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Title: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 16, 2011, 05:28:06 AM
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This Sunday: 900 Days Without a Senate Budget
Townhall ^ | October 14, 2011 | Guy Benson
Posted on October 14, 2011 6:19:12 PM EDT by jazusamo

It's been awhile since we've harped on this unlawful, cowardly, and politically-calculated failure of Democrats in the Senate -- but the 900-day mark seems like as good an opportunity as any to refresh everyone's memory about just how derelict Reid's posse continues to be. Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Jeff Sessions pre-emptively mark this pitiful milestone with a scathing indictment :
America is greatly in need of strong, competent leadership. Our nation’s total debt is now larger than our entire economy. Unemployment is painfully high and growth is painfully slow. Since taking office, the president has accelerated Washington’s reckless spending spree, added trillions of dollars to the debt, and has refused to present a credible plan to put Washington’s fiscal house in order.

Meanwhile, Congress is divided. Republicans control the House, Democrats the Senate. As required by law, House Republicans presented a budget in committee, brought it to the floor, and passed it earlier this spring. It was an honest, detailed, concrete plan to put our budget on the path to balance and our economy on the path to prosperity. B ut Senate Democrats, during this time of national crisis, failed even to present a budget plan—in open defiance of the law and the public they serve. Senate Majority Leader Reid said it would be ‘foolish’ to have a budget. The reason for this evasion is clear: Democrat leaders in Washington think it is politically foolish to commit publicly to the kind of tax increases and health-care rationing that would be required to sustain their vision of ever-expanding federal government.

This is the second consecutive year Senate Democrats have disregarded the legally mandated budget process. In fact, this Sunday will mark the 900th day since Senate Democrats last adopted a formal budget plan as outlined in the Congressional Budget Act. It is a national disgrace. As we encourage our colleagues to fulfill their basic duties of governance, we will continue to advance proposals aimed at strengthening the budget process.

It is time Washington played by the rules. Elected leaders have a legal—and moral—obligation to prioritize taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars with an honest budget. We’re approaching 900 days since Senate Democrats last took that obligation seriously.

As Democrats continue to cast Republicans as the obstructionist "Party of No" (a label that conveniently ignores Democratic disunity), remember this: Not a single Senate Democrat has voted 'yes' on any proposed buget this year. That's right, every Democrat in the United States Senate has voted to reject all five budget resolutions brought before them; four from Republicans, and one from President Obama. And no, guys, your little debt deal "deem" gimmick doesn't absolve you of any responsibility here.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Fury on October 16, 2011, 07:36:20 AM
This is fucking laughable. All we need now is 240 and co. to claim that it's the Republicans holding everything up in Washington.

Does Reid do anything? He shelves anything that comes up from the house and can't even be bothered to pass a budget.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 16, 2011, 07:48:52 AM
This is fucking laughable. All we need now is 240 and co. to claim that it's the Republicans holding everything up in Washington.

Does Reid do anything? He shelves anything that comes up from the house and can't even be bothered to pass a budget.

Where is straw man on this?  And the douchebags like andreisatwat and blackass wonder why we got downgraded? 
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: 240 is Back on October 16, 2011, 07:50:38 AM
it's all the dems fault - BUT -

the PERCEPTION - thanks to rhetoric such as "shut it down!" and "my job is make sure obama accomplishes nothing!" -
may be that the do-nothing repub congress is to blame.  Boehnner refusing to even SAY the word 'compromise'.  

I mean, you can jump around your yard with a flamethrower screaming fire caroles.  Even if the house next door burns due to an electrical fire, people are always going to associate it with you.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Fury on October 16, 2011, 09:25:17 AM
it's all the dems fault - BUT -

the PERCEPTION - thanks to rhetoric such as "shut it down!" and "my job is make sure obama accomplishes nothing!" -
may be that the do-nothing repub congress is to blame.  Boehnner refusing to even SAY the word 'compromise'.  

I mean, you can jump around your yard with a flamethrower screaming fire caroles.  Even if the house next door burns due to an electrical fire, people are always going to associate it with you.

Recent polling shows that the majority of Americans are now hanging this around Downgrade's head. Sorry, ball waxer.  :'(

Don't cry too hard.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: 240 is Back on October 16, 2011, 09:27:54 AM
wait, i thought this thread was about the senate's unability.

so he'll lose the white house, the dems will keep the senate and grab back enough seats to nearly tie the house, and it's 2 more years of 'do nothing'.  Check!
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Fury on October 16, 2011, 09:29:27 AM
wait, i thought this thread was about the senate's unability.

so he'll lose the white house, the dems will keep the senate and grab back enough seats to nearly tie the house, and it's 2 more years of 'do nothing'.  Check!

Shut the fuck up, clown. You're really going to cry about the topic changing when you just tried to push this onto Boehner? Really? Are you some special person that can criticize others for doing the same things you do? Oh wait, you're a Downgrade drone.  ::)
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: 240 is Back on October 16, 2011, 09:42:47 AM
Shut the fuck up, clown. You're really going to cry about the topic changing when you just tried to push this onto Boehner? Really? Are you some special person that can criticize others for doing the same things you do? Oh wait, you're a Downgrade drone.  ::)

youre being kinda mean here.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Fury on October 16, 2011, 10:06:33 AM
youre being kinda mean here.


Your little game got annoying a long time ago.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: 240 is Back on October 16, 2011, 10:16:28 AM

Your little game got annoying a long time ago.

agreed.  trying to think of a new angle.  the place is so divided that the right would defend perry executing baby seals for $ to send to coroprations, and the left would defend obama physically unplugging their own grandmother.

people don't care about right/wrong anymore.  it's all about winning.
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 16, 2011, 10:19:10 AM

Your little game got annoying a long time ago.

House of reps passed two budgets already. 
Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 19, 2011, 11:10:52 AM
Dems' 900 Days Of Irresponsibility
Investors Business Daily ^ | 10/18/2011 | IBD Editorials

Budget: Over the weekend, Senate Democrats passed a dubious milestone — going 900 days without fulfilling their legal obligation to pass a budget. Worse is the fact that this gross dereliction of duty has gone largely unnoticed.

You have to go all the way back to April 29, 2009 — just three months after President Obama took the oath of office — to find the last time Senate Democrats managed to discharge their legal obligation to produce a budget plan.

That's right — legal obligation. It says right in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that the Senate must produce a budget resolution by April of each year.

Instead, all the country has gotten from Senate Democrats are excuses.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Title: Re: 900 days wo a budget due to Senate Demos
Post by: dario73 on October 19, 2011, 11:21:52 AM
wait, i thought this thread was about the senate's unability.

so he'll lose the white house, the dems will keep the senate and grab back enough seats to nearly tie the house, and it's 2 more years of 'do nothing'.  Check!

How do you figure this will happen? Democrats are despised so much at this point and Obama is losing so much support from independents that what will actually happen is that the Dems will lose seats in the Senate and Reps will continue to control the House.