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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: metal10000 on July 06, 2011, 12:37:58 AM

Title: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: metal10000 on July 06, 2011, 12:37:58 AM
Hello All...
I have done 2 cycles of Deca+Sustanone. 1st cycle was of 20 Deca+20 Sustanone, 3 times in a week plus dianabol everyday. I did it religiously..with proper diet and protein intake. but unfortunately there was no effect to my body :-[ :'( :'( :'(....As i was looking for muscle mass..

Then again i was suggested, to take 2nd cycle which was of 10Deca+10 Sustanone, once in a week plus P5(Pronabol 5)....Again there was no result  :'( :'( :'( :'(
After this cycle i did PCT..which was not suggested to me in the first cycle....i started quite i was not getting proper guidance...
PCT course which i followed :
500iu HCG everyday for 3 weeks straight.
Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg (Brand name Tamtera 10mg) every night for 6 weeks
Exmestane 25mg (Brand name Xtane 25mg) every night for 5 weeks
VitE 1200 iu Brand name (Evion 600) every night for 6 weeks.

I came to online reading that these cycle affects your hormone production and doing PCT is a must to bring back the hormone production back to normal... Regarding PCT i have below questions -
1)If a donot take the PCT..what will happen? Does the hormone production will be back to normal after few days..if yes how many?? if not ..why??
2)Will i be satisfy my woman?..if i take PCT / what would be the consequences if dont take PCT?
3)What would be my enthusiasm level to do any task....if i take PCT or dont take PCT?

Now after all aim to build muscle is still a dream.....
I have planned to take GH...i dont decision is right or wrong?

I came to know...that GH doesn't require PCT (glad to hear that...which means it doesn't effect your hormone) ...hope this is true
Will taking only GH would i be able to achieve what i want?
If not what other stuff i have to add?? and what would be the quantity and period to continue...

Would there be a need to do PCT?

I want to have a good muscular body..but i am also concerned whether if i do this stuff ..would i be able to satisfy a woman/or start a family?

Hope you all understand my please guide me .....

Thanks in advance to all

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: jedibrat on July 06, 2011, 02:11:47 AM

2)Will i be satisfy my woman?

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: tlc on July 06, 2011, 05:01:27 AM
Your gear was fake, so your pct was unnecessary, even assuming it wasn't also fake product. I'm sure the vitamin E did you a world of good though!

Stop worrying about your pecker and get a new source.

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: WillGrant on July 06, 2011, 06:20:36 AM
Your gear was fake, so your pct was unnecessary, even assuming it wasn't also fake product. I'm sure the vitamin E did you a world of good though!

Stop worrying about your pecker and get a new source.

This - you were ripped off mate - stab the fucker in the eye then find a new source as TLC says..
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: jedibrat on July 06, 2011, 10:27:22 AM
Did you forget to lift some weights?

You should at least have gained fat if you were in calorie excess.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: theheman on July 06, 2011, 10:29:43 AM
Did you buy that stuff from or some other site that advertises in the back of the magazine covers?
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: efanhowz on July 06, 2011, 11:57:14 PM
this is good......
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: DK II on July 07, 2011, 12:18:20 AM

Yes, i am 100% sure about it as well.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: metal10000 on July 07, 2011, 01:23:13 AM
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: Wiggs on July 07, 2011, 08:12:05 PM
If you don't grow from deca, sust and d-bol your shit is def fake.  All of it.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: kevinf on July 08, 2011, 03:08:47 AM
If you don't grow from deca, sust and d-bol your shit is def fake.  All of it.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: claymore on July 08, 2011, 06:21:22 AM
If you don't grow from deca, sust and d-bol your shit is def fake.  All of it.

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: DK II on July 08, 2011, 07:49:00 AM
If you don't grow from deca, sust and d-bol your shit is def fake.  All of it.

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: trapz101 on July 08, 2011, 06:36:47 PM
can't believe everything you bought is fake...should have spend all the money on foods,shitloads of protein powder and creatine  ;D....
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: Mega Man on July 09, 2011, 01:25:22 AM
If you don't grow from deca, sust and d-bol your shit is def fake.  All of it.

 Mabey he has genetics like Jim Carey  ;D
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: flinstones1 on July 09, 2011, 01:51:10 AM
AAS=bread and butter
slin= if you respond well it is gold and you sit on the coach and literally watch yourself grow  

gh= skin beauty, fat loss, 3d look, nasty mutation

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: Arnold jr on July 09, 2011, 03:45:04 AM
*Definitely fake gear, without question...even the worst responder on earth should grow from those items.

*PCT: If you don't run a PCT normal testosterone production will still begin again on its own, however, it will simply take much longer, it could take up to a year. Even with a good PCT and many seem to not understand this, your natural test is not going to be back to normal just because you ran a PCT, it will return to normal faster but it still takes time.

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: metal10000 on July 09, 2011, 04:51:22 AM
*Definitely fake gear, without question...even the worst responder on earth should grow from those items.

*PCT: If you don't run a PCT normal testosterone production will still begin again on its own, however, it will simply take much longer, it could take up to a year. Even with a good PCT and many seem to not understand this, your natural test is not going to be back to normal just because you ran a PCT, it will return to normal faster but it still takes time.

Thanks for this information....
I thought there is problem in me...or those stuff..didnt suit me....Yeah i know...that it works for most of them....but in my case it didn't.
Maybe its fake...but it was of well-known to differentiate about fake and genuine?

And if i take only GH....would i be able to build muscle? After GH course, any PCT is required?

What other stuff could be added to get good result?


Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: tlc on July 09, 2011, 06:58:02 AM
gh will get you leaner and grow new muscle fibres, but to build those new fibres you're still going to need AAS for any significant results. Without AAS any new fibres are going to grow just as glacially slowly as what you've already got.

PCT is not needed for gh on its own.

Don't buy your gh from whoever sold you the other stuff... and start thinking about insulin when you've built a solid extra 20-30lb of muscle.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: flinstones1 on July 09, 2011, 09:08:35 AM
Thanks for this information....
I thought there is problem in me...or those stuff..didnt suit me....Yeah i know...that it works for most of them....but in my case it didn't.
Maybe its fake...but it was of well-known to differentiate about fake and genuine?

And if i take only GH....would i be able to build muscle? After GH course, any PCT is required?

What other stuff could be added to get good result?



if you do not  grow on AAS gh is not gnna do shit
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: Arnold jr on July 09, 2011, 02:35:22 PM
Thanks for this information....
I thought there is problem in me...or those stuff..didnt suit me....Yeah i know...that it works for most of them....but in my case it didn't.
Maybe its fake...but it was of well-known to differentiate about fake and genuine?

And if i take only GH....would i be able to build muscle? After GH course, any PCT is required?

What other stuff could be added to get good result?



Well-known brands are counterfeited all the time, just because it's a well-known brand does not mean it's good. "How different is fake and genuine?" Not to be a smart ass but one works and the other does nothing...pretty simple. If gear is fake it won't do a thing, kind of like a fake gun, a fake gun might look real but it doesn't shoot.

Yes, HGH builds lean tissue but like another said it won't build that much without AAS and in either case HGH needs to be used for very long periods of time to get anything out of it. No PCT stuff is needed if all you're using is HGH but since you should be using at least some AAS with it you'll need a PCT.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: metal10000 on July 10, 2011, 11:59:20 PM

why do you say so? ??? ???
One thing is sure...and everyone would agree...whats the use of a muscular body...if you don't satisfy a woman/start a family?
So we have to take care of all those things....don't you think so?

Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: jedibrat on July 11, 2011, 03:25:14 AM

why do you say so? ??? ???
One thing is sure...and everyone would agree...whats the use of a muscular body...if you don't satisfy a woman/start a family?
So we have to take care of all those things....don't you think so?


If your test levels are shot from missing pct you won't be able to satisfy your own hand.
Title: Re: What should be taken along with GH
Post by: BOW on July 20, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
For the most part pct is overrated ...