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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: whitewidow on August 20, 2011, 02:33:18 AM

Title: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: whitewidow on August 20, 2011, 02:33:18 AM
I know british dragon got hectic towards the end of their era when alin took over, but does anybody miss british Dragon in their hay day? I actually liked their Orals . especially their Tbol.The only oral I didnt care for was their drol. took a little patience but man that TBol  was magic stuff and they had good injects as well. I think their EQ was underdosed alot of the time but for the most part in the beginning they were a pretty solid underground lab. They actually got pretty massive and were the biggest lab at one point alot of people would stock their gear. and I know for a fact to be a supplier on their site you had to buy 10K worth of their product a week. and they had several people who checked out on their website. was British Dragon the biggest UGL ever? Id have to say so. even though their products were hit and miss this was a huge UGL.Anybody else like or miss any of their products? It was kind of overpriced for UGL but it really depended on the source.some had fair prices on it and did bulk deals. You could get 500 10mg dbol for 100$ sometimes or 1,000 TBol for 350$.  also had good bulk deals on their injects if you dealt with the right place.Top sources carried british dragon. I think the bigger they got the worst their product got. In the beggining it was pretty solid stuff.discuss
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: claymore on August 20, 2011, 04:02:33 AM
I know british dragon got hectic towards the end of their era when alin took over, but does anybody miss british Dragon in their hay day? I actually liked their Orals . especially their Tbol.The only oral I didnt care for was their drol. took a little patience but man that TBol  was magic stuff and they had good injects as well. I think their EQ was underdosed alot of the time but for the most part in the beginning they were a pretty solid underground lab. They actually got pretty massive and were the biggest lab at one point alot of people would stock their gear. and I know for a fact to be a supplier on their site you had to buy 10K worth of their product a week. and they had several people who checked out on their website. was British Dragon the biggest UGL ever? Id have to say so. even though their products were hit and miss this was a huge UGL.Anybody else like or miss any of their products? It was kind of overpriced for UGL but it really depended on the source.some had fair prices on it and did bulk deals. You could get 500 10mg dbol for 100$ sometimes or 1,000 TBol for 350$.  also had good bulk deals on their injects if you dealt with the right place.Top sources carried british dragon. I think the bigger they got the worst their product got. In the beggining it was pretty solid stuff.discuss

"that TBol  was magic stuff"...Yes it was  ;)
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: Meso_z on August 20, 2011, 04:43:46 AM
My first injection ever was prop from British dragon..comming in a blue vial.

Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: whitewidow on August 21, 2011, 03:32:28 AM
british dragon was not the most consistent gear but their was alot of money behind that UGL. I would say it was the #1 lab used back in 2004 till it closed. there was something appealing about the line I liked. when everyone and there momma is trying to knock off your lab you know you have a good thing going
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on August 21, 2011, 12:16:52 PM
The fake British dragon now is being made in slovakia I think
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: Arnold jr on August 21, 2011, 03:03:09 PM
I never messed with a ton of BD stuff, however, the first time I ever used any BD product was their EQ and Dbol. Other than that I used a little test and deca from them but that's all I remember using. I thought the EQ was terrible, the Dbol was OK, the test was average but the deca seemed to be pretty good. Like you said WW there was a lot of hit and miss with this stuff.

As far as the new BD line....although it's a completely different group of people behind it I hear the same things about it as you used to hear about the old original line...a lot of hit and miss.
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: makaveli25 on August 21, 2011, 03:12:22 PM
You think these ug labs would do there best to put out a good product.
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: smoothasf on August 21, 2011, 03:24:10 PM
The tren was strong as hell and looked like iron brew
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: Arnold jr on August 21, 2011, 09:49:58 PM
You think these ug labs would do there best to put out a good product.

You would think so but most UGL's know they don't have to put out a top notch product and still make a lot of money. There are so many UGL's that sell a massive amount of under-dosed product and they get away with it because most people don't know the difference between it and true legit gear.

Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on August 22, 2011, 03:01:07 PM
Fuck BD.  I was getting big off Tornel, Aratest, and Brovel.  Shit was cheap and some of the best gains I ever made in my life was with Brovel Test P.  Denkall EQ!!!!!!!!!  Those were the days.  Shit is so hit or miss nowadays even with so called "legit" brands.  I'm on sciroxx EQ at 600mg a week and notice jack shit.  And this came straigh from K himself.  I had high hopes for sciroxx but another member on this board got shit results from their tren as well. 
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: whitewidow on August 23, 2011, 04:02:47 AM
Fuck BD.  I was getting big off Tornel, Aratest, and Brovel.  Shit was cheap and some of the best gains I ever made in my life was with Brovel Test P.  Denkall EQ!!!!!!!!!  Those were the days.  Shit is so hit or miss nowadays even with so called "legit" brands.  I'm on sciroxx EQ at 600mg a week and notice jack shit.  And this came straigh from K himself.  I had high hopes for sciroxx but another member on this board got shit results from their tren as well. 

Yes the mex gear was better back in the day ttokyo was good too.
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: keijoantero on August 23, 2011, 05:35:48 AM
 I am using their Methandienone 10mg tabs at the moment and they really do work. At least when taken 10 tabs a day. They come in small "paper packs".
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: whitewidow on August 23, 2011, 02:59:40 PM
I am using their Methandienone 10mg tabs at the moment and they really do work. At least when taken 10 tabs a day. They come in small "paper packs".

you sure they are made by the reaal british dragon. the pouch would say methanabol. seems like they would be all gone or old at this point.
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: Schmoe Buster on August 23, 2011, 04:13:23 PM
you sure they are made by the reaal british dragon. the pouch would say methanabol. seems like they would be all gone or old at this point.

For the oils, the stuff made in 2006 would only be expiring this year, ive seen a few old stock of BD around still
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: keijoantero on August 23, 2011, 08:29:03 PM
you sure they are made by the reaal british dragon. the pouch would say methanabol. seems like they would be all gone or old at this point.

Yes indeed thats the name of the product "Methanabol". Red square tablets.
These ones:

At least they do work i can guarantee that.
Title: Re: Does Anybody Miss the REAL British Dragon in their early days?
Post by: keijoantero on August 23, 2011, 08:31:00 PM
Yes indeed thats the name of the product "Methanabol". Red square tablets.
These ones:

At least they do work i can guarantee that.

Ohh except the difference from that picture is that there are 100 tabs on every pouch not 500.