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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 06:46:07 AM

Title: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 06:46:07 AM
This is comment about Men not saying that they are frugal, its a article posted today on yahoo...

This dude's comment, just broke it down. Warning, It's fairly long, and no it's not my comment, either, Do You agree, especially in bold:

"If Kurupt gave a f*** about a B***h, I'd always be broke/I'd never have no motherf***in' indo to smoke"

I don't use drugs, but, I like his line of thinking.

Women are a drain on my emotional and financial resources and most of them are even more selfish than men. Let's be honest: Sex is the number one reason men want women. The marriage of men and women is a tradition that is primarily born of the need/desire to lock down each other's genitals for mutual exclusivity. The idea of a man and woman enjoying each other's company is something that usually happens only after they find each other sexually agreeable. The concept of "love", as Huxley expounded upon in "Brave New World" is really kind of outmoded and fallacious. It is basically a lie that we tell ourselves and is a manifestation of personal insecurity.
So, when I came to realize that I really only wanted women for sex, the whole concept of wanting some sort of relationship with them became silly to me. Here is an experiment that I would like men to try: Think of a girl/woman you are fixated on at the moment. NOW: Masturbate. When you're done, you'll most likely notice that you won't think of a woman at all for 2-14 hours or so. This told me that I was indeed not interested in an actual relationship with a woman at all, but rather merely enjoying her body. The concept of making her my girlfriend or wife was really just my desire to have her vagina in my life more regularly. In fact, after I masturbate, a woman is absolutely the furthest thing from my mind.

When I examine the horrible things I have to resign myself to do during courtship, it makes me actually hate sex. All of the capitulating and compromising...listening to her yammer incessantly about nonsense, the things expected of's sickening. Somewhere along the line, the human vagina has been deified and the man has been emasculated. How is it that society has allowed the woman's genitals to somehow be recognized as more valuable in the sexual equation?

Sex is overrated, and, once you grasp this concept and are able to control yourself, you'll find that you'll be able to more easily achieve your life goals and have a sense of inner peace. You have to masturbate intermittently, but, as you become less obsessed with sex, you will find that over time, you'll need to do so less and less, generally.

There is also a great deal of societal pressure for you to have a wife or a girlfriend. If you go for an extended period of time without one or the other, people start questioning your sexuality, which, for a heterosexual, masculine identifying man, can be somewhat embarrassing. Madison Avenue and popular media usually glorify/portray people paired up, even if that coupling is homosexual: You're made to feel like you "need someone" and if you go at it alone, you're less than a man and a social outcast. So, after you tackle the difficult task of mastering your own sex drive, you need to be able to at least partially dispel/deflect the feelings you may associate with other people's skewed perceptions of you.

Aside from my philosophical objections to the mating rituals of our society, I'd like to also commend other posters for their very astute (and true) statistical observations: The divorce rate is generally 52% and that number goes up exponentially for people with lower income and less education. Marriage is a crap shoot, and, since I work very hard for the little bit of money I make, I refuse to gamble so foolishly
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Agnostic007 on August 24, 2010, 07:05:32 AM
To each his own. I personally have tried both.. single, dating several women in a shallow relationship that revolved around sex, and being in a committed relationship. For me, I am much happier in the committed relationship. I know other guys who prefer the other so my conclusion is not everyone is cut out for marriage or a long term relationship, some are not cut out for being single... and others who may be cut out for long term relationships, just keep meeting the wrong women.....
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 07:07:27 AM
To each his own. I personally have tried both.. single, dating several women in a shallow relationship that revolved around sex, and being in a committed relationship. For me, I am much happier in the committed relationship. I know other guys who prefer the other so my conclusion is not everyone is cut out for marriage or a long term relationship, some are not cut out for being single... and others who may be cut out for long term relationships, just keep meeting the wrong women.....
What brought about the attraction, first---mutual sexual attraction?
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Agnostic007 on August 24, 2010, 07:12:52 AM
Oh, if we are talking about the attractions between male and female, certainly physical attraction is an important part, likely overwhelmingly the initial reason.. however I gathered from reading his post that he was saying all women are good for is sex and everything else is a drain on him.. Stepping out of my get big persona for a second, I was just saying how I don't find that to be true in my case and likely not all cases, and maybe...maybe it's just him   
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 07:26:07 AM
Oh, if we are talking about the attractions between male and female, certainly physical attraction is an important part, likely overwhelmingly the initial reason.. however I gathered from reading his post that he was saying all women are good for is sex and everything else is a drain on him.. Stepping out of my get big persona for a second, I was just saying how I don't find that to be true in my case and likely not all cases, and maybe...maybe it's just him   
I got ya, but he was talking about the article, basically I man shouldn't say that he is "frugal", basically it means to women, that he won't spend money on her...and all this damn research that goes with it. Bascially, its a catch 22, if you spend a lot of money, either women look at you like you can provide for them, yet the man will only be seen for what he has. If a man is frugal, she sees him as cheap, or a man who is smart about his money...

i used to be a big spender, but now I've wisened up...a man who spends a lot cash for ass, tends to be a broke ass iin the end...
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: SUPREME BEING on August 24, 2010, 08:37:03 AM
I think this is a load of BS. My opinion on the matter is simple: the guys who let women treat them badly, spend money on them regardless of ones financial situation and basically put up with a rude selfish materialistic woman is a beta male. Any guy who lets a women emasculate them to this degree are most likely beta males who generally don't have the confidence, charisma and desirability to turn this around.

I have found in my own experience women can be easily manipulated as long as you are smart, you can either treat your woman like a princess or you let them know what you expect of them. I actually enjoy spending time with my girl because we share many similar interests. And no it was not just sexual attraction, it was a whole host of things that made me attracted to her such as: non-materialistic, educated, driven, confident and most importantly good values and morals in life so i know she will be  reliable girl who will not give me so many problems.

I really feel sorry for some of my friends who allow their girl to control them and use their pussy as a bargaining chip.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: bigkid on August 24, 2010, 08:43:47 AM
I think this is a load of BS. My opinion on the matter is simple: the guys who let women treat them badly, spend money on them regardless of ones financial situation and basically put up with a rude selfish materialistic woman is a beta male. Any guy who lets a women emasculate them to this degree are most likely beta males who generally don't have the confidence, charisma and desirability to turn this around.

I have found in my own experience women can be easily manipulated as long as you are smart, you can either treat your woman like a princess or you let them know what you expect of them. I actually enjoy spending time with my girl because we share many similar interests. And no it was not just sexual attraction, it was a whole host of things that made me attracted to her such as: non-materialistic, educated, driven, confident and most importantly good values and morals in life so i know she will be  reliable girl who will not give me so many problems.

I really feel sorry for some of my friends who allow their girl to control them and use their pussy as a bargaining chip.
Dead on.  At least according to my personal expierence.  Which is a lot different compared to many guys I know.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 08:43:47 AM
I think this is a load of BS. My opinion on the matter is simple: the guys who let women treat them badly, spend money on them regardless of ones financial situation and basically put up with a rude selfish materialistic woman is a beta male. Any guy who lets a women emasculate them to this degree are most likely beta males who generally don't have the confidence, charisma and desirability to turn this around.

I have found in my own experience women can be easily manipulated as long as you are smart, you can either treat your woman like a princess or you let them know what you expect of them. I actually enjoy spending time with my girl because we share many similar interests. And no it was not just sexual attraction, it was a whole host of things that made me attracted to her such as: non-materialistic, educated, driven, confident and most importantly good values and morals in life so i know she will be  reliable girl who will not give me so many problems.I really feel sorry for some of my friends who allow their girl to control them and use their pussy as a bargaining chip.
This can and is very true...Bascially its a host of many different things...odd how we remember the all around girl far more than the "sex" girl.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: SUPREME BEING on August 24, 2010, 08:54:20 AM
This can and is very true...Bascially its a host of many different things...odd how we remember the all around girl far more than the "sex" girl.

The girls who were purely sexual attraction was simply that - these were girls i knew i had no real long term relationship with (so even though they were fun i always knew i needed more). In my mind it has always been simple, have your fun when you are young but always be on the look out for the all around girl.

However, to get the all around girl you have to put in the work e.g. be educated, confident and set goals in life. The top women admire ambition and confidence and mostly a man with a stable mind.

I have never dated a girl long term if i knew she was greedy and selfish, i look to my parents age as role model - its unfortunate that so many in society don't have the role models i did.

On a side-note it would be interesting to note that my long term girlfriend right now is Indian Punjabi girl (British born) - loyal as the day is long, kind and caring but strong enough to keep you on your feet.

Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Howard on August 24, 2010, 09:10:42 AM
My current wife ( yes I am divorced) is my lover AND best friend in the world.
Sure, I admit it all started with me wanting to bang her many years ago. :P
She is a board cert psychologist and I am a physics teacher.It is a pretty good match and we both enjoy our careers.
She was doing DB stiff legged deadlifts in tight blue shorts in my gym, when we first met...but I digress.

Back in my high school and college days , I didn't have much spending $$$.
I drove a beater mobile and dressed in an avg manner. The typical "gold digger" wasn't going home with me, no matter how ripped or studly I looked. Thus, I never developed a "quid pro quo" attitude in regards to MY favors for HER pussy.

In my relationships with woman, sex, $$, jobs, etc were an EQUAL deal, we both shared.
If a woman doesn't have an independent mind and career goals, I  will have little LONG term  interest in her.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Shockwave on August 24, 2010, 10:36:42 AM
First of all marriage only benefits women.If you talk to any man who is married he will tell you as soon as you get married your sex life cuts in half or even a quarter of what it was.
Men are hunters once a man is married he can no longer hunt.
Plus 90% of women want a challenge, once you marry them the challenge is gone for them.
Have you ever noticed the more you ignore a girl the mre they want you.IF you chae a girl and kiss her ass they want nothing to do with you.
The best thing a man could do is stay with a girl, but dnt get married, Gene simmonss did it.
Gene simmons has banged 5000 women , he knows the drill.By not marrying Shannon he has her under his thumb.Trust me guys on this ask any guy who is married, once you get married, women cut back the sex and try to control.Women thinks its there job to "fix" you, and change you to be the way they want you.
This is the deal, the guy wants the girl to be the same she was when they met, sweet, and sex everyday.
The girl wants to change the guy the way she wants him to be.So n one is usually happy.
Women mislead men by giving them sex and being sweet for the first 3 months, to get them wooped.
Thats the hney mom period.After the 4th months most guys wonder, what happened to the sweet girl who gave me sex all the time.Wh is this nagging bitch, who always complains abut everything I do?
The bottom line is marriage was good, in the 50's ,60's and 70's, but now women feel entitled.They are n longer submisive.Women used to think it was there duty t please there man in bed.Now women use sex as a weapon, and will even punish you when you piss them off.
I had a friend of mine who was married 16 years, he several kids.His wife would cut him off sexually when he did something to upset her.So after being cut off for 3 weeks, he was looking a porn
.She got realy mad, calling him a pervert and a cheat.
 Married women hate when you look at porn, its part of the control thing.Anyways, he leaves get a hot gf her and has never been happier.Married women are crazy, they wont give you sex, but if you look at porn, your a bad husband.Thats like telling a starving man not to eat.
I dont watch internet porn, but 90% of my married friends do.
I was looking at recent statistics of married couples,and sex.It was like 10% have sex 2 times a week,15% once a week,30% every 2 weeks,20% once a months,15% and 10 % once a year.This was a recent study.
only 10% of men get sex 2 times per week, and 10% of ment get sex once a year.Thats sickening.
If I didnt know married men, I wouldnt beleive it.But frm what I am tld its pretty accurate
Women want contrl, and when you marry then, you give them that control.Why do you think 75% of married people cheat.?Because men are tired f being rejected.Every man I know who has cheated was one of those guys, who rarely got sex.I am against  totally cheating, but I think rejecting a man is just as painful.The bottom line is, when you say I do, most women say, I dont !!! ad but true

And whos fault is it for letting this happen to them? The man. They dont have to change, the man can set the rules in marriage, and if the woman doesnt like it, fuck her she can leave. Clearly you havent figured this out yet. You can still have the same relationship after youre married as you do before, you just have to lay it down.. its no ones fault but the mans if he lets her take over. It means he just got lazy after getting married.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Hulkster on August 24, 2010, 10:41:15 AM
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Wiggs on August 24, 2010, 10:43:44 AM
Great thread...I actually used to tell my friends in order to know if you love a woman, jerk off and then in the immediate moments after you have climaxed you can say you still love her or are in love with her, then you love her.  Never make decisions with a loaded gun.  Jerk off first then re-think.  It's gotten me out of alot of trouble.

I disagree with the guy about love though.  I love my wife and enjoy her company and intend on spending the rest of my days with her.  Because we have no children after being together so long we can get really stingy with our shit but we always keep each other in check and things work out great.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: ManBearPig... on August 24, 2010, 10:50:23 AM
And whos fault is it for letting this happen to them? The man. They dont have to change, the man can set the rules in marriage, and if the woman doesnt like it, fuck her she can leave. Clearly you havent figured this out yet. You can still have the same relationship after youre married as you do before, you just have to lay it down.. its no ones fault but the mans if he lets her take over. It means he just got lazy after getting married.

Are you married?
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Natural Man on August 24, 2010, 10:51:56 AM
nowadays men can work, have their hobbies, be fathers and have their friends, and women can work, have their hobbies, friends, and be mothers. Based on this, we re now equals in occident.


Men are still men with their own specifities, and women are still women with their own specificities. There is no point transforming men into women or women into men, nobody s going to end happy .

As long as a woman access all these new liberties men used to have, there is no problem, it's when they think they can be men, when they think they can obtain more and more and more. When they have the wish to dominate men with a desire of vengeance, like when men were dominating women. These women are dangerous and if you let em gain ground they ll take it, as do muslim extremists for example.
The problem is when men think they can be women (mostly because of an absent father, the mother transformed the boy into a woman with a penis).

There is no hapiness to be found trying to be what you arent.

The more women get power, the more the society becomes superficial and dumbed down. The more fathers are killed. The more occidental societies produce unhealthy individuals wether they re girls or boys.

One advice to modern women; dont go too far and be content with what you got.

SOme women still know the importance of being women and loving a man for what he is. The problem is with these numerous women raised by single moms who brainwashed em into hating men and wanting to dominate them after they repulsed the father.
They re never, ever, going to be able to build s stable, solid relationship with a man or raise kids with him with such extremistics beliefs, and i pity the man who would fall for them. Without a doubt he ll leave one day and we ll again end with kids without stable, healthy parents, becoming themselves a burden for the whole society.

Boys and girls nowadays need a strong come back of the father figure who represents work, autority, respect and boundaries. Balanced behaviors and thoughts.

Occidental boys and girls need it so bad they re more and more interested into finding this father figure, an opportunity to build a strong stable family too, into the immigrants coming from the third world at the same time, and who still have these values. We destroyed our own values just for our kids to try to find em again in the immigrant. Somehow, it works hand in hand with the processus of globalization. Some things that make you think twice about the whole stuff.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Shockwave on August 24, 2010, 10:55:47 AM
Are you married?
I know. Well see if I can practice what I preach. But I have seen it done from some of my friends, so we will see.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Shockwave on August 24, 2010, 10:59:16 AM
nowadays men can work, have their hobbies, be fathers and have their friends, and women can work, have their hobbies, friends, and be mothers. Based on this, we re now equals in occident.


Men are still men with their own specifities, and women are still women with their own specificities. There is no point transforming men into women or women into men, nobody s going to end happy .

As long as a woman access all these new liberties men used to have, there is no problem, it's when they think they can be men, when they think they can obtain more and more and more. When they have the wish to dominate men with a desire of vengeance, like when men were dominating women. These women are dangerous and if you let em gain ground they ll take it, as do muslim extremists for example.
The problem is when men think they can be women (mostly because of an absent father, the mother transformed the boy into a woman with a penis).

There is no hapiness to be found trying to be what you arent.

The more women get power, the more the society becomes superficial and dumbed down. The more fathers are killed. The more occidental societies produce unhealthy individuals wether they re girls or boys.

One advice to modern women; dont go too far and be content with what you got.

SOme women still know the importance of being women and loving a man for what he is. The problem is with these numerous women raised by single moms who brainwashed em into hating men and wanting to dominate them after they repulsed the father.

Boys and girls nowadays need a strong come back of the father figure who represents work, autority, respect and boundaries. Balanced behaviors and thoughts.

Occidental boys and girls need it so bad they re more and more interested into finding this father figure, an opportunity to build a strong stable family too, into the immigrants coming from the third world at the same time, and who still have these values. We destroyed our own values just for our kids to try to find em again in the immigrant. Somehow, it works hand in hand with the processus of globalization. Some things that make you think twice about the whole stuff.
I know we got into it over me posting pics of my fiance but I totally agree with you on everything you wrote here.
This is the main reason I asked my fiance to marry me... Because she understands the value of being the woman in the relationship and has no desire to be the head of the household. She simply wants to be the wife and be the mother of our children. IMHO it is a hard traight to find in women nowadays.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: ~UN_$ung~ on August 24, 2010, 11:03:06 AM
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: no one on August 24, 2010, 11:08:51 AM


you wont believe this but when i read the title of your thread i was thinking of this track before i even opened it.


Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: _bruce_ on August 24, 2010, 11:19:13 AM
Like anything, love/sex is a battle/game.
The more men give in the more women will dominate and vice versa.
Too many weak people out there letting themselves get dominated and abused.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: K-1 on August 24, 2010, 11:39:38 AM
And whos fault is it for letting this happen to them? The man. They dont have to change, the man can set the rules in marriage, and if the woman doesnt like it, fuck her she can leave. Clearly you havent figured this out yet. You can still have the same relationship after youre married as you do before, you just have to lay it down.. its no ones fault but the mans if he lets her take over. It means he just got lazy after getting married.


to be honest...this isn't even an option have to lead the marriage. Do this properly and you'll be amazed at how your wife treats you like royalty.


Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: che on August 24, 2010, 01:08:37 PM
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: ~UN_$ung~ on August 24, 2010, 01:10:31 PM

HAHAAHA, thats funny as hell
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Bobby on August 24, 2010, 01:31:52 PM
Don't let yourself be controlled...seen so many desperate pathetic men that will do anything for their woman even when she treats them like shit. Don't be the beta >:(

No sex for months? ...dump and get another girl

Think of it like this.
You are hungry and need to eat. refridgerator empty, solution: go to supermarket or restaurant. If you can't get food at home, you get it from somewhere else.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Shockwave on August 24, 2010, 01:50:48 PM
Don't let yourself be controlled...seen so many desperate pathetic men that will do anything for their woman even when she treats them like shit. Don't be the beta >:(

No sex for months? ...dump and get another girl

Think of it like this.
You are hungry and need to eat. refridgerator empty, solution: go to supermarket or restaurant. If you can't get food at home, you get it from somewhere else.
Lay it down.
Look honey, I love you, but I have needs just like you do, and sex is part of them. If you try and cut me off, Im going to have to get those needs met, and you wont have anyone to blame but yourself.
Shuts em up instantly.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on August 24, 2010, 01:54:09 PM
Yes.  I'd have an easy time breaking up with her.

Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: #1 Klaus fan on August 24, 2010, 02:35:35 PM
Yes.  I'd have an easy time breaking up with her.

Is she the only pretty girl on this planet?
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 24, 2010, 02:48:58 PM
Is she the only pretty girl on this planet?
I bet she is lonely...all these men willing to give her attention solely based on her "looks". Must make her angry that they only look at the superficial...that is until she is bought a 20k necklace and a 120k Porsche, in her favorite color...
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Howard on August 24, 2010, 02:59:25 PM
In my opinion, marriage or a serious faithful relationship with the right girl can be GREAT.
Having kids is what screws your life up, NOT, woman.
I was married 3x, never had a kid, never wanted to. Just my opinion and thoughts.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Ex Coelis on August 24, 2010, 04:10:05 PM
Howard is a childless old man
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: ~UN_$ung~ on August 24, 2010, 04:17:15 PM
Howard is a childless old man

no children = no dissappointment

no daughters getting knocked up by a black guy, no catching you son wearing his moms pantyhose

even if the case isnt that extreme.........they will still probably end up resenting you, or blaming you for SOMETHING

howard is a ghoul, but i cant blame him for that.....but maybe im wrong, and he did want kids..............but has a poisoned seed, or maybe he just cannot find a woman to fuck him
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: SUPREME BEING on August 24, 2010, 09:39:31 PM
Listen, here, ask any man thats married, even alpha males will tell you.When you get married, your ex life gets cut in half.Once a woman marrys you the challenge is gone for her.
Women dont think like men.Women if they are made at you or  insecure about you being muscular, they will cut you off so they can try to get control over you.Most of the time it back firess because the man cheats.
Women play games to make men feel insecure..They figure if they can throw you off, they can gain control.Unstable women like to contrl men because they cant control there own emotions.So by controlling men they feel secure.I am talking about women, who make plans with you then cancel the plans last minute.Or women who mention other men to make you jelious
The best way to beat these women at the game is dont react, or get made or jelious.
There person who isnt codependent, or doesnt need the other person as much  will control the relationship.
If your wooped and need sex a woman will control you.If you dont need sex, she will more likely be willing to give it, to try to woop you.At times you make her think its working, but never let them woop you.
The bottom line is pus$#$ is pus#$# ,they all look and fell the same.Some might be a little tighter or cleaner, but not enough to deal with grief.I would rather have a girl that was nice looking and nice body with a few extra pounds, who rocked my world.Then deal with a pretty girl who was uptight, played games and sucked in bed.

Honestly everything your talking about is so childish, i don't want to offend you because i don't know you but i can only assume you are most likely dating shallow uneducated women.

I have dated girls like the ones you describe but i can honestly tell you that i have also met so many women who do not play the games like you describe.

You mention yourself 'unstable women' so obviously your dating the wrong kind from the get go. I can tell you straight and I'm not acting like hard ass or alpha dominant male but my girlfriend has way more sense to mention other men, if she did she knows: number 1: that it makes her look like a whore and number two: i would not put up with this kind of behaviour.

Regarding the sex part, i really have not had problem with these kind of games - in a caring relationship she will try to accommodate me as much as possible (even if she is tired) just like i would do the same for her. I don't understand this withholding sex part: i know my girl enjoys sex just as much as me, but both of us working hard means we have to compromise sometimes.

Everything you talk about is shallow and you most likely meeting women with similar personality to yourself. I'm not saying everything is perfect with the women i date but i can honestly say i have never had the problems you mention. I think something common with my experience is that any girl i have dated long term has had similar nuclear family backgrounds to myself - my mother never drinks or smokes and she sure as hell never partied - just you typical hard working parents. She always put her kids first and always well ahead of her own happiness and i can truthfully say my parents are very happy to this day.

Maybe i got lucky, maybe I'm delusional and really my girl controls me but i really cant say i have experienced similar problems to the ones you mention.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Natural Man on August 30, 2010, 11:54:22 AM

no children = no dissappointment

no daughters getting knocked up by a black guy, no catching you son wearing his moms pantyhose

even if the case isnt that extreme.........they will still probably end up resenting you, or blaming you for SOMETHING

howard is a ghoul, but i cant blame him for that.....but maybe im wrong, and he did want kids..............but has a poisoned seed, or maybe he just cannot find a woman to fuck him

no children = you re immature and missing 50% of what life is about.
Having a child means killing the child that s inside yourself, maturing. Lot of people nowadays cant kill the child inside themselves especially in our childish egocentrical occidental materialistic, hedonistic societies.
People prefer to stay childs and only care about themselves rather than caring about someone else, aside a couple. Having a child is the next step after the couple. It's even more sacrifice, more understanding. I have no problem with people who cant deal with having kids, wether they have em or have no children they re useless, and their kids will be useless if they dont raise em. Their whole existence is useless cause they re not transmiting anything to anyone, and if they have kids but dont take care of em they re only causing more suffering to themselves, their kids and the society as a whole.

Immaturity. Psychological underdevelopment. Troubled past, relationships with your own family. Suffering. 
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: affeman on August 30, 2010, 11:58:12 AM
no children = you re immature and missing 50% of what life is about.

no children = You have smth going on in life yourself, and don't need to change some diapers to fill out the 24 hrs of the day.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Natural Man on August 30, 2010, 12:03:48 PM
no children = You have smth going on in life yourself, and don't need to change some diapers to fill out the 24 hrs of the day.
wow, you re so wrong.

Life is a puzzle, with different pieces, each and every single one being as important as the other. Focusing only on yourself is like focusing on only one piece of what existence is about. You ll end frustrated no matter what if you dont collect and put all pieces together. You re clueless. Your understanding of life is far from being complete, good luck with finding the rest of the equation.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: affeman on August 30, 2010, 12:05:09 PM
wow, you re so wrong.

Life is a puzzle, with different pieces, each and every single one being as important as the other. Not just you. You ll end frustrated no matter what if you dont collect and put all pieces together. You re clueless. Your understanding of life is far from being complete.

ok "uberman"
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: ~UN_$ung~ on August 30, 2010, 12:07:55 PM
no children = you re immature and missing 50% of what life is about.
Having a child means killing the child that s inside yourself, maturing. Lot of people nowadays cant kill the child inside themselves especially in our childish egocentrical occidental materialistic, hedonistic societies.
People prefer to stay childs and only care about themselves rather than caring about someone else, aside a couple. Having a child is the next step after the couple. It's even more sacrifice, more understanding. I have no problem with people who cant deal with having kids, wether they have em or have no children they re useless, and their kids will be useless if they dont raise em. Their whole existence is useless cause they re not transmiting anything to anyone, and if they have kids but dont take care of em they re only causing more suffering to themselves, their kids and the society as a whole.

Immaturity. Psychological underdevelopment. Troubled past, relationships with your own family. Suffering. 

see, and all this time i thought these blacks and hispanics i see walking around with 4,5,6 or more children (while being govt. dependant) were just uneducated animals with no self control

when according to you they are really just concerned with more altruistic goals, like their individual inner growth and contributing to the progression of society
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Bobby on August 30, 2010, 12:27:39 PM

see, and all this time i thought these blacks and hispanics i see walking around with 4,5,6 or more children (while being govt. dependant) were just uneducated animals with no self control

when according to you they are really just concerned with more altruistic goals, like their individual inner growth and contributing to the progression of society

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: loco on August 30, 2010, 12:44:03 PM
And whos fault is it for letting this happen to them? The man. They dont have to change, the man can set the rules in marriage, and if the woman doesnt like it, fuck her she can leave. Clearly you havent figured this out yet. You can still have the same relationship after youre married as you do before, you just have to lay it down.. its no ones fault but the mans if he lets her take over. It means he just got lazy after getting married.

I can tell you don't know anything about divorce laws in current western countries.  The reason women can and do set the rules in marriage is because divorce law by far benefits the woman and screws over the man.  Any divorced man can tell you that in divorce court, the man always loses.  Do you understand "No Fault Divorce"?  That means that if you cheat on her, she files for divorce and she gets to keep half your stuff.  If she cheats on you, she still gets to keep half of your stuff.  If nobody cheats on anybody, but she gets bored with the marriage and decides to file for divorce anyway, she gets to keep half your stuff.  If you have a kid, it's even worse.  No matter what, men always get butt raped in divorce court because the laws cater to the woman.  
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: affeman on August 30, 2010, 12:48:45 PM
Having children = Giving up your own dreams, your own goals, yourself;
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: dr.chimps on August 30, 2010, 12:51:49 PM
In my opinion, marriage or a serious faithful relationship with the right girl can be GREAT.
Having kids is what screws your life up, NOT, woman.
I was married 3x, never had a kid, never wanted to. Just my opinion and thoughts.
Wow! I didn't know you were posting from within Coach territory!   :o
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: loco on August 30, 2010, 12:54:12 PM
no children = you re immature and missing 50% of what life is about.
Having a child means killing the child that s inside yourself, maturing. Lot of people nowadays cant kill the child inside themselves especially in our childish egocentrical occidental materialistic, hedonistic societies.
People prefer to stay childs and only care about themselves rather than caring about someone else, aside a couple. Having a child is the next step after the couple. It's even more sacrifice, more understanding. I have no problem with people who cant deal with having kids, wether they have em or have no children they re useless, and their kids will be useless if they dont raise em. Their whole existence is useless cause they re not transmiting anything to anyone, and if they have kids but dont take care of em they re only causing more suffering to themselves, their kids and the society as a whole.

Immaturity. Psychological underdevelopment. Troubled past, relationships with your own family. Suffering. 

In principal, I agree with much of what you are saying here.  But it's not the same for everybody.  Statistically, it is a fact that marital satisfaction greatly decreases after the first child is born, and continues to decrease as more children are born after that.  As the child grows, marital satisfaction does increase some, but only to decrease again during the child's teenage years.  Marriage on its own is very hard, but it is even harder after children are born.  Married, or soon to be married couples who plan on having children should be aware of this and work twice as hard to keep marital satisfaction from decreasing.  It's hard to give your spouse the much needed attention, companionship and sex, when your world revolves around your children.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Hulkster on August 30, 2010, 01:10:27 PM

required viewing for any parents or future parents ;D
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: _bruce_ on August 30, 2010, 01:22:48 PM
Children are very labor intense.
If you can muster up the energy, by all means, do so - children are, as pumpster gently pointed out, the orgasm of life.... a sense of fulfillment and joy.
We exist to survive and breed.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Parker on August 30, 2010, 03:26:02 PM
Children are very labor intense.
If you can muster up the energy, by all means, do so - children are, as pumpster gently pointed out, the orgasm of life.... a sense of fulfillment and joy.
We exist to survive and breed.

I have a relative that had 25 kids, they lived on a farm. The older kids raised the younger ones, and they all did the labor...
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Mr Anabolic on August 30, 2010, 03:52:26 PM
Question:  Would a man have anything to say to a woman if they didn't have sex in common?...

Think about it...

Be totally honest with yourself...

Of course you know the answer...

It is...

Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on August 30, 2010, 10:44:47 PM
60% of the married men posting in this thread will be divorced at one time or another. And there's nothing they can do about it.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: jon cole on August 30, 2010, 11:43:08 PM

see, and all this time i thought these blacks and hispanics i see walking around with 4,5,6 or more children (while being govt. dependant) were just uneducated animals with no self control

when according to you they are really just concerned with more altruistic goals, like their individual inner growth and contributing to the progression of society

BRILLIANT as always.

These people are world champion of altruistism...
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: jon cole on August 30, 2010, 11:49:06 PM
people generally did children for bad reason:

-for goverment help, for mexican black redneck etc;  children = monthly income guarantee.

-because his/her conjoint want to leave him,so children is made to save the couple = disaster in the making.


people rarely do children for good reason.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: KevinP85 on August 30, 2010, 11:59:17 PM
In my opinion, marriage or a serious faithful relationship with the right girl can be GREAT.Having kids is what screws your life up, NOT, woman.
I was married 3x, never had a kid, never wanted to. Just my opinion and thoughts.

Coming from the guy who's been through 3 marriages ::) ;D
Title: I went to thailand
Post by: tallgerman on August 31, 2010, 03:12:27 AM
I could have married a blonde tall docotr girl from school, trying to get her mrs degree, cuz when I said nope no mararige it was on to a new guy, even after we had been good for years, and then 1 or 2 mroe booty call months which were honestly the most fun time in the whole deal.  I then went to thailand and had 22 women in 3 weeks, each giving them just cab money home about 7-13$ american and this si after lots fo sex and sex in the morning and after breakfast buffette more sex and pool hanging out.   When I got back to usa I tried futilely for few weeks to get girls to do same and they were all hate crime about it.  I realized what a group effort women do to make sex scarce.  Lame.  Since then I am single and take care of biz at work and have growing pile of investments nice leather seat car and moved to south bay los angeles 200 yards from the beach.  I find all the fun I want and learned the hard way: guys dont overinvest, the second the girl hold out on kisses ro sex by bye.   Every time I said bye girl get amd then come over and sex me hard in 4-10 days.  They start thinking they had is good and when get thier head stepped on by some doosh come runnin.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: garebear on August 31, 2010, 03:51:36 AM
no children = you re immature and missing 50% of what life is about.
Having a child means killing the child that s inside yourself, maturing. Lot of people nowadays cant kill the child inside themselves especially in our childish egocentrical occidental materialistic, hedonistic societies.
People prefer to stay childs and only care about themselves rather than caring about someone else, aside a couple. Having a child is the next step after the couple. It's even more sacrifice, more understanding. I have no problem with people who cant deal with having kids, wether they have em or have no children they re useless, and their kids will be useless if they dont raise em. Their whole existence is useless cause they re not transmiting anything to anyone, and if they have kids but dont take care of em they re only causing more suffering to themselves, their kids and the society as a whole.

Immaturity. Psychological underdevelopment. Troubled past, relationships with your own family. Suffering. 
Thanks for helping to overpopulate the world - you sure are "mature".
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Red Hook on August 31, 2010, 04:07:00 AM
This all boils down to attraction level! when a woman is into you (high attraction level) then there are no rules and what ever you do is funny/cute/romantic. Send her a pack of peanut butter m&ms and you are the most thoughtful person ever. She will fuck you/cook for you and do what ever in the shortest amount of time after meeting.

It's when the attraction level is average or low that men run into trouble.  This is when we try to increase the attraction level by jumping through hoops.  Take them out of expensive dinners and attempt to show them a good time. While her ex is still getting booty calls and splashing over her face, even after he is the one that called off the relationship.

The best that we can do is quickly figure out her attraction level to you..if it's low then just walk away, otherwise you will go broke and run your self into the ground trying to increase that level.  Also there are many woman out there that we very very good at masking their interest level, lol, those we call wary of them.

Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: garebear on August 31, 2010, 05:26:04 AM
This all boils down to attraction level! when a woman is into you (high attraction level) then there are no rules and what ever you do is funny/cute/romantic. Send her a pack of peanut butter m&ms and you are the most thoughtful person ever. She will fuck you/cook for you and do what ever in the shortest amount of time after meeting.

It's when the attraction level is average or low that men run into trouble.  This is when we try to increase the attraction level by jumping through hoops.  Take them out of expensive dinners and attempt to show them a good time. While her ex is still getting booty calls and splashing over her face, even after he is the one that called off the relationship.

The best that we can do is quickly figure out her attraction level to you..if it's low then just walk away, otherwise you will go broke and run your self into the ground trying to increase that level.  Also there are many woman out there that we very very good at masking their interest level, lol, those we call wary of them.

Fair enough.
Title: Re: Thuis dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: _bruce_ on August 31, 2010, 05:33:40 AM
I have a relative that had 25 kids, they lived on a farm. The older kids raised the younger ones, and they all did the labor...

That's cool and an optimum case - it all depends on how the little ones are raised.
I'm thinking more of little spoiled, self centered brats like myself  :D
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: crownshep on August 31, 2010, 12:14:37 PM
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: devilsmile on August 31, 2010, 12:21:21 PM
This is comment about Men not saying that they are frugal, its a article posted today on yahoo...

This dude's comment, just broke it down. Warning, It's fairly long, and no it's not my comment, either, Do You agree, especially in bold:

"If Kurupt gave a f*** about a B***h, I'd always be broke/I'd never have no motherf***in' indo to smoke"

I don't use drugs, but, I like his line of thinking.

Women are a drain on my emotional and financial resources and most of them are even more selfish than men. Let's be honest: Sex is the number one reason men want women. The marriage of men and women is a tradition that is primarily born of the need/desire to lock down each other's genitals for mutual exclusivity. The idea of a man and woman enjoying each other's company is something that usually happens only after they find each other sexually agreeable. The concept of "love", as Huxley expounded upon in "Brave New World" is really kind of outmoded and fallacious. It is basically a lie that we tell ourselves and is a manifestation of personal insecurity.
So, when I came to realize that I really only wanted women for sex, the whole concept of wanting some sort of relationship with them became silly to me. Here is an experiment that I would like men to try: Think of a girl/woman you are fixated on at the moment. NOW: Masturbate. When you're done, you'll most likely notice that you won't think of a woman at all for 2-14 hours or so. This told me that I was indeed not interested in an actual relationship with a woman at all, but rather merely enjoying her body. The concept of making her my girlfriend or wife was really just my desire to have her vagina in my life more regularly. In fact, after I masturbate, a woman is absolutely the furthest thing from my mind.

When I examine the horrible things I have to resign myself to do during courtship, it makes me actually hate sex. All of the capitulating and compromising...listening to her yammer incessantly about nonsense, the things expected of's sickening. Somewhere along the line, the human vagina has been deified and the man has been emasculated. How is it that society has allowed the woman's genitals to somehow be recognized as more valuable in the sexual equation?

Sex is overrated, and, once you grasp this concept and are able to control yourself, you'll find that you'll be able to more easily achieve your life goals and have a sense of inner peace. You have to masturbate intermittently, but, as you become less obsessed with sex, you will find that over time, you'll need to do so less and less, generally.

There is also a great deal of societal pressure for you to have a wife or a girlfriend. If you go for an extended period of time without one or the other, people start questioning your sexuality, which, for a heterosexual, masculine identifying man, can be somewhat embarrassing. Madison Avenue and popular media usually glorify/portray people paired up, even if that coupling is homosexual: You're made to feel like you "need someone" and if you go at it alone, you're less than a man and a social outcast. So, after you tackle the difficult task of mastering your own sex drive, you need to be able to at least partially dispel/deflect the feelings you may associate with other people's skewed perceptions of you.

Aside from my philosophical objections to the mating rituals of our society, I'd like to also commend other posters for their very astute (and true) statistical observations: The divorce rate is generally 52% and that number goes up exponentially for people with lower income and less education. Marriage is a crap shoot, and, since I work very hard for the little bit of money I make, I refuse to gamble so foolishly

I have said this a gazillion times... we are animals... we just complicate the hell out of natural aspects of nature... it's absurd... but people call me bitter and sexist because of it, god damn I hate peoples two faced morals... "well atleast you can pretend to be a little interested even though we both just want sex", that's a quote a woman told me the other day when I was on a date WHAT THe fuck  :o

where does this fucking two faced illusiory come from... OH WAIT.. I do know where... but.. I don't want to make pellius cry again and fall on his knees to praise the lHawrd!  ::)
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: 225for70 on August 31, 2010, 01:31:02 PM
i'm done with women...I'll just fuck a nice Brazilian, Columbian, Dominican hookers a few times per month for 60-80 dollars..I'm just sick of women right now...True story
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: _bruce_ on August 31, 2010, 02:37:47 PM

I have said this a gazillion times... we are animals... we just complicate the hell out of natural aspects of nature... it's absurd... but people call me bitter and sexist because of it, god damn I hate peoples two faced morals... "well atleast you can pretend to be a little interested even though we both just want sex", that's a quote a woman told me the other day when I was on a date WHAT THe fuck  :o

where does this fucking two faced illusiory come from... OH WAIT.. I do know where... but.. I don't want to make pellius cry again and fall on his knees to praise the lHawrd!  ::)

You ought to have certain qualities(mental and physical) and a strong stomach to be able to cope with reality.
Many folks need a little bit of coating over the hard facts... otherwise it would be too harsh for them.
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: Bobby on August 31, 2010, 02:46:27 PM

I have said this a gazillion times... we are animals... we just complicate the hell out of natural aspects of nature... it's absurd... but people call me bitter and sexist because of it, god damn I hate peoples two faced morals... "well atleast you can pretend to be a little interested even though we both just want sex", that's a quote a woman told me the other day when I was on a date WHAT THe fuck  :o

where does this fucking two faced illusiory come from... OH WAIT.. I do know where... but.. I don't want to make pellius cry again and fall on his knees to praise the lHawrd!  ::)

How old was she?
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: jon cole on August 31, 2010, 11:52:56 PM

I have said this a gazillion times... we are animals... we just complicate the hell out of natural aspects of nature... it's absurd... but people call me bitter and sexist because of it, god damn I hate peoples two faced morals... "well atleast you can pretend to be a little interested even though we both just want sex", that's a quote a woman told me the other day when I was on a date WHAT THe fuck  :o

where does this fucking two faced illusiory come from... OH WAIT.. I do know where... but.. I don't want to make pellius cry again and fall on his knees to praise the lHawrd!  ::)

it's been proved many time, "love" is a myth, it's a question of chemistry.

You choose a partner that is genetically compatible with you that's all.

plus women in western society = plague. 
Title: Re: This dude done brought the truth about Sex, and women today...
Post by: luvvsuNOT on September 04, 2010, 01:07:54 PM

I have said this a gazillion times... we are animals... we just complicate the hell out of natural aspects of nature... it's absurd... but people call me bitter and sexist because of it, god damn I hate peoples two faced morals... "well atleast you can pretend to be a little interested even though we both just want sex", that's a quote a woman told me the other day when I was on a date WHAT THe fuck  :o

where does this fucking two faced illusiory come from... OH WAIT.. I do know where... but.. I don't want to make pellius cry again and fall on his knees to praise the lHawrd!  ::)

You back again, preacher boy? I guess you recovered from the brutal owning you got on the last marty thread where you once again force your own version of religion on all of us while condeming others for doing the same when no one here does. you're the biggest piece of shit hypocrite on this board. And here you are, knowing nothing about the real world as you still are supported by your parents LOL lecturing us about life.

And your not fooling anybody phaggot. no women, or girls in your case, tells you they just want sex. who wants scrawny, midget, monkey face genetics in their womb.

And the only person you make cry is your mama for shitting out a conceited, short, wimpy,bushy browed, monkey face midget.

"Come to me for forgiveness" LOL monkey face!