Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: flinstones1 on October 03, 2011, 09:22:27 PM

Title: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: flinstones1 on October 03, 2011, 09:22:27 PM
I'm at the market shopping today with a new chick I met.. fairly cute nice little butt on here Im finall getting over that other girl...  Im in a long sleeve shirt mind you,  shorts and tennis shoes. Now I dont consider myself a = "big guy" but Im getting to the point where I actually look like I lift in a pair of loose clothes for the first time as Ive put on some good size in the past few months,My issue was  Ive never taken gear while eating alot of food I always ate 2000 calories on gear for the most part in an attempt to "lean out" but of course like anyone on drugs I still gained a little muscle eating like a bird cause I was fairly new to training. So  For the past month I have been eating  BIG for the first time in my life  3500 calories a day (on moderate dose of  gear)  and HOLY SHIT my body is taking off. I didnt really look in the mirror for a while and didnt even know i was growing but I shaved the hair off today and I saw a big difference.  Ive probably put on over 5 pounds of pure muscle in the past month  so I'm pretty stoked.  ..sorry for that back to story. ;)
 There was some BIG fucking dude walking around in the market. Keeps on going back and forth from one side of the market to the next right in front of the door way so all the people can look at him. The funny thing is they weren't, for some reason I dont know why. He had that slin look, big but not impressive. The type of look where only a person who is into bodybuilding can tell he is a bodybuilder, or else you would mistake him for a football player. I could never understand it until I actually saw it in person, he was huge but you didn't think bodybuilder when you saw him. Anyways.... I'm standing at the cashier putting my stuff up minding my business. As he is walking out this dude practically pushes me over as he   reaches over to shake the cashiers hand, gets up right in front of me and my girl's face, like i was about to push the dude and tell him to fuck off he was really up in my face and is  completely stopping the whole line in the store to "pretend" to talk to the cashier. The converstation went like this. "Hey how you doing bro? ::) You look good man you gaining weight been working out?" My buddy responds "Eh I actuall lost weight recently".    "Nah man your lying you have gotten bigger I can see it!" This kid is like 150 pounds mind you at 6 feet tall mind you and sure as fuck hasn't touched a weight recently.

the cashier  then  tells me the guy has never said a damn word to him in his entire life and never even mentioned to him that he worked out. ;) I mean the guy was really up in my face like I did something wrong to him,.

Are these guys so insecure that they have to go out of the way to show up a guy like me? lol.  IT be different if I was 220 6% rocking a superman tanktop and he came in to show me up cause he is 240lb 6%,  but Im not even in the same league as him physique wise. Im sure any bodybuilder can tell if some kid is on  drugs and aspring to be a "bodybuilder" but... IDK man, all I know is if I was  pro size if I saw some kid with his girl, I would not be pulling that shit I just couldn't get myself to do it Im not a big enough of an asshole. The dude was bald  anyways so I wasn't worried and the chick I was with likes gymnist types of bodies anyways,  but still that was just a classless thing to do am I wrong?  I didn't say SHIT to the guy.

  When I was a kid training at gold's gym I was always around Will Harris from the time I was 15 16 years old.  The guy was always covered up, never tried to get in anyone's face especially the young 20 something year old bodybuilders. Most of these guys There were  200lb wearing gold gym tank tops, shaved legs, flexing in the mirror with blonde dyed spiked hair walking around with imaginary lat synrdome so  so I'm SURE he was tempted at times to put them in their place and do a set of curls right in front of them and crush their dreams lol,  but not once did he do it. I think there is two kinds of people who lift weights. One of them is usually athletes guys who lifts weights for themself or for women. The other lifts weights because they are insecure little people inside.. These are the type of guys who absolutely can not come off drugs or their entire identity is gone. These are the type of guys who think everyone "wants to be them" when in reality it's the humble guy with the impressive physique that most are envious of.  Honestly while I would love to look like that guy one day (Actually no I wouldnt he looked like shit for the most part :) but i wouldnt mind having his size)...I really wish  Phil Heath would come up  and pull that same shit to him that he did with me while he is standing with his wife or something at the grocery store ::) I mean even though he probably would of kicked my ass as he had to been on at least 4 grams of test and enough tren to kill a rhino, I really wish I would of taken a shot at him. Fuck I feel like a pussy right now, the girl I was with I'm pretty sure "could tell" what he was doing, and I was a complete bitch about it I just stood there. and btw Did I mention he was in combat boots?
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Obvious Gimmick on October 03, 2011, 09:24:54 PM
cliff notes?  :-\
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: 240 is Back on October 03, 2011, 09:27:12 PM
if you carry a gun and earn more than the man, then you pwn him.

lol @ seeing some of the MD videos - guys are on covers of magazines and they live in cluttered shitty apartments.  Livin the dream.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: flinstones1 on October 03, 2011, 09:35:10 PM
cliff notes?  :-\

picture this. Your standing in line, facing the cashier. The guy walks up behind the cashier, standing directly to the side of him while facing you, with his head turned sideways while purposely twisting to the side to "own you" :D while your talking to the cashier. I was taller than the guy too so it was rather annoying, more so that intimidating. Some 5'9 drugged up midget up in my face, I should of taken that jar of peanut butter and smashed his down syndrome face 
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: kiwiol on October 03, 2011, 09:48:04 PM
Next time, strike up a conversation - say, "Hey man, I've seen you before. Don't you work out at xxx gym?" Odds are, he will say that he doesn't and that he trains in another gym. Then you say, "That's right, that's where I've seen you before. I've been there a few times. And fuck man, what happened to you? You were HUGE when I last saw you. You lose some size cuz you're cutting down for some competition?"

Then watch the douche visibly deflate.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: bike nut on October 03, 2011, 10:01:45 PM
Always ask every bodybuilder you meet if they're just starting back lifting after a layoff because they look like they've lost a lot of sizE.


Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: badlad on October 03, 2011, 10:13:22 PM
Combat boots...that says it all. BTW - you are insecure if you feel like a pussy and a complete bitch. You don't have to respond to this guy to make yourself feel better. Ignore, whatever - it's your choice. Assuming you made that choice and don't feel it was the only option or that you were compelled to act that way - then you the man, he's just a douche.
I small aside - I worked door for a lot of years. I remember working a venue and I was getting pretty ragged - long hours and dealing with dorks all night. Anyways I was a big guy and pretty well respected round the place. This particular night I ended up having to 'chaperone' this prick out of the club up the front entrance flight of stairs ( a very prestigous club btw). So there we are in front of all these people and he was taking his time and generally being an arse, pretty big arrogant tattoed douche. So I put my hand on his lower back and gently 'guided' him up the stairs. Anyways - he goes off on one - screaming obscenities etc and shouting 'are you gay?' and all that sort of thing. So quietly - I responded - and this is in front of some pretty high class clientele. I took a step back, one step below him, reached between his legs, 'cupped' his balls, clamped them and then very loudly responded as a now forced him up the stairs - 'yeah, I'm gay and you is so my bitch'.
Long story short - I owned him, got a uproar of laughter and clapping and this guy deflated in a matter of seconds. It brought tears to his eyes I can tell you. BTW - I'm not gay but a quick reach around worked great on this occasion. Not that I'm recommending it as a solution to your 'problem'. ;)
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: flinstones1 on October 03, 2011, 10:30:31 PM
Combat boots...that says it all. BTW - you are insecure if you feel like a pussy and a complete bitch. You don't have to respond to this guy to make yourself feel better. Ignore, whatever - it's your choice. Assuming you made that choice and don't feel it was the only option or that you were compelled to act that way - then you the man, he's just a douche.
I small aside - I worked door for a lot of years. I remember working a venue and I was getting pretty ragged - long hours and dealing with dorks all night. Anyways I was a big guy and pretty well respected round the place. This particular night I ended up having to 'chaperone' this prick out of the club up the front entrance flight of stairs ( a very prestigous club btw). So there we are in front of all these people and he was taking his time and generally being an arse, pretty big arrogant tattoed douche. So I put my hand on his lower back and gently 'guided' him up the stairs. Anyways - he goes off on one - screaming obscenities etc and shouting 'are you gay?' and all that sort of thing. So quietly - I responded - and this is in front of some pretty high class clientele. I took a step back, one step below him, reached between his legs, 'cupped' his balls, clamped them and then very loudly responded as a now forced him up the stairs - 'yeah, I'm gay and you is so my bitch'.
Long story short - I owned him, got a uproar of laughter and clapping and this guy deflated in a matter of seconds. It brought tears to his eyes I can tell you. BTW - I'm not gay but a quick reach around worked great on this occasion. Not that I'm recommending it as a solution to your 'problem'. ;)

well I did ignore him. I was the bigger man in the situation, but still it's not a cool feeling when your with a chick and you dont at least tyy to act "tough".., even if it was the right decision. I mean it was fucked up but I see your point, no reason to waste my time with a guy like that. He'll be dead in a year anyways probably
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: badlad on October 03, 2011, 10:37:31 PM
Fair enough but seriously, this is good for your self esteem - facing adversity, having your manhood questioned - and getting over it fast. Makes life interesting - and personally the guy sounds like such a prat that I think anybody who witnessed it would share the same opinion. Anyways - you made thread out of it - how bad can it be
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: chess315 on October 03, 2011, 10:43:17 PM
smashing a jar of peanut butter on somes face will break down the biggest man as will a bottle of maddog that is full
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Meso_z on October 03, 2011, 11:29:43 PM
Ive read your post...yes its very typical.

Sad thing is, guys who dont even workout do the same thing if they notice your physique...out of jealousy they do some strange acts like know pushing, staring at you, to see you reactions and stuff.

fuck them.  :D
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: kyomu on October 04, 2011, 06:31:58 AM

More than 90% of BBers are douchebags.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: purenaturalstrength on October 04, 2011, 06:33:48 AM
More than 90% of BBers are douchebags.

what about the pros? can you name some pros that are douchebags?
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Man of Steel on October 04, 2011, 07:08:10 AM
I'm at the market shopping today with a new chick I met.. fairly cute nice little butt on here Im finall getting over that other girl...  Im in a long sleeve shirt mind you,  shorts and tennis shoes. Now I dont consider myself a = "big guy" but Im getting to the point where I actually look like I lift in a pair of loose clothes for the first time as Ive put on some good size in the past few months,My issue was  Ive never taken gear while eating alot of food I always ate 2000 calories on gear for the most part in an attempt to "lean out" but of course like anyone on drugs I still gained a little muscle eating like a bird cause I was fairly new to training. So  For the past month I have been eating  BIG for the first time in my life  3500 calories a day (on moderate dose of  gear)  and HOLY SHIT my body is taking off. I didnt really look in the mirror for a while and didnt even know i was growing but I shaved the hair off today and I saw a big difference.  Ive probably put on over 5 pounds of pure muscle in the past month  so I'm pretty stoked.  ..sorry for that back to story. ;)
 There was some BIG fucking dude walking around in the market. Keeps on going back and forth from one side of the market to the next right in front of the door way so all the people can look at him. The funny thing is they weren't, for some reason I dont know why. He had that slin look, big but not impressive. The type of look where only a person who is into bodybuilding can tell he is a bodybuilder, or else you would mistake him for a football player. I could never understand it until I actually saw it in person, he was huge but you didn't think bodybuilder when you saw him. Anyways.... I'm standing at the cashier putting my stuff up minding my business. As he is walking out this dude practically pushes me over as he   reaches over to shake the cashiers hand, gets up right in front of me and my girl's face, like i was about to push the dude and tell him to fuck off he was really up in my face and is  completely stopping the whole line in the store to "pretend" to talk to the cashier. The converstation went like this. "Hey how you doing bro? ::) You look good man you gaining weight been working out?" My buddy responds "Eh I actuall lost weight recently".    "Nah man your lying you have gotten bigger I can see it!" This kid is like 150 pounds mind you at 6 feet tall mind you and sure as fuck hasn't touched a weight recently.

the cashier  then  tells me the guy has never said a damn word to him in his entire life and never even mentioned to him that he worked out. ;) I mean the guy was really up in my face like I did something wrong to him,.

Are these guys so insecure that they have to go out of the way to show up a guy like me? lol.  IT be different if I was 220 6% rocking a superman tanktop and he came in to show me up cause he is 240lb 6%,  but Im not even in the same league as him physique wise. Im sure any bodybuilder can tell if some kid is on  drugs and aspring to be a "bodybuilder" but... IDK man, all I know is if I was  pro size if I saw some kid with his girl, I would not be pulling that shit I just couldn't get myself to do it Im not a big enough of an asshole. The dude was bald  anyways so I wasn't worried and the chick I was with likes gymnist types of bodies anyways,  but still that was just a classless thing to do am I wrong?  I didn't say SHIT to the guy.

  When I was a kid training at gold's gym I was always around Will Harris from the time I was 15 16 years old.  The guy was always covered up, never tried to get in anyone's face especially the young 20 something year old bodybuilders. Most of these guys There were  200lb wearing gold gym tank tops, shaved legs, flexing in the mirror with blonde dyed spiked hair walking around with imaginary lat synrdome so  so I'm SURE he was tempted at times to put them in their place and do a set of curls right in front of them and crush their dreams lol,  but not once did he do it. I think there is two kinds of people who lift weights. One of them is usually athletes guys who lifts weights for themself or for women. The other lifts weights because they are insecure little people inside.. These are the type of guys who absolutely can not come off drugs or their entire identity is gone. These are the type of guys who think everyone "wants to be them" when in reality it's the humble guy with the impressive physique that most are envious of.  Honestly while I would love to look like that guy one day (Actually no I wouldnt he looked like shit for the most part :) but i wouldnt mind having his size)...I really wish  Phil Heath would come up  and pull that same shit to him that he did with me while he is standing with his wife or something at the grocery store ::) I mean even though he probably would of kicked my ass as he had to been on at least 4 grams of test and enough tren to kill a rhino, I really wish I would of taken a shot at him. Fuck I feel like a pussy right now, the girl I was with I'm pretty sure "could tell" what he was doing, and I was a complete bitch about it I just stood there. and btw Did I mention he was in combat boots?

I've never had another man try and push me out of the way.  Sure I've accidentally bumped into other folks and we both politely apologized and were on our way.  It's real simple though, muscles always spot other muscles LOL.  I can spot a slightly jacked dude from 200 yards out using my peripherals at night LOL.  Do we do these things on purpose?  No.  I don't look for it, but I can spot it from a mile away.  Train enough years and this ability gets beat into your brain.  Every WL/BB/PL can do the same thing....we all gravitate to what we know.  Some people are nice and polite and others are huge bags of the douche variety.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: CalvinH on October 04, 2011, 07:14:50 AM
Sorry I was in a rush to eat before I went catabolic.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: makaveli25 on October 04, 2011, 07:15:49 AM
Should of knocked that sonbitch out  :)
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: 240 is Back on October 04, 2011, 07:21:51 AM
there should be some master list of one-liners that you can say to deflate any bodybuilder at any time.

Something about his sperm count, rapid balding rate, blood pressure, etc.  "Yeah, my brother's girlfriend said you clear rooms with those protein farts all the time..."

What is one line of text that will make any BBer insecure immediately?
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Man of Steel on October 04, 2011, 07:26:11 AM
there should be some master list of one-liners that you can say to deflate any bodybuilder at any time.

Something about his sperm count, rapid balding rate, blood pressure, etc.  "Yeah, my brother's girlfriend said you clear rooms with those protein farts all the time..."

What is one line of text that will make any BBer insecure immediately?

"You look smaller to me."

Always ask every bodybuilder you meet if they're just starting back lifting after a layoff because they look like they've lost a lot of sizE.


this x100 LOL
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Stark on October 04, 2011, 07:49:23 AM

Bodybuilders are usually pretty insecure assholes

Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: BiGHer on October 04, 2011, 07:53:09 AM

Bodybuilders are usually pretty insecure assholes


This is why I always try to be polite and nice to people..... for the most part.

2 Reasons:

1)  I'm not a douchbag lol

2)  I like being 250 lbs, walking around and having people think "Oh stereotypical, boidybuilding, juicehead, douche," and then they talk to me and they're surprised lol.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Stark on October 04, 2011, 07:55:21 AM
This is why I always try to be polite and nice to people..... for the most part.

2 Reasons:

1)  I'm not a douchbag lol

2)  I like being 250 lbs, walking around and having people think "Oh stereotypical, boidybuilding, juicehead, douche," and then they talk to me and they're surprised lol.

You should ask people what their opinion of you is, how you come accross before you say that you aren't the bodybuilder stereotypical weightlifter ;) I can near guarantee you it would shock you.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: BiGHer on October 04, 2011, 08:00:34 AM
You should ask people what their opinion of you is, how you come accross before you say that you aren't the bodybuilder stereotypical weightlifter ;) I can near guarantee you it would shock you.

Maybe, but I don't really care all that much.  I've had the same small group of people in my life whos opinion of me is really the only one that matters to me outside of my own.  Besides that, I just felt like throwing in my 2 pennies on this thread  ;D
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Palpatine Q on October 04, 2011, 08:31:47 AM
You should ask people what their opinion of you is, how you come accross before you say that you aren't the bodybuilder stereotypical weightlifter ;) I can near guarantee you it would shock you.

I know people think I'm a meatheaded retard...fuck em.

That being said...I can't count how many times I've heard "'re really not what I thought you would be like at all."..after people talk to me.

It comes with the territory...if you don't want people assuming you are a douchebag BBer.....don't have big muscles.  no two ways around it.

Moral to the story....accept it and go about your life...the people who know you, KNOW you
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: apply85 on October 04, 2011, 08:38:54 AM
it was his first encounter with a broke jew lol, jk, yeah this sort of thing will happen in once in a blue moon, if I see it coming and I'm drunk i will make fun of the dude, but usually I brush it off and get angry about it later like u did
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: da_vinci on October 04, 2011, 09:03:12 AM
OP> What's your height?
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Stark on October 04, 2011, 09:38:33 AM
OP> What's your height?

Can you please stop with this stupidfucking OP shit? It makes you sound like a c..unt.
It makes sense on fast moving image boards like 4chan especially since nobody is too keen on "quoting" a large number since every over there is anonymous.
But here on getbig its perfectly okay to say: flinstones1.. whats your height.

Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: flinstones1 on October 04, 2011, 09:54:03 AM
it was his first encounter with a broke jew lol, jk, yeah this sort of thing will happen in once in a blue moon, if I see it coming and I'm drunk i will make fun of the dude, but usually I brush it off and get angry about it later like u did

well it's hard to fight in those situations anyways, your more concerned about spending time with your girl and enjoying the beautiful charleston weather ;D. Also I really dont think I would hold up well against a guy with 230 pounds of pure muscle mass on a 5'9 frame, lol. Dyselix,  6'0 3/4 ...that means  6'2 in flintstones land ;D
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: apply85 on October 04, 2011, 09:59:04 AM
I didn't mean fight lol, fight? ;[. In ny nobody fights, really difficult to get into a fight in most parts of nyc. WHen I first moved here from cali where let's say I was known for coming to school with a bruised up face once in a while lol, it was weird to find out people don't really fight here. They talk shit, but when you make it clear you are ready to throw down, they're like what are you doing? Dude I was just talking shit. Oh.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: flinstones1 on October 04, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
I didn't mean fight lol, fight? ;[. In ny nobody fights, really difficult to get into a fight in most parts of nyc. WHen I first moved here from cali where let's say I was known for coming to school with a bruised up face once in a while lol, it was weird to find out people don't really fight here. They talk shit, but when you make it clear you are ready to throw down, they're like what are you doing? Dude I was just talking shit. Oh.

I cant fight to save my life anymore.  Steroids just make me lazier lol. It's not so much I dont want to fight but it's like FUCK do I really want to do this? no thanks.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: StanZoLOL on October 04, 2011, 10:05:24 AM
yes, they are that insecure.

if you see him again, hit him with the ol'... "You been dieting? You look smaller..."  :D
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Palpatine Q on October 04, 2011, 10:09:07 AM

I cant fight to save my life anymore.  Steroids just make me lazier lol. It's not so much I dont want to fight but it's like FUCK do I really want to do this? no thanks.

Fighting is for assheads anyway.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Your Average GymRat on October 04, 2011, 10:17:30 AM
Fighting is for assheads anyway.
Spoken like a true punk.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Tito24 on October 04, 2011, 10:23:57 AM
the "guy" looked small that day yes.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Steelrabbitt on October 04, 2011, 10:47:26 AM
I know people think I'm a meatheaded retard...fuck em.

That being said...I can't count how many times I've heard "'re really not what I thought you would be like at all."..after people talk to me.

It comes with the territory...if you don't want people assuming you are a douchebag BBer.....don't have big muscles.  no two ways around it.

Moral to the story....accept it and go about your life...the people who know you, KNOW you

Good post, too many people judge before they get to know someone. I'm guilty myself sometimes. I try to make an effort to give people a chance and have made a few good friends with people, where at first sight I would never talk to in a million years.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Option D on October 04, 2011, 10:52:32 AM
Next time, strike up a conversation - say, "Hey man, I've seen you before. Don't you work out at xxx gym?" Odds are, he will say that he doesn't and that he trains in another gym. Then you say, "That's right, that's where I've seen you before. I've been there a few times. And fuck man, what happened to you? You were HUGE when I last saw you. You lose some size cuz you're cutting down for some competition?"

Then watch the douche visibly deflate.

you trying to get him to commit suicide?
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: makaveli25 on October 04, 2011, 11:09:16 AM
you trying to get him to commit suicide?

Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Board_SHERIF on October 04, 2011, 02:01:49 PM
You should of dropped your shorts and challenged him to a "sword fight".
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: CAPTAIN INSANO on October 04, 2011, 02:03:39 PM
Im not reading all that shit..

Clif Notes or....fuck off
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: dyslexic on October 04, 2011, 02:11:36 PM
Get used to it. They accidently run into me all the time. They want my acknowledgment, and they want you to be offended. They don't really know any other way. Consider it a form of compliment, even though it doesn't come off that way.

I'm not a huge guy by any means, but my arms stand out like a sore thumb. I've gotten used to this treatment so much that I kind of expect it.

If I see a huge and juiced bodybuilder, I will usually compliment him as long as I can see he hasn't forgotten to train his legs and calves. If all he is (is) large upper body? Screw him. He's lazy and all show, no go.
Title: Re: my first encounter with a douchebag bodybuilder
Post by: Board_SHERIF on October 04, 2011, 04:11:02 PM
you walk up to dudes and say "your swole"  ??