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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Freeborn126 on March 08, 2011, 07:17:22 PM

Title: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Freeborn126 on March 08, 2011, 07:17:22 PM
Why does the mainstream media continue to try to force these full-time, has been, RINO candidates like Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Palin, and Gingrich?  I'm a so tired of hearing about how Romney is the best hope to beat Obama.  He couldn't even beat McCain for the nomination.  Why don't honest, intelligent, true fiscal conservatives like Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, and Herman Cain get media attention? 

Any comments on why these Romney or Huckabee would better for this country than Johnson, Paul, or Cain I would like to hear.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 08, 2011, 07:20:47 PM
Herman Cain / Lt Col. Alan West would be my perfect ticket for 2012 if I had a choice at this point.   

I think the media and left wing commies would go all jim jones on us.   
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Kazan on March 08, 2011, 07:21:55 PM
The media is simply trying to shape public opinion. It would only be logical for them to promote someone they think Obama can beat.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 08, 2011, 07:25:14 PM
The media is simply trying to shape public opinion. It would only be logical for them to promote someone they think Obama can beat.

Imagine Cain/West? 

Damn - I think I would take a leave of absence from work to volunteer for that. 
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Freeborn126 on March 08, 2011, 07:28:11 PM
West/Cain would be an unstoppable ticket but I guess that is just way to common sense for the sheeple of this country to handle.  Plus, the leftist/corporate media wouldn't be able to play their race card since the two of them are actually 100% black instead of half white like Obama.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: 240 is Back on March 08, 2011, 08:40:05 PM
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Hugo Chavez on March 08, 2011, 08:47:32 PM
LOL at Newt's Pros and Cons...  
Pros: Took on Bill Clinton
Cons: Lost


and Donald Trumps lol
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 08, 2011, 09:55:29 PM
Why does the mainstream media continue to try to force these full-time, has been, RINO candidates like Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Palin, and Gingrich?  I'm a so tired of hearing about how Romney is the best hope to beat Obama.  He couldn't even beat McCain for the nomination.  Why don't honest, intelligent, true fiscal conservatives like Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, and Herman Cain get media attention? 

Any comments on why these Romney or Huckabee would better for this country than Johnson, Paul, or Cain I would like to hear.

Im as conservative as a lot of people on here, and true RINOs like McCain and those senators from Alaska irritate the living hell out of me. But Im wondering how you can call Palin and Gingrich RINOs. Now, I have my problems with those people, but you are going to look very out of touch if you are going to call them RINOs. Mitt Romney is getting all the attention because out of all the people running for President, he has by far the best professional resume. This was also the case in 2008. I suspect a lot of people might have taken back thier vote for McCain in the Republican Primary. Personally I would love to see Romney go up against Obama, and I would have loved to see it in 2008. If America picks Obama over Romney in 2012, it would be like the Jews picking Barrabas over Jesus. It would be quite something to behold.

ROn Paul is not getting taken seriosuly because he is not serious. His views on foreign policy are dangerous and naive, just like all other losertarians. He does not belong in the White House. He is the only Republican I would not pull the lever for in the General Election. As bad as Obama is on foreign policy, Ron Paul would be worse. Im sorry to tell this to all the losertarians and anti-religous zealouts, but the Republican nominee needs to have a strong foreign policy, social policy, AND fiscal policy base. Most social conservatives and neo conservatives happen to also be fiscal conservatives.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 08, 2011, 11:58:48 PM
"Most social conservatives and neo conservatives happen to also be fiscal conservatives".

Is this a joke??
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 09, 2011, 03:08:21 AM
Imagine Cain/West? 

Damn - I think I would take a leave of absence from work to volunteer for that. 

Sounds good to me
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 09, 2011, 04:55:33 AM
"Most social conservatives and neo conservatives happen to also be fiscal conservatives".

Is this a joke??

The fact that you think its a joke shows how much the mainstream media has brainwashed you, just like all the other independents out there.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 09, 2011, 05:00:46 AM
This is why i generally dont have an issue wih social cons.   I usually can count on them with many fiscal issues.  Additionally, you cant have fiscal conservatism withou people cting morally and in a general responsible behavior. 

Libertine behavior like that advocated by the far left and theirfellow travelers breeds financial irresponsibility. 
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 09, 2011, 05:07:29 AM
The fact that you think its a joke shows how much the mainstream media has brainwashed you, just like all the other independents out there.

I dont think its as much the media as the fact we had a neocon administration until 2 years ago that spend like crazy

The only fiscal conservative in the mix is Ron Paul and the neocons hate him. Probably because he is a real fiscal conservative and they are not although you seem to think so. Why is that by the way?
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 09, 2011, 05:12:33 AM
I dont think its as much the media as the fact we had a neocon administration until 2 years ago that spend like crazy

The only fiscal conservative in the mix is Ron Paul and the neocons hate him. Probably because he is a real fiscal conservative and they are not although you seem to think so. Why is that by the way?

George Bush was scrooge compared to Obama.   
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 09, 2011, 05:21:15 AM
George Bush was scrooge compared to Obama.   

Perhaps but that doesnt make Bush a fiscal conservative by any means
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 09, 2011, 05:22:27 AM
Perhaps but that doesnt make Bush a fiscal conservative by any means

Of course not - he was reckless and earned his bad ratings.   But what obama has done is beyond anything even Madoff could fathom. 
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 09, 2011, 05:27:44 AM
Of course not - he was reckless and earned his bad ratings.   But what obama has done is beyond anything even Madoff could fathom. 

His economic policy is unresponsible thats for sure

His problem is that the people that elected him wont support cuts to the budget.

We need some new blood in the oval office
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 09, 2011, 05:34:38 AM
Of course not - he was reckless and earned his bad ratings.   But what obama has done is beyond anything even Madoff could fathom. 

Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Freeborn126 on March 09, 2011, 07:32:29 AM
Our foreign policy has not changed in the last 60 years.  It is interventionist imperialism.  It has done nothing to help our country since WWII.  What has it brought us besides Korea, Vietnam, Iraqx2, and Afghanistan wars?  192 military bases across the world, why do we need all this when we are going broke at home?  Ron Paul's foreign policy is the only fiscally responsible foreign policy and it follows what the founding fathers envisioned.  Not to mention it doesn't waste the lives of America's youth in perpetual, un-winnable wars.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: George Whorewell on March 09, 2011, 08:40:11 AM
Our foreign policy has not changed in the last 60 years.  It is interventionist imperialism.  It has done nothing to help our country since WWII.  What has it brought us besides Korea, Vietnam, Iraqx2, and Afghanistan wars?  192 military bases across the world, why do we need all this when we are going broke at home?  Ron Paul's foreign policy is the only fiscally responsible foreign policy and it follows what the founding fathers envisioned.  Not to mention it doesn't waste the lives of America's youth in perpetual, un-winnable wars.

It sounds like you were raped by a relative. I don't think you can blame American foreign policy for that.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Freeborn126 on March 09, 2011, 01:35:23 PM
^ I find myself enthralled by the level of intelligence contained in your response.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: George Whorewell on March 09, 2011, 03:35:46 PM
That sounds like a personal problem.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 09, 2011, 09:42:58 PM
This is why i generally dont have an issue wih social cons.   I usually can count on them with many fiscal issues.  Additionally, you cant have fiscal conservatism withou people cting morally and in a general responsible behavior. 

Libertine behavior like that advocated by the far left and theirfellow travelers breeds financial irresponsibility. 

Excellent post!!
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 09, 2011, 10:04:44 PM
I dont think its as much the media as the fact we had a neocon administration until 2 years ago that spend like crazy

The only fiscal conservative in the mix is Ron Paul and the neocons hate him. Probably because he is a real fiscal conservative and they are not although you seem to think so. Why is that by the way?

Back in the fall of 2008, Ron Paul stared into the face of credit markets that had completely frozen for the first time in history, and didnt even consider the possibility that we needed TARP. He doesnt even consider the possiblity that we need a central bank. If you are going to punish whoever is not THAT fiscally conservative, youre in for a world of hurt!!!!

And lets get one thing straight. While Bush certainly was not fiscally ideal, his deficits were MANAGABLE. Before the housing bubble popped, deficits were below the 40 year historical average. Conservatrives need to stop kicking themselves in the ass and stop apologizing for Bush. All it does is feed into the Democrat/liberal propoganda machine. This deficit problem is attributable to Obama and ONLY Obama and the Democrats. NOT Bush. Criticizing Bush for his deficits undermines Conservatives and Republicans.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 09, 2011, 10:15:20 PM
Our foreign policy has not changed in the last 60 years.  It is interventionist imperialism.  It has done nothing to help our country since WWII.  What has it brought us besides Korea, Vietnam, Iraqx2, and Afghanistan wars?

THe fall of Communism, which was responsible for 100 million deaths world wide.

Ron Paul's foreign policy is the only fiscally responsible foreign policy and it follows what the founding fathers envisioned.

It certainly is not the foreign policy of those who immediately followed the founding fathers. If it were, we wouldnt be controlling more than a third of the entire continent.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 10, 2011, 01:13:00 AM
Back in the fall of 2008, Ron Paul stared into the face of credit markets that had completely frozen for the first time in history, and didnt even consider the possibility that we needed TARP. He doesnt even consider the possiblity that we need a central bank. If you are going to punish whoever is not THAT fiscally conservative, youre in for a world of hurt!!!!

And lets get one thing straight. While Bush certainly was not fiscally ideal, his deficits were MANAGABLE. Before the housing bubble popped, deficits were below the 40 year historical average. Conservatrives need to stop kicking themselves in the ass and stop apologizing for Bush. All it does is feed into the Democrat/liberal propoganda machine. This deficit problem is attributable to Obama and ONLY Obama and the Democrats. NOT Bush. Criticizing Bush for his deficits undermines Conservatives and Republicans.

So Obama created the deficit in under 2 years?? Come on
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 10, 2011, 03:45:38 AM
So Obama created the deficit in under 2 years?? Come on

Yes. Why is that so hard to believe? Bush's largest budget deficit was $455 billion in 2008. Obama's smallest budget deficit was $1.3 trillion in 2010. Its true that Bush is responsible for the first 4 months of fiscal year 2009. He passed TARP during that time, which Obama supported. That contributed to the $1.5 trillion deficit in 2009, but TARP was mostly paid back in 2010, which makes Obama's $1.3 trillion budget deficit in 2010 all the more pathetic.

Obama is the one who passed the failed $800 billion stimulus package, which, unlike TARP, will never be repaid. He is responsible for the $400 billion "son of stimulus" omnibus bill. He signed the rediculous and unprecedented 2 year exention of un -employment benefits. Non defense discretionary spending has gone up a wapping 20% under Obama, at a time we can least afford it. Agencies such as the EPA have had thier budgets vastly increased. And before the Republicans current stand against spending, we were on pace for a $1.6 trillion deficit this year. The Democrats tried to pass another $1 trillion worth of spending in the lame duck session last year, but the Tea Party blocked it.  Listen to the news. Listen to Harry Reid bitch and moan about the Repulbicans' proposed spending cuts. The Democrats are not serious at all about cutting spending. They OWN these deficits, regardless of what the USA Today editorial board says.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 10, 2011, 05:04:14 AM
I have no idea if this info is correct so i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

The dem are spending us into bankrupcy no doubt about that.
Were our opinions differ is that you have a lot more confidence in the republican party than i do.

I hope you are right
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Soul Crusher on March 10, 2011, 05:08:27 AM
I have no idea if this info is correct so i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

The dem are spending us into bankrupcy no doubt about that.
Were our opinions differ is that you have a lot more confidence in the republican party than i do.

I hope you are right

I blame mostly Pelosi/Reid for this going back to 2007.   Allowing Obama unchecked pwer with those two was just the final straw on the camels' back.   Obama needs to be constantly checked, overseen, watched, and cock blocked.   He is like the spending addicted wife who just cant help herself.  Pelosi and Reid did the the equivalent of giving him free reign with the check book and credit cards.       

Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 10, 2011, 05:12:06 AM
How does Pelosi/Reid get elected anyway seems that they are disliked by dem as well as repub
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Freeborn126 on March 10, 2011, 09:33:57 AM
^ Yes the Soviet Union collapsed which is a positive that came from the Reagan administration.  However, containing communism also got us into Korea causing 53,000 U.S. casualties, Vietnam, causing 58,000 casualties for what benefit?  So bankers and the military industrial complex can profit off of these perpetual wars just like they are in Iraq and Afghanistan now as over 5,000 of my generation have already been killed.  I would also argue that we have not defeated communism.  Just look at China, they are still causing millions of deaths in their country yet we don't do anything to stop them since they are our biggest trading partner and own most of our debt.  Why choose to have a cold war with USSR but not China? 

Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: MM2K on March 10, 2011, 11:26:05 PM
I have no idea if this info is correct so i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

The dem are spending us into bankrupcy no doubt about that.
Were our opinions differ is that you have a lot more confidence in the republican party than i do.

I hope you are right

I think we disagree on how big the difference is between Democrats and Republicans. I would say that the Republicans the past decade were at best mediocre. And actually, my confidence in the Republican leadership in Congress is pretty shaky. I do have a lot of confidence in the Republican freshmen, and I have a lot of confidence in the state Republican politicians like Chris Christie and Scott Walker. But even the GOP leadership is clearly better than Reid and the Democrats. At least they are TRYING to go in the opposite direction, even though it may not be as much in that direction as you and I prefer.
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: Benny B on March 10, 2011, 11:36:05 PM
Damn - I think I would take a leave of absence from work to volunteer for that. 
We all know you don't have a job, PEA BRAIN. 
Title: Re: Republican presidential nominees
Post by: whork25 on March 11, 2011, 12:42:05 AM
I think we disagree on how big the difference is between Democrats and Republicans. I would say that the Republicans the past decade were at best mediocre. And actually, my confidence in the Republican leadership in Congress is pretty shaky. I do have a lot of confidence in the Republican freshmen, and I have a lot of confidence in the state Republican politicians like Chris Christie and Scott Walker. But even the GOP leadership is clearly better than Reid and the Democrats. At least they are TRYING to go in the opposite direction, even though it may not be as much in that direction as you and I prefer.

A guy like Christie would be a better choise than ANY dem thats for sure