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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Wrestling Board => Topic started by: leonp1981 on June 28, 2011, 07:29:23 PM

Title: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on June 28, 2011, 07:29:23 PM
Whether this was a work or not, one of the best promo's I've ever seen.  Gets very close to the bone with some of the ego's behind the scenes...

He was apparently 'suspended' last night, and they've now come to an agreement for him to work out his contract.  I'm still not entirely sure whether this whole thing was planned or not.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leaky_frog on June 29, 2011, 08:45:29 AM
What a great work!  Hope it's the start of something fantastic!
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on June 29, 2011, 12:13:04 PM
IMO, the answer to whether or not it was a work lies somewhere in between.

Clearly, the speech was planned, but, I believe he went beyond the script. I can't see why WWE creative would mention other promotions and include John Laurinitis, who isn't even known by the casual fan.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 29, 2011, 12:25:14 PM
IF it was a work, can't believe that the WWE would play that much to the "smarks"  should have learned that lesson from WCW.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on June 29, 2011, 01:07:05 PM
IF it was a work, can't believe that the WWE would play that much to the "smarks"  should have learned that lesson from WCW.

WCW was ridiculous with their damned "worked shoots."

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 29, 2011, 01:08:53 PM

WCW was ridiculous with their damned "worked shoots."


i never understood why they tried so hard to please such a small part of the fanbase?  Remember Madden constantly making comments about how little the "smarks on the internet" know? 
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on June 29, 2011, 01:24:28 PM
i never understood why they tried so hard to please such a small part of the fanbase?  Remember Madden constantly making comments about how little the "smarks on the internet" know? 

I never cared for Madden's announcing, and frankly, failed to see why they replaced Heenan with him.
I know "management" (for lack of a better word) wanted a younger, more "MTV" look, but young & hip is NOT what I think of when I hear and especially see Mark Madden.

I remember watching a Rick Steiner match one night in which Rick wasn't being too cooperative.
Madden made the comment: "Man, look at Steiner. He's not selling any of those punches!"
It makes me think of watching a shoot out scene in Die Hard and hearing Bruce Willis say, "Man, that squib barely had any blood in it!"
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 29, 2011, 01:37:51 PM

I never cared for Madden's announcing, and frankly, failed to see why they replaced Heenan with him.
I know "management" (for lack of a better word) wanted a younger, more "MTV" look, but young & hip is NOT what I think of when I hear and especially see Mark Madden.

I remember watching a Rick Steiner match one night in which Rick wasn't being too cooperative.
Madden made the comment: "Man, look at Steiner. He's not selling any of those punches!"
It makes me think of watching a shoot out scene in Die Hard and hearing Bruce Willis say, "Man, that squib barely had any blood in it!"

Madden was just a fat slot who looked like he would stink if you got too close.  He added nothing to the broadcasts and was just another example of how badly the WCW was run.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on June 29, 2011, 01:41:24 PM
Madden was just a fat slot who looked like he would stink if you got too close.  He added nothing to the broadcasts and was just another example of how badly the WCW was run.

He also SOUNDS fat when you hear him talk.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: littleguns on June 29, 2011, 04:28:18 PM
This is definitely a good angle. If this was a shoot, he would not have been "suspended"...

I wonder if his "contract end date" is a work as well...
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on June 29, 2011, 04:42:03 PM
Jim Ross made the following comments regarding Punk's "shoot" on

"CM Punk's show closing promo on MNR is still seemingly the talk of the wrestling biz. It was the best promo that I've heard on TV in years. Can't say it was the definitive 'best ever' but it ranks among the best that I can recall. Steve Austin, who cut some memorable promos in his day, was extremely impressed with Punk's work as were several other great promo men such as JBL and Mick Foley…

Punk says that he is leaving after the MITB Ladder Match PPV in Punk's hometown of Chicago in July. He also says he's leaving WWE with the WWE Title. Those two elements certainly should make for some compelling TV on Monday Night Raw. Whether Punk wins or doesn't win the WWE Title is a hill I choose not to die upon but Punk staying in WWE is something that I personally hope happens in some shape, form or fashion."

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on June 29, 2011, 08:26:48 PM
Source: PWInsider

- Sources report that CM Punk's entire promo at the end of RAW this week was improvised by Punk and not scripted. Nobody in the back knew what Punk was going to say until he said it live on RAW.

WWE officials told Punk to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, why he wanted the WWE Title and why he wanted to leave with it in his possession. There was a discussion that when officials felt Punk was going too far, they would pull the plug on the segment and cut his mic.

It's said that Punk was upset months ago when Triple H came back to feud with The Undertaker and while some of his comments on RAW towards Vince McMahon were well thought out to appear not as a shoot to the average viewer, most believe that Punk's comments towards Triple H and John Laurinaitis were strictly a shoot.

Word also is that Punk had some notes for his speech jotted down on his wrist tape.

As far as his contract status, Punk's deal apparently expires the second week of July but he signed an extension to work through Money in the Bank. Still with last night's new storyline development, sources maintain that Punk is leaving at Money in the Bank.

I watched it again, and it's still awesome.  It's been a long time since I've actually looked forward to seeing how things play out with a storyline.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: littleguns on June 30, 2011, 03:34:09 AM
Just read on another board that Lesnar, Heyman and Cobana are working on something with the WWE, possible new faction????
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on June 30, 2011, 12:49:00 PM
Just an absolute great promo.  Goes to show letting a guy who can work the mic actually say what he wants to say instead of what was scripted by writers and it comes across that way.  There is just something different about a wrestlers delivery when its his own thoughts and words.....because lets face it, they are "ok" actors but anybody who has watched any of them in movies understands that they aren't great at it. 
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: chaos on June 30, 2011, 07:34:14 PM
Just read on another board that Lesnar, Heyman and Cobana are working on something with the WWE, possible new faction????
Lesnar has to finish with UFC first, no way in hell will Dana let Brock do anything with WWE until then.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on June 30, 2011, 08:43:01 PM
Who is John Laurinitis?

Animal's brother, used to wrestle as Johnny Ace.  He's in charge of Talent Relations now.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 01, 2011, 06:15:53 AM
Just read on another board that Lesnar, Heyman and Cobana are working on something with the WWE, possible new faction????
The Observer-
According to a reliable source in WWE, there was some significance CM Punk mentioning Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman and Colt Cabana during his shoot promo on RAW - as each of them could be working with WWE again in the coming months.

Heyman and Lesnar have reportedly either made a deal or are at least in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. Regarding Lesnar, word is that he won't be wrestling and won't be a TV character, should he establish a business relationship with WWE again. Heyman would start working with the company again under a deal similar to Lesnar.

As for Punk's WWE future, the creative team has been told that he's finishing up at Money in the Bank and most feel that he is still leaving. During his negotiations with WWE Punk recently asked for his friend Colt Cabana to be re-hired and put on the main roster.

WWE still has an offer on the table, so we shall see.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 01, 2011, 06:41:05 AM
Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson has responded to the WrestleMania comment CM Punk made during his Raw promo this week by posting the following on Twitter!/TheRock:

"CM Punk: it's simple business - The Rock is the main event at Wrestlemania cause it draws more money in one night, then u will in lifetime."
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: chaos on July 01, 2011, 05:37:02 PM
Truth hurts. It all comes down to the number$. The Rock just laid the smacketh down.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 02, 2011, 11:08:32 AM
From Angle's twitter a few days ago... He didn't even mention Angle?

anglefoods1 Kurt Angle

CM Punk had classic promo last night. Good for Him. But if U ever say another word about Me again, Ur toast! If U don't believe Me, try Me!

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 05, 2011, 11:30:14 AM
from pwtorch arena report in Australia:

7). John Cena beat C.M. Punk to retain the WWE Title in 26:00. This was much better to watch than Cena vs. R-Truth earlier in the tour. They showed good chemistry in the ring and it was fun to watch. I am glad they changed up the matches tonight. About mid-match, Punk removed a turnbuckle cover. Later, he was able to throw Cena head first into it, but only got a two count. After a ref bump, Cena locked in the STF, but couldn't get the win. Punk broke free, hit Cena in the head with the belt, a second ref ran in, and Punk only scored a nearfall again. Cena was then able to deliver the Attitude Adjustment, but again a nearfall. He went for the AA again, launched him high, and Punk landed on his feet. He then did the Go To Sleep for a nearfall. Punk went up top for a cross-body, which Cena absorbed, rolled through, and then power lifted him up for AA #3. This finally got the pin!

Post-match, Punk took the mic and spoke highly and respectfully of Cena. He then cut a promo on 'Dwayne,' explaining "that is The Rock for those of you who watch bad Disney movies." He said that while Dwayne is off making movies, Cena is here in sickness and health ready to perform for the fans. Punk offerred a handshake, which Cena accepted. Punk did say that July 17 was his day!

As Punk left, Cena returned the love and respect for Punk, calling him the best wrestler in the company right now. He then said to the crowd that they had witnessed a special moment tonight, but Vince McMahon was all about stopping these types of moments!

Cena promised that the MITB match with him and Punk will be the biggest match of the year, finishing with "and sorry Rock, this will be bigger even that WrestleMania." A few more pleasantries and that was it for the show!
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: MCWAY on July 06, 2011, 08:57:57 AM
The most obvious way for McMahon to stick it to both Cena and Punk (storyline-wise):

McMahon interferes in the match and has Cena lose to Punk; Cena gets fired.

Then, McMahon has new Nexus (or somebody else) beat the mess out of the new WWE champion.

And, in keeping with tradition, the Raw MITB winner cashes the briefcase on a near-lifeless Punk.

Cena gets canned; Punk leaves; WWE title stays put; Mr. McMahon is happy!!
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 09, 2011, 02:01:23 PM
According to Dave Meltzer, there are clues that CM Punk might be turning babyface in the near future.

First, WWE has recently trademarked Punk's name for merchandising. For those of you wondering, Punk gave WWE the rights to use the name but he can still use it himself if he leaves the company.

Second, in a match with John Cena during WWE's tour of Australia, Punk worked as a babyface and put over Cena after the match.

Meltzer speculates that Vince McMahon's promo on the taped RAW was designed to get Punk over as a babyface and the company wants Punk to be cheered in Chicago at the Money in the Bank PPV. It's possible that, when/if Punk returns, he'll be the #2 babyface on RAW next to Cena and hopefully appeal to the male demographic that Cena doesn't attract.

There's talk that there will be a Vince McMahon/CM Punk confrontation on RAW this Monday but nothing is confirmed at this point.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on July 11, 2011, 10:07:01 PM
Once again, Punk shows why he's the best in the world at the moment.  The guy is gold right now.  Vince must have signed him up already, otherwise why allow this kind of angle?
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 12, 2011, 05:54:43 PM
Once again, Punk shows why he's the best in the world at the moment.  The guy is gold right now.  Vince must have signed him up already, otherwise why allow this kind of angle?
Both segments were perfect. Hot crowd, Punk and Vince played their roles perfectly. Cena was great in the first segment but his second promo was lackluster.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 12, 2011, 06:02:00 PM
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE has completely sold out of all merchandise for CM Punk. No word as of right now on if any further merchandise may be available in the near future or not.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 12, 2011, 06:09:02 PM

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 12, 2011, 06:26:06 PM

Several readers have sent in word that after Raw went off the air tonight, in the dark match main event of the night, John Cena defeated CM Punk for the WWE Title in a Street Fight.

Cena's father got involved in the match when CM Punk pushed him on the outside of the ring. Cena's father fired back by punching Punk in the face, and then Cena hit him with the AA for the win.

We also received word that there was a massive "CM Punk" chant before Raw went on the air, when the ring announcer announced that the show would be going live in 60 seconds.

We were also told that The Miz was very over with the live crowd tonight as about 90% of the crowd was popping big for him during his time on the mic tonight.

........................ ........................ ........................ .........
a buddy of mine who went said Punk was blowing kisses to Cena's wife,Rick Rude style.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on July 12, 2011, 07:44:21 PM
Cena was great in the first segment but his second promo was lackluster.

Definitely, he didn't look comfortable in the closing segment.

Punk's in a great position right now, but it remains to be seen if he wants to stay and capitalise on it.  He's on the cusp of something huge, a decent feud with Vince could see him become the No.1 guy in the company, a la Stone Cold.  Or he could go somewhere else and be the No.1 guy in that company instead! 
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on July 13, 2011, 01:12:02 PM
I am very entertained by this but not excited at all. All this Mr. Nice guy stuff Cena plays is a load. There's no way he'll allow Punk to take his top spot. Not that he could in the first place. As long as John Cena is around. No one is gonna get ahead of him. The Miz should still be the Heavyweight Champion to this day. Punk is just getting attention for Cena to beat him and get put over again. Then the Rocks gonna do it at Mania. Cena's kinda like early Hulkster that no one can beat him$$$. Punks getting his five minutes of fame and it's gonna fade real fast. I loved it when he was paired with that bald chick. But reality is that Cenation isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

I doubt Cena will lose his spot.
Rather, I think that Punk will primarily appeal to some of the fans who truly have "Cen-a-nuff."

What will make it interesting is to see how many of Cena's fans Punk acquires.
If he gets enough, it could turn the tide in Punk's favor; but that won't happen overnight.
IMO, the Fed is setting the stage towards gradually moving away from the PG stuff.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 14, 2011, 09:28:47 AM
I would guess he re signed a while ago. They have a real shot here to pump much needed life back in the product. I don't think the problem is PG. You can still have a good show with that rating as the past few weeks have shown. The problem is bland and predictable booking and storylines. I've said this before, if they allow Cena to let loose and semi break away from his character, he can hang with anyone on the mic.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 14, 2011, 02:12:38 PM
CM Punk is not the Rock. Cena went straight back into the rapper when confronted by the Rock. Because thats all he has. If the Rock was in Canas face and really put the pedal to the metal. Cena would be sitting there like a deer in the head lights.
Cena, Punk, and Rock all pander...they just do it to different demographics..except
to ;D me. I think I'm the only Cena fan above the age of 12. ;D
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 15, 2011, 02:29:13 PM

WWE wrestler C.M. Punk was interviewed at-length by GQ Magazine earlier this week and ahead of Sunday's Money in the Bank PPV in his hometown of Chicago. The tone of the GQ article is from the standpoint of wanting to re-capture the Attitude Era and not following the business closely over the last ten years to see it's still a healthy operation (despite the micro issues that plague wrestling week-to-week). There's also a lack of examination of whether Punk's stylistically-excellent TV program with John Cena and Vince McMahon will turn into dollars. The tone settles on "Punk's work is awesome, revolutionary, and draws a reaction a la something from the Attitude Era" without taking the next step of examining whether it will translate into making money.

Punk briefly touches on his belief he's made money for WWE with the program, then the interview immediately switches back to Punk "getting a reaction" within and outside the business. Punk's comment on what Vince McMahon cares about:

"I went out there and seemingly turned the place on its ear, and I have yet to hear one negative thing about any of it. I don't really think Vince McMahon cares. The bottom line is making money. I'd like to think that that's what I did," Punk said. "Whether it's real or not is almost irrelevant, but I think people can see through it and realize that yeah, this guy's pissed off, this guy's fed up. They can relate to that."


Punk's lengthy interview includes comments on several aspects of the current program, his departure from WWE, being positioned to walk away from pro wrestling if he wanted to, and other topics.
Punk said he wants a "summer vacation" after running hard for the last year rehabbing two injuries and traveling full-time, including his time as a commentator while battling a cracked hip.

"I have no plans. (Colt) Cabana was fired on a Friday and wrestling on a Saturday. That is not going to be me," Punk said, before noting he hasn't been contacted by other promotions about working for them after leaving WWE.
I've been doing this for a long time with no break. Especially over the last year, I had an elbow surgery and narrowly avoided hip surgery, so all my downtime's been used up by rehabbing so I can get back in the ring. And I never missed a beat; I was doing commentary with my cracked-up hip. That wears on you after a while. I'm looking forward to not setting an alarm, not flying anywhere, not having a schedule. I think everyone's dream is to do nothing. I want to have time off and not be injured. I want it to be summer vacation, where I don't have anything to do for three months. I can do anything."

Punk added that he's saved his money, doesn't spend much money, doesn't have debt, doesn't have addictions or an expensive lifestyle to maintain, and believes he's "set" financially. Based on the tone of Punk's comments, what would bring him back to WWE (or another promotion) is creative fulfillment. As for now, Punk said, "I'm reaching a point where I can step away and where I need to step away for a while."

-- Despite leaving WWE, Punk said he views himself as a potential locker room leader, especially being able to voice a lot of frustrations other wrestlers have during the current TV program with McMahon and Cena.

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 15, 2011, 02:31:48 PM
Everybody wants to say what I said. There's a lot of unrest. There are a lot of people who are unhappy. I don't want to say I'm their hero, but a lot of people have said that," Punk said. "It's not like we work for a tyrant. It's like this in every job, I think. There's certain people who are afforded privileges and maybe, maybe don't deserve them."

Punk said the other aspect is him being a veteran, by default, because of how much locker room turnover there has been to the point where Kelly Kelly is the #2 babyface in the Raw locker room based on tenure.
If they have something to say, I would like to think that somebody's going to listen. I'd imagine I fall somewhere in between hardass godfather type and the who-the-fuck-does-this-kid-think-he-is guy," Punk said. "There's a lot of times when I'm throwing a fit because everyone has completely destroyed the locker room...I would think that is the genesis of adapting a leadership role in the WWE."

-- Regarding his relationship with Vince McMahon both behind-the-scenes and on-camera during their promo exchange on Monday's Raw, Punk said he believes he's reached a point where he commands McMahon's attention.

"He intimidates a lot of people. I'm certainly not intimidated, but he does have a very strong presence," Punk said. "Only a few people can really command his attention, and I certainly couldn't do that when I first got here. I can definitely do that now."

Regarding the promo exchange on Monday, one wrestler watching the promo noted that Punk seemed shaky at first standing in the ring with McMahon, which McMahon is looking for, but then Punk gathered himself and cut a main-eventer promo. Punk acknowledged in the interview there was a bit of a "feeling out process" with McMahon.

"I've always wanted to be in the ring to do stuff with Vince; I don't think there's anything bigger than that. But, I've never been given that opportunity. So I'm not slowing down. Last night (Monday on Raw) was that situation. I was going to go out there and do nothing but hit a grand slam," Punk said, talking as if there's more to this program than just Punk-leaves-after-MITB.

-- Punk also discussed his time in Ring of Honor and becoming "bored" with the independent scene, which led him to WWE to achieve higher goals.
I needed something new. I set the bar high: Working with the WWE. I figured out that if I went to work there then, they'd say I'm not big enough, so I kicked my own ass and got into mega-shape. I ordered my own gear. They contacted me, and I said, 'Give me three months to get into shape, so when I go there, you can't say no.' That's what I did," Punk said.  "I didn't have an easy go of it; they hired me and sent me into their developmental system. But I've always worked my ass off. I'm never satisfied. It's like that now; that's what keeps driving me. And I think that's how I worked here, because I don't take no for an answer."

At the beginning of the interview, Punk was asked about his comment on Raw about WWE not receiving mainstream media attention, except in the case of a wrestler dying. Punk showed he's still a diplomat not examining the root cause of the issues and mainstream avoiding an industry with a self-created poor reputation. He also suggested Randy Savage died of "natural causes" despite having an enlarged heart, which has been part of numerous early wrestler deaths.

"There's a negative connotation to that (wrestlers dying erly), but Randy Savage just passed away of natural causes. The poor guy was driving his car, and he had a heart attack. I think that was the last time we got any mainstream attention," Punk said.

-- The entire four-page interview is worth reading with many more topics covered in-depth at

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 18, 2011, 08:48:20 AM

Dave Meltzer is reporting that CM Punk is not advertised for any WWE events between now and the end of the year. The general feeling internally is that it is a given he’ll be back by early next year.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 18, 2011, 08:51:40 AM
During an appearance along with Ring of Honor star Colt Cabana on Siriux/XM promoting tonight’s Money in the Bank PPV, CM Punk claimed he was offered a new five year deal with WWE and turned it down. He also added that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson didn’t deserve to be in the main event of Wrestlemania 28 next year in Miami.

Source: The Wrestling Observer
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 21, 2011, 02:04:09 PM
- As noted before, some of the CM Punk and WWE storyline is expected to play out in other outlets beside WWE TV. Word is that the idea for now is to try a unique balancing act with Punk to be kept in the news with the WWE Title while WWE acts like he doesn’t exist. WWE has been calling in favors to try and get Punk booked on things like late night talk shows where they can continue the storyline.

WWE talents have been told not to mention Punk’s name in interviews for now, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. On Monday’s RAW, John Cena was scripted to slip-up and mention Punk’s name. Also before RAW hit the air, Justin Roberts announced that WWE management has banned the fans from chanting Punk’s name – which just led to them chanting it, as seen on TV.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 21, 2011, 02:06:58 PM
CM Punk crashed WWE's panel discussion this afternoon at the San Diego Comic-Con, featuring Triple H, Rey Mysterio and WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart.

Punk announced himself via bullhorn and then, with WWE Championship in tow, took to the designated question-asking microphone and began to speak. The Straight Edge Superstar took exception to WWE attempting to crown a new champion on Raw and then challenged Mysterio, or anyone else who wanted to be champ, to head out to Chicago to face him.

Punk then also asked Triple H and WWE writer Brian Gewirtz why Zack Ryder wasn't on television. Triple H, in what appeared to be a kayfabe response, told Punk that things had changed on Raw and there was a new regime. He told Punk to give him a call. Punk responded by telling Hunter that he was sure Stephanie had his number.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: littleguns on July 21, 2011, 06:40:00 PM
Question is, what is going to be the culimination to this?. This runs it's course then what?

Evan Bourne flipping HHH the bird?
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: chaos on July 21, 2011, 07:24:39 PM
Question is, what is going to be the culimination to this?. This runs it's course then what?

Evan Bourne flipping HHH the bird?
HHH v CM @ WrestleMania, career v career
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on July 27, 2011, 12:41:01 PM
podcast with Bill Simmons from ESPN
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: littleguns on July 28, 2011, 03:17:19 AM
WWE has dropped the ball once again. This should have been dragged out for months but instead 2 weeks, Punk is back on Raw, signed his deal. Faces Cena at SS, win or lose this is done.

Nexus thrown to the weeds....

Sad really...
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: theheman on July 28, 2011, 01:36:45 PM
WWE has dropped the ball once again. This should have been dragged out for months but instead 2 weeks, Punk is back on Raw, signed his deal. Faces Cena at SS, win or lose this is done.

Nexus thrown to the weeds....

Sad really...

Do you get it?  People don't have that much of an attention span.  It's all about instant stimulation. 
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on July 28, 2011, 05:16:38 PM
I still maintain that there are fans who want to cheer someone, but just can't bring themselves to back the Cena character.

Remember when Bret was playing the face as WWF champion, and fans began cheering the bad guys like Austin over him?
Bret was the classic, clean-cut babyface who should have been cheered, but the fans went bat-shit crazy when Austin attacked him.

I see the possibility of something similar happening between Cena & Punk.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on July 28, 2011, 08:49:04 PM
They should have kept Punk away for at least a couple of months.  Keep the online/social network hype going, keep him making random appearances here and there. 

Then he suddenly appears on Raw, and HHH announces that he's come to an agreement with Punk.  It'll be HHH vs Punk, if Hunter wins, the title comes back to WWE, if Punk wins, he gets the most lucrative contract in WWE history.  Come the match, Cena has to interfere to stop Punk cheating, HHH hits the pedigree on Punk, and gets the win.  He picks up the WWE Championship, goes to hand it to Cena, then stops, stares at the belt for a second... then Pedigree's Cena.   ;D ;D

Or not.

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on July 29, 2011, 02:40:13 AM
They should have kept Punk away for at least a couple of months.  Keep the online/social network hype going, keep him making random appearances here and there. 

Then he suddenly appears on Raw, and HHH announces that he's come to an agreement with Punk.  It'll be HHH vs Punk, if Hunter wins, the title comes back to WWE, if Punk wins, he gets the most lucrative contract in WWE history.  Come the match, Cena has to interfere to stop Punk cheating, HHH hits the pedigree on Punk, and gets the win.  He picks up the WWE Championship, goes to hand it to Cena, then stops, stares at the belt for a second... then Pedigree's Cena.   ;D ;D

Or not.

Even WCW could do better than this.
They got Sting over for a year with him wrestling not one match...he said not one word...and he spent most of his time in rafters with a turkey vulcher.

I agree that the old man (or whoever is making the decisions these days) really dropped the ball on something that had more potential than about any angle they've done in years.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: chaos on July 29, 2011, 07:55:36 PM
They should have kept Punk away for at least a couple of months.  Keep the online/social network hype going, keep him making random appearances here and there. 

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on July 30, 2011, 05:19:02 AM
( has the "it" factor.Punk is a Superstar. But he's not glamorous. He's good. But he's not nor will ever be one of the great ones. Miz could have been.

Miz surprised the hell out of me.
I hope that they'll do something of substance with him down the line, and I suspect they will.

I agree about the "it factor," but remember that Austin wasn't glamorous and look where he went.

Punk's got skills.
If used right, he will become an even bigger player.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 01, 2011, 09:01:07 AM
Punk in a "Raven type" gimmick from ECW days would be entertaining. 
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: JBGRAY on August 05, 2011, 07:18:18 PM
The Cena shit is so fucking played out..its been what, 5 years of the same old shit?  Get the shit kicked out of him for 20 minutes, do the 5 moves of doom to win...PPV after PPV, wrestling show after wrestling show.  Only little kids and women cheer for this guy.  I remember when he had the rap gimmick, dude was refreshing and entertaining to seeing his GH forehead is just  :-\

Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on August 06, 2011, 03:49:07 AM
The Cena shit is so fucking played out..its been what, 5 years of the same old shit? 

Hmm...sounds familiar, doesn't it?
I suspect they'll give the Cena character a reboot when the time is right.
Right now, I think he's still popular enough with enough people.

Once he loses favor with his base and his merchandise sales drop, then I expect to see them change things up with him.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: littleguns on August 06, 2011, 10:53:02 AM
He can easily become as big a heel as Hollywood. People will love to hate him. He does a double cross and turns on the children and soldiers. Everyone will hate him.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this willl happen when he wrestles the Rock...boos get soo bad that he comes on Raw the next night and tells Cenantion to go to Hell! Maybe have him start a heel stable with Christian and Miz. Few months later Miz turns face and starts a feud with Cena for a few months, not one show.

I remember back in the 80's they would have storylines forever, one of the early ones was MSG, Hogan vs Savage, went on for 3 months...
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on August 06, 2011, 02:19:06 PM
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this willl happen when he wrestles the Rock...boos get soo bad that he comes on Raw the next night and tells Cenantion to go to Hell!

It would be an easy turn.
With all of the natural heat Cena already has, he's got more than enough justification to turn his back on the people.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: joseywaleshhh on August 07, 2011, 09:38:55 AM
A bit off topic here, but I read recently that Impact Wrestling (TNA) was offering some Punk's matches On Demand. Did he ever work for them? I checked out his Wikipedia page and didn't see any mention of it.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on August 11, 2011, 12:16:35 PM
According to a report by The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, CM Punk is only being given a "basic framework" of what they want him to say on television. Unlike others in the company, he is being allowed to come up with his own wording instead of writers scripting it out word-for-word.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on August 11, 2011, 02:53:51 PM
According to a report by The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, CM Punk is only being given a "basic framework" of what they want him to say on television. Unlike others in the company, he is being allowed to come up with his own wording instead of writers scripting it out word-for-word.

I hope they continue and expand this trend.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on August 11, 2011, 03:57:17 PM

- WWE Champion CM Punk spoke with Mark Madden on his Pittsburgh radio show this past Monday to promote SummerSlam. Punk was asked if he now has creative control in WWE. Punk said he doesn't like that term and said control is bad. He noted that he has input now but added that everyone always has input. Madden asked Punk if things have really change in WWE or if it's just another McMahon being the star of the show.

"I think things aren't going to change over night," Punk said. "A few little things have already changed. Just the face they're listening to different people is a step in the right direction. It's going to take a while. Obviously I'm one who's an advocate for any kind of change. Getting guys like Zack Ryder on TV is a step in the right direction. He's entertaining, that's the bottom line. Is he going to main event WrestleMania this year? No. Maybe he will in a couple of years, you never know. I'm just happy what little change has been implemented thus far has been implemented."

Punk says people have been making comparisons to what's happening now and the Attitude Era but added that he isn't trying to fill Steve Austin's shoes. Punk is trying to do something completely different - make it fun again, he said. Punk said he hopes he is making everyone tune in next week to see what's going on because that's his goal.

Regarding John Cena, Punk acknowledged that he has said some nasty things about his SummerSlam opponent but put him over as someone who loves what he does and a hard worker for WWE. Punk said everything he has said about "Dwayne" is absolutely 100% true.
"I'm in a position now where I think I can call guys out on it,"

*Punk said about The Rock. "I have no personal problems against Dwayne. It's very frustrating being here and watch a guy come in and get credit for a WrestleMania buyrate when he didn't do anything on the show. He certainly didn't do anything entertaining. There's a line he crossed at some point where I think he is just as out of touch as the Vince McMahons and everybody else. I'm not calling Rock old, he's still obviously a young physical fit guy but his ideas are old and his shtick is corny in my opinion.

*Hopefully when my ideas are old and my shtick is corny, there's some young punk that's going to call me out on it. Hopefully Dwayne takes it as, "ok when I come here I have to step it up", and hopefully he does."
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on August 22, 2011, 01:55:51 PM
In an interview with the Daily Star in Britain, WWE Hall of Famer Stone
Cold Steve Austin said a match against CM Punk could happen if all the stars
align. “It would have to be good for me financially, good for me in terms of
execution and storyline,” Austin said. “Obviously it would have to be good
for WWE and work out for CM Punk too.” The former WWE champion said Punk
would be the one if he would have to wrestle one more match for WWE.
Wrestling fans around the world started to compare Punk to Steve Austin’s
character ever since his work/shoot promo in Las Vegas last month on RAW.
“I’m not starting up anything here, but could it happen? Yes. Will it
happen? I don’t know,” Austin added
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on August 24, 2011, 06:54:43 PM
This whole fued with Nash just isn't working. He's killing him on the mic. It's not even a fair fight. That shot last week with the sisters text. Then last night with the just for men. Why not put Punk against Del Rio and Cena against Nash and HHH? The fans are turning on Cena. Hear the boos last night. And the crowd throwing the shirt back. His days seem like they are numbered.
Nash's best promos are always done in a laid back and snarky kind of way and he's at his best when he has someone to play off of, like Hall or Shawn. Who knows? Maybe this is the way WWE wants it done so Nash stays heel in the feud.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: leonp1981 on August 31, 2011, 05:53:31 PM
Orton is the closest thing to 3:16 if you ask me. I think Punk is more like Jericho.

Yep, spot on there.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on September 01, 2011, 05:24:12 AM
I just don't get why people are saying Punk is the next 3:16? He is nothing like him. Orton is the closest thing to 3:16 if you ask me. I think Punk is more like Jericho.

I can see Punk as Jericho, but nothing I've ever seen from Orton on the mic reminds me of Austin.  Orton's promos are long and boring.....
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on September 02, 2011, 07:23:22 AM
I meant like they way they were trying to push Orton. The 3:16 look with the vest and the black trunks. The Viper. Along those lines. But I definitely agree Randy isn't even close to 3:16.

Ah, gotcha.  I agree, the look and the attempted attitude, but Austin was a one of a kind performer...he is easily top 5 on the mic ever.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on September 02, 2011, 07:51:05 AM
I can think of at least 10 guys on the current roster I'd rather watch than Orton. He does nothing for me.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on September 02, 2011, 07:57:22 AM
I can think of at least 10 guys on the current roster I'd rather watch than Orton. He does nothing for me.

In-ring Orton is "ok" but his mic work is pitiful....course his dad wasn't any better.  And why not just get your whole body covered in black ink?
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on September 06, 2011, 08:29:18 AM

CM Punk Speaks on WWE's Problems, Disses The Spinner Belt
Nick Paglino
September 05, 2011

WWE is featuring an uncensored interview with CM Punk in the October issue of WWE Magazine. Below are some highlights:

In your estimation, what do you feel is wrong with WWE right now, and what would you do to change it?

What's wrong with WWE right now is that there isn't enough youth. Most of the ideas are old. They worked in The Attitude Era or in the '80's—and I'm not necessarily saying that they're bad or they're wrong —but they need updating, they need tweaking. There needs to be some young minds spinning the webs, so to speak. I'm sick of seeing people who are excellent wrestlers get passed over for people who have abs or who were good second-string linemen in a European football league. I think there are a lot of people who, on their own terms, have made their own personas and perfected their craft simply out of love for what they do. They're not trying to be bodybuilders or footballs players who fail miserably and then call their uncle or their dad and say, "Hey, I'll give that wrestling thing a shot because I suck at everything else."

Why do you think it's such a strike against guys who—like yourself—are fans but aren't from a sports or bodybuilding background?

Now, this is complete speculation. I can't even tell you what somebody else is thinking. I can only say what I think works. And I'm not going to be right 100 percent of the time just like they're not going to be. Somewhere along the way I think we lost the Midas touch. This whole thing became uncool. I think the people who love it aren't going to go do something else if they get fired. Like Colt Cabana. He's a perfect example. He is a wrestler. If he gets hired and it doesn't work out, he's wrestling somewhere else the next day. He's not trying to shoehorn himself into an accounting job. He's a wrestler. He's always going to be there. So I just think if you love wrestling sometimes—maybe-you're punished. You're placed last in line. The attitude is: You're always going to be here, maybe we can use you later if we need you, but right now we're going to use this guy because he was good at college football, but he didn't quite make it in the NFL.

Another one of your gripes is about how the WWE Championship looks. How would you redesign the title? What is the definitive look of that particular championship for you?

Oh God. How long's this interview? Honestly, I think old Dwayne used to have a cute little blue cow on his title or something. Then, of course, Stone Cold had the Smoking Skull Title. I don't know. I think I could Straight Edge the hell out of that thing. A couple of "X"s might make it look good. Make it look like a title should look like, and not make it look like some sort of weird, rapper bling. I feel the definitive look, though, is what I like to call "Bret Hart's Title." I think everyone likes to call it the "Winged Eagle Title." That's a little redundant. I'm pretty sure most eagles have wings. That's the one that always sticks out in my mind.

This anger with your job has been festering for a while. Was there one moment backstage when you felt you'd had enough?

I can name one off the top of my head. How about main-eventing a pay-per-view as the World Heavyweight Champion against Undertaker and then, a few months later, being in a dark match against R-Truth at WWE TLC? That's pretty ignorant in my mind. This is the problem. We do this too many times to too many Superstars. It's a startstop kind of thing. The company likes to spotlight certain people. Like, "This week, Kofi's cool," and then, the next week, "We changed out minds we like Dolph this week." It flip-flops back and forth ad nauseam, and the next thing you know, the people couldn't give a crap about either guy.

When did the powers that be really begin to take your leaving WWE seriously?

I told them probably a year out. They would say, "Hey, how about we talk about your contract?" And I would just say, "No, I don't really feel like it." And they would say, "Okay, back off. Punk's crabby and temperamental. We'll get him next week." And the next week it would be, "Hey, let's talk about it." And then maybe eight or ten months out, it was, "Hey, I really want to sit down. We really need to sign you a new deal." And that's when I straight up said, "No, I'm not interested."

You mentioned on the Bill Simmons BS Report podcast that you had made the decision to come back and resign at WWE Money In The Bank. Do you think your decision was at all clouded a little bit too much by all the emotion going on that day?

I can definitely put it aside. I can be a robot if I need to be. Resigning was something that was on my mind day in and day out whether I was at the gym or sleeping. I was dreaming about it, I was really trying to figure out what the best decision was for me and my future. Call me crazy, but I was also trying to figure out what was the best decision for the company as a whole. I love what we do. I'm not going to get along with everybody I work with. I'm certainly not going to agree with everything all the time, but at the end of the day, I want everybody voice to be heard. I want this place to succeed. So I had to weigh my options.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: mass 04 on September 09, 2011, 08:16:23 AM
I like how Punk has been running his mouth. But to me he needs to hit the gym. Every major Federation superstar has been built. Except for like Yoko and the other monsters. But they have all had nice physiques. When I see the new punk he just looks like a dirtbag running around in his tighty whiteys.
I don't know....he's in good enough shape IMO. He doesn't need to be ripped or huge, his gimmick doesn't require it. Jake the Snake, Dibiase, Dusty, were nothing special, Shawn was 210lbs, at the most during his big run.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: The Showstoppa on September 09, 2011, 08:23:25 AM
I don't know....he's in good enough shape IMO. He doesn't need to be ripped or huge, his gimmick doesn't require it. Jake the Snake, Dibiase, Dusty, were nothing special, Shawn was 210lbs, at the most during his big run.

I agree.  There is way too much of a cookie-cutter mentatlity in the WWE now.  Having a "good luck" used to mean something, for example Atlas back in the day or Luger when he first showed up in the NWA, but now days it's almost impossible to make it UNLESS you look like them.
Title: Re: CM Punk?
Post by: Montague on September 13, 2011, 04:09:33 AM
I agree that Punk doesn't need to look like an Ultimate Warrior, but I would like to see him improve his physique at least "a litte bit."
Right now, he still looks like the average worker backstage at an indy show.

IMO, physique will - and should always be - an idealism of pro-wrestling.