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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 07:20:51 PM

Title: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 07:20:51 PM
I wonder if Ronald Reagaan would have ever tattled & whined like this... Repubs, please find your backbone and come up with a better plan... stop whining.  

Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said on Thursday that President Barack Obama "slapped the table," wagged his finger and scolded him at a recent White House meeting.

Boehner's crime? Allegedly scaring the American public into a state of economic anxiety.

In a speech before the Conservative Political Action Conference, the Ohio Republican accused the president of excessive "finger-wagging" lectures. Driving the point, he relayed his version of a jobs-related conversation that Republican leadership had with Obama and his advisers.

"I was in the White House for a meeting a few weeks back," Boehner recalled. "We were talking about the economy and jobs and I was explaining that these Democrat policies, you know -- cap and trade, national energy tax, government takeover of our health care system, card check, higher tax rates -- all of this was paralyzing business owners because they had all of this uncertainty. And you know no small business owners can plan, invest or hire new workers in this kind of environment.

"But the president didn't like it," he added. "He looked at me and he slapped the table and said, 'Boehner, it's not my policies that are paralyzing these employers. It's you Republicans who are scaring them.'

"I said, 'Mr. President, the American people aren't scared about what we have to say. They're scared by the policies that are being promoted by your administration and your colleagues up on the Hill.' I told him, 'well here is the thing, the American people want leaders who will listen they don't need any more lecturers coming to Washington."

Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 07:33:34 PM
GMAFB 240! 

Boehner is dead on accurate and ZERO is cry baby here. 

Stop the KP'ing. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 07:56:51 PM
yes, he is right about obama's position on political issues.

yes, he could do it with a little more toughness and dignity.

Complaining to the media that Obama was too mean?  Obama comes out looking like the passionate guy with fire, and Bohener is the guy who is scared by it- regardless of how wrong Obama is on the issue.
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:00:36 PM
LOL if bush had done this 240 would have called him a violent warmonger

nothing to see here folks just 240 knee padding business as usual, move along....
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:01:41 PM
yes, he is right about obama's position on political issues.

yes, he could do it with a little more toughness and dignity.

Complaining to the media that Obama was too mean?  Obama comes out looking like the passionate guy with fire, and Bohener is the guy who is scared by it- regardless of how wrong Obama is on the issue.

No, Obama comes out looking like an out of touch tin-eared immature little moron with no clue how devastating his policies are to private sector businesses.  

Had he ever worked a day in his life he would realize this.  
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 08:03:31 PM

I would love nothing more than for the repubs to be cool as a fan while obama melts down - then deliver some great comeback.

What would Clint Eastwood do?  What would reagan do?  I dunno man, crying to the cameras just seems like not the toughest move.  Rather, come back with something smoother.
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:05:16 PM
"But the president didn't like it," he added. "He looked at me and he slapped the table and said, 'Boehner, it's not my policies that are paralyzing these employers. It's you Republicans who are scaring them.'

________________________ __________

240 - I speak to at least 10 to 15 companies a day. 

Obama is utterly clueless on this.  Not one person has ever complained to me that the GOP is scaring them. 

its the ending of bush tax cuts, cap  & trade, deathcare, card check, etc. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 08:12:28 PM
again 33 - I'm agreeing with Boehner on the points here - his positions.

I just think coming out of a passionate meeting concerning the future of our national economy... then whining to the cameras about how obama was mean... it's kinda of a bitch move, that's all.

If word had leaked that Obama had slammed the table... then boehner had remarked "Obama why don't you buy some self-control with some of the taxpayer money you're wasting?"... now THAT would have been some cool shit, ya know?

handle that shit like a smooth man in control of the situation... don't run out of the meeting, whining to the cameras about big mean man hitting table.
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:14:13 PM
again 33 - I'm agreeing with Boehner on the points here - his positions.

I just think coming out of a passionate meeting concerning the future of our national economy... then whining to the cameras about how obama was mean... it's kinda of a bitch move, that's all.

If word had leaked that Obama had slammed the table... then boehner had remarked "Obama why don't you buy some self-control with some of the taxpayer money you're wasting?"... now THAT would have been some cool shit, ya know?

handle that shit like a smooth man in control of the situation... don't run out of the meeting, whining to the cameras about big mean man hitting table.
you should focus more on substance than seem like the typical obama voter  ::)  ;)
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:17:26 PM
Obama is a cry baby. 

He is clueless and this article is a perfect example of everything I have said about him over this past year. 

You should have done more thinking before voting for him 240.  :P  :-*  :'(  :-X :)  ;)  :D
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 08:18:01 PM
'you should focus more on substance than style..."

Let's not turn this into a Palin thread ;)

Repubs are just as guilty on that one... Hutchinson or Fiorini would have been fine female candidates in 2008 if you wanna break a glass ceiling.

besides, just about everyone here knows Boehner is right... he just didn't handle obama melting as well as he should have... shitching to reporters instead of mocking his epic meltdown...
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:19:30 PM
My God - what fools we have in DC. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:22:41 PM
'you should focus more on substance than style..."

Let's not turn this into a Palin thread ;)

Repubs are just as guilty on that one... Hutchinson or Fiorini would have been fine female candidates in 2008 if you wanna break a glass ceiling.

besides, just about everyone here knows Boehner is right... he just didn't handle obama melting as well as he should have... shitching to reporters instead of mocking his epic meltdown...
Love how you still compare obama as pres to palin as VP  ::) and i always said palin wasnt qualified to be VP...what about you and obama?  ::) ;)

Hutchinson in all likelihood would have made biden look like a fool in the VP debate

but the point remains the same try not to focus on flash and style  ::)
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 08:24:44 PM
I voted for a drab ugly libertarian in 2008.

Most people here chose the shiny hottie in a skirt, or the smooth man with the dimples.
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:29:33 PM
I voted for a drab ugly libertarian in 2008.

Most people here chose the shiny hottie in a skirt, or the smooth man with the dimples.
you may have voted for a drab ugly libertarian but you campaigned for a smooth man with dimples  ;)
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:31:02 PM
you may have voted for a drab ugly libertarian but you campaigned for a smooth man with dimples  ;)

And spin, make excuses for, and rationalize every horrible policy. 

240 - get that resume to David Poof - Obama needs guys like you.   
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:33:04 PM
And spin, make excuses for, and rationalize every horrible policy. 
240 - get that resume to David Poof - Obama needs guys like you.   
LOL i felt like giving him a night off but thank you for making my point for me  ;D
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 18, 2010, 08:39:09 PM
LOL i felt like giving him a night off but thank you for making my point for me  ;D

Look I like 240 alot, he's a great guy, but sometimes its like telling your buddy he's screwing up and making a fool of himself. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:43:25 PM
Look I like 240 alot, he's a great guy, but sometimes its like telling your buddy he's screwing up and making a fool of himself. 
I agree I think he is a good dude, and idiot but a good dude  ;D
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 18, 2010, 08:44:22 PM
this was a good chance for any repub in that room to show some wit.

When the prez loses it, one of them will deliver a comeback that will give the GOp some momentum.

that's all... maybe next time, if they read getbig, they'll have a better reaction prepared than "run and tell the cameras!"  Maybe a smooth one-liner, use of a prop, or some sobering facts that make his meltdown seem like his own doing.  Politically, it was a wasted opportunity.
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: tonymctones on February 18, 2010, 08:57:00 PM
this was a good chance for any repub in that room to show some wit.

When the prez loses it, one of them will deliver a comeback that will give the GOp some momentum.

that's all... maybe next time, if they read getbig, they'll have a better reaction prepared than "run and tell the cameras!"  Maybe a smooth one-liner, use of a prop, or some sobering facts that make his meltdown seem like his own doing.  Politically, it was a wasted opportunity.
LOL face it bro if they had you would have slammed them for being disrespectful to obama  ::)

Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 19, 2010, 06:13:51 AM
No doubt. 

I dont even know if 240 realizes he does it anymore. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: James on February 19, 2010, 06:53:44 AM
Damn......240 gets struck out again,  well no biggie, back to huffington or DU for another whopper   ::)
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 19, 2010, 06:56:03 AM
Damn......240 gets struck out again,  well no biggie, back to huffington or DU for another whopper   ::)

This article actually highlights exactly what I have said about Obama from day one - HE IS A HARD LEFT MARXIST.

Had the fool ever works a real job for even a day in his life, he would understand that the private sector does not take well to cap & trade, tax hikes, etc all to pay for bs govt programs. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 19, 2010, 07:10:41 AM
nobody's saying he isn't anything you're saying 33.

My whole point: The repubs could have stepped up with some style and pwned obama when he melted.  Instead, they whine to cameras about it.

What would Clint Eastwood say to a man that tried to pound a table to intimidate him?  He'd light a cigar and invite him outside.  What would Heston say?  For real, where have all the real men in the GOP gone?  A smooth one-liner right back at the temper tantrum would have been cool news.  If you can't admit that, youre just in denial.  In ths media-rich world, you dont' topple a guy like Obama by whining - you do it by out-Obama'ing him.  "I've never seen a Kenyan national get so angry before", etc. 
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 19, 2010, 07:16:38 AM
nobody's saying he isn't anything you're saying 33.

My whole point: The repubs could have stepped up with some style and pwned obama when he melted.  Instead, they whine to cameras about it.

What would Clint Eastwood say to a man that tried to pound a table to intimidate him?  He'd light a cigar and invite him outside.  What would Heston say?  For real, where have all the real men in the GOP gone?  A smooth one-liner right back at the temper tantrum would have been cool news.  If you can't admit that, youre just in denial.  In ths media-rich world, you dont' topple a guy like Obama by whining - you do it by out-Obama'ing him.  "I've never seen a Kenyan national get so angry before", etc. 

I'm looking at the substance of the article, not the style of Boner. 

They should have come out and said "Obama's never having worked a day in the private sector is clearly showing."   
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: James on February 19, 2010, 07:17:14 AM
nobody's saying he isn't anything you're saying 33.

My whole point: The repubs could have stepped up with some style and pwned obama when he melted.  Instead, they whine to cameras about it.

What would Clint Eastwood say to a man that tried to pound a table to intimidate him?  He'd light a cigar and invite him outside.  What would Heston say?  For real, where have all the real men in the GOP gone?  A smooth one-liner right back at the temper tantrum would have been cool news.  If you can't admit that, youre just in denial.  In ths media-rich world, you dont' topple a guy like Obama by whining - you do it by out-Obama'ing him.  "I've never seen a Kenyan national get so angry before", etc.

Seriously 240,  are you still drunk from last night ?
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 19, 2010, 07:20:28 AM
"They should have come out and said "Obama's never having worked a day in the private sector is clearly showing."    "

Agreed 333386 - something like that would have kicked ass.  I am not at all saying Obama was right at all here - Only that the repubs failed to capitalize upon the opportunity.  Anytime you have a guy melting, you don't tattle and act offended... you pour a little salt on the wound and poke him with a stick.  that's what I'm saying.  Even if it borders on dissrespectful - since he broke the gentleman's code by hitting table to begin with. 

Just pointing out something like thht would have rocked.

"Seriously 240,  are you still drunk from last night ?"

Come on, that would have been a cool way to point out the huge birth cert Q, appeal to the repub base, and point out the silliness of his outburst :)
Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: Soul Crusher on February 19, 2010, 07:22:52 AM
Boehner really needs to highlight this meeting.  

It confirms what 90% of private business people understand, obama is clueless, hapless, and a typical ivory tower dolt with no clue.  

This is Obama to a tee:  

Title: Re: Boehner: Obama 'Slapped Table,' Scolded Me At White House Meeting
Post by: 240 is Back on February 19, 2010, 07:26:17 AM
extremely accurate, 33