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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: 24KT on March 09, 2010, 12:33:23 PM

Title: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: 24KT on March 09, 2010, 12:33:23 PM
Baby dies in car after father forgets her

Published: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 6:28 a.m.

FORT MYERS - A baby was found dead in the back of a car in Fort Myers after her father reportedly forgot about her.

Police say Reginald McKinnon picked his daughter Payton up from daycare Monday morning and took her to a doctor's appointment. The appointment reportedly ran long, and McKinnon went back to work, forgetting that his daughter was in the back of his car.

When McKinnon left work several hours later, he discovered Payton dead in the car.

Authorities are continuing to investigate.

No charges have been filed.

"I'm going to forget you even typed this shit."--hugo
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 09, 2010, 12:34:21 PM
how the fuck do you forget a kid in a car. I dont care what's on his mind. Honestly thats premeditated IMO
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: shootfighter1 on March 09, 2010, 01:17:16 PM
That is just crazy....
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: 24KT on March 09, 2010, 11:15:37 PM
how the fuck do you forget a kid in a car. I dont care what's on his mind. Honestly thats premeditated IMO

Sadly, alot of parents of newborns do it. They're just not used to having kids, so they often forget about them.
There was a guy a few years back who got on a commuter train from New Jersey into New York, who forgot his baby daughter in the car at the train station in New Jersey. He also nearly died of panic when he remembered and went rushing back to the train station. His daughter was ok, ...but I don't think either his wife of daughter will ever let him forget it EVER!
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 02:28:18 AM
oh please, I just don't get it. Hey I use to commute via train via E. Rutherford to 34th St in NYC, grant it no kid at the time but still. I'm sure the wife wont ever forget it
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 04:26:51 AM
I agree and with MOMS doing that crap mostly I believe its very premeditated..
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Helena on March 10, 2010, 04:48:41 AM
Sadly, alot of parents of newborns do it. They're just not used to having kids, so they often forget about them.
There was a guy a few years back who got on a commuter train from New Jersey into New York, who forgot his baby daughter in the car at the train station in New Jersey. He also nearly died of panic when he remembered and went rushing back to the train station. His daughter was ok, ...but I don't think either his wife of daughter will ever let him forget it EVER!

I remember that and there's plenty more instances as well

Theres' no premeditation to it , the mind simply goes on autopilot and gets you from point a to point b , I've seen the reactions of some of these people who've done this and they are obviously very traumatized .

Sure there are people who kill their own children but these cases aren't close to that.

I have more problems with people who pay so little attention to their children they nearly have to raise themselves and be taught everything by teachers and caretakers.

Kids are shuttled around , dropped off here there and yonder , and adults spend less and less time with them . I'ts easy to "forget" when everything else in your life takes precedence.

kids are likie property more now , no one even plays with their kids
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 04:59:29 AM

I remember that and there's plenty more instances as well

Theres' no premeditation to it , the mind simply goes on autopilot and gets you from point a to point b , I've seen the reactions of some of these people who've done this and they are obviously very traumatized .

Sure there are people who kill their own children but these cases aren't close to that.

I have more problems with people who pay so little attention to their children they nearly have to raise themselves and be taught everything by teachers and caretakers.

Kids are shuttled around , dropped off here there and yonder , and adults spend less and less time with them . I'ts easy to "forget" when everything else in your life takes precedence.

kids are likie property more now , no one even plays with their kids

Oh I'm not buying into its not premediated crap. Maybe a handfull of instances. I dont know how you think its easy to forget when someone else takes presidence..Maybe thats just me.

Teachers and caretakers spend alot of time with our kids, yes that is true. But if your kid wakes up at 7, get them ready and at school at 8 or 830 (whatever the case maybe and what age they are). They are done with school around 3 or 4. If the parents are working ususally someone will care for them or if they are older they are at home alone. Parents get home 530 or 6 dinner and making sure they do homework. It's just the way it is. I'm not a fan of homeschooling but that is my own opinion.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Helena on March 10, 2010, 05:05:42 AM
I didn't say a thing about home schooling , the point is parents , like you state yourself, spend more time "busy" or away from their children so on a hectic morning when things are all coming down at once , something as this can happen.

It's so far from premeditation , it's almost the opposite , but of course you can believe what you wish.

It's down to a disconnect , that's all. Lifestyles , personal interests , and pressures contribute to the lack of connection.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 05:34:15 AM
true Helena. Noone is a perfect parent. Its basically a damn if ya do damn if ya don't.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: saopl on March 10, 2010, 06:07:07 AM
unless the parent is driving a stretch limo with the kid all the way in the back seat I call bullshit.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: 240 is Back on March 10, 2010, 06:09:34 AM
seriously, what the F is wrong with ppl?  heads up their asses.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Helena on March 10, 2010, 06:14:35 AM
we lead an unnatural existence, that's a fact.

x 2

It's not going to get better , that's for sure . The more people have the more they want. There aren't enough things to keep some people satisfied . A simpler way of life is a much easier way to live , it's too bad people can't just enjoy what they have as much as they can.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 06:17:51 AM
Helena, your 100 percent. People always want more. Bigger cars bigger houses and the like. Be happy with what you have. I know people that have really changed since the economy took a down turn. They realized they were living wayyyyyy beyond their means. They were not in trouble financially but it knocked their big heads down a little
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: LurkerNoMore on March 10, 2010, 07:01:02 AM
It seems impossible someone would forget their kid in the car, but it happens all the time down here.  At least several times a year.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 07:01:35 AM
jesus where the hell do you live
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: LurkerNoMore on March 10, 2010, 07:36:06 AM
South Florida.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 07:52:45 AM
thats just horrible
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Montague on March 10, 2010, 07:54:53 AM
I didn't say a thing about home schooling , the point is parents , like you state yourself, spend more time "busy" or away from their children so on a hectic morning when things are all coming down at once , something as this can happen.

It's so far from premeditation , it's almost the opposite , but of course you can believe what you wish.

It's down to a disconnect , that's all. Lifestyles , personal interests , and pressures contribute to the lack of connection.

It doesn't matter what the reason is/was.

Nothing excuses something like this from happening.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Helena on March 10, 2010, 08:38:36 AM

It doesn't matter what the reason is/was.

Nothing excuses something like this from happening.

That's true , nothing excuses it , but it's not that rare , so the reasons should be explored and attempted to be corrected somehow , no ?
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Montague on March 10, 2010, 08:55:58 AM
Ideally - yes, but...

If it is (hypothetically) premeditated, there’s little that can be done since murderous tendencies are often not realized until their results manifest.
However, even if it’s a “disconnect” issue, can that even be addressed?
I’m not sure that’s a matter that can be taught or learned – you either have it or you don’t.

Many folks are simply not cut out for parenthood.
Classes & counseling can stress the importance of having & raising children, but ultimately, it’s up to the individuals to change/set their priorities.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Fury on March 10, 2010, 09:43:22 AM
This has nothing to do with politics.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: Tapper on March 10, 2010, 11:52:00 AM
Poor kid.  :'(
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: 24KT on March 10, 2010, 03:53:03 PM
Oh I'm not buying into its not premediated crap. Maybe a handfull of instances. I dont know how you think its easy to forget when someone else takes presidence..Maybe thats just me.

Sorry newmom, it is mostly just you. Princess Jacqueline is your whole life. you live for her. just look at your choice of screen name. you think, eat, sleep, and breathe Jacqueline 24 hrs a day. In fact, if there's a moment when you're NOT thinking about her, ...then there's something very wrong. YOU could never forget. lol

But there are some people for whom their children are just there. And when they do things out of the ordinary that are not a part of their usual patterns, they sometimes forget them. it's rampant moreso among teenage moms, who may take their babies to the mall, and walk out of a store and forget the stroller. I have a friend of mine who forgot to pick his 7 yr old daughter up from school one day. His wife usually does it. We were talking on the phone and I asked about his daughter. That's when he remembered. lol. He popped in the car and zoomed right over there, and the poor thing was in tears. She thought no one was coming to get her.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: newmom on March 10, 2010, 05:07:53 PM
yes she is first priority, i eat sleep breath for that kid of mine. She is my whole world in a 35llb body. I can see forgeting picking up a kid at school when the other parent usually does, but that is not the same as leaving one in a car.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: 24KT on March 10, 2010, 05:16:43 PM
yes she is first priority, i eat sleep breath for that kid of mine. She is my whole world in a 35llb body.

It shows. It's great for kids to grow up knowing they are sooo incredibly loved.  :)

I can see forgeting picking up a kid at school when the other parent usually does, but that is not the same as leaving one in a car.

When you're usually not the one who ferries the kids, it's easy to do... especially if you have things on your mind and the kid is asleep. You kind of forget they are there.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: sync pulse on March 10, 2010, 06:38:53 PM
I know a woman who did this with a great dane dog...yes the dog died.
Title: Re: Baby dies in car after father forgets her
Post by: noworries on March 10, 2010, 09:00:45 PM
happened in Hawaii same thing.  Lady had baby in car and went to the YMCA to go swimming.  She forgot she had the baby in the car.  Some people saw the baby and got the mom after it was in the car for an hour or so