieces, or one piece every day for a month. Minimal harm done.

Another option is to bullshit about having wheat allergies – fairly common these days. Problem is, you’ve got to be careful with lies. If you ever go out with some coworkers (maybe unlikely in your case) you’d have to make sure you don’t order a beer (also unlikely in your case). You'd also have to watch what you're seen eating at the office.

Along the lines of the above, you could also b.s. about a mild stomach ulcer or sensitive gallbladder, and that the grease & tomato sauce in pizza aggravate your condition.

By chance, are there are quite a few women who work in your office?
Perhaps one or more of your supervisors is one?

Good luck.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 12, 2010, 01:28:20 PM
Dear Abbey,

I'm afraid of looking bad in front of my co-workers. I already concoct stories on the internet about ripping out of my t-shirts when I carb up at lunch but now I'm wondering if I need to keep up the intimidation factor and eat a slice of pizza in front of them. Please help!

Your truly,

A very insecure individual

Did you manage to write that witty post all by yourself or did your mommy help you?  By the way say hi for me next time you see her.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: delta9mda on February 12, 2010, 02:19:14 PM
They would ask why I just ate knowing that there was this free lunch.  People are such animals to.  Some of these fat fuckers will pound down 1/2 a large pizza during these things.  They actually start sweating while inhaling it.  I'll just throw a slice on a plate and nurse the fucker and chuck it.  To be honest I don't even want to eat pizza.  No cravings for it. 

The main question is What Would Nasser Do?

let em know that the tomato sauce gives you bad reflux. that will do it.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 12, 2010, 02:23:47 PM
nothing wrong with pizza
Now again Wave knows how to count calories, its all numbers.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Cleanest Natural on February 12, 2010, 02:29:24 PM
basically you are looking to cheat and are looking for getbig to give you the reason tpo do it

my opp

eat a fucking full pizza

eat one every week

nuthin well happen
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: calfzilla on February 12, 2010, 02:45:13 PM
Make a large salad (hopefully they bought you guys salad) and just nurse one slice of pizza.  The fatties will notice if you don't eat any pizza but they won't count your slices.  ;)
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: calfzilla on February 12, 2010, 02:47:36 PM
or you could just carb up on pizza 'till your shirt rips off due to the glycogen loading.   :o
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: regmac on February 12, 2010, 02:53:04 PM
Welcome to my world. I work with cops and depressed women.   Its all meat and cheese here.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: regmac on February 12, 2010, 02:54:37 PM
That's what I'm thinking.  A slice of cheese pizza won't hurt.
One slice and your toungue will be reminding you of what you miss.  Nothing a treadmill can clean up though.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: outby43 on February 12, 2010, 04:15:24 PM
One slice and your toungue will be reminding you of what you miss.  Nothing a treadmill can clean up though.

I agree.  Junk food is like crack.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: ToxicAvenger on February 12, 2010, 04:24:42 PM

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

i'm not dieting BUT this could help on those ocassions

HCA strongly delays post-meal glucose levels, reducing insulin output

In the study, rats were administered HCA prior to "mimicking a meal by infusing sugar into the stomach," explained lead author Wielinga. "Compared with controls, which had no HCA, the test rats' rise in blood sugar was much slower, but over 2 -- hours all the sugar was absorbed."

Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Board_SHERIF on February 12, 2010, 05:17:16 PM
Lunch just finished and here's the deal.  There was a fucking crowd three people thick at the table where the pizza was, so I avoid it and go straight into the main room where everyone was sitting.  There were about 10 people already eating.  The three fattest of the fucking bunch were the only ones to open their mouths and ask why I wasn't eating.  I think they ask because then they can have an extra slice each and claim they are eating my share. The skinny people didn't say a word.  Why do fat people wonder why other's don't want to eat the same shit they do?

I think because food is their whole life so they notice everything that comes in contact with food, the same way you would notice some smuck at the gym being a loser as you know about working out.  I get the same shite - my favorite comeback to the fatty asking "hey are you on some sort of special diet ?" is "No, are you on some sort of special high fat, high sugar, high sodium diet ?"
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: rockyfortune on February 12, 2010, 05:17:37 PM
how many of those gorging themselves on pizza were drinking diet soda too!?
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: NaturalWonder83 on February 12, 2010, 05:20:03 PM
u may break out from the slices so id stay away and say NO
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: dov on February 12, 2010, 05:27:49 PM
I thought "Wavelgth" died ???
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Sherief Shalaby on February 12, 2010, 11:40:40 PM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

you can eat one piece or so, this wont destrory your diet and tell them pizza is not your fav. dish!!.. but i really dont see anything to be shy of if you just tell them you are on a diet!!..
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Tapeworm on February 13, 2010, 12:40:55 AM
Tape a small cigar tube to the underside of your wrist and surreptitiously sprinkle your cuttings over the pie.  Then lean in and squint and say, "Oh my God!  Are those... pubic hairs?!"  :o
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on February 13, 2010, 02:12:18 AM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

Call in sick,seriously
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Meso_z on February 13, 2010, 02:35:42 PM
Yes, sure you can eat.. just make sure you dont eat enough carbs during the day in order to "balance" your calories with that pizza.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Bobby on February 13, 2010, 02:43:22 PM
you don't be a bitch and you eat the fuckin pizza.


nothing wrong with pizza

Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: solida on February 13, 2010, 02:50:57 PM
Just do a lat spread and everyone will understand.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: regmac on February 13, 2010, 03:05:01 PM
As bodybuilders, we need to realize when we have jobs like I do. 9-5er, benefits, yearly salary, we need to fit in at times with others. Everyone I work with knows I compete yet they will never see me avoiding social gatherings unless its fish heads and rice (the asians want to share but I have allergies). We have GOING AWAYS, BLACK HISTORY and other social gatherings which always involve pizza and kfc.  So do Iact like an ass and avoid it ? Naa   I get a slice and a breast of KFC wolf it down then kick ass on the treadmill. Will it affect my condition maybe but that could be blamed on other things I don't do or eat.   Work comes first during these hard economical times  and pizza rules.   
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Mr Nobody on February 13, 2010, 03:06:13 PM
As bodybuilders, we need to realize when we have jobs like I do. 9-5er, benefits, yearly salary, we need to fit in at times with others. Everyone I work with knows I compete yet they will never see me avoiding social gatherings unless its fish heads and rice (the asians want to share but I have allergies). We have GOING AWAYS, BLACK HISTORY and other social gatherings which always involve pizza and kfc.  So do Iact like an ass and avoid it ? Naa   I get a slice and a breast of KFC wolf it down then kick ass on the treadmill. Will it affect my condition maybe but that could be blamed on other things I don't do or eat.   Work comes first during these hard economical times  and pizza rules.   
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: nzmusclemonster on February 13, 2010, 03:42:44 PM
Pull down your pants, hike your thong up your crack and show them your shredded glutes and they will understand.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: Gino30 on February 13, 2010, 04:10:02 PM
I've been eating real well and don't need a relapse into fatty foods.  But my company is throwing a pizza lunch and I figure I don't want to be the only one not eating because then all of the fat fucks like to point out that fact.  "why aren't you eating....blah blah blah"  As easy as it would be to own them with a good comeback it's not worth looking like a jackass to the management.
The thing about pizza that I don't want to eat is the carbs.  I haven't had white carbs(rice,flour, sugar) in close to a month. I'm not starving myself.  Eating a lot of beef, chicken, fish, veggies and actually enjoying it.  My energy is way up, having awesome workouts and don't want to revert.

For those of you that are actually dieting tell me what you would do.  For the rest of you fat out of shape getbiggers go fuck off.

We've all been there ---> trying to maintain a diet whilst working in corporate 9-to-5 environment; surrounded by a combination of unhappy, miserably-married, smelly, petty and gasbagging co-workers.

You need to keep your eye on the prize here........DO NOT succumb to their fat-like peer pressure.

Here's a simple step plan :

1. Pack your lunch for the day

2. 20 min prior to said pizza get-together, discreetly take lunch out of bag and slip outside....EAT!

3. Dispose of lunch box/plastic container, napkin, tuna can, etc into industrial bin...pour kerosene on it and light it up.

This fire will serve to catch the attention of your co-workers, who in turn will run outside to oogle over the biggest moment to happen in their mundane and souless lives in a very long time....said Pizza get-together is now dead and buried.

Just don't burn the building down.
Title: Re: Three weeks into diet and company throws a pizza lunch. What do you do?
Post by: calfzilla on February 13, 2010, 09:43:48 PM
We've all been there ---> trying to maintain a diet whilst working in corporate 9-to-5 environment; surrounded by a combination of unhappy, miserably-married, smelly, petty and gasbagging co-workers.

You need to keep your eye on the prize here........DO NOT succumb to their fat-like peer pressure.

Here's a simple step plan :

1. Pack your lunch for the day

2. 20 min prior to said pizza get-together, discreetly take lunch out of bag and slip outside....EAT!

3. Dispose of lunch box/plastic container, napkin, tuna can, etc into industrial bin...pour kerosene on it and light it up.

This fire will serve to catch the attention of your co-workers, who in turn will run outside to oogle over the biggest moment to happen in their mundane and souless lives in a very long time....said Pizza get-together is now dead and buried.

Just don't burn the building down.
Aren't you the same guy who suggested a similar thing to Titus?