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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Wrestling Board => Topic started by: Nirvana on April 18, 2010, 05:51:27 PM

Title: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Nirvana on April 18, 2010, 05:51:27 PM
Nobody seemed to care when he died because it was suicide/murder, but I think it was a tragic loss.

what's your opinions
Title: Re: Chris Benoit
Post by: Hulkster on April 18, 2010, 05:59:23 PM
the whole thing was a tragedy, as the sport lost one of its great entertainers.

however, given that he murdered his wife and child, he deserved what he did to himself.

the whole situation sucks.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 18, 2010, 06:01:26 PM
I have always / and continue to maintain that Benoit was – and always will be – one of the top workers ever!
Many of my favorite matches are Chris Benoit matches.

I think it is a tragedy what happened.
It doesn’t diminish his accomplishments as a great performer.
Nothing can change history.

But, I also believe that he should burn in Hell for an eternity for killing that little boy.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 18, 2010, 06:08:35 PM

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 18, 2010, 06:09:29 PM

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Nirvana on April 18, 2010, 06:18:40 PM
those flying headbutts literally made him crazy

what I really hate is how everyone hated Eddie (he was heel) until he "died" which I still am sketchy about
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 18, 2010, 07:25:36 PM
those flying headbutts literally made him crazy

what I really hate is how everyone hated Eddie (he was heel) until he "died" which I still am sketchy about

What are you sketchy about?
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Hulkster on April 18, 2010, 07:48:03 PM
it could all be a work. 8)

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 18, 2010, 07:58:41 PM
If that's the case, I hope Eddie didn't hire the same people that were supposed to hide Perry Saturn!
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 19, 2010, 12:25:54 PM
Nothing to discuss. He destroyed his entire reputation as a skilled performer when he decided to murder his wife, himself and his kid..concussion / head trama / brain trama or not. Because of him is the reason why have the stale PG product and witchunt on underbelling factors in pro wrestling.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Nirvana on April 19, 2010, 12:31:58 PM

What are you sketchy about?
his death seemed way too planned out, he suddenly turns face then dies, I always thought it was fishy as most his career was spent heel
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Hulkster on April 20, 2010, 07:42:16 PM
maybe the triple murder/suicide was part of the storyline.


Vince has us all fooled.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 20, 2010, 08:37:31 PM
I wonder how many people thought that Owen’s accident was a work.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Hulkster on April 20, 2010, 08:42:55 PM
I wonder how many people thought that Owen’s accident was a work.

from what I heard, intially many people did.

they thought it was a dummy owen that was dropped.

they realized pretty quickly though from all the news coverage that it was in fact, the real owen.

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 21, 2010, 04:02:46 AM
Benoit and his wife already had a serious history of physical/verbal abuse. So its no surprise that this was a result of a very disturbed family. 
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 21, 2010, 06:16:52 AM
WWE had to do something.
They couldn’t ignore it, but the timing sucked.
Being that an entire family died under mysterious circumstances, they should have waited for the facts before making an announcement.

A simple acknowledgement of the accident with condolences to the family would have sufficed.
But, like Timmy says, the way they hurriedly glorified the man made them look increasingly stupid as more information became rapidly available – just hours after the gruesome discovery.

That being said, it sounded as if a lot of the WWE staff was close with Benoit.
Regardless of the circumstances of his death, it probably would have been difficult to carry out a live TV production that night.
But, the show had already been cancelled.
Air some footage from WWE/24-7 or something.

When Hennig & Davey died, they aired a simple, 2-minute tribute clip at the beginning of the show.
Even that wouldn’t have been as bad as what they did with Benoit.
Coincidentally, WWE hasn’t aired any kind of tributes or made much of an acknowledgement of the last several wrestlers to pass away – Rikishi, Test, etc.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Nirvana on April 21, 2010, 01:53:01 PM
WWE had to do something.
They couldn’t ignore it, but the timing sucked.
Being that an entire family died under mysterious circumstances, they should have waited for the facts before making an announcement.

A simple acknowledgement of the accident with condolences to the family would have sufficed.
But, like Timmy says, the way they hurriedly glorified the man made them look increasingly stupid as more information became rapidly available – just hours after the gruesome discovery.

That being said, it sounded as if a lot of the WWE staff was close with Benoit.
Regardless of the circumstances of his death, it probably would have been difficult to carry out a live TV production that night.
But, the show had already been cancelled.
Air some footage from WWE/24-7 or something.

When Hennig & Davey died, they aired a simple, 2-minute tribute clip at the beginning of the show.
Even that wouldn’t have been as bad as what they did with Benoit.
Coincidentally, WWE hasn’t aired any kind of tributes or made much of an acknowledgement of the last several wrestlers to pass away – Rikishi, Test, etc.

Damn, I've been living in a closet too long (all hetero) I didn't know those two had died
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 22, 2010, 05:00:08 AM
WWE had to do something.
They couldn’t ignore it, but the timing sucked.
Being that an entire family died under mysterious circumstances, they should have waited for the facts before making an announcement.

A simple acknowledgement of the accident with condolences to the family would have sufficed.
But, like Timmy says, the way they hurriedly glorified the man made them look increasingly stupid as more information became rapidly available – just hours after the gruesome discovery.

That being said, it sounded as if a lot of the WWE staff was close with Benoit.
Regardless of the circumstances of his death, it probably would have been difficult to carry out a live TV production that night.
But, the show had already been cancelled.
Air some footage from WWE/24-7 or something.

When Hennig & Davey died, they aired a simple, 2-minute tribute clip at the beginning of the show.
Even that wouldn’t have been as bad as what they did with Benoit.
Coincidentally, WWE hasn’t aired any kind of tributes or made much of an acknowledgement of the last several wrestlers to pass away – Rikishi, Test, etc.

Problem there is Benoit murdered his family. He didn't just die like Henning & Smith. So for WWE to do a 2 minute tribute would have been silly. They shouldn't have done anything at all.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 22, 2010, 10:44:52 AM
I meant in reference to producing the tribute before knowing the circumstances.

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Nirvana on April 22, 2010, 05:03:36 PM
Lot's of people plead insanity in murder cases and get off scot free

I don't think benoit should be condemned, he was literally out of his mind
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 22, 2010, 06:37:29 PM
I suspect that certain actions – such as placing bibles by the bodies and administering a pain relief agent to his son prior to suffocating him – indicate that Chris did have some sound cognition.

The bibles, the ensuing text messages, etc., all point to guilt & remorse.
A person only feels those emotions when they know and accept that what they did was wrong.
The drugs he gave the boy also suggest premeditation.

There’s a lot that nobody will ever know about what happened that night.
Based on what we do know, I cannot – in any way – condone or justify his actions.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 23, 2010, 05:31:47 AM
I wonder if Hennig had been with the company at the time of his death, if they’d have given him a more meaty tribute.
By that time, Curt had already been gone from the Fed for a few years – same with Smith.

Benoit was on the cusp of another main even title run.

I still maintain that – until the facts surfaced - Vince should have made a simple acknowledgement of the tragedy & offered condolences.

The way they rushed into it and presented Benoit as if he deserved to have his head carved into Mt. Rushmore, made the old man look like a fool & and it was all the harder for him to eat those words (and actions) the next night.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 23, 2010, 06:04:47 AM
Perfect got ripped off. He's one of the Federations greatest performers and all he got was that quick tribute. I remember watching that and being so disapointed. Mr. P was a huge part of Federation history. All the top guys always say he was the best performer they ever worked with. He's Mr. Perfect. Benoit had nothing on him. But Benoit had an entire show dedicated to him.

I was in MSG when Bret Beat Perfect. I'll never get over it.
And benoit is a murderer. Perfect should have definately gotten a much better send off. I blame Vince for this because Vince is a suck. He was probably pissed because Perfect took a better deal (Much more $$$) to work for WCW back in the day.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 24, 2010, 03:30:16 PM
I was in MSG when Bret Beat Perfect. I'll never get over it.

Curt’s back was messed up, and he was in a lot of pain during that entire match.
Everybody (including Bret) always goes on about how Curt did Bret a favor by putting him over in that condition.

Don’t forget that Curt did VINCE a huge favor, too.
What’s good for the company is good for Vince.
Winning the belt from Hennig meant a hell of a lot more than winning it from someone like “The Mountie.”

That was a HUGE push for Bret, who would soon go on to be Vince’s number one guy for the next several years.
Bret carried a great deal of the company’s weight on his shoulders, and guys like Davey, Shawn, & Curt groomed him for that role – because without them, the full potential of Bret’s true talent may not have shone.

A “Bret vs. Virgil” program just wouldn't have solidified the Hitman’s ethos the same way.

Sorry, Virg…
You dick.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 27, 2010, 04:40:50 AM

Curt’s back was messed up, and he was in a lot of pain during that entire match.
Everybody (including Bret) always goes on about how Curt did Bret a favor by putting him over in that condition.

Don’t forget that Curt did VINCE a huge favor, too.
What’s good for the company is good for Vince.
Winning the belt from Hennig meant a hell of a lot more than winning it from someone like “The Mountie.”

That was a HUGE push for Bret, who would soon go on to be Vince’s number one guy for the next several years.
Bret carried a great deal of the company’s weight on his shoulders, and guys like Davey, Shawn, & Curt groomed him for that role – because without them, the full potential of Bret’s true talent may not have shone.

A “Bret vs. Virgil” program just wouldn't have solidified the Hitman’s ethos the same way.

Sorry, Virg…
You dick.

I vote for a Montogue the Machine vs Virgil last man standing match  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 27, 2010, 07:58:32 PM
I don't know your beef with Virgil but dig your point of view.

Virgil has got to be the most pompous, arrogant, and pretentious has-been ever, and he’s the least deserving to be that way.
I’ve met plenty of guys who were much, MUCH bigger than Virgil, but are 1,000x’s humbler than he.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 28, 2010, 04:47:35 AM
I don't know your beef with Virgil but dig your point of view. As far as VKM and Perfect? These guys had to have been friends at least a little bit. How long did they announce together for? I'm not exactly sure on this? But didn't Perfect work in any role he was put in? Wrestler, Announcer, and Executive Consultant? He was a headliner in every role. Heel or face. He's one of my all time favorites. But I honestly didn't watch him in WCW. I saw that rap is crap stuff and went into depression.

Thank God you didn't watch Henning in WCW. It was the most disatrous thing I have ever witnessed. They totally used him poorly. A guy with Henning's talents could have been utilized much, much better.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Hulkster on April 30, 2010, 05:06:47 AM
I was lucky enough to see one of Perfect's last matches in the WWE (then WWF) in the dark match 6 man tag at the beginning of the Hogan Rock WM at Skydome (aka Rogers Center) in Toronto.

Perfect got a great pop that night.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on April 30, 2010, 05:59:41 AM
When I’d originally heard that, I couldn’t believe they would put Curt Hennig in a dark match on any card – ESPECIALLY WRESTLEMANIA!

And I thought WCW misused him…
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on April 30, 2010, 07:34:46 AM
When I’d originally heard that, I couldn’t believe they would put Curt Hennig in a dark match on any card – ESPECIALLY WRESTLEMANIA!

And I thought WCW misused him…

Yup....silly isn't it? I honestly believe that these promoters, esecially Vince McMahon, that he has a serious ego problem and he's a suck if one of his "boys" goes to another organization or takes up another hobby outside of strick WWE wrestling. He litterally tries to bury the wrestler(s). But the problem is you CANNOT bury someone who is adored by millions and has a hardcore wrestling past and is respected by all in the business. Examples of this are Jim Ross, Flair, Hogan, Henning and Vader.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 03, 2010, 04:43:19 AM
Honestly I don't think the hatchet will ever be buried after Survivor Series. But HBK is retired. Bret is definitely the bigger man. He swollowed his pride and Stus in the HOF. Owen is next. Plus Uncle Bret is giving the Hart Dynasty the push of a lifetime. But Big Picture here is'nt the Hart Dynasty. It's the Hart Legacy. It was a great thing Bret coming back. Really great. I didn't get the DVD yet but I'll see it. The Brain and Mean Gene should get monuments built for them!

I thought they already put Owen in the HOF a few years ago?
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: leonp1981 on May 03, 2010, 07:26:35 PM
I always liked Benoit, some of his matches with Malenko were fantastic.  But as great as he was, he destroyed it all in one night, and I've never been able to understand why.  How could he kill his own son?  I'm a father and I can't imagine any situation/mindset that would make that seem right.  There's got to be something seriously screwed in your head to do that.

As fas as the PG rating goes, I think Benoit was the straw that broke the camels back.  It was probably something Vince would have done at some point anyway, the constant wrestler deaths don't help with this, but the Benoit thing just made it happen sooner.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 04, 2010, 04:31:55 AM
I always liked Benoit, some of his matches with Malenko were fantastic.  But as great as he was, he destroyed it all in one night, and I've never been able to understand why.  How could he kill his own son?  I'm a father and I can't imagine any situation/mindset that would make that seem right.  There's got to be something seriously screwed in your head to do that.

As fas as the PG rating goes, I think Benoit was the straw that broke the camels back.  It was probably something Vince would have done at some point anyway, the constant wrestler deaths don't help with this, but the Benoit thing just made it happen sooner.
I have a funny feeling that they'll lose that PG rating soon. They even teased it on Edge's promo on raw yesterday.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on May 04, 2010, 03:52:50 PM
No shit...

I didn't see any of the show - what happened?
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 05, 2010, 04:11:10 AM
No shit...

I didn't see any of the show - what happened?
It wasn't all that spectacular but backstage it showed Edge walking by with a production crew worker beside him and he was saying how they're gonna lose this PG crap and the vilence starts tonight. Edge finally transitioned back into a heel. Highlight of the night is when he tried to spear Orton on the cutting edge segment and orton countered it in mid air and turned it into an RKO. I never heard such a loud pop.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on May 05, 2010, 05:54:27 AM
That definitely sounds like a hint/teaser.

I don’t care much for the Edge character, but his ring work is very good, bordering on excellent.
He’s a hard worker.

If the shows improve, I’ll have to start making a greater effort to watch more of them!

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 05, 2010, 07:53:31 AM
That definitely sounds like a hint/teaser.

I don’t care much for the Edge character, but his ring work is very good, bordering on excellent.
He’s a hard worker.

If the shows improve, I’ll have to start making a greater effort to watch more of them!

You an me both. Right now, all I watch is Raw. I can't be bothered with Smackdown.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on May 26, 2010, 06:59:39 PM
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 27, 2010, 06:10:14 AM

I think its safe to say that the reck drugs have fried the Shieks brains.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on May 27, 2010, 08:49:49 AM
I think its safe to say that the reck drugs have fried the Shieks brains.

Either that, or he uses a maintenance dose 24/7.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Playboy on May 27, 2010, 11:36:19 AM

Either that, or he uses a maintenance dose 24/7.

You wanna have a laugh, google up the youtube video of The Iron Shiek at an autograph signing with Warrior.....need I say more? Lol..In a nutshell, Shiek took real offence to the fact that Warrior didn't want to be seen anywhere near him or have his booth near the Shiek's booth. Shiek damn near flipped his lid and threatened to kill the Warrior, bend him over, put him in the camel clutch and f**k him up the ass. It took about 3 security officers to walk Shiek off and calm him down. He freaked hard. For once Warrior was at a loss for words.
Title: Jericho speaks on Benoit
Post by: mass 04 on August 12, 2010, 12:59:26 PM
Chris Jericho is working in a new book that has a preliminary title of "Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Steps." The book will feature a forward by Mick Foley and is set for publication by Grand Central on February 16, 2011.

In the book, Jericho talks about his ups and downs on this path to greatness, how he joined the WWE, starting his rock band Fozzy and his relationship with Vince McMahon. He takes some time to talk about Chris Benoit, who was a close friend of Jericho's, and gives some insight into the man.

On Benoit's sense of humor: "Not a giggle, not a chuckle, not a tee-hee…never went ‘Ha.' But when somebody threw up or fell down the stairs, he would laugh out loud for hours on end."

On being Benoit's friend: "I considered Chris to be one of my closest companions, but it wasn't always easy to be his friend. You had to take the good with the bad when it came to his friendship."

On hearing that Benoit's family was dead: "My gut feeling was Chris had killed them"
Title: Re: Jericho speaks on Benoit
Post by: Playboy on August 13, 2010, 06:17:24 AM
Chris Jericho is working in a new book that has a preliminary title of "Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Steps." The book will feature a forward by Mick Foley and is set for publication by Grand Central on February 16, 2011.

In the book, Jericho talks about his ups and downs on this path to greatness, how he joined the WWE, starting his rock band Fozzy and his relationship with Vince McMahon. He takes some time to talk about Chris Benoit, who was a close friend of Jericho's, and gives some insight into the man.

On Benoit's sense of humor: "Not a giggle, not a chuckle, not a tee-hee…never went ‘Ha.' But when somebody threw up or fell down the stairs, he would laugh out loud for hours on end."

On being Benoit's friend: "I considered Chris to be one of my closest companions, but it wasn't always easy to be his friend. You had to take the good with the bad when it came to his friendship."

On hearing that Benoit's family was dead: "My gut feeling was Chris had killed them"
At the end of the day, no one really knows what Benoit was thinking.
Title: Re: Jericho speaks on Benoit
Post by: Montague on August 13, 2010, 03:14:46 PM
I’m interested to see Y2J articulate a more complete account of what Benoit was really like as opposed to the abundance of generic “He was a nice guy and good family man,” comments made after the tragedy. 
I suspect you could say that about a lot of people before they commit murders.

I predict that Jericho’s memoirs will prove interesting and honest, as he seems like that type.
Although it will be a while before I have time to read it, I thoroughly look forward to getting his book.

I wish that Lance Storm would write a book.
He's very well-spoken and you can tell from his web columns that he's got plenty of engaging stories to share.

Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Canuck on November 20, 2010, 06:24:16 PM
I know this is "dead" news but I just stumbled across this page.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: mass 04 on November 21, 2010, 02:21:24 PM
I know this is "dead" news but I just stumbled across this page. about trying too hard.
Title: Re: Jericho speaks on Benoit
Post by: Playboy on November 22, 2010, 04:55:46 AM
I’m interested to see Y2J articulate a more complete account of what Benoit was really like as opposed to the abundance of generic “He was a nice guy and good family man,” comments made after the tragedy. 
I suspect you could say that about a lot of people before they commit murders.

I predict that Jericho’s memoirs will prove interesting and honest, as he seems like that type.
Although it will be a while before I have time to read it, I thoroughly look forward to getting his book.

I wish that Lance Storm would write a book.
He's very well-spoken and you can tell from his web columns that he's got plenty of engaging stories to share.

I heard that Jericho's dvd is supposed to be really good.
Title: Re: Chris Benoit (open discussion):
Post by: Montague on December 28, 2010, 11:09:26 AM