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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Dos Equis on July 13, 2010, 03:37:49 PM

Title: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Dos Equis on July 13, 2010, 03:37:49 PM
I agree with the majority. 

Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Tuesday, 13 Jul 2010     

WASHINGTON – Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack faith in President Barack Obama, and growing numbers are more likely to hand Congress back to the Republicans in the November elections, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday.

The results of the Washington Post/ABC News poll are a reversal of what voters said at the start of Obama's presidency 18 months ago, when about 60 percent expressed confidence in his decision making.

Voters in the poll seem more eager than ever to hand control of Capitol Hill back to the Republicans, according to the Post's story on the July 7-11 poll of 1,288 people.

"Those most likely to vote in the midterms prefer the GOP over continued Democratic rule by a sizable margin" of 56 percent to 41 percent, the paper reports.

Confidence in Obama is at a new low, but the poll found that his numbers are still higher than lawmakers of either major party four months ahead of the November congressional elections.

Asked how much confidence they have in Obama to make the right decisions for the country's future, 58 percent of respondents said "just some" or "none."

Sixty-eight percent expressed the same sentiments about Democrats in Congress, and 72 percent said the same of Republicans.

Problems in the housing industry, sluggish job growth and other economic issues may have taken a toll on Obama's approval rating, The Post said.

Just 43 percent of all Americans, including a third of Democrats, now say they approve of the job Obama is doing on the economy, while 54 percent disapprove.

The survey, which has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, also found wide anti-incumbent sentiment with 62 percent of voters saying they were not inclined to support those who hold seats now.
All 435 seats in the House are up for grabs in the Nov. 2 election, as well as 36 of the 100 Senate seats.

Democrats control both houses of Congress, but a slight majority of those polled said they would prefer to have Republicans in control to serve as a check on Obama's policies.

Asked about the poll this morning at a breakfast The Christian Science Monitor hosted for reporters, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., told Talking Points Memo that though the numbers look bad, there's still time for the Democrats to turn things around.

"Tides change in politics with great speed," he said. "Things change a great deal in a matter of weeks or months."
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Mons Venus on July 13, 2010, 03:41:46 PM
Bring George W Bush back.  ::)
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Dos Equis on July 13, 2010, 03:42:41 PM
Tell me about it.  I actually miss Dubya.   :-\
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 13, 2010, 03:45:20 PM
Bring George W Bush back.  ::)

The problem is having Obama/Reid/Pelosi
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Mons Venus on July 13, 2010, 03:48:01 PM
Tell me about it.  I actually miss Dubya.   :-\

14 Billion / month to fund Dubya's fictitious Wars.

Hows that working for ya?  ;)
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Fury on July 13, 2010, 03:49:23 PM
14 Billion / month to fund Dubya's fictitious Wars.

Hows that working for ya?  ;)

Ask Obama, as he has done nothing to wind down "Bush's Wars".

They're his wars now.  :)
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Mons Venus on July 13, 2010, 03:54:35 PM
14 Billion / month to fund Dubya's fictitious Wars.

Hows that working for ya?  ;)

Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Dos Equis on July 13, 2010, 03:56:31 PM
This is about Obama anyway.  His star has fallen like a rock.   
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: George Whorewell on July 13, 2010, 06:50:19 PM
I think that America is ready to hand over the country to some adults. The party is over. They gave the car keys to Junior who had no driving experience and no drivers license but excellent communication skills. He made a great case to mom and dad as to why he should get the car keys. He explained that things like drivers licenses and driving experience are irrelevant to driving a car. Mom and Dad couldn't believe how handsome and well spoken their son had turned out so they lent him the car. "Just make sure you don't drive too fast!", mom called out as Junior sprinted toward the car wearing Dad's Rolex watch. Mom and Pop also lent Junior and his friends their credit cards and check books. Junior explained that the credit cards and check books were only for necessary expenses in case of an emergency and that he intended to pay back every penny with interest. Now that the car has been totalled, Mom and Dad are being sued by their insurance company and several injured people for giving their underage, unlicensed son the car. Mom and Dad's home is also in foreclosure because Junior and his friends racked up more debt than Mom and Dad had in their bank accounts. Junior and his friends spent Mom and Dad's money on necessities such as air conditioned dog houses and free tatoos for inner city teenagers. Also, to pay for the medical bills of the people injured during Juniors joyride, Mom and Dad had to declare bankruptcy. Now Junior is trying to convince them that the only way to avoid further pain and suffering inflicted by Junior is to give Junior more money. If Mom and Dad can't generate more money, Junior intends to give them temporary jobs working for the census-- That way Mom and Dad can start doing their part for those who are truly in need.
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Dos Equis on July 13, 2010, 06:56:09 PM
I think that America is ready to hand over the country to some adults. The party is over. They gave the car keys to Junior who had no driving experience and no drivers license but excellent communication skills. He made a great case to mom and dad as to why he should get the car keys. He explained that things like drivers licenses and driving experience are irrelevant to driving a car. Mom and Dad couldn't believe how handsome and well spoken their son had turned out so they lent him the car. "Just make sure you don't drive too fast!", mom called out as Junior sprinted toward the car wearing Dad's Rolex watch. Mom and Pop also lent Junior and his friends their credit cards and check books. Junior explained that the credit cards and check books were only for necessary expenses in case of an emergency and that he intended to pay back every penny with interest. Now that the car has been totalled, Mom and Dad are being sued by their insurance company and several injured people for giving their underage, unlicensed son the car. Mom and Dad's home is also in foreclosure because Junior and his friends racked up more debt than Mom and Dad had in their bank accounts. Junior and his friends spent Mom and Dad's money on necessities such as air conditioned dog houses and free tatoos for inner city teenagers. Also, to pay for the medical bills of the people injured during Juniors joyride, Mom and Dad had to declare bankruptcy. Now Junior is trying to convince them that the only way to avoid further pain and suffering inflicted by Junior is to give Junior more money. If Mom and Dad can't generate more money, Junior intends to give them temporary jobs working for the census-- That way Mom and Dad can start doing their part for those who are truly in need.

lol.  Outstanding.   :)  You forgot the part about Junior repeatedly blaming Mom and Dad for creating the mess in the first place by enabling Junior. 
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 13, 2010, 07:00:33 PM
I think that America is ready to hand over the country to some adults. The party is over. They gave the car keys to Junior who had no driving experience and no drivers license but excellent communication skills. He made a great case to mom and dad as to why he should get the car keys. He explained that things like drivers licenses and driving experience are irrelevant to driving a car. Mom and Dad couldn't believe how handsome and well spoken their son had turned out so they lent him the car. "Just make sure you don't drive too fast!", mom called out as Junior sprinted toward the car wearing Dad's Rolex watch. Mom and Pop also lent Junior and his friends their credit cards and check books. Junior explained that the credit cards and check books were only for necessary expenses in case of an emergency and that he intended to pay back every penny with interest. Now that the car has been totalled, Mom and Dad are being sued by their insurance company and several injured people for giving their underage, unlicensed son the car. Mom and Dad's home is also in foreclosure because Junior and his friends racked up more debt than Mom and Dad had in their bank accounts. Junior and his friends spent Mom and Dad's money on necessities such as air conditioned dog houses and free tatoos for inner city teenagers. Also, to pay for the medical bills of the people injured during Juniors joyride, Mom and Dad had to declare bankruptcy. Now Junior is trying to convince them that the only way to avoid further pain and suffering inflicted by Junior is to give Junior more money. If Mom and Dad can't generate more money, Junior intends to give them temporary jobs working for the census-- That way Mom and Dad can start doing their part for those who are truly in need.

Amazing post. 
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Straw Man on July 13, 2010, 08:44:20 PM
Interesting Headline and definitely a different spin than the headline at the Washington Post about the Washington Post - ABC Poll
Republicans, Democrats deadlocked in ballot test: Post-ABC poll

I wonder why NewsMax never has any links to the actual poll when they do stories like this?

I guess they don't want to take the risk of having their readers look at the actual source data and make their own decisions (or realize how they are spun on NewsMax).

here's a link to the actual raw data:

Here's an interesting Question from the poll:

3. How much confidence do you have in [ITEM] to make the right decisions for the country's future - a great deal of confidence, a good amount, just some or none at all?
7/11/10 - Summary Table

                    -Grt deal/Good amt-   ---- Some/None ----  
                           Great   Good         Just    None      No
                     NET   deal    amt    NET   some   at all   opinion
a. Obama             43     24      19    57     28      29        *
b. The Republicans    
   in Congress       26
     8      18    73     43      29        1
c. The Democrats
   in Congress       32
    12      20    67     35      32        1

I wonder why NewsMax didn't run with this headline

When it comes to making right decisions for the country's future poll respondents showed the most confidence in Obama and the least amount of confidence for Congressional Republicans
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: 240 is Back on July 13, 2010, 08:47:38 PM
it's because repubs haven't delivered any solutions.

Their only stance is "we hate obama and everything he does".

They don't deliver solutions... when pressed for answers, their top voices look like deer in headlights.  Palin endorsing Amnesty, and solving BP with "ask other countries" when Obama had already done that.

Obama won NOT ONLY because he was anti-bush, but because he had a pile of new ideas and solutions (some good, some bad).

Repubs can't win ONLY because they're anti-obama.  They need some good ideas of their own.  i haven't heard them yet...
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: tonymctones on July 13, 2010, 08:55:35 PM
it's because repubs haven't delivered any solutions.

Their only stance is "we hate obama and everything he does".

They don't deliver solutions... when pressed for answers, their top voices look like deer in headlights.  Palin endorsing Amnesty, and solving BP with "ask other countries" when Obama had already done that.

Obama won NOT ONLY because he was anti-bush, but because he had a pile of new ideas and solutions (some good, some bad).

Repubs can't win ONLY because they're anti-obama.  They need some good ideas of their own.  i haven't heard them yet...
I agree, I dont really know what good ideas obama has had thus far but whatever...

there is a priniciple in medicine 240 and it is "first do no harm" there are times especially now when stability is needed that you shouldnt rock the boat...obama is doing everything short of creating a hurricane...

acting simply to act is a horrible idea...if youre stuck in the middle of a mine field you dont step simply for the sake of make calculated moves...obama is not making calculated moves, at least not calculated to get the economy back on track...calculated to get his agenda passed maybe...
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Straw Man on July 13, 2010, 09:17:34 PM
it's because repubs haven't delivered any solutions.

Their only stance is "we hate obama and everything he does".

They don't deliver solutions... when pressed for answers, their top voices look like deer in headlights.  Palin endorsing Amnesty, and solving BP with "ask other countries" when Obama had already done that.

Obama won NOT ONLY because he was anti-bush, but because he had a pile of new ideas and solutions (some good, some bad).

Repubs can't win ONLY because they're anti-obama.  They need some good ideas of their own.  i haven't heard them yet...

I think to a certain extent it's also because people can still see and feel the results of the  prior 2 terms of Republican solutions
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: 240 is Back on July 14, 2010, 12:48:10 AM
I agree, I dont really know what good ideas obama has had thus far but whatever...

If youre hooked on painkillers, hate work, don't have valid citizenship, dropped outta school, and/or enjoy the state taking care of you...

Obama has a LOT of ideas for the USA that you enjoy, right?

(And at least 50% of the population falls into one of those categories!)
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 05:23:09 AM
I think to a certain extent it's also because people can still see and feel the results of the  prior 2 terms of Republican solutions

 ::)  ::)  More excuses for the Messiah. 

Pelosi/Reid have held the power of the purse since 2006.  Do they not share any blame?  Of course not to you.  And at what point will you hold the Messiah accountable for anything?   

Obama is increasingly seen as an incompetent joke and failure because of his present policies which make things drastically worse.  There is not one policy you can point to that is going to help the average guy who works for a living, or small business person trying to survive. 

This is an admn that represents the Goldman Sachs' , BPs' , Soros, Buffett, welfare bums, illegals, ACORN, and govt unions. 

As time goes on more and more regular normal working class and middle class people are awakening to the disaster that is heading the nation. 
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: MCWAY on July 14, 2010, 05:45:00 AM
it's because repubs haven't delivered any solutions.

Their only stance is "we hate obama and everything he does".

They don't deliver solutions... when pressed for answers, their top voices look like deer in headlights.  Palin endorsing Amnesty, and solving BP with "ask other countries" when Obama had already done that.

Obama won NOT ONLY because he was anti-bush, but because he had a pile of new ideas and solutions (some good, some bad).

Repubs can't win ONLY because they're anti-obama.  They need some good ideas of their own.  i haven't heard them yet...

Being anti-Bush with no "good ideas" was enough to get the Dems elected in 2006. So, your narrative is a bit off.

Plus, DUMB ideas (as are those presented by Team Obama) don't win you brownie points with the American people. They would much rather you do nothing than to do something stupid that makes things EVEN WORSE.

Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Straw Man on July 14, 2010, 06:00:44 AM
::)  ::)  More excuses for the Messiah.  

how can it be an "excuse" when Obama is polling better then both Congressional Dems and Repubs.

How much confidence do you have in [ITEM] to make the right decisions for the country's future - a great deal of confidence, a good amount, just some or none at all?
7/11/10 - Summary Table

                    -Grt deal/Good amt-   ---- Some/None ----  
                           Great   Good         Just    None      No
                     NET   deal    amt    NET   some   at all   opinion
a. Obama             43     24      19    57     28      29        *
b. The Republicans    
   in Congress       26
     8      18    73     43      29        1
c. The Democrats
   in Congress       32
    12      20    67     35      32        1

This is an admn that represents the Goldman Sachs' , BPs' , Soros, Buffett, welfare bums, illegals, ACORN, and govt unions.

you're a broken record man.  What does ACorn (cleared of all allegations) or Sorors or Buffet, etc... have to do with him polling best when it comes to teh question of who is more trusted to make the right decisions about the countires future?
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 06:14:28 AM
how can it be an "excuse" when Obama is polling better then both Congressional Dems and Repubs.

How much confidence do you have in [ITEM] to make the right decisions for the country's future - a great deal of confidence, a good amount, just some or none at all?
7/11/10 - Summary Table

                    -Grt deal/Good amt-   ---- Some/None ----  
                           Great   Good         Just    None      No
                     NET   deal    amt    NET   some   at all   opinion
a. Obama             43     24      19    57     28      29        *
b. The Republicans    
   in Congress       26
     8      18    73     43      29        1
c. The Democrats
   in Congress       32
    12      20    67     35      32        1

you're a broken record man.  What does ACorn (cleared of all allegations) or Sorors or Buffet, etc... have to do with him polling best when it comes to teh question of who is more trusted to make the right decisions about the countires future?

1.  The president always polls better than generic congress.  Obama has a built in core constituency of about 43-47% regardless of what happens.  100% of blacks support him which is 13%.  65% of hispanics which is about another 7-8%, about 25% of guilt ridden liberal whites like yourself, government employees, welfare bums, etc., which totals all about 46% of the population. 

2.  as for being a broken record?  Ha ha - even the business roundtable that supported obama is saying the same things I said well over a year ago.  Are they a broken record?  Is the Chamber of Commerce a broken record?  How about previous supporters like Immelt, Zuckerman, Verizon, etc?     
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 06:33:45 AM
Devastating new polls for Obama:

The details are at the link and I cant paste it. 
________________________ ________________________

HomeOpinionCBS News Polls.July 13, 2010
CBS News Poll: 7/13/10
Complete Data and Questions on the CBS News Poll on Obama, The Economy, Health Care and Other Issues
Font size PrintE-mailShare47 Comments .(CBS)  Stories about the latest CBS News poll:

Poll: Americans Say Bad Economy Will Linger
Poll: Support For Health Care Reform Drops
Poll: Most Want Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline
Poll: Support for Arizona Immigration Law Hits 57 Percent
Obama's Approval Rating on Economy Drops

Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Dos Equis on July 14, 2010, 01:53:18 PM

there is a priniciple in medicine 240 and it is "first do no harm" there are times especially now when stability is needed that you shouldnt rock the boat...obama is doing everything short of creating a hurricane...

I like that.  The Hippocratic Oath.  The president should have that quote blown up and put on his wall; carry it around on a card in his wallet; have it repeated to him often.  
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Danny on July 14, 2010, 04:53:27 PM
I think that America is ready to hand over the country to some adults. The party is over. They gave the car keys to Junior who had no driving experience and no drivers license but excellent communication skills. He made a great case to mom and dad as to why he should get the car keys. He explained that things like drivers licenses and driving experience are irrelevant to driving a car. Mom and Dad couldn't believe how handsome and well spoken their son had turned out so they lent him the car. "Just make sure you don't drive too fast!", mom called out as Junior sprinted toward the car wearing Dad's Rolex watch. Mom and Pop also lent Junior and his friends their credit cards and check books. Junior explained that the credit cards and check books were only for necessary expenses in case of an emergency and that he intended to pay back every penny with interest. Now that the car has been totalled, Mom and Dad are being sued by their insurance company and several injured people for giving their underage, unlicensed son the car. Mom and Dad's home is also in foreclosure because Junior and his friends racked up more debt than Mom and Dad had in their bank accounts. Junior and his friends spent Mom and Dad's money on necessities such as air conditioned dog houses and free tatoos for inner city teenagers. Also, to pay for the medical bills of the people injured during Juniors joyride, Mom and Dad had to declare bankruptcy. Now Junior is trying to convince them that the only way to avoid further pain and suffering inflicted by Junior is to give Junior more money. If Mom and Dad can't generate more money, Junior intends to give them temporary jobs working for the census-- That way Mom and Dad can start doing their part for those who are truly in need.

U mean the same "adults" that got us into a completely unnecessary war ( Iraq) and completely wrecked our economy in 2008, almost collapsing the whole fukin global economy....among other things?
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Fury on July 14, 2010, 05:23:57 PM
I think that America is ready to hand over the country to some adults. The party is over. They gave the car keys to Junior who had no driving experience and no drivers license but excellent communication skills. He made a great case to mom and dad as to why he should get the car keys. He explained that things like drivers licenses and driving experience are irrelevant to driving a car. Mom and Dad couldn't believe how handsome and well spoken their son had turned out so they lent him the car. "Just make sure you don't drive too fast!", mom called out as Junior sprinted toward the car wearing Dad's Rolex watch. Mom and Pop also lent Junior and his friends their credit cards and check books. Junior explained that the credit cards and check books were only for necessary expenses in case of an emergency and that he intended to pay back every penny with interest. Now that the car has been totalled, Mom and Dad are being sued by their insurance company and several injured people for giving their underage, unlicensed son the car. Mom and Dad's home is also in foreclosure because Junior and his friends racked up more debt than Mom and Dad had in their bank accounts. Junior and his friends spent Mom and Dad's money on necessities such as air conditioned dog houses and free tatoos for inner city teenagers. Also, to pay for the medical bills of the people injured during Juniors joyride, Mom and Dad had to declare bankruptcy. Now Junior is trying to convince them that the only way to avoid further pain and suffering inflicted by Junior is to give Junior more money. If Mom and Dad can't generate more money, Junior intends to give them temporary jobs working for the census-- That way Mom and Dad can start doing their part for those who are truly in need.

;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: pro nitrousADRL on July 14, 2010, 05:24:44 PM
the economy was wrecked at the end of 06  when the dems took the house and senate
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 07:31:06 PM
the economy was wrecked at the end of 06  when the dems took the house and senate

The market tanked when it was obvious Obama was going to win.  Look it up. 
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Danny on July 14, 2010, 07:44:54 PM
The market tanked when it was obvious Obama was going to win.  Look it up. 

So you're saying it didn't have anything to do with the housing collapse that started in late 2006?? I'm trying ot understand here what you're saying as clear as I can, basically you're blaming Obama for the collapse??
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 07:52:12 PM
So you're saying it didn't have anything to do with the housing collapse that started in late 2006?? I'm trying ot understand here what you're saying as clear as I can, basically you're blaming Obama for the collapse??

No, I'm not blaming him.  I'm just saying that if you look at when everything went to pot, it was shortly after pelosi and reid took over and refused to reign in Fannie Freddy as McCain and Bush both had requested in 2005.

Obama's victory just topped off the cake and sent businesses to the mattresses.  Danny, I speak with dozens of business people every day, and almost to a tee, everyone is one strike until Obama is gone or at least is checked by a GOP congress.  His agenda is a catastrophe to commerce, business, investment, growth etc.   
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: pro nitrousADRL on July 14, 2010, 08:44:15 PM
So you're saying it didn't have anything to do with the housing collapse that started in late 2006?? I'm trying ot understand here what you're saying as clear as I can, basically you're blaming Obama for the collapse??

exactly,    when the dems took the house and senate and gave freddie and fannie  a blank check but held them accountable for nothing,,   
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Danny on July 14, 2010, 08:46:02 PM
exactly,    when the dems took the house and senate and gave freddie and fannie  a blank check but held them accountable for nothing,,   

so you are blaming Obama? let's not mix the the congress in this thread for now. Simple answer yes or no?
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 14, 2010, 08:48:45 PM
so you are blaming Obama? let's not mix the the congress in this thread for now. Simple answer yes or no?

Danny, its not obama alone, its the combo of Obama plus reid and pelosi.  Those three are like throwing kerosene and lighter fluid on a fire. 

If you look back to November 2008, I said plainly Obama would be a complete disaster if he runnber stamped everything from pelosi and thats exactly what he did. 

Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: Danny on July 14, 2010, 08:50:06 PM
Danny, its not obama alone, its the combo of Obama plus reid and pelosi.  Those three are like throwing kerosene and lighter fluid on a fire. 

If you look back to November 2008, I said plainly Obama would be a complete disaster if he runnber stamped everything from pelosi and thats exactly what he did. 


 I got your point, I wanna know how pro nitrous feels about this and who he blames for the current situation.
Title: Re: Poll: Nearly 60% Lack Faith in Obama; More Want Congress in Republican Hands
Post by: pro nitrousADRL on July 15, 2010, 08:47:14 PM
I got your point, I wanna know how pro nitrous feels about this and who he blames for the current situation.

When pelosi landed her spot is when I think things started sliding down hill fast,end of 06,  and she was placing the building blocks in place for when bam bam got elected,  this way he could ram the bills through that he is passing.

I also think there are other people that played a role, republicans too, or people that dont think the constitution means anything.  But I think that pelosi, reid, and obama take a majority of the blame . I am not a fan of G.B. but everyone agrees that the economy started tanking at the end of 06, but they forget about the election at the end of 06 and the outcome of that election.

I am not a republican, I bash bam bams policies and bills and all cause he is the pres right now,  granted I dislike him more than I disliked bush, I said my fair share of negative stuff about bush while he was in office too, I STILL dislike obama more. I agree with many liberal view points and conservative view points. But I think obama is alot farther left than the traditional democratic ideals.            However  unless the republicans make some changes and make some different proposals I will not be voting republican either. So just because I have alot to say about obama and his massive train wreck dont place me in the far right group. I said plenty about Bush. But he wasn't the train wreck that bam bam is.