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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Soul Crusher on July 10, 2011, 04:37:18 PM

Title: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 10, 2011, 04:37:18 PM /

Meet the Press transcript for July 10, 2011


MR. GREGORY: When do you think recovery is actually going to start feeling like recovery ?

SEC'Y GEITHNER: Oh, I think it's going to take a long time still. This is a very tough economy . And I think for a lot of people...


SEC'Y GEITHNER:'s going to be -- it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for some time to come . And that -- but that is because that is the tragic effects of a crisis this deep and this bad caused by a long period of lost opportunities to do things to make the country stronger.
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 10, 2011, 04:38:38 PM
Didn't this jerk write an article in Newsweek two years ago labeled "Welcome to the Recovery"?
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 10, 2011, 04:43:54 PM
Geithner says hard times to continue for many (Til your gone)
Yahoo news ^ | July10,2011 | AP
Posted on July 10, 2011 6:42:11 PM EDT by Hojczyk

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (GYT'-nur) says many Americans will face hard times for a long time to come.

He says President Barack Obama rescued the United States from a second Great Depression and will keep working to strengthen the economy. But Geithner says will be some time before many people feel like the country is recovering.

Geithner tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that it's a very tough economy. He says that for a lot of people "it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Audacity of hope.   
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 10, 2011, 06:52:37 PM
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Geithner on TV – “Keynesian economics has failed”
zero hedge ^ | 7/10/11 | Bruce Krasting
Posted on July 10, 2011 10:00:02 PM EDT by Nachum

Some refreshing words from the Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner this morning on Meet the Press. He had this to say: (15:20 into this clip) Note: An 8 second clip of Tim's words: Link

We don’t have the ability (because of the overhang in housing and the problems in the financial sector) to engineer artificially a stronger recovery.

Imagine that! Geithner acknowledges what I (and many others) have felt all along. The structural issues in the economy trump the government’s ability to engineer a recovery.

The Fed has taken extraordinary measures on the monetary front. Since 2009 we have had $1.2 trillion of fiscal stimulus measures as well. We have had TARP and the bailouts of Fannie and Freddie. But the evidence is clear that it has not worked. Unemployment is today near a record and the more important measure, U6, is at 16.2% (about where it was a year ago) Nothing that has been done has moved the needle.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Can't wait for straw and Benny on this. 
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: quadzilla456 on July 10, 2011, 08:09:40 PM
These morons are just too much. How in the hell is this little mongrel responsible for saving anything?? Is he some kind of genius? Did he invent the wheel? Wow, they must think we are all stupid or really don't care. I say off with their heads.
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: whork25 on July 11, 2011, 01:01:34 AM
These morons are just too much. How in the hell is this little mongrel responsible for saving anything?? Is he some kind of genius? Did he invent the wheel? Wow, they must think we are all stupid or really don't care. I say off with their heads.

Actually i think Geithner was a Wall Street guy no..? So he actually had a very activ role in creating the mess. But Obama is elected by Wall Street money just like any politician so no surprise there
Title: Re: Geithner - The economy is going to suck for a llllooonnngggg time.
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 11, 2011, 02:55:16 PM
Future of America: Harder Than Anything You’ve Experienced In Your Lifetime
SHTF Plan ^ | 7-11-2011 | Mac Slavo

Future of America: Harder Than Anything You’ve Experienced In Your Lifetime

Mac Slavo
July 11th, 2011

In February 0f 2009, while on the Glenn Beck show, trend forecaster Gerald Celente was asked to comment on global events and extraordinary times in which we live. His response should have been a wake up call.

[It will be] Like nothing we’ve ever seen in our lifetime or I would say anyone’s life time.

Since then we’ve seen not billions, but trillions upon trillions of dollars committed to bank bailouts, toxic asset purchases, stock market liquidity infusion, so-called job creation programs, tax breaks and mortgage modifications. The Obama administration has taken every opportunity to tout these programs as evidence of success.

On the one hand, we’re told that the recovery, albeit slower than expected, is in full swing. We were also told in late 2008 that this was a recession. Any discussion about the possibility of another Great Depression was taken off the table by government, media and mainstream economists. The idea that America could enter another depression was simply not possible, and anyone who spoke of such thing was a fear mongering pessimist.

Yet, it seems that we were on the very brink of complete melt-down in 2008. So close, in fact, that administration officials now claim the President’s policies are responsible for avoiding the very scenario that was completely denied as a possibility three years ago:

The American economy was falling off the cliff in the fall of ’08 and the first months of this administratio. And he put in place the most creative, the most forceful set of economy measure we have ever done as a country. And because of that, we’ve preented a second Great Depression and the economy has now been growing for more than a year and a half.

-Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Meet the Press, July 10, 2011

At the same time Mr. Geithner explains to us how saddling us with trillions more in debt and expanding government intervention into every aspect of our lives has avoided depression, he warns that things are going to remain tough for the average American. His words are eerily reminiscent of Gerald Celente’s 2009 forecast:

I think it’s going to take a long time still. This is a very tough economy. And I think for a lot of people it’s going to be – it’s going to feel very hard, harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime now, for some time to come.

(Click to the site to see a video by Geitner)

The consensus among the experts who didn’t see the 2008 recession until six months after it was official and then told us the economy would be back to normal by 2011 are the same people who are telling us that a Great Depression has been avoided.

As in 2008, the Great Depression debate is off the table.

For those paying attention, however, it should be clear that the next Great Depression was signaled by the 2008 economic and equities market crash, and the last three years of policy initiatives have done nothing to fix the fundamental problems that caused the crisis in the first place.

An argument could be made that things are actually much worse now – on a number of fronts including the economy, jobs, real estate, deficit spending, national debt, and cost of living – than they were three years ago.

If you’ve haven’t guessed, it is very likely that the reason Americans are going to experience times tougher than anything they have experienced in their lifetimes is because our nation is fully engrossed in the next Great Depression. There is no better example of this than then our 21st century version of soup lines:

It’s real. It’s happening right now. Prepare yourself financially, mentally, spiritually, and physically – because it’s only going to get worse.