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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: flinstones1 on August 18, 2011, 12:16:50 PM

Title: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: flinstones1 on August 18, 2011, 12:16:50 PM
I'll go first. Also let me get something straight I mean no disrespect to any of you who feel differently Im just calling things from my eye. Life is about doing what makes one happy but this thread will be honest opinions from people.

 I am undoubtedly a gym rat. Not only do I hate bodybuilding but I cant stand anyone associated in it... I couldnt imagine ever stepping foot on stage even if I had one of the best physiques on planet earth... my family would disown me and my friends would think Im a gay. Never in my life would I shave my legs. I would cut my arms off before I did that shit.
I dont pose in the mirror.  The only time I really check my physique is in the mirror when Im in shorts and a tank top. If whores are staring at my shoulders I know Im on some  good testosterone and the dose is right. When you see black girl staring at your glutes and comment nice ass Tbombz when your on lots of testosterone.. you have one week to get on some legit masteron estrogen boy..   If women are to indeed checking out my face.. I know my anapolon is too low because the only time I grow is when Im an ugly fuck. If I shrink off a cycle, I dont get insecure. My body is not my identity and  I have no problem feeling small at times and looking like a normal fit guy. It actually feels nice. I just came off testosterone and have not been on gh for a bit now, and am starting back on  500mg npp with a little bit anapolon to keep that fullness as I diet down. Of course I dont look as big in a shirt on these doses with my genetic origin and small structure... but 99% women love my physique right now so why fuck with it? As for drugs 190-210 and lean your are going for the pussy. Dont fool yourself anything more than that is for your narcistic ass and impressing other "bros" in the gym. Nothing wrong with that I love all you fellahs despite your physchological problems.
   And dont start by saying "because your a pussy and we're real bodybuilders" cause let me tell a friend, that  a young Kevin could give two shits about what he looked like for 8 months out of the year and you   will never look anything like him no matter how much sushi you eat and gh kits you lie for or how well you hide your gh from the light in the fridge with your leftover chinese. I know every single on of you makes your gf go to market for you cause your afraid to leave the house until you've gone through your first 100iu of the week and dont lie cause I would be same way if it wasnt for the teachings of Torah, MUCH WORSE.

Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: makaveli25 on August 18, 2011, 12:21:50 PM
I agree with you man I would never be able to thong it up and do an actual posing routine in front of anyone. I'm a gymrat at heart. I like getting attention, I like the hard work that goes into lifting weights. I enjoy the respect you get from people. I enjoy learning about aas.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Fortress on August 18, 2011, 12:25:08 PM
I began as a bodybuilder and competed a few times before making the switch to powerlifting. I am an athlete who prides himself on consistency and hard work. I haven't not trained with weights in over 25 years.

I love the idea of "bodybuilding" but despise what the competitive aspect has become. Muscle, size and strength = cool; primping, preening, oiling, dancing around swivelling your hips = not cool.  
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: BiGHer on August 18, 2011, 12:35:00 PM
This is tough because I think bodybuilding is a lifestyle.  I know guys who compete who I would never call bodybuilders, but at the same time I know some guys who have never competed but in every other way live the lifestyle.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: newmom on August 18, 2011, 12:36:31 PM
I'm neither.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: tlc on August 18, 2011, 12:43:55 PM
The way you've laid out the difference, neither really.

Bodybuilders - greasy bloated waddlers.
Gym rats - is there anything more rampantly queer than willingly spending ten hours a week in a sweatpit of stinking ugly meatheads?

It's me, my weights, my gear, and my mirror. I came here to read the Bible, I stayed to giggle at the scary, delusional mess many of you are.  ;D
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 18, 2011, 12:44:52 PM
I am an off-season bodybuilder who occasionally goes to the gym.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: gatorr on August 18, 2011, 01:00:21 PM
I would call myself a bodybuilder as i have competed but i dont live bodybuilding 24/7 I have other interests. I dont walk around in only sweats and a golds gym t shirt nor do i have earings, spiked hair with blonde tips and tatoos every wear. So i dont look like the typical douche bag bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: tbombz on August 18, 2011, 01:14:14 PM

I dont pose in the mirror.  

When you see black girl staring at your glutes and comment nice ass Tbombz when your on lots of testosterone.. you have one week to get on some legit masteron estrogen boy..

 ;D  ;D 

i love posing in the mirror.

but maybe thats cuz im bisexual and i just love muscle in general and i get off by making my muscle look better, squeezing them tight, and hitting different poses.

i do think posing , if done correctly and regularly, can make a difference in your physique.

gym rat or bodybuilder? gym rat.. for now
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: flinstones1 on August 18, 2011, 01:18:27 PM

 ;D  ;D 

i love posing in the mirror.

but maybe thats cuz im bisexual and i just love muscle in general and i get off by making my muscle look better, squeezing them tight, and hitting different poses.

i do think posing , if done correctly and regularly, can make a difference in your physique.

gym rat or bodybuilder? gym rat.. for now

you know what Im talking about my friend. Black girls (most women in general really) go crazy over a guy with a big muscular ass.

Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: tbombz on August 18, 2011, 01:22:34 PM
you know what Im talking about my friend. Black girls (most women in general really) go crazy over a guy with a big muscular ass.

ya, black girls are horny all the time, love it
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: apply85 on August 18, 2011, 01:22:41 PM
I consider myself a truly natural bodybuilder as funny as that sounds, from the very beginning I have never been lazy in the gym. To me a gym rat is someone who trains arems shoulders delts, and mainly works out to impress his bros, while a bodybuilder works to improve his own personal beauty... not faggoty hot chick or zyzz I'm so pretty look at me, but beauty like a ferrari is beautiful, a beauty that gives you clout.

I read an interivew with frank zane that made me laugh. It said he spent the least amount of time in the gym on leg days, half as much as on arm days, which was lol to me because I spent twice as much on legs as I did on anything else when I did train legs seriously. Nowadays I have injuries that prevent me from doing alot of leg exercises. The more I read the more it seemed to be the case that legs get ignored by a lot of people who call themselves bodybuilders, no matter how many sandows u got, if you spend less time working legs than arms you are a gym rat in my book
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: newmom on August 18, 2011, 01:23:28 PM
a guy with a big muscular ass.

love those bodybuilder ass's
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Nails on August 18, 2011, 01:34:41 PM
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: _bruce_ on August 18, 2011, 01:51:20 PM
I love training but I'm not born to be a bodybuilder or willing to up the ante for nothing.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: flinstones1 on August 18, 2011, 01:55:20 PM

nooice fellah
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: epic_alien on August 18, 2011, 01:56:46 PM
i dont really train, unless i have a competition to get ready for.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: tbombz on August 18, 2011, 02:08:43 PM
i dont really train, unless i have a competition to get ready for.
so basically you just enjoy getting up on a stage in a thong every now and again and flexing for some schmoes.  ;D
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: BayGBM on August 18, 2011, 02:13:53 PM
you know what Im talking about my friend. Black girls (most women in general really) go crazy over a guy with a big muscular ass.

I don't know about women, but I definitely go for a huge muscled ass!  I've never seen an ass on a guy that was too big or muscled. &guy + muscled + shredded = a better booty! :P

Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Palpatine Q on August 18, 2011, 02:25:56 PM
i dont really train, unless i have a competition to get ready for.

From the looks of you onstage you don't train a whole lot then either....tiny
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: cephissus on August 18, 2011, 02:46:05 PM
Bodybuilding is about building the best body.  You can build your body according to your own ideal, or you can give in and do what other people believe is best.

If you compete and tailor your physique to win a competition instead of having the body you believe is best, you are a lesser bodybuilder.  You are less a bodybuilder than a guy who might put in half the effort, time, and money, but at least executes his own will when shaping his body.  You're letting someone else dictate what your body "should" look like and are weak for doing so.

sincerely hth
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Hulkotron on August 18, 2011, 02:47:50 PM
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: kiwiol on August 18, 2011, 02:50:40 PM
Bodybuilding is about building the best body.  You can build your body according to your own ideal, or you can give in and do what other people believe is best.

If you compete and tailor your physique to win a competition instead of having the body you believe is best, you are a lesser bodybuilder.  You are less a bodybuilder than a guy who might put in half the effort, time, and money, but at least executes his own will when shaping his body.  You're letting someone else dictate what your body "should" look like and are weak for doing so.

Rubbish. Not every competing bodybuilder goes onstage solely to win the competition. They set out to improve their physique initially and later compete because they want to see how they fare when compared to others. Some people just like to compete, while others are happy to just do it on their own, for their own satisfaction.

Different strokes for different folks.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: cephissus on August 18, 2011, 02:54:35 PM
that's why i started the sentence with the word IF.

of course there are bodybuilders who step on stage and wouldn't rather look any other way.

doubtless, many of them have no higher purpose for their body than winning the competition, and if that is the case, then they build their body well.  but if it isn't, then they aren't as much bodybuilders as they are servants to -- the judges, fans, etc.

i remember a video interview where bob paris spoke about his frustration with having to conform to the ideal imposed by the judges.  he would rather have used less anabolics and retained a smaller build, i think.  well, to the extent which he gave into the judges and changed his physique against his will just so he could compete, he couldn't be really called a "bodybuilder" but maybe a "body laborer."
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: JasonH on August 18, 2011, 03:34:13 PM
I hate the term "gym rat" -  I don't know who made up that term but it sounds retarded. So I would probably call myself a bodybuilder - I mean, I go to the gym to lift weights with the primary goal of stimulating muscular hypertrophy and then eat and rest to hopefully produce said hypertrophy. Rinse and repeat. Just because I've never stood onstage and showed my physique off to the world doesn't mean that I can't be called a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: deadz on August 18, 2011, 03:54:00 PM
Iv'e been lifting consistently for years, call me what you want just don't call me small because you'd be WRONG.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Yev33 on August 18, 2011, 05:42:17 PM
You are a bodybuilder when other people begin to call you a bodybuilder meaning that you actually look like one.
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on August 18, 2011, 05:47:50 PM
I am an aspiring drug abuser. Wait a minute though ... that's not quite specific, is it ? There are plenty of drug abusing gym rats out there, to be perfectly honest. So allow me to rephrase ... * ahem * ... I am a aspiring COMPETETIVE drug abuser. There we go. Much more to the point. ;D
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Board_SHERIF on August 18, 2011, 06:15:22 PM
would you rather say out loud you are a "Bodybuilder" or "Gay" - think that says it all......
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: bradistani on August 18, 2011, 06:20:08 PM
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: viking1 on August 18, 2011, 06:31:39 PM


We salute you, Epic Beard Man!!!!   8)
Title: Re: Are you a bodybuilder or a gym rat?
Post by: Palpatine Q on August 18, 2011, 06:54:37 PM
You are a bodybuilder when other people begin to call you a bodybuilder meaning that you actually look like one.

I've always said this...its not for you to decide.

Same way you can't say you're "funny"....or " good looking". Not your call