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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 08:55:33 AM

Title: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 08:55:33 AM
I turn over to CNN for a bit and I swear to god every other word our of their mouths is "tweet."  Tweeter, tweet, twited, twiting tweet tweet oh fucking stop with the tweet fucking crap.  Their biggest concern is that tweeter is shut off ::)  If you tweet, go kill yourself.

I change the channel to Fox.  Neil is on.  I make it about 7 minutes before I listen to him do a complete rewrite of history over Iran that is complete bullshit.

I change over to MS for a bit and they guy might as well be reporting from the sewage system of mexico city.  totally pointless crap...

I give up...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: tonymctones on January 29, 2011, 09:03:58 AM
yea cnn seems to be the only channel actually covering whats going on...

last i watched all they wanted to talk about was the curfew and how nobody was following it and how there were tanks on the streets.

seriously for like 30 mins thats all they talked about
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: 240 is Back on January 29, 2011, 09:04:24 AM
eh, it's like watching two shitty college basketball teams play.  Whoever wins, shit won't change much.  We want mubarrak to stay in power cause he's our puppet, but we're also funding those overthrowing him so if they win, we have a hand in that regime too.

Smart.  Bush and Obama wouldn't be handling shit much differently.  I haven't heard scores of other world leaders standing on a soapbox screaming, so why the F should we?  Let the cards fall where they may, and we'll be looking pretty either way.  The minute we endorse a revolution publicly, the people think it's US led and they give up.  Or we endorse mubarrak, he loses, and the new people remember that we didn't have their backs.

All we can do it have some popcorn, wait, and continue our 1.5 bill annual handout to whoever wins in exchange for their support.  All this talk of "it's obama fault..." jeez, give it a rest.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:11:44 AM
yea cnn seems to be the only channel actually covering whats going on...

last i watched all they wanted to talk about was the curfew and how nobody was following it and how there were tanks on the streets.

seriously for like 30 mins thats all they talked about
yea, info wise they seemed to be bringing in a little more of what was happening but they kept spewing this tweet, twitter crap.  Next person to say tweet in front of me is getting their ass knocked out lol...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:19:10 AM
3333, pick another thread for your little private palin war with 240.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: 240 is Back on January 29, 2011, 09:20:42 AM
To 333386:

I could see the Bush white house doing the exact same thing - say as little as possible publicly, and just make friends with whoever wins.  Do you agree?  Or do you think obama should be leading the charge to overthrow nations now?

Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 29, 2011, 09:25:02 AM
His dumbass vp already said enough.  I personally could care less about those sand rats other than how it effects our oil prices considering the kamakazi WTF potus has already done his part to kill domestic energy production. 
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: 240 is Back on January 29, 2011, 09:40:15 AM
His dumbass vp already said enough.  I personally could care less about those sand rats other than how it effects our oil prices considering the kamakazi WTF potus has already done his part to kill domestic energy production. 

i see.  So you aren't criticizing obama for not taking a major stand either way on this revolt? 

I agree with you. 
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:40:58 AM
Not to change 3333 and 240's need to start a new thread in another thread but I just heard CNN say that Obama's choice of Cairo to give a speech was an outrage in the muslim world...  Is that true or did they pull that out of their asses at CNN?  I honestly don't remember hearing any issues with that when it happened.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 29, 2011, 09:44:41 AM
The cairo speech was a collosal mistake.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:45:51 AM
The cairo speech was a collosal mistake.
that's nice... not what I asked about but whatever....
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Fury on January 29, 2011, 09:48:14 AM
Not to change 3333 and 240's need to start a new thread in another thread but I just heard CNN say that Obama's choice of Cairo to give a speech was an outrage in the muslim world...  Is that true or did they pull that out of their asses at CNN?  I honestly don't remember hearing any issues with that when it happened.

Pulled out of their asses. Where else would he have done it that wouldn't have been tantamount to an outright endorsement of Sharia Law? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Egypt is one of the big dogs in the Muslim world. Then again, the MSM is in bed with islamic supremacists so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing reeks of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:48:27 AM
This thread is a about the media sucking shit... Not about Obama or whatever else... fuck it shouldn't be hard to figure out.  I started the thread bitching about the media...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: 240 is Back on January 29, 2011, 09:51:34 AM
I hear the same voices talking about Condi's 2005 speech planting the seeds.

IMO, and from what people (not in the USA) are saying online... this rioting/uprising/protest is due to the fact that the majority of the country is in poverty and they're tired of it.

I know our media painting it with an anti-US brush helps their motives, and I know that some protesters disagree with the amount of influence we have with mubarrak..

but from what I am seeing (and maybe i'm wrong), it's mostly about a bunch of broke hungry people pissed off at their corrupt ass govt?
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:52:13 AM
Pulled out of their asses. Where else would he have done it that wouldn't have been tantamount to an outright endorsement of Sharia Law? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Egypt is one of the big dogs in the Muslim world. Then again, the MSM is in bed with islamic supremacists so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing reeks of the Muslim Brotherhood.
I heard it on CNN, not MS...  Good points.  I kinda figured it was bullshit but thought I would ask because it's the first time I had heard that it was an outrage in the muslim community lol...  I really don't give a crap what is an outrage to them but the fact that Obama talked in Cairo being an outrage to Muslims did not make any sense to me.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Fury on January 29, 2011, 09:54:40 AM
I hear the same voices talking about Condi's 2005 speech planting the seeds.

IMO, and from what people (not in the USA) are saying online... this rioting/uprising/protest is due to the fact that the majority of the country is in poverty and they're tired of it.

I know our media painting it with an anti-US brush helps their motives, and I know that some protesters disagree with the amount of influence we have with mubarrak..

but from what I am seeing (and maybe i'm wrong), it's mostly about a bunch of broke hungry people pissed off at their corrupt ass govt?

It has fuck all to do with us. Just the MSM anti-USA agenda.

Big Ach on here, who is actually Egyptian, had this to say about it:

I support the push for democracy in Egypt! But this uprising is not for democracy, this is a protest to get rid of Mubarak tomorrow!  Ask any of the protesters what's the plan after that, they will all sit there and scratch their nuts unable to answer you.  Mubarak as corrupt as he is kept the country stable, no wars, peace with israel, controlling the muslim brotherhood, keeping good ties with the US, foreign investment in Egypt, all things that benefited the country.

I want a change, but I don't want it like this, the city is in flames, looting, vandelism, and people taking 6 and 7 year olds to the protest.  Its easy to jump on the bandwagon and say down with Mubarak, but use your head and look at the big picture.

And internet is still down there as well as cell phone service, land lines are still working though  (I'm online because I'm studying and live in the US at the moment)

More objective viewpoint than anyone else has given.

If the Egyptians think they have it bad now, they're in for a rude awakening should the Muslim Brotherhood somehow get power.

I heard it on CNN, not MS...  Good points.  I kinda figured it was bullshit but thought I would ask because it's the first time I had heard that it was an outrage in the muslim community lol...  I really don't give a crap what is an outrage to them but the fact that Obama talked in Cairo being an outrage to Muslims did not make any sense to me.

It's funny because they couldn't stfu about how proud the Muslim world was of the speech afterwards. Now, two years later it's a problem.  ::)

Look at Tunisia. They're completely clueless right now as to what to do. And lo and behold, the Islamist groups have finally crawled out of the shadows and are trying to insert themselves into the power vacuum.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 09:58:49 AM
It's funny because they couldn't stfu about how proud the Muslim world was of the speech afterwards. Now, two years later it's a problem.  ::)
wondering why the hell they would be lying about it now?.  It seemed so odd that they would say Obama choosing Cairo was an outrage, I wondered, wtf are they talking about?
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Fury on January 29, 2011, 10:08:31 AM
wondering why the hell they would be lying about it now?.  It seemed so odd that they would say Obama choosing Cairo was an outrage, I wondered, wtf are they talking about?

Not a lot has been happening and there's only so many times you can show the same 2 minute video clip before it gets redundant. Got to keep the viewer interested.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 29, 2011, 10:09:41 AM
The cairo speech was a complete farce. 

No one respects self loathing wimps like obama who create a power vacuum and no leadership. 

All of our worst enemies smell blood in the water and are taking advantage. 
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Straw Man on January 29, 2011, 10:13:47 AM
The US has mixed feelings (at best) about people like Mubarak.  This guy has been cracking down on Islamic fundies for almost 30 years.    Better the devil you know then the devil you don't know (or however that saying goes)  
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 10:15:36 AM
Not a lot has been happening and there's only so many times you can show the same 2 minute video clip before it gets redundant. Got to keep the viewer interested.
that says volumes about our media.  Just pull shit out of the air to keep the viewer tuned in...  sad...  Not that blogs are any better, but no wonder people are desperate for some form of alternative news.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 10:22:42 AM
The cairo speech was a complete farce.  

No one respects self loathing wimps like obama who create a power vacuum and no leadership.  

All of our worst enemies smell blood in the water and are taking advantage.  
I totally admire how well you're able to switch the subject of a thread to be what you want to talk about without ever commenting on the original point.  It's really an amazing abiltity lol...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 29, 2011, 10:30:38 AM
You think this is all happening in a vacuum hugo? 

As for the news, it is what it is.  Turn on the radio or internet if you want real news.  Cable tv sucks horribly.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on January 29, 2011, 10:39:59 AM
You think this is all happening in a vacuum hugo? 

As for the news, it is what it is.  Turn on the radio or internet if you want real news.  Cable tv sucks horribly.
I don't get your vacuum comment but all you fucking had to do was say that about the news rather than try to change to topic.  I'd rather my topic be ignored than divered to points already being made in other threads.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: GigantorX on January 30, 2011, 06:40:24 PM
The US has mixed feelings (at best) about people like Mubarak.  This guy has been cracking down on Islamic fundies for almost 30 years.    Better the devil you know then the devil you don't know (or however that saying goes)  

Yep. The U.S. could count on him for a very long time. Sure he was a dictator, but he had control and we could pull some strings when we wanted too. Not so much now...what does the Admin. do? Tell the Devil They Know to step down and let whatever happens next just happen, do they back him and try to keep him in control? Do they start to run operations to get another regime, elected or "elected", installed that will be under our sphere of influence?

I just hope Obama and his Smartest Cabinet in History doesn't let this get away from them and wind up knee deep in shit. At least, for now, there isn't any Anti-U.S. chanting or burning flags or whatnot going on. It just seems to be a bunch of leaderless people venting their aims other than some hazy and vague push for "Democracy" and "better conditions". No leaders, no ideology and no clue.

It's not good.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Fury on January 30, 2011, 07:14:03 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood is already out in full force and in talks with ElBaradei to form a unity government without the NDP.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: theonlyone on January 30, 2011, 07:41:30 PM
I turn over to CNN for a bit and I swear to god every other word our of their mouths is "tweet."  Tweeter, tweet, twited, twiting tweet tweet oh fucking stop with the tweet fucking crap.  Their biggest concern is that tweeter is shut off ::)  If you tweet, go kill yourself.

I change the channel to Fox.  Neil is on.  I make it about 7 minutes before I listen to him do a complete rewrite of history over Iran that is complete bullshit.

I change over to MS for a bit and they guy might as well be reporting from the sewage system of mexico city.  totally pointless crap...

I give up...

 You watch CNN and FOX???? it speaks volume!!!! :-X
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Fury on January 30, 2011, 10:02:42 PM
You watch CNN and FOX???? it speaks volume!!!! :-X

No worse than the "Russia Today" propaganda machine.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Parker on January 31, 2011, 12:32:02 AM
Pulled out of their asses. Where else would he have done it that wouldn't have been tantamount to an outright endorsement of Sharia Law? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Egypt is one of the big dogs in the Muslim world. Then again, the MSM is in bed with islamic supremacists so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.
This whole thing reeks of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Wait a minute, I thought the MSM was controlled by Jews, so are you saying that the Jews are in bed with Muslim Supremacists that want them dead...

And of course "they" (being Mubarak's people) have shut down the Cairo offices of Al Jazeera...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: MM2K on January 31, 2011, 12:39:57 AM
It just seems to be a bunch of leaderless people venting their aims other than some hazy and vague push for "Democracy" and "better conditions". No leaders, no ideology and no clue.

THe Egyptian version of the anti- Bush tirades. And we all know how that ended up. Lets pray that this doesnt end up with a second Iran.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: tonymctones on January 31, 2011, 04:36:43 PM
I turn over to CNN for a bit and I swear to god every other word our of their mouths is "tweet."  Tweeter, tweet, twited, twiting tweet tweet oh fucking stop with the tweet fucking crap.  Their biggest concern is that tweeter is shut off ::)  If you tweet, go kill yourself.

I change the channel to Fox.  Neil is on.  I make it about 7 minutes before I listen to him do a complete rewrite of history over Iran that is complete bullshit.

I change over to MS for a bit and they guy might as well be reporting from the sewage system of mexico city.  totally pointless crap...

I give up...
hahahah google implemented a service that lets ppl dial a number and leave a voice mail that automatically translates into text and is posted as a tweet...

get ready to hear alot more tweets, tweeted, twitter, twittering etc...huggy  ;D
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Straw Man on January 31, 2011, 09:47:29 PM
Yep. The U.S. could count on him for a very long time. Sure he was a dictator, but he had control and we could pull some strings when we wanted too. Not so much now...what does the Admin. do? Tell the Devil They Know to step down and let whatever happens next just happen, do they back him and try to keep him in control? Do they start to run operations to get another regime, elected or "elected", installed that will be under our sphere of influence?

I just hope Obama and his Smartest Cabinet in History doesn't let this get away from them and wind up knee deep in shit. At least, for now, there isn't any Anti-U.S. chanting or burning flags or whatnot going on. It just seems to be a bunch of leaderless people venting their aims other than some hazy and vague push for "Democracy" and "better conditions". No leaders, no ideology and no clue.

It's not good.

great post
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 01, 2011, 05:41:09 AM
hahahah google implemented a service that lets ppl dial a number and leave a voice mail that automatically translates into text and is posted as a tweet...

get ready to hear alot more tweets, tweeted, twitter, twittering etc...huggy  ;D
Do you like this stuff?  Tony, do you tweet? haha...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: tonymctones on February 01, 2011, 05:45:12 AM
Do you like this stuff?  Tony, do you tweet? haha...
nah, i think ppl who do shit like that or facebook updates 10x a day are attention whores who need that to feel important...

nobody cares what youre doing every second of the day, NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 01, 2011, 06:40:57 AM
nah, i think ppl who do shit like that or facebook updates 10x a day are attention whores who need that to feel important...

nobody cares what youre doing every second of the day, NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!
no shit!!!  Over the last several years I've gotten so many e-mails asking, do you have a facebook account?  And then Facebook just started sending requests to my e-mail like crazy letting me know people wanted to friend my facebook and I didn't even have a fucking facebook...  So finally a couple weeks ago I went ahead and joined the stupid fucking thing.  I was shocked to see that there was already a line of people with requests as soon as I joined.  I don't see what the big deal is?  It's the most bland site on the net and they made a movie about this shit lol...  But I'm sure I'll have a thousand buddies by next week lol...  Yea and the day I tweet... oh hell no...  I don't think I can ever bring myself to do something called tweeting ::)  What the fuck is the point?  Run your mouth off and have some lame company make money off of you shooting your mouth off.  no thanks lol...
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: tonymctones on February 01, 2011, 06:44:35 AM
no shit!!!  Over the last several years I've gotten so many e-mails asking, do you have a facebook account?  And then Facebook just started sending requests to my e-mail like crazy letting me know people wanted to friend my facebook and I didn't even have a fucking facebook...  So finally a couple weeks ago I went ahead and joined the stupid fucking thing.  I was shocked to see that there was already a line of people with requests as soon as I joined.  I don't see what the big deal is?  It's the most bland site on the net and they made a movie about this shit lol...  But I'm sure I'll have a thousand buddies by next week lol...  Yea and the day I tweet... oh hell no...  I don't think I can ever bring myself to do something called tweeting ::)  What the fuck is the point?  Run your mouth off and have some lame company make money off of you shooting your mouth off.  no thanks lol...
I have facebook but only log on when i get an email saying i was tagged in a picture or have a friend request...

it gets even better they are now saying that things you write on facebook can be used by advertisers for no charge...

so if alot of ppl like a product and say shit about it on facebook that company can use their words without paying them LOL
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 01, 2011, 06:53:06 AM
I have facebook but only log on when i get an email saying i was tagged in a picture or have a friend request...

it gets even better they are now saying that things you write on facebook can be used by advertisers for no charge...

so if alot of ppl like a product and say shit about it on facebook that company can use their words without paying them LOL
oh yea, I read the terms of service and was not happy with it whatsoever.  So I haven't uploaded any pictures yet aside from the profile pic.  They straight up tell you that by uploading anything they gain copyright over the image until the point that you end your account with them.  With the work that I do, I'm not about to grant some a-hole company permission to use my material.  Not that they ever would, but just the principle of them putting that in their terms of service is way out of line.  Technically they could start publishing material from whatever accounts they wanted and not pay anything to the people they stole pictures or writing from.
Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: tonymctones on February 01, 2011, 06:59:51 AM
oh yea, I read the terms of service and was not happy with it whatsoever.  So I haven't uploaded any pictures yet aside from the profile pic.  They straight up tell you that by uploading anything they gain copyright over the image until the point that you end your account with them.  With the work that I do, I'm not about to grant some a-hole company permission to use my material.  Not that they ever would, but just the principle of them putting that in their terms of service is way out of line.  Technically they could start publishing material from whatever accounts they wanted and not pay anything to the people they stole pictures or writing from.
check this out too, anything other ppl post with you in it...

they are going to use facial recognition technology to tag photos of you posted by other ppl. So if a friend of yours posts a picture on their account it will automatically tag(put your name under the photo) on their account for anybody to see.

scary stuff man

Title: Re: trying to watch the news on this egyptian shit going on is hard.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on February 01, 2011, 07:17:49 AM
check this out too, anything other ppl post with you in it...

they are going to use facial recognition technology to tag photos of you posted by other ppl. So if a friend of yours posts a picture on their account it will automatically tag(put your name under the photo) on their account for anybody to see.

scary stuff man

yea, that's just creepy wrong.