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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Benny B on July 07, 2010, 02:23:45 PM

Title: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 07, 2010, 02:23:45 PM
Palin will be the nominee in 2012! You heard it here first, and I'm excited!

If you are a repube and you want to be with a winner, vote PALIN in the 2012 GOP primary, baby!  ;)
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: BM OUT on July 07, 2010, 02:25:55 PM
Chris should worry more about how he is going to react in Nov. when his party takes a major league ass whipping.I guarantee he will say "This isnt a reflection of the countrys view of Obama" as his lips glisten with spittle.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 07, 2010, 02:28:17 PM
Chris should worry more about how he is going to react in Nov. when his party takes a major league ass whipping.I guarantee he will say "This isnt a reflection of the countrys view of Obama" as his lips glisten with spittle.
Instead of foaming at the mouth about Matthews, what do you think of Sarah Palin's chances in Iowa in 2012, "BILLY MINIMUM?"
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: 240 is Back on July 07, 2010, 02:57:19 PM
she probably will win it.

she'll get the 1/3 of voters who are rabid nuts.

The sensible GOp voters will split their vote among the other 5 candidates.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 07, 2010, 03:02:49 PM
While I prefer Christie (1), Thune (2), or Jindal (3), if it is Sarah, I will tirelessly campaign for her and do whatever I can to get Hussein out of office. 

He is a communist, a traitor, an enemy of the state, an enemy of the taxpayer, an enemy of traditional values of the founders, and an emeny to free enterprise in this nation.     
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Skeletor on July 07, 2010, 03:12:56 PM
If only Ron Paul was 5-10 years younger.. but then again he wouldn't appeal to the fundamentalists, the religious zealots or the GOP neocons.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 07, 2010, 03:15:41 PM
If only Ron Paul was 5-10 years younger.. but then again he wouldn't appeal to the fundamentalists, the religious zealots or the GOP neocons.

RP will be far too old and many people don't want hear his message both on the right and left.  The war party hates him and the welfare statists hate him. 
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: MCWAY on July 07, 2010, 03:18:14 PM
Chris should worry more about how he is going to react in Nov. when his party takes a major league ass whipping.I guarantee he will say "This isnt a reflection of the countrys view of Obama" as his lips glisten with spittle.

He looked as if someone shot his dog, after Brown beat Coakley in Massachusetts. Multiply that by 40 and that's what you'll get.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 07, 2010, 04:12:22 PM
if it is Sarah, I will tirelessly campaign for her and do whatever I can 

That's what I want to hear! BUMP for Sister Sarah.

Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Purge_WTF on July 07, 2010, 06:37:06 PM

  Snap out of it, gentlemen.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: 240 is Back on July 07, 2010, 08:08:37 PM
yeah, a LOT of repubs are pretty darn scared that palin will split the vote, win the nomination... then lose in the general election.

All she needs is 30% of the vote, and let the others split it up
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on July 07, 2010, 08:18:19 PM
RP will be far too old and many people don't want hear his message both on the right and left.  The war party hates him and the welfare statists hate him. 

What message would the left and right not want to hear?
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: 240 is Back on July 07, 2010, 08:25:21 PM
What message would the left and right not want to hear?

Stop spending.

no 2012 candidate (just like in 2008, save RP) will tell us exactly where he/she will make cuts.

The minute Obama says "I'm cutting these wasteful programs", you'll have 12,000 employees from that outdated field, sitting on FOX News 24/7 whining.  Mccain and obama both refused to tell us what they'd cut.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 08, 2010, 06:13:38 AM
What message would the left and right not want to hear?

The neocons want endless war and pentagon budget and the left wants endless welfare.   
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: BM OUT on July 08, 2010, 08:47:27 AM
Stop spending.

no 2012 candidate (just like in 2008, save RP) will tell us exactly where he/she will make cuts.

The minute Obama says "I'm cutting these wasteful programs", you'll have 12,000 employees from that outdated field, sitting on FOX News 24/7 whining.  Mccain and obama both refused to tell us what they'd cut.

Ha,ha,ha Obama will cut NOTHING!!!His solution will be MASSIVE tax increases.You obviously still have your head in the samd about this guy.He wont cut a fucking thing other then military spending.It will be taxes taxes taxes.

Palin isnt going to run!!!!!!!!!Why take a pay cut and the ability to speak without being called out on it as a commentator?She will not run.BUT if she did run,she would get beat in the primaries.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: 240 is Back on July 08, 2010, 09:04:27 AM
Palin isnt going to run!!!!!!!!!Why take a pay cut and the ability to speak without being called out on it as a commentator?She will not run.BUT if she did run,she would get beat in the primaries.

POWER > money.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: BM OUT on July 08, 2010, 09:37:19 AM
POWER > money.

She wont run and if she does she wont win in the primary.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: 240 is Back on July 08, 2010, 10:55:20 AM
She wont run and if she does she wont win in the primary.

pat buchannan, chris mathews, and a shitload of people from both sides of aisle think she'll win.
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 08, 2010, 11:02:42 AM
pat buchannan, chris mathews, and a shitload of people from both sides of aisle think she'll win.

If she were to win the primary and be the nominee, I will campaign for her 24/7 over obama. 

The SC alone is big enough issue to me that I can look past her flaws considering we have a 5-4 siaution and Kagan and Soto already have come out against the BOR. 

Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 17, 2010, 10:45:39 PM
BUMP for PALIN in 2012!

Once I get PEA BRAIN, "BILLY MINIMUM", Hershey Squirts, McMoron, Ziggy, Worthless POS, and a few others here on board, the board will coalesce around a PALIN/Bachmann ticket for 2012 and we will be on our way!!!
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: MCWAY on July 18, 2010, 05:15:59 AM
BUMP for PALIN in 2012!

Once I get PEA BRAIN, "BILLY MINIMUM", Hershey Squirts, McMoron, Ziggy, Worthless POS, and a few others here on board, the board will coalesce around a PALIN/Bachmann ticket for 2012 and we will be on our way!!!

You better concern yourself with midterms first. But, the mere fact that you started this thread emphasizes the point that you're scared silly, that Obama's going to get his head taken off in 2012. So, you're hoping the GOP picks Palin, thinking she's the only Republican that Obama has a chance of beating.

But, as that segment of the Michael Savage show (from which Purge got that clip) points out, the reason Savage isn't feeling Palin is "we already have a training-wheels president; we don't need another one".

Like 333386, I also state that, if she's the last one standing of the GOP, I'll go with Baby Girl every time (and twice on Sunday) over that fool Obama. And if unemployment remains at double-digits, with high taxes, and this debacle known as ObamaCare, the majority of Americans may share the same sentiment in 2012.

Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 18, 2010, 05:37:57 AM
BUMP for PALIN in 2012!

Once I get PEA BRAIN, "BILLY MINIMUM", Hershey Squirts, McMoron, Ziggy, Worthless POS, and a few others here on board, the board will coalesce around a PALIN/Bachmann ticket for 2012 and we will be on our way!!!

I know when the left is in panic over the failures of obama, they come out in full force like you are in your slavish devotion to dear leader.

and yes, if Palin is the one to make it through the primary, I willcampaign and volunteer for her for the reason of the SC alone. 
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 18, 2010, 09:47:20 PM
You better concern yourself with midterms first. But, the mere fact that you started this thread emphasizes the point that you're scared silly, that Obama's going to get his head taken off in 2012. So, you're hoping the GOP picks Palin, thinking she's the only Republican that Obama has a chance of beating.
Nice try McMoron, but as what no doubt often happened to you in FAIL.  ;D
One what basis do I need to be "concerned" about the midterms? Your party of dipshits are the ones promising to take back the House AND the Senate. Good luck with that, 'cause I gotta tell 'ya, you created a formidable goal for yourself. Anything less than complete control of both houses of Congress means complete and total FAILURE. Your "concern" needs to start with the NV race. Yeah, your crew thought you had it in the bag with Sue Lowden, didn't you, McMoron? But she opened her mouth and spoke her true feelings one time too many, and the voters dumped her ass for Sharon Angle. Now, Sharon is REALLY bat shit crazy, and therefore is trying to hide her true views and not say much of anything outside of FIXED News in order to slip in over Harry Reid.'s...not...working! Reid is up several points on Angle in the latest polling.

So, my friend McMoron, it is YOU that needs to be concerned about the midterms. But this thread was all about 2012. And, quite frankly, I am not afraid at all about Obama being beaten. If not PALIN, who should I be afraid of? Who is the awesome GOP juggernaut just waiting in the wings??? I would like to know!

But, as that segment of the Michael Savage show (from which Purge got that clip) points out, the reason Savage isn't feeling Palin is "we already have a training-wheels president; we don't need another one".
PALIN is the most electrifying candidate you potentially have in 2012. You better stop being a typical male chauvinist and get on board, buddy. No sense in wasting your vote only to see PALIN win the IA, SC, and MI primaries. Don't kid yourself, it COULD happen.

Like 333386, I also state that, if she's the last one standing of the GOP, I'll go with Baby Girl every time (and twice on Sunday) over that fool Obama. And if unemployment remains at double-digits, with high taxes, and this debacle known as ObamaCare, the majority of Americans may share the same sentiment in 2012.

Cool McMoron...that's all I ask! If she is on the ballot when the primaries get to your state, you give PALIN a fair shake. That's all. Hey, she just might go all the way. And if you truly believe in PALIN'S policies, why the hell can't she win? Is it because she is a woman? Maybe it's time the GOP put up a serious female candidate for POTUS. The Dems have done it several times now

Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Benny B on July 18, 2010, 09:48:53 PM
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 19, 2010, 04:34:14 AM
Nice try McMoron, but as what no doubt often happened to you in FAIL.  ;D
One what basis do I need to be "concerned" about the midterms? Your party of dipshits are the ones promising to take back the House AND the Senate. Good luck with that, 'cause I gotta tell 'ya, you created a formidable goal for yourself. Anything less than complete control of both houses of Congress means complete and total FAILURE. Your "concern" needs to start with the NV race. Yeah, your crew thought you had it in the bag with Sue Lowden, didn't you, McMoron? But she opened her mouth and spoke her true feelings one time too many, and the voters dumped her ass for Sharon Angle. Now, Sharon is REALLY bat shit crazy, and therefore is trying to hide her true views and not say much of anything outside of FIXED News in order to slip in over Harry Reid.'s...not...working! Reid is up several points on Angle in the latest polling.

So, my friend McMoron, it is YOU that needs to be concerned about the midterms. But this thread was all about 2012. And, quite frankly, I am not afraid at all about Obama being beaten. If not PALIN, who should I be afraid of? Who is the awesome GOP juggernaut just waiting in the wings??? I would like to know!
PALIN is the most electrifying candidate you potentially have in 2012. You better stop being a typical male chauvinist and get on board, buddy. No sense in wasting your vote only to see PALIN win the IA, SC, and MI primaries. Don't kid yourself, it COULD happen.

Cool McMoron...that's all I ask! If she is on the ballot when the primaries get to your state, you give PALIN a fair shake. That's all. Hey, she just might go all the way. And if you truly believe in PALIN'S policies, why the hell can't she win? Is it because she is a woman? Maybe it's time the GOP put up a serious female candidate for POTUS. The Dems have done it several times now

Benny = cry baby who knows that Obama is a failure. 
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Mons Venus on July 19, 2010, 05:48:52 AM
BUMP for PALIN in 2012!

Once I get PEA BRAIN, "BILLY MINIMUM", Hershey Squirts, McMoron, Ziggy, Worthless POS, and a few others here on board, the board will coalesce around a PALIN/Bachmann ticket for 2012 and we will be on our way!!!

Run Sarah Run!

Drill Baby Drill!

Spill Baby Spill!

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 19, 2010, 05:51:07 AM

Run Sarah Run!

Drill Baby Drill!

Spill Baby Spill!

;D ;D ;D

1.  Obama called for more drilling in the Gulf. 

2.  Obama has done literally nothing to contain the spill. 

3.  Whether Sarah runs or not, i will volunteer, campaign for, and do everything I can to oust this communist traitor you supported.   
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: Mons Venus on July 19, 2010, 05:54:16 AM
1.  Obama called for more drilling in the Gulf. 

2.  Obama has done literally nothing to contain the spill. 

3.  Whether Sarah runs or not, i will volunteer, campaign for, and do everything I can to oust this communist traitor you supported.   

Call the DUTCH !!!! hahaha  ::) ::) ::)

BTW- Benny Blanco is kicking your ass!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Case For Sarah Palin
Post by: MCWAY on July 19, 2010, 06:22:40 AM
Nice try McMoron, but as what no doubt often happened to you in FAIL.  ;D

My college degree and the full-ride scholarship I received to help me get it say otherwise (as do several other awards I received in high school and college). Now, as for the rest of your silliness.......

One what basis do I need to be "concerned" about the midterms? Your party of dipshits are the ones promising to take back the House AND the Senate. Good luck with that, 'cause I gotta tell 'ya, you created a formidable goal for yourself. Anything less than complete control of both houses of Congress means complete and total FAILURE. Your "concern" needs to start with the NV race. Yeah, your crew thought you had it in the bag with Sue Lowden, didn't you, McMoron? But she opened her mouth and spoke her true feelings one time too many, and the voters dumped her ass for Sharon Angle. Now, Sharon is REALLY bat shit crazy, and therefore is trying to hide her true views and not say much of anything outside of FIXED News in order to slip in over Harry Reid.'s...not...working! Reid is up several points on Angle in the latest polling.

Who promised to take back the House and the Senate, again? Plus, neither I nor "my crew" thought Lowden was in the bag about anything.

The mere fact that the Republicans have a legitimate shot at taking the House, when such was laughable less than 18 months ago, shows just how utterly pitiful Barack Obama and the Dems' policies have been (and currently are).

How did the conversation go from the Dems' having a stranglehold on Washington and if the GOP was even relevant party, to the Dems' facing a woodshed whipping in less than EIGHTEEN MONTHS?

So, my friend McMoron, it is YOU that needs to be concerned about the midterms. But this thread was all about 2012. And, quite frankly, I am not afraid at all about Obama being beaten. If not PALIN, who should I be afraid of? Who is the awesome GOP juggernaut just waiting in the wings??? I would like to know!

PALIN is the most electrifying candidate you potentially have in 2012. You better stop being a typical male chauvinist and get on board, buddy. No sense in wasting your vote only to see PALIN win the IA, SC, and MI primaries. Don't kid yourself, it COULD happen.

And you'd better stop smoking that sticky-icky (it's affecting your ability to read). One, in case you forgot, I actually like Sarah Palin. If she wins the primary, that's fine with me. There are candidates that have considerably more experience than she does. But, as we just saw, that doesn't neccesarily equate to victory.

Two, at the rate Obama's going, the GOP won't need a "juggernaut" to beat him in 2012. That's the point you can't get through your head.

Three, it STARTS with midterms. IF the Dems take a shellaquing there, Obama's head is that much closer to the chopping block.

Cool McMoron...that's all I ask! If she is on the ballot when the primaries get to your state, you give PALIN a fair shake. That's all. Hey, she just might go all the way. And if you truly believe in PALIN'S policies, why the hell can't she win? Is it because she is a woman? Maybe it's time the GOP put up a serious female candidate for POTUS. The Dems have done it several times now

All this sarcastic crap of yours simply points out what I (and others) already know. Obama is in SERIOUS TROUBLE. That's why you're hoping Palin (whom you perceive as the weakest and least formidable challenger to Obama, should she decide to run) actually gets the nod. If someone with more experience, who can command some of the energy that she does, ends up getting the nod, Obama is as good as GONE, especially if unemployment keeps climbing and Obama keeps passing these stupid policies.