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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 05:46:10 PM

Title: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 05:46:10 PM
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Hundreds of people gathered outside Arizona's Capitol building on Sunday in a largely peaceful protest against the state's tough new immigration law.
Chanting "Yes we can," waving American flags and holding signs reading "We have rights" and "We are human," demonstrators kept up a festive spirit as they denounced the bill signed Friday by Gov. Jan Brewer.
The new law requires police to determine whether a person is in the United States legally. It also requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally. Protesters worry that the law will foster racial profiling.
"What is 'reasonable suspicion?' " protester Jose Acosta asked Sunday. "Are we going to get pulled over just because of a broken taillight or because of the color of our skin? ... If so, is everybody going to be pulled over?" Kearny Police Chief Joe Martinez called critics' concerns unfounded, saying the Arizona law enforcement community includes a large number of Hispanics. "We've never had a policy of racial profiling," Martinez said Saturday night at a town hall meeting in Casa Grande. "In fact, quite the contrary, it's been outlawed." Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon appeared at the rally in support of the protest, calling the law unconstitutional and "just plain wrong.""America is a country that is compassionate and that welcomes everyone," he said. "This is not what this country and this state was founded upon."
Gordon vowed to take the fight through the state's judicial system. "We'll go to the state courts and we'll go to the federal courts and we'll go all the way to the Supreme Court," he told the cheering crowd. "I promise you." Gordon told CNN on Saturday that he will bring up an item calling for legal action against the law at Tuesday's City Council session.
Others were also vowing this weekend to legally challenge the law. The Rev. Al Sharpton, along with leaders from the National Action Network and the Hispanic Federation, announced Sunday that he will legally challenge the law. The law "is an affront to the civil rights of all Americans and an attempt to legalize racial profiling," Sharpton said in a statement after the bill's signing Friday. "As one who helped to make racial profiling a national issue and who has in the last year visited Arizona several times to rally against these draconian immigration policies, I am calling for a coalition of civil rights organizations to work with those in Arizona to resist and overturn this state law." The National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders, a group that represents 30,000 Latino churches worldwide, also said Saturday it plans to file a lawsuit against the bill. "In addition to this law being illegal, if this law goes into effect, we expect it to have a dramatic affect on the state with U.S. citizens, legal residents and others moving out of the state out of fear of being singled out," William Sanchez, an immigration attorney representing the coalition, said in a statement.

stay strong friends others are behind you

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 05:50:49 PM
70% of the arizona voters approve of it...

stay strong friends others are behind you
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 05:51:44 PM
Sounds like ice could have had a tatget rich environment.

Screw these freeloading bums.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 05:53:20 PM
Sounds like ice could have had a tatget rich environment.

Screw these freeloading bums.

there just trying to make money like you

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 05:54:22 PM
there just trying to make money like you

-El Chapo
i guess that makes breaking the law ok?
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 05:55:14 PM
i guess that makes breaking the law ok?

they wont be brekaing the law when president obama gives amnesty. i pray he helps others get there dreams

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 05:56:00 PM
You mean just trying to flaunt the law and scam the systekm UNLIKE me and most others ? 
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 05:57:58 PM
You mean just trying to flaunt the law and scam the systekm UNLIKE me and most others ? 

most are hard workers wanting a better life

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 06:04:25 PM
they wont be brekaing the law when president obama gives amnesty. i pray he helps others get there dreams

-El Chapo
LMAO what are you 4? well my dad can beat up your dad  :P

doesnt matter, they are breaking the law now and should be reprimanded for it...

Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:04:39 PM
People who rob banks also say the same thing.

Most of these people are free loading scammers dropping anchor bombs on the taxpayer and sending cash home to fund two lifestyles. 

I have zero sympathy for these crimnal invaders.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 06:05:19 PM
this bill will just make trouble. racism racism racism

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 06:06:35 PM
this bill will just make trouble. racism racism racism

-El Chapo
what do you propose el chapo?

this should be good...
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:09:00 PM
We need to bring back Ike's operation wetback asap.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 06:10:05 PM
what do you propose el chapo?

this should be good...

i like president obamas plan for amnesty

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 06:11:13 PM
i like president obamas plan for amnesty

-El Chapo
can you detail it for me?
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: chaos on April 25, 2010, 06:13:25 PM
i like president obamas plan for amnesty

-El Chapo
Did I read that you are in SoCal "El Wetbacko"?

Maybe you are one of the "street vendors" or "day laborers" I drive past daily?
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:15:08 PM
Good. When CW2 breaks out you know I will be on the other side. 

these invaders have destroyed every community they have infested and bankrupted every municipality and town where they squat. 

Having seen what they have done to mu area in and around lower hudson valley and NYC I am in favor of forcible removing every single one of these illegal scum bags back to wherever the hell they came from.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 06:15:34 PM
Did I read that you are in SoCal "El Wetbacko"?

Maybe you are one of the "street vendors" or "day laborers" I drive past daily?

im in so cal. i have a job i like and work as hard sa you

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:23:23 PM
Illegals should not be beneficiaries of a negligent federal govt refusing to enforce laws. 

Illegals need to be booted the hell out here not given amnesty and obamacare.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: chaos on April 25, 2010, 06:29:54 PM
Illegals should not be beneficiaries of a negligent federal govt refusing to enforce laws. 

Illegals need to be booted the hell out here not given amnesty and obamacare.

We need to get rid of all the "El Chapos" in Socal...........that would lighten the load for sure.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 06:32:17 PM

We need to get rid of all the "El Chapos" in Socal...........that would lighten the load for sure.

i came to america legally. i agree with president obama to help others who want to come go after there dream

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:39:47 PM
We alreay allow one million immigrants to come here legally per year. That is more than any other nation bar none.

There is no right whatsoever to break into the country and then demand free shit. 
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: chaos on April 25, 2010, 06:46:16 PM
i came to america legally.

-El Chapo
Bullshit, gimmick.

I know a handful of immigrants that have come here legally, from South American countries and every last one of them despises illegal immigrants!
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 06:49:26 PM
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 06:53:04 PM
Bullshit, gimmick.

I know a handful of immigrants that have come here legally, from South American countries and every last one of them despises illegal immigrants!

a handful is now all of us. im behind anyone looking to earn there way here. not like you do the jobs most of them do anyway

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: chaos on April 25, 2010, 07:04:04 PM
a handful is now all of us. im behind anyone looking to earn there way here. not like you do the jobs most of them do anyway

-El Chapo
I'd explain it to you in "retard", but I don't think you speak spanish, gimmick. ;)
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: El Chapo on April 25, 2010, 07:07:04 PM
I'd explain it to you in "retard", but I don't think you speak spanish, gimmick. ;)

a racist like you only know the handful of people you pay to cut your grass

-El Chapo
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 25, 2010, 07:08:41 PM
Gmafb. Illegals commit a ridiculous amount of crimes and take up space in jails ers and everywhere else.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: chaos on April 25, 2010, 07:12:29 PM
a racist like you only know the handful of people you pay to cut your grass

-El Chapo
I cut my own grass, I would never allow one of those fucks on my property knowingly.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: ToxicAvenger on April 25, 2010, 08:00:19 PM
someone needs to start going to these protests and rounding up some illegals for deportation...

i mean ya got thousands of em in one spot....
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: ToxicAvenger on April 25, 2010, 08:01:55 PM
there just trying to make money like you

-El Chapo

no there r NOT....

i make my $ legally...

they r illegal criminals...

if u cant even tell the difference between a criminal and a legal person then your ability to logic is skewed and its useless posting in this thread
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Stormspirit on April 25, 2010, 11:07:21 PM
i guess that makes breaking the law ok?
You really can't blame these people for hopping the border illegally to make a better life for themselves, it's our own faults for allowing it.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 25, 2010, 11:27:06 PM
You really can't blame these people for hopping the border illegally to make a better life for themselves, it's our own faults for allowing it.
LOL with that logic i guess you cant fault a person who steals a car or money from another person to make a better life.

Breaking the law is breaking the law
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Stormspirit on April 25, 2010, 11:50:16 PM
LOL with that logic i guess you cant fault a person who steals a car or money from another person to make a better life.

Breaking the law is breaking the law
There's a difference between coming here to work and having welfare given to you and someone stealing a car.  We're enabling this to happen, it's our fault. 
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: HDPhysiques on April 25, 2010, 11:52:08 PM
Zero tolerance.  Shoot on site.  That would solve the problem real quick.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 26, 2010, 12:03:29 AM
There's a difference between coming here to work and having welfare given to you and someone stealing a car.  We're enabling this to happen, it's our fault. 
oh dont get me wrong there is plenty of blame to go around but you the person who leaves the door open isnt the one breaking the law even though they are making it easier to do so...

we may very well deserve some of the blame but we are not the ones breaking the law and thats what your failing to understand.

whatever justification you have its still breaking the law and you can blame it on anyone you want but nobody held a gun to their head...they made the choice and should be held accountable.

by your logic a person who leaves the keys in the car is to blame for their car being stolen, which I can see but they still didnt break the law by leaving the keys in the car...the person who stole the car did though...

they are called ILLEGALS for a reason... ;)
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Stormspirit on April 26, 2010, 12:26:46 AM
oh dont get me wrong there is plenty of blame to go around but you the person who leaves the door open isnt the one breaking the law even though they are making it easier to do so...

we may very well deserve some of the blame but we are not the ones breaking the law and thats what your failing to understand.

whatever justification you have its still breaking the law and you can blame it on anyone you want but nobody held a gun to their head...they made the choice and should be held accountable.

by your logic a person who leaves the keys in the car is to blame for their car being stolen, which I can see but they still didnt break the law by leaving the keys in the car...the person who stole the car did though...

they are called ILLEGALS for a reason... ;)
To the victor go the spoils, we took this country by force, that wasn't moral or noble, it's not our land or anyone's by birthright.  I don't apologize or feel bad about it, it's our fault for allowing them to take it from us without a fight.  I for one am not going to care about being a legal or illegal in a country if my family is dirt poor and I can increase my living standard 10 fold by crossing a border 'illegally' and subsequently be welcomed with open arms by the government and 50% of the people.  My point is this isn't about morals or criminality, it's about fighting to keep whats our ancestors fought for or sitting back and letting it be taken away.  I understand your point but disagree, apples and oranges.

  I also dislike the argument that these Mexicans would or should be welcome with open arms if they came here legally, they should not be allowed here legally either. We need to be very selective about who we allow here even legally.  Our immigration policy was perfect prior to the destructive 1965 immigration reform which has pretty much irreversibly destroyed one of the greatest cohesive european societies in history.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: headhuntersix on April 26, 2010, 12:41:07 AM
Pack ur shit and get out of my country. If u want to come here, do it right.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Stormspirit on April 26, 2010, 12:45:56 AM
Pack ur shit and get out of my country. If u want to come here, do it right.
So, these poor, uneducated mexicans should be allowed to come here legally, pop out dozens of kids and cause pretty much the same exact problems they are as illegal citizens?  Them coming here legally would make it so much better than them coming here illegally?   Makes no sense to me.  As a developed country should our standards be so low as to let these people become legal citizens and repopulate this country with their offspring?
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: headhuntersix on April 26, 2010, 01:15:14 AM
Canada had an issue with Asian anchor babies and changed their law....we need to do the same. Obama would be smart to include that in the bill.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: ToxicAvenger on April 26, 2010, 01:35:48 AM
There's a difference between coming here to work and having welfare given to you and someone stealing a car.  We're enabling this to happen, it's our fault. 

ya one of them "its a girls fault for getting raped if she dresses skimpy" sorta people?
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: loco on April 26, 2010, 07:24:24 AM
Illegal immigrants are brought into the US by the bus loads by Smithfield Foods and Tyson Foods to work at meat packing plants.  The US government has a deal with these corporations to occasionally deport a few, but not too many as to not disrupt production.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 26, 2010, 08:37:01 AM
So, these poor, uneducated mexicans should be allowed to come here legally, pop out dozens of kids and cause pretty much the same exact problems they are as illegal citizens?  Them coming here legally would make it so much better than them coming here illegally?   Makes no sense to me.  As a developed country should our standards be so low as to let these people become legal citizens and repopulate this country with their offspring?
at least if they did it all legally we could regulate the amount that do get in, the type that do get it as of now we basically let any and everybody who wants to come in through...
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 26, 2010, 08:41:26 AM
Illegal immigrants are brought into the US by the bus loads by Smithfield Foods and Tyson Foods to work at meat packing plants.  The US government has a deal with these corporations to occasionally deport a few, but not too many as to not disrupt production.
there will always be companies that skirt the immigration laws in order to help cut costs, it isnt one industry its all industries.

I agree that stiffing the penalties and enforcing them needs to be done but it is only one part of a multiple part approach that needs to be taken.

The border needs to be secured, employers need to be targeted and illegals need to be deported.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: loco on April 26, 2010, 08:47:53 AM
there will always be companies that skirt the immigration laws in order to help cut costs, it isnt one industry its all industries.

I agree that stiffing the penalties and enforcing them needs to be done but it is only one part of a multiple part approach that needs to be taken.

The border needs to be secured, employers need to be targeted and illegals need to be deported.

If Americans didn't hire illegal immigrants, then illegal immigrants would not go into the US.  Then there would be no need to secure the border.  Look at the US/Canada border and compare it to the US/Mexico border.  If Americans stop hiring illegal immigrants, then the illegals would voluntarily leave.  No need for deportations if there is nobody to deport.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Soul Crusher on April 26, 2010, 08:55:48 AM
And we also need to stop affording them welfare drivers license and safe harbor in sanctuary cities. 
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: tonymctones on April 26, 2010, 09:07:56 AM
If Americans didn't hire illegal immigrants, then illegal immigrants would not go into the US.  Then there would be no need to secure the border.  Look at the US/Canada border and compare it to the US/Mexico border.  If Americans stop hiring illegal immigrants, then the illegals would voluntarily leave.  No need for deportations if there is nobody to deport.
not true...illegals create their own markets as well...

why leave when you can come get free health care? when you can come in have a baby and be allowed to stay?

why leave if your getting money illegally that wouldnt be effected by standard work laws?

there are plenty of reasons for illegals to come to the US even if work didnt exist here for them...

again only one part of a multiple part approach.
Title: Re: hundreds protest arizona immigration laws
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on April 26, 2010, 12:22:26 PM
most are hard workers wanting a better life

-El Chapo

That's to bad, our main priority as US citizens is to better the lives of our fellow citizens over those from foreign countries.