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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: splash330 on September 06, 2010, 10:37:45 AM

Title: shorter cycles
Post by: splash330 on September 06, 2010, 10:37:45 AM
Does anyone do short cycles?  I'm fixing to start my 3rd.  1st on was 3 months.  2nd was 4 months.  Around 3 months off, my strength is about at my natural level.  I'm thinking 2 months on and 2 months off then back on again, maybe I can consistantly keep my strength before it takes a nose dive.  Any thoughts?
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: Evo on September 06, 2010, 01:42:41 PM
SHIC's have their place - IMO they have to be structured properly and you need to go pretty heavy to make them worth while.

Not a staple in my cycle routines, but one or two a year can be great.
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: splash330 on September 06, 2010, 03:11:38 PM
My theory is that after 2 months on, I have made really good gains.  Going off for just 2 months and not hardly losing anything at all will give me a very good starting point when I go back on.  I will not maximize on the gains that I would get on a longer cycle, but I should definitely minimize the loses.
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: splash330 on January 14, 2011, 05:02:51 PM
Status:  I did a short 2 month cycle when I stated this thread.  Ended mid Nov. and getting ready to start my 2nd two month cycle Monday after being off 2 months.  My strength level is still pretty good.  Before I started the first cycle, I was benching 365 for 2 reps.  At the end of the cycle, I could get 405 for 3 reps. and 365 for 10 reps.  After two month layoff I can still get 405 for 1 rep and 365 for 5 reps.  All other body parts are fairly strong.  I'm excited about starting up again at a much stronger beginning level.
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: shrek on January 14, 2011, 06:15:26 PM
On off on off method is a rollercoaster on ur system
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: Tats on January 14, 2011, 06:55:07 PM
On off on off method is a rollercoaster on ur system

X2 keep the yo-yo stuff to a minimum. I think its harder on your body going on and off like that. 12-16 weeks minimum.
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: local hero on January 15, 2011, 12:31:08 AM
thats how we all did it when i 1st got into bodybuilding, just because it was thought it was the best way to go about it at the time....

depends on what your goals are, if your wanting glory on the stage blast n cruise all the way,,, if you just wanting to look good, run a moderate cycle for the whole of the summer
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: splash330 on January 15, 2011, 05:53:44 PM
What will the "yo-yo" effect do to me other than mess with me emotionally?  Honestly, I feel better than I did on long cycles.  After about 3.5 months, I'm ready to get off the needle.  I never did get to that point ending at 2 months.  And the depression of shrinking week to week after about 3 months off didn't happen?
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: shrek on January 15, 2011, 06:10:56 PM
What will the "yo-yo" effect do to me other than mess with me emotionally?  Honestly, I feel better than I did on long cycles.  After about 3.5 months, I'm ready to get off the needle.  I never did get to that point ending at 2 months.  And the depression of shrinking week to week after about 3 months off didn't happen?
first off you should learn what injecting a steroid will do to your natural system then you will better understand what we mean.............. there is alot of info to be read and it would take a while trying to explain it on here.................. check out "ANABOLICS" 9th edition and other sources that are medical related .....
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: local hero on January 16, 2011, 12:02:10 AM
ive got to admit, when i used that way i never felt much of a crash at all, and thats with no pct, i dont think anyone did pct back then anyway..
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: splash330 on January 16, 2011, 07:34:05 PM
Yeah, I feel 100% better than I did staying 4 months on 4 months off.  I've never been as strong as I am now on the beginning of my cycle.  1st injection in the morning.  Can't wait.  I'll check out "Anabolics" to get more info.  Thanks.
Title: Re: shorter cycles
Post by: Lord of the Roidz on January 16, 2011, 08:24:02 PM
Nothing wrong with short cycles. I did several of them...never had a prolonged suppression of my hpta..probably why I kept most of my gains and still look great. All these guys who say to stay on long are the one's who never recover normal testosterone output.  If you're not looking to go Pro, why risk shutting yourself down permanently. I could go on a 8 week cycle now if I wanted and look phenomenal..get off and be back to normal in 6 to 8 weeks..but then again..I am the "Lord of the Roidz."