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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: supernick on October 14, 2011, 05:40:59 PM

Title: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: supernick on October 14, 2011, 05:40:59 PM
Long read but good.....

For awhile in the late 90’s to early 2000’s Craig Titus and I were training partners. He was always a great friend and he really pushed me in the weight room. Craig had focus in the gym like nobody’s business. He was like me when we trained; always pushing the limits. I’ll go on record right now and declare that nobody at Gold’s Gym Venice trained as hard as me back in the day. I just loved pushing the pain barriers and seeing how much I could handle. Sometimes, I could have pulled back but that’s what made it (http://******************/images/stories/articles/CormierArticles/sanfranpro.png)so great. And that’s what made Craig a great training partner. We shared that same mindset. Training together for the time we did forged a bond and we became real tight. Our friendship wasn’t just in the gym. Naw, not only did we both have a penchant for painful training sessions but we also liked to have fun. Well, make that too much fun. Craig had a real addictive personality. Whenever he wanted to do something, he did it and he didn’t look back. We both partied and partied just as hard as each other.
 In 2001, Craig and I put a lot of energy into prepping for the IFBB San Francisco Pro. Especially Craig; he really had a great prep that time around. Let’s first take a step back in time and look at where bodybuilding was in 2001. That was during the time Ronnie ruled the Olympia throne and Jay was chasing his coattails. Those days were still kind of like the 90’s. Everyone was in a battle for more and more mass. It was especially true for the top Olympia competitors. We all knew the Olympia was the “Ronnie Coleman Show”. And everyone else was still fighting for enough mass to slip into that 2nd place slot. With that said, I got pretty big that year. Actually, I got super big. That was the biggest I had ever been prepping for a show. I was huge but wasn’t spot on like I needed to be. I remember looking at myself saying “Damn, I’m shocked I’m this big going into a contest”.
 Craig and I both flew up to San Fran the day before the show and I was sitting really big at 275. I wasn’t in the best condition going up there but I was sure as hell huge. I still had some water to lose. It was mostly water, but some fat. Craig on the other hand was looking the best he ever looked. Honestly, I thought he looked a lot better than me. He was carrying the craziest condition and size he’s ever carried for that show. I remember how full he was too. He always had a problem with his chest and his chest was even full for this one. When we landed, we got off the plane and just went to our rooms and I said “Damn, I need to do something tonight to sweat some of this fluid out”. What was the logical thing to do? It was to party as hard as we could! We got dressed, met up in the lobby and went out to a local club. As soon as we walked in, it was packed. We glanced around for a minute and I just made a beeline for the dance floor. I danced and danced as hard as I could-- off and on-- for hours. I took breaks for a drink every once in awhile. I remember that night was just like any other night partying with Craig. Clothes were flying off on the dance floor and there were some unusual substances flowing through our veins if you know what I mean.
 We made friends at the club and did the usual. I remember having any of the girls I wanted grinding on me. It was probably bad for them because I grinded back a lot harder than they probably bargained for. Hey, I had calories to burn! That night we did a few extra “stimulants” to get our edge so we could party even harder. “Stimulants” as I will call them were always par for the course when you partied with Craig. I knew I had to do them if I had any chance of coming into the show in the condition I needed. So I had a little extra, um, “caffeine”, during the night. The partying didn’t stop on the dance floor either. No way. I had some extracurricular partying going on off the dance floor in the restrooms and in dark corners. The kind that’s a lot more fun than dancing. We’ll call it the “Horizontal Mambo”. And I did a lot of it too. This didn’t just stop and start and stop at certain times. No, we left and had no set plans of coming back at a certain time so we could sleep or anything like that. Nothing made sense about what we did that night. We kept going as hard as we could until it was time we needed to get back to the hotel for our stuff so we could head to the venue to start pumping up. We didn’t even sleep that night! If I’ve ever partied hard; it was then.
 I remember getting back to the hotel that morning and putting on my trunks after 8 hours of nonstop dancing and “stimulant” use and looking in the mirror. I was shocked at what I saw. I was like “Damn! I’m ripped”! I still wasn’t 100% where I wanted or needed to be but I looked like a transformed Real Deal. I remember getting there and weighing myself at 275. The day of the show I stepped on the scale at 260. I lost 15 lbs overnight and when I started pumping up it really started to come together for me. I remember getting through prejudging still buzzing and on cloud 9 from the previous night. I thought for a few minutes that Craig might have had me beat. At the night show, when my name was announced as the winner, you could see the disappointment on Craig’s face. He partied just as hard as me and still came in with perfect fullness, hardness and great conditioning. He wasn’t happy. Looking back on that show, I think Craig may have had me but who knows? It was very close. . . guess I did a few more “stimulants” than him?
 Looking back at all my partying times and what I’ve done, I think it’s a little silly and I’m not condoning these actions for anyone. But it was a good time while it lasted. I hope you all enjoyed this story. I’ve got plenty more stories of Titus and I doing crazy stuff. I have everything from gym stories to party stories to everything in between. If you want to hear something else in particular from me or have a question to ask or just want to say hi don’t forget to check out my Q&A thread on the RxMuscle forums! I’ll be back soon with another installment of the TRUTH. Stay tuned next time to hear me talk about politics, what really goes on behind the scenes in the IFBB and when I feel I got screwed the worst in my career. I will also give you my opinion of the top 3 most political calls in bodybuilding history. And they probably aren’t what you think they are! Until next time, peace out!
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: unrageable on October 14, 2011, 05:44:19 PM
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Parker on October 14, 2011, 05:52:37 PM
Craig was structurally fucked...he also had no chest...he was never going to beat Chris at that show...
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: DK II on October 14, 2011, 05:59:38 PM
Bullshit, Chris Cormier cannot write that much.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: MP on October 14, 2011, 06:01:13 PM
Good read. Who the fuck wants to hear about training tips we've all read before? More of this stuff, please.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: TrapsMcLats on October 14, 2011, 06:06:34 PM
I was at that show, craig had a nose bleed after prejudging when i was chatting with him... i wonder if it was from all the blow.  Whatever happened to the promoter... giorgiu cotstopagreeksoundingnam e-olis something? The SF pro in 01 and 02 was a well put together show and mini expo.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: G_Thang on October 14, 2011, 06:10:09 PM
diuretic  ::)

how about chris' drug stories and white women?
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: NYSTATEOFMIND on October 14, 2011, 06:10:23 PM
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: DK II on October 14, 2011, 06:15:13 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

this will be deleted in 3.. 2.... 1....
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: supernick on October 14, 2011, 06:18:07 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.
wow.... interesting ::)
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Wiggs on October 14, 2011, 06:20:36 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha!
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: G_Thang on October 14, 2011, 06:20:42 PM
CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin! .


melvin never married bebe.  stupid gimmick, not a true insider.  mods delete this shit.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: littleboyblue on October 14, 2011, 06:22:29 PM

melvin never married bebe.  stupid gimmick, not a true insider.  mods delete this shit.
uh, yeah, he did.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: apply85 on October 14, 2011, 06:23:45 PM
listen to chris say 10 words in an interview and u gotta he's not writing these
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Schmoff on October 14, 2011, 06:25:34 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

hahaha, more stories, please!!!!

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: G_Thang on October 14, 2011, 06:28:11 PM
uh, yeah, he did.

ok insider, who setup the BBQs?
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: bigkubby on October 14, 2011, 06:30:37 PM
I THOUGHT TITUS SWUNG ON MELVIN  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Reeves on October 14, 2011, 06:38:06 PM
Long read but good.....

For awhile in the late 90’s to early 2000’s Craig Titus and I were training partners. He was always a great friend and he really pushed me in the weight room. Craig had focus in the gym like nobody’s business. He was like me when we trained; always pushing the limits. I’ll go on record right now and declare that nobody at Gold’s Gym Venice trained as hard as me back in the day. I just loved pushing the pain barriers and seeing how much I could handle. Sometimes, I could have pulled back but that’s what made it (http://******************/images/stories/articles/CormierArticles/sanfranpro.png)so great. And that’s what made Craig a great training partner. We shared that same mindset. Training together for the time we did forged a bond and we became real tight. Our friendship wasn’t just in the gym. Naw, not only did we both have a penchant for painful training sessions but we also liked to have fun. Well, make that too much fun. Craig had a real addictive personality. Whenever he wanted to do something, he did it and he didn’t look back. We both partied and partied just as hard as each other.
 In 2001, Craig and I put a lot of energy into prepping for the IFBB San Francisco Pro. Especially Craig; he really had a great prep that time around. Let’s first take a step back in time and look at where bodybuilding was in 2001. That was during the time Ronnie ruled the Olympia throne and Jay was chasing his coattails. Those days were still kind of like the 90’s. Everyone was in a battle for more and more mass. It was especially true for the top Olympia competitors. We all knew the Olympia was the “Ronnie Coleman Show”. And everyone else was still fighting for enough mass to slip into that 2nd place slot. With that said, I got pretty big that year. Actually, I got super big. That was the biggest I had ever been prepping for a show. I was huge but wasn’t spot on like I needed to be. I remember looking at myself saying “Damn, I’m shocked I’m this big going into a contest”.
 Craig and I both flew up to San Fran the day before the show and I was sitting really big at 275. I wasn’t in the best condition going up there but I was sure as hell huge. I still had some water to lose. It was mostly water, but some fat. Craig on the other hand was looking the best he ever looked. Honestly, I thought he looked a lot better than me. He was carrying the craziest condition and size he’s ever carried for that show. I remember how full he was too. He always had a problem with his chest and his chest was even full for this one. When we landed, we got off the plane and just went to our rooms and I said “Damn, I need to do something tonight to sweat some of this fluid out”. What was the logical thing to do? It was to party as hard as we could! We got dressed, met up in the lobby and went out to a local club. As soon as we walked in, it was packed. We glanced around for a minute and I just made a beeline for the dance floor. I danced and danced as hard as I could-- off and on-- for hours. I took breaks for a drink every once in awhile. I remember that night was just like any other night partying with Craig. Clothes were flying off on the dance floor and there were some unusual substances flowing through our veins if you know what I mean.
 We made friends at the club and did the usual. I remember having any of the girls I wanted grinding on me. It was probably bad for them because I grinded back a lot harder than they probably bargained for. Hey, I had calories to burn! That night we did a few extra “stimulants” to get our edge so we could party even harder. “Stimulants” as I will call them were always par for the course when you partied with Craig. I knew I had to do them if I had any chance of coming into the show in the condition I needed. So I had a little extra, um, “caffeine”, during the night. The partying didn’t stop on the dance floor either. No way. I had some extracurricular partying going on off the dance floor in the restrooms and in dark corners. The kind that’s a lot more fun than dancing. We’ll call it the “Horizontal Mambo”. And I did a lot of it too. This didn’t just stop and start and stop at certain times. No, we left and had no set plans of coming back at a certain time so we could sleep or anything like that. Nothing made sense about what we did that night. We kept going as hard as we could until it was time we needed to get back to the hotel for our stuff so we could head to the venue to start pumping up. We didn’t even sleep that night! If I’ve ever partied hard; it was then.
 I remember getting back to the hotel that morning and putting on my trunks after 8 hours of nonstop dancing and “stimulant” use and looking in the mirror. I was shocked at what I saw. I was like “Damn! I’m ripped”! I still wasn’t 100% where I wanted or needed to be but I looked like a transformed Real Deal. I remember getting there and weighing myself at 275. The day of the show I stepped on the scale at 260. I lost 15 lbs overnight and when I started pumping up it really started to come together for me. I remember getting through prejudging still buzzing and on cloud 9 from the previous night. I thought for a few minutes that Craig might have had me beat. At the night show, when my name was announced as the winner, you could see the disappointment on Craig’s face. He partied just as hard as me and still came in with perfect fullness, hardness and great conditioning. He wasn’t happy. Looking back on that show, I think Craig may have had me but who knows? It was very close. . . guess I did a few more “stimulants” than him?
 Looking back at all my partying times and what I’ve done, I think it’s a little silly and I’m not condoning these actions for anyone. But it was a good time while it lasted. I hope you all enjoyed this story. I’ve got plenty more stories of Titus and I doing crazy stuff. I have everything from gym stories to party stories to everything in between. If you want to hear something else in particular from me or have a question to ask or just want to say hi don’t forget to check out my Q&A thread on the RxMuscle forums! I’ll be back soon with another installment of the TRUTH. Stay tuned next time to hear me talk about politics, what really goes on behind the scenes in the IFBB and when I feel I got screwed the worst in my career. I will also give you my opinion of the top 3 most political calls in bodybuilding history. And they probably aren’t what you think they are! Until next time, peace out!

Paragraphs mother-fucker!  Do you use them?!

Also, please refrain from the use of the absofuckinglutely moronic "peace out".  Fuck. That. Noise.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: supernick on October 14, 2011, 06:39:44 PM

Paragraphs mother-fucker!  Do you use them?!

Also, please refrain from the use of the absofuckinglutely moronic "peace out".  Fuck. That. Noise.
I did not wright it guy!!!!!!!  Go suck your mothers girl!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Reeves on October 14, 2011, 06:40:42 PM
I did not wright it ####!!!!!!!  Go suck your mothers #girl!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Parker on October 14, 2011, 06:43:10 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.
Hmmm, I seem to remember that the story was that Chris had approached Bea at Gold's abouit a threesome with him and his wife, Mel didn't appreciate that, and that is when Craig suckerpunched Melvin

Your story is more sexy, but was not what was reported
uh, yeah, he did.
Uh, no he didn't he dropped her and then married Yvette---Ron was at the wedding.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: NYSTATEOFMIND on October 14, 2011, 06:54:33 PM
im pretty sure rico mac told me melvin wanted to fuck CC and titus swung at melvin bc he was jealous

real talk
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: dyslexic on October 14, 2011, 09:02:31 PM
Bodybuilding just makes you feel wholesome, warm and fuzzy all over....

from Trenbolona to nose bleeds and man-on-man butt pirates.

Wow. Let's get MD to do a cover story. I could probably pull some good graphics right off of this site.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: viking1 on October 14, 2011, 09:08:27 PM
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Stavios on October 14, 2011, 10:09:34 PM
haha CC was a lazy mofo

story doesn't surprise me one bit, most bodybuilders are like that

and LOL at Craig fucking Melvin  ;D
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: m8 on October 14, 2011, 10:27:11 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Parker on October 14, 2011, 10:28:44 PM
haha CC was a lazy mofo

story doesn't surprise me one bit, most bodybuilders are like that

and LOL at Craig fucking Melvin  ;D
Don't you mean crazy? Dude wasn't lazy in the gym. no he never amped it up and stopped partying, but he was one of the few who could party all night, all week and win a show.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Stavios on October 14, 2011, 10:34:45 PM
Don't you mean crazy? Dude wasn't lazy in the gym. no he never amped it up and stopped partying, but he was one of the few who could party all night, all week and win a show.

he got him shape using speed, coke or whatever ;D
that, to me is lazy. Stop the fucking partying, do your bodybuilding drugs like you should, diet longer and damn it he could have won the O over the fridge

he wasn't lazy in the gym but he was lazy in his "prep"
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: 20inch calves on October 14, 2011, 10:40:12 PM
Don't you mean crazy? Dude wasn't lazy in the gym. no he never amped it up and stopped partying, but he was one of the few who could party all night, all week and win a show.

actually he was lazy in the gym at times anyway. i saw him doing legs and was women watching most of the times. i mean i know he had to go hard but not all the time that is for sure
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Parker on October 14, 2011, 10:42:21 PM
actually he was lazy in the gym at times anyway. i saw him doing legs and was women watching most of the times. i mean i know he had to go hard but not all the time that is for sure
This I totally believe...and I believe most of the women he got with were into that scene (Ahmo Hight)
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: NotMrAverage on October 14, 2011, 11:08:14 PM
Aaaaah! So Craigster actually fuckued Melvin in the ass! This explains a thing or two... "U used me white boy, how could you!"...... "How can you say something like that man, it was love making at it´s finest! This makes me wanna suckerpunch you the fuck out you loisianna cotton boy" I can see this playing out
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Wiggs on October 15, 2011, 11:15:37 AM
Aaaaah! So Craigster actually fuckued Melvin in the ass! This explains a thing or two... "U used me white boy, how could you!"...... "How can you say something like that man, it was love making at it´s finest! This makes me wanna suckerpunch you the fuck out you loisianna cotton boy" I can see this playing out

Only in bodybuilding
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: mass243 on October 15, 2011, 11:25:39 AM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

Pics of "Bebe" may I require...  ::)
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: makaveli25 on October 15, 2011, 11:25:56 AM
I don't understand how these guys hearts don't just explode in their chests. I couldn't imagine running grams of gear especially the high doses of tren all the fatburners on top of that going out everynight shooting cocaine and doing Ecstasy. Then they get up on stage the next morning  :o I was doing like 300mg of tren ace and I went out boozing not as hard as these guys I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Insane!
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: suckmymuscle on October 15, 2011, 11:41:04 AM
I don't understand how these guys hearts don't just explode in their chests. I couldn't imagine running grams of gear especially the high doses of tren all the fatburners on top of that going out everynight shooting cocaine and doing Ecstasy. Then they get up on stage the next morningI was doing like 300mg of tren ace and I went out boozing not as hard as these guys I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Insane!

  Beta blockers.

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: The_Leafy_Bug on October 15, 2011, 11:41:46 AM
I don't understand how these guys hearts don't just explode in their chests. I couldn't imagine running grams of gear especially the high doses of tren all the fatburners on top of that going out everynight shooting cocaine and doing Ecstasy. Then they get up on stage the next morning  :o I was doing like 300mg of tren ace and I went out boozing not as hard as these guys I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Insane!
What do you think happened to Youngblood?
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Fortress on October 15, 2011, 11:42:49 AM
"Athletes"  ::)

These guys are a disgrace to weight training and the pursuit of physical excellence through performance.

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: makaveli25 on October 15, 2011, 11:42:56 AM
  Beta blockers.


Makes sense. Sounds like a cocktail for disaster. I would be fucken nervous all the time knowing I had that many chemicals running through my veins. It would be worth it if you were making a lot of money but most of these guys are broke.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Jizzacked on October 15, 2011, 11:49:55 AM
great thread bros  ;D
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: EwaBeachBoy on October 15, 2011, 12:01:54 PM
Pics of "Bebe" may I require...  ::)

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: maxkane69 on October 15, 2011, 12:04:28 PM
How about the party where it was CC, Melvin, Melvin's wife Bebe, and Craig Titus. and another bodybuilder from Golds I won't mention.  Everyone's shooting coke and dropping 'X' and CC starts to fuck Melvin's then wife Bebe right in front of everybody-yes, even Melvin!  Well, they're all high as kites, so fuck it-anything goes.  Craig FUCKED MELVIN in his ass!  That is why the next day at Golds Melvin took a swing at Craig.  He said that Titus took "advantage of him!"  It had nothing to do with Craig and Kelly trying to "lure" Bebe into a 3way.  This is the real story.

littleboyblue you are the NEW BEEFHEAVYWEIGHT!
Please more stories like this.
You just might become another GetBig legend!  ;D
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: mass243 on October 15, 2011, 12:15:26 PM


Definitely would fuk it.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: EwaBeachBoy on October 15, 2011, 12:20:14 PM

Definitely would fuk it.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: dyslexic on October 15, 2011, 12:27:20 PM
I don't understand how these guys hearts don't just explode in their chests. I couldn't imagine running grams of gear especially the high doses of tren all the fatburners on top of that going out everynight shooting cocaine and doing Ecstasy. Then they get up on stage the next morning  :o I was doing like 300mg of tren ace and I went out boozing not as hard as these guys I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Insane!

Age, my friend... age.

You couldn't pull that shit off as an old man.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: apply85 on October 15, 2011, 01:26:02 PM
their hearts do explode... ;[
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: biff on October 15, 2011, 03:03:49 PM

haha christ i remember way, way back when stories of cormier's partying would come up here and there. the mags would mention it but refute it saying 'how could he train, let alone win shows if he did half the partying claimed?' - trying to act as if bb's needed to follow some wholesome life to get results.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: YoungBlood on October 15, 2011, 09:00:28 PM
What do you think happened to Youngblood?

Nothing happened to me... ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: indie-lad on October 15, 2011, 11:45:58 PM

haha christ i remember way, way back when stories of cormier's partying would come up here and there. the mags would mention it but refute it saying 'how could he train, let alone win shows if he did half the partying claimed?' - trying to act as if bb's needed to follow some wholesome life to get results.

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Parker on October 15, 2011, 11:50:37 PM

Definitely would fuk it.
Craig thought the same thing...
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: MikMaq on October 15, 2011, 11:55:57 PM
their hearts do explode... ;[
Just spend a day working in emerg, and you'll see a horde of young guys comin in with heart problems.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: a_pupil on February 28, 2019, 11:25:23 AM
classic thread. make getbig great again.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: The Italian Lifter on February 28, 2019, 01:43:26 PM
Entertaining thread from the past. Wish we see more of this now.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: tres_taco_combo on February 28, 2019, 02:27:55 PM

Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 28, 2019, 07:38:32 PM
If anyone believes Chris Cormier wrote that drivel I have bridge to sell you. You'll clean up on tolls.
Title: Re: Chris Cormier's craziest diuretic!
Post by: Hypertrophy on February 28, 2019, 08:02:11 PM
Bodybuilding just makes you feel wholesome, warm and fuzzy all over....

from Trenbolona to nose bleeds and man-on-man butt pirates.

Wow. Let's get MD to do a cover story. I could probably pull some good graphics right off of this site.

Exactly. This isn’t a sport- it’s just a homosexual rave using steroids and hgh in addition to ecstasy.