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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 07:42:30 AM

Title: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 07:42:30 AM
Stavios will start his synthol blog  ;D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Luolamies on September 16, 2011, 07:52:49 AM
That sounds interesting...

You aren't at all worried about shooting that stuff?
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 08:00:55 AM
no from what I read you only do that for 4 weeks or so, you start with 1ml everyday and at the end of the month it gets up to 3ml every day.

I would do it in the bicep and also in the rear head of the triceps !

I have seen some pics of a few guys doing it (there are a lot on and I honestly don't think it looks that bad.

hell the worst that can happen is that it will start to look a bit silly and I'll just stop shooting the stuff 8)

Hard to say because my arms are shaped like Milos's and it looked bad on Milos.
But Milos abused the shit out of the stuff too  ;D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 08:04:13 AM
I already shoot my gear in my triceps but I hate the inflamation and I can't shoot that much volume in them also so it doesn't make them that much bigger

plus I have a hard time doing some exercise when there is too much inflamation
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Luolamies on September 16, 2011, 08:07:20 AM
Hard to say because my arms are shaped like Milos's and it looked bad on Milos.
But Milos abused the shit out of the stuff too  ;D

Yeah and he almost died, didn't he?

I guess it's the same with Synthol as other stuff just use vs abuse, except with Synthol you better not fuck up the injections...   ;D

PS. Anyways props for being honest about using it.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Luolamies on September 16, 2011, 08:08:48 AM
plus I have a hard time doing some exercise when there is too much inflamation

Aren't you going to have the same issue with Synthol?

Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 08:20:45 AM
Aren't you going to have the same issue with Synthol?

apparently not !

synthol is just oil, while in the gear it's the roid itself that makes the inflamation and also the solvant
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 08:21:20 AM
PS. Anyways props for being honest about using it.

Nothing to be ashamed of, it's the interwebz anyway  ;D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Luolamies on September 16, 2011, 08:31:27 AM
apparently not !

synthol is just oil, while in the gear it's the roid itself that makes the inflamation and also the solvant

Yeah, but i meant when the oil start's to accumulate?

Nothing to be ashamed of, it's the interwebz anyway  ;D

Just be ready to be flamed by the teen group & golden years people in G&O :D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 08:36:35 AM
Yeah, but i meant when the oil start's to accumulate?

Just be ready to be flamed by the teen group & golden years people in G&O :D

I am pretty sure I'll be alright  8)

they like honnesty over there. If I would try to bullshit them I'd get called out very fast
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on September 16, 2011, 08:52:50 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :(
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 09:02:25 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :(
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: delta9mda on September 16, 2011, 09:14:08 AM
I already shoot my gear in my triceps but I hate the inflamation and I can't shoot that much volume in them also so it doesn't make them that much bigger

plus I have a hard time doing some exercise when there is too much inflamation
man up you pussy. if you are shooting then you are shooting a whole stick (3ml). hit the triceps and dont look back. fuck that synthol shit man. keep it real. dont tell me you dont have enough triceps meat to hold 3ml of test.  8)
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: chess315 on September 16, 2011, 10:22:47 AM
what brand are you using? or sterile mct oil ? Im not real in the know but i have heard sterile or mct oil works about as good as anything you dont neccessarly have to make it you can get it from some chemical supply houses im sure it would be cheaper then 80 dollars for a vial lol. Im very intrested in your log as im taller then you and its going to be almost impossible to fill out my arms. As I have no bodybuilding asperations Im kinda coming to the opinion synthol may be a wiser choice then 10ius of gh a day lol Im already large just stringy arms. looking forward to seeing your progress being 6'1 you tend to pay attention to what works for other tall people
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 10:40:28 AM
man up you pussy. if you are shooting then you are shooting a whole stick (3ml). hit the triceps and dont look back. fuck that synthol shit man. keep it real. dont tell me you dont have enough triceps meat to hold 3ml of test.  8)

yeah I shoot 3ml of gear in each triceps but in the side head only!

but I want to shoot both my biceps and the long head of the triceps ! and gear hurt too much in those areas  8)

and there's a difference between 3ml 2 times a week and shooting 3ml of synthol every day  ;D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: local hero on September 16, 2011, 10:55:53 AM
good on you, your more of a man than me, ive been wondering about it for ages... i cant get my arms over 18.7 lean no matter what, even if u gain an inch, its a pure inch on already big arm..

i love the shape of my arms tho, im scared of fucking them up,, but i think if your carefull it should be ok, ive been hitting my triceps alot and you get used to how to shoot them, where it needs to go etc

are you going to use the birthday deal offer, buy one get one free if you email proof of age when u order on your birthday, doing bi' s n tri's will amount to a shit load of bottles and the stuffs not cheap, especialy as u need some for maintenance for a few month after

the people who call it dont understand the theory about it, the facial stretching and how you grow real muscle in the pocket left, and how normal gear wont work for this 
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 10:58:33 AM
good on you, your more of a man than me, ive been wondering about it for ages... i cant get my arms over 18.7 lean no matter what, even if u gain an inch, its a pure inch on already big arm..

i love the shape of my arms tho, im scared of fucking them up,, but i think if your carefull it should be ok, ive been hitting my triceps alot and you get used to how to shoot them, where it needs to go etc

are you going to use the birthday deal offer, buy one get one free if you email proof of age when u order on your birthday, doing bi' s n tri's will amount to a shit load of bottles and the stuffs not cheap, especialy as u need some for maintenance for a few month after

the people who call it dont understand the theory about it, the facial stretching and how you grow real muscle in the pocket left, and how normal gear wont work for this 

I haven't really shopped for it yet, I am going out of town for 2 months and when I get back before christmas I should start it.

I'll post pictures every 2 weeks so people will be able to tell me if it looks silly 8)
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: d0nny2600 on September 16, 2011, 11:05:55 AM
I haven't really shopped for it yet, I am going out of town for 2 months and when I get back before christmas I should start it.

I'll post pictures every 2 weeks so people will be able to tell me if it looks silly 8)
Stavios you have time dude. Don't go down the synthol route. You have lots of room to grow. You have a great physique and I can only see this going bad and making it look silly.
Anyway thats my 2 cents - take from it what you want. Either way - good luck with it.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: local hero on September 16, 2011, 11:34:23 AM
if your arms have been the same size for a few years,, they wont get much bigger, even if u gain weight and grow bigger, they will get a little bigger, but still look small in proportion to the rest of your body... thats a fact, cant be disputed

all top amatures n pros have used, only detectable if you take the piss with it...

stav your arms will look a swollen mess till your out of the loading phase, thats why i think its hard to guage how they will turn out

my birthdays in jan, you might inspire me to start me self, or not .... be following this closely
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: claymore on September 16, 2011, 12:24:56 PM
Synthol = GARBAGE
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 16, 2011, 12:38:24 PM
Synthol = GARBAGE

Most people who use it you guys wouldn't even notice it  8)
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Fitness4Life on September 16, 2011, 02:28:16 PM
stavios, you're a drug addict.

now let me go shoot up test, tren, take 2 superdrolas, and my eca stack.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: D.O.U.P on September 16, 2011, 03:43:52 PM
Ive read your posts. Ya seem like an honest, decent dude with a sense of humor.

People do what they fucking want to do, USUALLY they do not listen...ok fuck it..


Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: LittleJ on September 16, 2011, 04:23:08 PM
Don't do it! We love you bro(no homo). Just up the aas and gh
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: g101 on September 16, 2011, 05:15:58 PM
stav use

liquid dbol/drol  8)

no tren or GH try not using anti-e's maybe a little masteron here n there

you should grow  :D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Schmoe Buster on September 17, 2011, 06:51:22 AM
stav use

liquid dbol/drol  8)

no tren or GH try not using anti-e's maybe a little masteron here n there

you should grow  :D

Very good suggestion
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: nosleep on September 17, 2011, 07:51:03 AM

Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: local hero on September 17, 2011, 12:28:26 PM
as i keep saying, read into it before you knock it,,, oil is only there to stretch fascia, oil leaves after so many months, after that its real muscle your left with

obv youve got to time your anabolics to be in full swing after the loading phase, to build the muscle in the pocket thats been left by the oil
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: tbombz on September 17, 2011, 02:09:12 PM
thats the theory among bro's at least. 

whatever it does, it works, and if done correctly the muscle looks real.

looking forward to that thread stavioos.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: local hero on September 18, 2011, 01:56:43 AM
the problem on the internets is as soon as its mentioned people just throw up pics of valintino or the crazy brazilian... or maybe pics of jay from this yrs mr o

but you look at heath or flex before he went over board on it, makes a big difference... and is unnoticeable

Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: dustin on September 18, 2011, 08:38:08 PM
the problem on the internets is as soon as its mentioned people just throw up pics of valintino or the crazy brazilian... or maybe pics of jay from this yrs mr o

but you look at heath or flex before he went over board on it, makes a big difference... and is unnoticeable

Precisely. The best use of SEO is when it's undetectable and posted like the ones on meltdown and have 40 pages arguments about whether someone's using it or not. THAT is the correct way to use SEOs. I think there's nothing wrong at all with them. It's just the abuse that's bad... just like insulin.

I don't know why, in a cult of recreational drug users, that people can STILL stereotype so hardcore. We're all fucking druggies whether it's just a tiny bit or a lot. C'mon! :)
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: BiGHer on September 19, 2011, 11:31:47 AM
Post photos of the progress and even of you doing the injects if you can.  Curious to see how this goes for you.

Why are you doing it btw?  Just wondering.  You have a great physique with lots of more potential to fill with GH and Slin.  Seems like Synthol would be a bit of a jump no?
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on September 19, 2011, 05:41:41 PM
Post photos of the progress and even of you doing the injects if you can.  Curious to see how this goes for you.

Why are you doing it btw?  Just wondering.  You have a great physique with lots of more potential to fill with GH and Slin.  Seems like Synthol would be a bit of a jump no?

I'm just trying to fill out my arms a bit.

seems like everytime I gain weight, everything gets bigger but they still look lanky so I'm trying to give them a "wider" look from the front
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: BiGHer on September 20, 2011, 08:16:00 AM
Makes sense.  Keep us all posted for sure.  I'm really curious to see how this goes for you.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: notsureifsrs on October 03, 2011, 08:38:29 AM
the problem on the internets is as soon as its mentioned people just throw up pics of valintino or the crazy brazilian... or maybe pics of jay from this yrs mr o

but you look at heath or flex before he went over board on it, makes a big difference... and is unnoticeable

I thought Flex used esiclene ?
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Nasty Nate on October 03, 2011, 09:22:27 AM
stavios dont listen to the retards on here that haven't used it. i swear you pussies talk outta your asses when it comes to anything to do with synthol, gh, slin. fucking scared of everything other than AAS... i realize some of you homo's take 500mg test a week and think you're gonna blow up but you need to go all out with this stuff if you wanna get somewhere in competitive bb. i've been using it IN MODERATION and it works tremendously. i do my bi's and tri's 1cc 3x per week, 2cc 3x per week, 3cc 3x per week, took 1 week off and started over. gained noticeable size in both muscles but kept the natural shape. you need to understand the protocols milos and flex were doing were really high volume of the stuff... ppl in cali used to get mad at flex because he bought all the oil he could get his hands on and the stuff was back-ordered for weeks lol... just do it, you wont regret it when you measure your arms and they're finally over 19" lean.

btw, i have good bi's but "thinner" triceps so i put it in the short head and now the triceps have more "pop" from the front the way i want them too... as far as arms go whether it be biceps or triceps no type of training will make them equal with the rest of your physique unless you put something in it. doesn't have to be synthol but even if you're injecting lots of gear every week just put it in your weak bodyparts. just my 2cc's.
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on October 03, 2011, 06:32:11 PM
Good stuff Nasty Nate !!

I'll try it after the holidays as I am going away for a few weeks and I won't even take roids for that time  :-\ (Ill shoot a fuck load of long ester geat before going away tho so hopefully I'll only be a month without anything in the system  ;D)
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: dustin on October 03, 2011, 07:50:02 PM
Good stuff Nasty Nate !!

I'll try it after the holidays as I am going away for a few weeks and I won't even take roids for that time  :-\ (Ill shoot a fuck load of long ester geat before going away tho so hopefully I'll only be a month without anything in the system  ;D)

Don't worry, big bear. When you come off there's still shit in your system. You'll probably just shred down with the same size and look phenomenal.

The calm before the storm is always great... but after that, you start looking like SHIT at a really fast rate lol so get back on before your ego gets crushed! ;D
Title: Re: Soon, on
Post by: Stavios on October 03, 2011, 08:31:34 PM
Don't worry, big bear. When you come off there's still shit in your system. You'll probably just shred down with the same size and look phenomenal.

The calm before the storm is always great... but after that, you start looking like SHIT at a really fast rate lol so get back on before your ego gets crushed! ;D

haha yeah as soon as I am back in 2 months I load that shit up double dose  ;D