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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Max B on July 20, 2011, 02:56:59 PM

Title: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 20, 2011, 02:56:59 PM
 Both are from approved respescted sources, which do you guys recommend, are they basically the same types of drugs or no, Im confused on the two but i know gh15 was at first recommending eq but switched to npp claiming that many sources do no have legit eq.. any help is appreciated... thanks fellas.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: nosleep on July 20, 2011, 05:28:25 PM

Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: BOW on July 20, 2011, 05:41:33 PM
they are 2 completely different drugs. NPP is the same hormone as deca, nandrolone. Instead of having a longer ester decanoate, NPP has a phenylpropionate based chain attached to it giving it a shorter half-life. Think of it as test e and test prop where deca is test e and NPP is prop, same drug but different half/active lives. Eq is equipoise, it would be more closely related to test than nandrolone.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: tbombz on July 20, 2011, 08:51:25 PM
which ever one is cheaper per mg
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Stavios on July 21, 2011, 08:57:27 AM
I didn't like npp but I don't know if it was the actual drug or simply how I looked at that part of the prep.

Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Rearden Metal on July 21, 2011, 09:48:02 AM
I didn't like npp but I don't know if it was the actual drug or simply how I looked at that part of the prep.

Im dropping EQ and doubling NPP for a while to see the difference. Will report back.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Stavios on July 21, 2011, 10:57:48 AM
Im dropping EQ and doubling NPP for a while to see the difference. Will report back.

No one swears by NPP, myself maybe it was bad experience or maybe it wasn't even NPP we never know
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 21, 2011, 12:50:08 PM
whats your current stack rearden, minus the gh?  how is the tren ace treating you, im running prop and mast not competing or anything but may throw in a few weeks of tren ace and var to really get the conditioning in, im not as dry as i should be im probably around 7 or 8 percent im holding a shit load of water so im gona shoot a cc of mast instead of half a cc to see if i can really dry out... im on 400mgs of test prop
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: mrgut on July 21, 2011, 12:55:50 PM
Have used both at different times and same dosages by themselves. And legit EQ blows NPP out of the freaking water. The NPP I used was also vet grade so it was legit stuff.  Just by the description in the drug facts it only designed to put on lean weight. And at the dosage it came in 25mg/ml taking 500 mg a week sucked balls.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 21, 2011, 01:14:24 PM
true, yeah im gonna opt for EQ  but it was premature as im not going to run it for another 6 months or so i just wanted to see the general consensus... i hate when ppl say u need to run it for months also.. i am almost positive u will begin to see results within a month... also in my last post, im gonna skip the tren no point... im either just going to add var and or make my masteron dose higher will lowering the test to 50mgs eod or keeping it the same which is 100mgs eod.. im at 206 right now. 6 ft.. no more than 8 percent holding water like its my job...
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Rearden Metal on July 21, 2011, 03:05:22 PM
whats your current stack rearden, minus the gh?  how is the tren ace treating you, im running prop and mast not competing or anything but may throw in a few weeks of tren ace and var to really get the conditioning in, im not as dry as i should be im probably around 7 or 8 percent im holding a shit load of water so im gona shoot a cc of mast instead of half a cc to see if i can really dry out... im on 400mgs of test prop

350 mg test prop/ week
75 mg tren ED
75mg mast eod
300mg EQ eod
100mg NPP eod

Going to:
Same test
Same mast
100 mg tren Ed
100 mg NPP Ed

For a few weeks. May add in turinabol again
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 21, 2011, 04:19:25 PM
oh ok our test and mast dosages are pretty similar uve got a bunch more shit in there ... why the tbol? and what do u think makes u the most vascular? the eq and tren?
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Rearden Metal on July 21, 2011, 08:51:03 PM
oh ok our test and mast dosages are pretty similar uve got a bunch more shit in there ... why the tbol? and what do u think makes u the most vascular? the eq and tren?

Vascular? Low bodyfat so gh and tren. I'm getting more vascular daily as I tighten up. I noticed straight away on gh an increase in vascularity.

Turinabol just cuz I have a bunch around. Not lean enough for Anadrol yet.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: tlc on July 21, 2011, 11:48:37 PM
And at the dosage it came in 25mg/ml taking 500 mg a week sucked balls.

Haha, sod that.  ;D   Three stabs a week @ 2ml is as much as I want to poke myself...
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: gh15 on July 22, 2011, 12:41:16 AM
if its legit eq...and legit eq WILL smell strong shoe lether type smell,,if it is legit pure eq paste....then eq is alwys the one to chose it is simply above and beyond the other pure anabolics,, but! but! most dont get legit eq ,,even good sources get fooled,, thats the problem

you ask why the fellas in 80s were better? here is your answer ,,among other answerts,,their eq in 80s and 90s was vet and was dosed at 50mg per ml ....thats all you need from serious quality eq...if you actualy take true 500mg of eq...legit eq with every injection 2 times a become pretty much what eq is for to begin with..




H O R S E  : )

you think im im not,, you end up with the shiney polish look of a horse...muscle tendoins and bones...good finishing polish look and good toned muscle that is larger from the inside out and most importantly your skin gets the thinnnnnnn skin you all want so much...just like....all together now....a horse...

gh15 approved
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Stavios on July 22, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
I need to fuck a vet and have her find me some EQ  8)

haha but I see what you mean, a friend of mine had some real EQ I think it was a 30ml and 50mg per ml if I am not mistaken

I didn't want any because it was dosed too low I was stupid back in tha days haha
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 22, 2011, 08:49:05 AM
 so basically i cannot get eq as theres a good chance its really eq..? god damnitttttt  also gh15 god or hormones, how long does eq take to actually kick in, and whats the least amount of time u can run it? i only say this because cuz i was gonna add it in mid cycle but probably wont since theres a good chance its not gonna b what i want....
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Stavios on July 22, 2011, 08:54:39 AM
so basically i cannot get eq as theres a good chance its really eq..? god damnitttttt  also gh15 god or hormones, how long does eq take to actually kick in, and whats the least amount of time u can run it? i only say this because cuz i was gonna add it in mid cycle but probably wont since theres a good chance its not gonna b what i want....

there is a good chance that every product you will take won't be the product you think it is actually


I know it sucks
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Max B on July 22, 2011, 09:00:46 AM
lol.... im like wow so im not on test and masteron right now... wtf should i just stick to human grade then and only run test cyp or sus lol
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: tbombz on July 22, 2011, 09:39:44 AM
lol.... im like wow so im not on test and masteron right now... wtf should i just stick to human grade then and only run test cyp or sus lol
nah stick with a solid, reputable UG. only way to know for sure your stuff will work. human grade is fake 80% of the time, though there are some good sources for human grade, but few who can escape the counterfet/fakes every now and then.
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Stavios on July 22, 2011, 12:47:14 PM
nah stick with a solid, reputable UG. only way to know for sure your stuff will work. human grade is fake 80% of the time, though there are some good sources for human grade, but few who can escape the counterfet/fakes every now and then.

true that
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: nosleep on July 22, 2011, 12:49:08 PM

Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: flinstones1 on July 22, 2011, 12:52:50 PM
if its legit eq...and legit eq WILL smell strong shoe lether type smell,,if it is legit pure eq paste....then eq is alwys the one to chose it is simply above and beyond the other pure anabolics,, but! but! most dont get legit eq ,,even good sources get fooled,, thats the problem

you ask why the fellas in 80s were better? here is your answer ,,among other answerts,,their eq in 80s and 90s was vet and was dosed at 50mg per ml ....thats all you need from serious quality eq...if you actualy take true 500mg of eq...legit eq with every injection 2 times a become pretty much what eq is for to begin with..




H O R S E  : )

you think im im not,, you end up with the shiney polish look of a horse...muscle tendoins and bones...good finishing polish look and good toned muscle that is larger from the inside out and most importantly your skin gets the thinnnnnnn skin you all want so much...just like....all together now....a horse...

gh15 approved

gh how do you avoid horse face eq gives? ;D
Title: Re: Equipoise or NPP?
Post by: Arnold jr on July 22, 2011, 03:12:46 PM
nah stick with a solid, reputable UG. only way to know for sure your stuff will work. human grade is fake 80% of the time, though there are some good sources for human grade, but few who can escape the counterfet/fakes every now and then.

80% of human grade is fake? I don't know if it's that high but there is a lot of counterfeit out there for sure but if you've ever used the real version of whatever you're looking for it's much harder to be fooled...of course if you haven't that's another story.

Anyway, there's plenty of good HG gear out there, at least enough anyway and more than enough to get any test, nandrolone, dbol, winny, HGH and things like that.

I have found though that legit properly dosed EQ is hard to come by, why I don't know.