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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: The RedMeatKid on September 20, 2011, 08:58:43 PM

Title: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: The RedMeatKid on September 20, 2011, 08:58:43 PM
But I love the smell.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Fitness4Life on September 20, 2011, 09:01:33 PM
But I love the smell.

it's one of those things where you really gotta take in the smell
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: goomba420 on September 20, 2011, 09:04:10 PM
go fuck yourself

khofo approved

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: The RedMeatKid on September 20, 2011, 09:11:16 PM
Fuck your mother
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 20, 2011, 09:13:17 PM
Nasty shit, ruins lives!
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: goomba420 on September 20, 2011, 09:13:52 PM
Nasty shit, ruins lives!

bodybuilding is a much more harmful addiction  :-X
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: bike nut on September 20, 2011, 09:16:06 PM
Cocaina - breakfast of champions.

gh69 approved
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: whitewidow on September 20, 2011, 09:18:15 PM
ecstasy is way better! way more potent ! makes you way more happy and horny! they both make you feel awful the next day though
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: tu_holmes on September 20, 2011, 09:24:20 PM
Nasty shit, ruins lives!

So does alcohol, prescription meds, wars, cancer, getting shot, and AIDS.

Doesn't matter.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: BILL ANVIL on September 20, 2011, 09:25:33 PM
So does alcohol, prescription meds, wars, cancer, getting shot, and AIDS.

Doesn't matter.

cancer isn't as bad as they say, really. overrated.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: tu_holmes on September 20, 2011, 09:27:01 PM
cancer isn't as bad as they say, really. overrated.

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: io856 on September 20, 2011, 09:32:54 PM
how the fuck can you hate cocaine? that doesn't make sense
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: dustin on September 20, 2011, 09:50:04 PM
I'm always afraid of that shit being cut with speed and stuff so I never really did much coke.

Never understood the allure. I can see partying and banging chicks, bucking rails and fucking like a junky being fun every now and again. But despite being skull fuckingly good time it's too short lived and one-dimensional. Too expensive and frustrating too. I prefer the ganja a million times over coke.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: tu_holmes on September 20, 2011, 10:01:49 PM
I'm always afraid of that shit being cut with speed and stuff so I never really did much coke.

Never understood the allure. I can see partying and banging chicks, bucking rails and fucking like a junky being fun every now and again. But despite being skull fuckingly good time it's too short lived and one-dimensional. Too expensive and frustrating too. I prefer the ganja a million times over coke.

If coke were legal, I'm sure it would be much cheaper. :)
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: dustin on September 20, 2011, 10:08:27 PM
If coke were legal, I'm sure it would be much cheaper. :)

lol naw, I wouldn't want the temptation. I'd probably use it to get epic cocaina leans though. I just don't like how aggressive and agitated it makes you.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: #1 Klaus fan on September 20, 2011, 10:10:26 PM

(Where the hell is devilsmile?)
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 20, 2011, 10:11:42 PM
Take it from me, it's nasty addictive shit. If you see it run the other way.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: dustin on September 20, 2011, 10:15:58 PM
Take it from me, it's nasty addictive shit. If you see it run the other way.

It's a drug where you definitely dance on a thin line.

Most guys dance all over that line and find their bearings 10 miles up shit creek without a paddle. It's sad to see how fast it can destroy lives.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: tu_holmes on September 20, 2011, 10:16:52 PM
It's a drug where you definitely dance on a thin line.

Most guys dance all over that line and find their bearings 10 miles up shit creek without a paddle. It's sad to see how fast it can destroy lives.

I've known plenty of people who have done coke... I have never seen one "ruin his life" to be honest.

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 20, 2011, 10:21:49 PM
@Tu, I was a minstry counselor for a long time and have seen lives and families ruined from this. I know it's pot but see the Tommy Morrison thread.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: io856 on September 20, 2011, 10:22:28 PM
I've known plenty of people who have done coke... I have never seen one "ruin his life" to be honest.


I saw a few girls become working girls because of cocaine and a lot of the guys went on to drug dealing. That was because they loved the stimulatory effects of cocaine and wanted more of it.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: daddy8ball on September 20, 2011, 10:27:09 PM
tough nut to crack...not as tough as tobacco or nicotine...or..god forbid... caffeine...
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: tu_holmes on September 20, 2011, 10:27:57 PM
@Tu, I was a minstry counselor for a long time and have seen lives and families ruined from this. I know it's pot but see the Tommy Morrison thread.

Did someone toss the cocaine up their nose?

Or alcohol in their mouths? Percs in their bodies?


Sorry man... I just don't buy into the "evil" of a drug... Either you have an addictive personality or you don't.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: dustin on September 20, 2011, 10:31:33 PM
I've known plenty of people who have done coke... I have never seen one "ruin his life" to be honest.

Hence the line. I am very liberal with the drugs I'll put in my body, but I always do it sparingly and am cognizant of those respected lines.

For me, it's very easy not to slip into a rut. I'm sure I could shoot heroin and not get addicted. But some people don't even have this on their mind. Before the thought of substance abuse even enters their mind they're so far gone. Cocaine is a drug where this can occur. Stims are notorious for this. They're an all around ugly class of drugs which I don't really care for.

I haven't seen coke absolutely demolish anyone's life personally (I don't associate myself with losers that'd slip that fast), but I've seen it cause a myriad of unexpected, unwanted complications very easily. It just happens when you're around these drugs. Crack drama. I cut that out of my life years ago.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: illwill on September 20, 2011, 10:40:55 PM
Every once in a while you'll run into somebody who snorts coke and fucks up his life big time!  But it's mainly the ones who smoke it that really go off the deep end.

EVERYTHING in moderation!     
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: gib on September 21, 2011, 12:46:03 AM
Take it from me, it's nasty addictive shit. If you see it run the other way.

Not addictive for everyone. Some people enjoy it, and use it in moderation to enhance their lives and experiences. Like any drug, moderation and self-discipline is the key. Coke is actually a GREAT drug if you bear this in mind.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: gib on September 21, 2011, 12:48:24 AM
@Tu, I was a minstry counselor for a long time and have seen lives and families ruined from this. I know it's pot but see the Tommy Morrison thread.

Coach, it wasn't the coke that ruined a person's life - rather its the person himself who ruined his life. Don't blame an inanimate substance - its all about the user. The same principle applies to anything pleasureable whether its food, coffee, sex, alcohol, or whatever. All are great, provided you don't abuse them.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Dr Dutch on September 21, 2011, 12:51:02 AM
It's very bad for your body, Dr Dutch says not to use it, please...
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: io856 on September 21, 2011, 01:11:40 AM
It's very bad for your body, Dr Dutch says not to use it, please...
what happens to it?
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: sync pulse on September 21, 2011, 03:45:50 AM
what happens to it?
Destroys your septum; makes your dental work go bad; can raise your blood pressure acutely to dangerous levels; prolonged use may enlarge your heart, and bring on heart failure; retard your respiration because it is an anesthetic, if you do too much at a sitting, you can stop breathing as a result; aortic dissection (your heart flies apart). 

The doctor can fill in anything I missed.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: sync pulse on September 21, 2011, 03:47:15 AM
Another thing I noticed, matter how cheap you can get it, after you pick up the habit, will become broke in a couple of months.

It can make you do stupid things like kill someone.
Craig Titus comes to mind, although someone will be quick to point out that it was amphetamines he was on,...amphetamines/cocaine...birds of a feather...
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: MikMaq on September 21, 2011, 03:59:53 AM
Not addictive for everyone. Some people enjoy it, and use it in moderation to enhance their lives and experiences. Like any drug, moderation and self-discipline is the key. Coke is actually a GREAT drug if you bear this in mind.
Spoken like a true idiot. What people don't get about coke for every one person that becomes a fiend in about 6 months there are ten people who people addicted over the course of a decade.

Coke isn't that addictive for most people in the short term, which is why long term it's so dangerous. Coke where I live is known as the graduate drug for people 25+. Coke ain't a drug for the young that are full of hope, its for people in their late 20's early 30's. That have pretty much nothing else to look forward too.

Coke unlike other drugs is  always there whether your 40 50, a lawyer a doctor, etc, which is why it's such a public menace. It treats you alright the first 30-50 times you do it, then all of a sudden you got nothing else to loose .
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Roger Bacon on September 21, 2011, 05:26:21 AM
Nasty shit, ruins lives!

Maybe that all depends on whether or not you've got an addictive personality?  I know a couple successful people that use cocaine a few times a year. 

Prescription medication is the drug I've found ruins peoples lives.  :-\
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Dr Dutch on September 21, 2011, 05:35:14 AM
Destroys your septum; makes your dental work go bad; can raise your blood pressure acutely to dangerous levels; prolonged use may enlarge your heart, and bring on heart failure; retard your respiration because it is an anesthetic, if you do too much at a sitting, you can stop breathing as a result; aortic dissection (your heart flies apart). 

The doctor can fill in anything I missed.
'This plus it's very addictive and can create paranoid psychosis.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: makaveli25 on September 21, 2011, 05:47:15 AM
If you want a good buzz while your drinking take some adderrall. It doesn't make you geek out like coke does. You don't have to run into the bathroom every 10 minutes. Take one and it lasts all night.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: YngiweRhoads on September 21, 2011, 06:11:05 AM
Snorting coke is a waste of coke.

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Tapeworm on September 21, 2011, 06:21:34 AM
I tried coke twice.  Made me feel awake (physically, not spiritually).  That was pretty much it.

Tried meth once.  Felt awake and then couldn't keep down solid food for the next 3 days.  Most pointless drug ever.

Maybe I just got sold really shit drugs but I honestly found them useless.  I was hoping for something more than just feeling energetic.  I can accomplish that with a few high octane espressos.  Never understood the appeal.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Username222 on September 21, 2011, 06:26:30 AM
Coke is a slut drug
Always funny to put pixy stick or baby laxative in the cut muhahhaaha
Silly whores
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on September 21, 2011, 06:34:34 AM
stick with the weed people.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: CalvinH on September 21, 2011, 06:37:36 AM
Tried it when I was a youngin.....luckily I didnt like it.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: GigantorX on September 21, 2011, 06:41:23 AM
But I love the smell.

I loved it then and hate it now...but that smell, oh that smell....
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Tito24 on September 21, 2011, 07:18:06 AM
im interested in trying krokodil.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: makaveli25 on September 21, 2011, 07:19:47 AM
im interested in trying krokodil.

I'm interested in trying your mom. Oh wait I already did.

Twice  :D
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: ChopperRider on September 21, 2011, 07:22:06 AM
Coach, it wasn't the coke that ruined a person's life - rather its the person himself who ruined his life. Don't blame an inanimate substance - its all about the user. The same principle applies to anything pleasureable whether its food, coffee, sex, alcohol, or whatever. All are great, provided you don't abuse them.

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Dr Dutch on September 21, 2011, 07:22:47 AM
im interested in trying krokodil.
resist it, watch some Japanese porn instead..
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: D.O.U.P on September 21, 2011, 07:34:06 AM
Spoken like a true idiot. What people don't get about coke for every one person that becomes a fiend in about 6 months there are ten people who people addicted over the course of a decade.

Coke isn't that addictive for most people in the short term, which is why long term it's so dangerous. Coke where I live is known as the graduate drug for people 25+. Coke ain't a drug for the young that are full of hope, its for people in their late 20's early 30's. That have pretty much nothing else to look forward too.

Coke unlike other drugs is  always there whether your 40 50, a lawyer a doctor, etc, which is why it's such a public menace. It treats you alright the first 30-50 times you do it, then all of a sudden you got nothing else to loose .

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: D.O.U.P on September 21, 2011, 07:36:05 AM
Hence the line. I am very liberal with the drugs I'll put in my body, but I always do it sparingly and am cognizant of those respected lines.

For me, it's very easy not to slip into a rut. I'm sure I could shoot heroin and not get addicted. But some people don't even have this on their mind. Before the thought of substance abuse even enters their mind they're so far gone. Cocaine is a drug where this can occur. Stims are notorious for this. They're an all around ugly class of drugs which I don't really care for.

I haven't seen coke absolutely demolish anyone's life personally (I don't associate myself with losers that'd slip that fast), but I've seen it cause a myriad of unexpected, unwanted complications very easily. It just happens when you're around these drugs. Crack drama. I cut that out of my life years ago.

Double yep
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: lovemonkey on September 21, 2011, 07:36:58 AM
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Man of Steel on September 21, 2011, 07:44:22 AM
don't use drugs kids
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: NotMrAverage on September 21, 2011, 07:48:56 AM
I´m not into drugs so more nowadays but today i´m doing some coke...I needed som pepp...But okey you fel great on it for like max 45 is almost like you have to sit there with the coke in front you and do small lines every 15 min or so....I don´t like those up to heaven down to hell in 1 hour kinda drugs...Back in the day I was more into opiates. Now i´m back to where I started, hormonas. Execpt today  ;)
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: polychronopolous on September 21, 2011, 07:51:32 AM
@Tu, I was a minstry counselor for a long time and have seen lives and families ruined from this. I know it's pot but see the Tommy Morrison thread.

I know you touched on it earlier Joe but what was it like looking up and seeing Tommy Morrison in your NA class??

I would of been like "Holy fuck, that's the same guy who went 12 rounds with George Foreman and fought toe to toe with Lennox Lewis!!!"

Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: dyslexic on September 21, 2011, 07:54:27 AM
This is a parrot....duuuuuuuhhhhhh ....

The next thread will say "I hate meth" (at least the smell of it)
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: monopoly19 on September 21, 2011, 08:03:12 AM
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Tito24 on September 21, 2011, 08:04:33 AM
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: slaveboy1980 on September 21, 2011, 08:43:40 AM
kids, stay away from drugs.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: NotMrAverage on September 21, 2011, 08:52:25 AM
I cant feel my face. LOL. I would never pay for this crap but what the hell, enjoy the moment!
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: YngiweRhoads on September 21, 2011, 08:58:38 AM
One of my best buds has been a base head for almost 30 years. Functional addict, even after all these years.

Main reason we only see each other once or twice a year now.
Title: Re: I Hate Cocaine
Post by: Tito24 on September 21, 2011, 09:59:11 AM
I'm interested in trying your mom. Oh wait I already did.

Twice  :D

hahaha, the whore..