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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Irongrip400 on December 04, 2011, 05:28:14 AM

Title: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on December 04, 2011, 05:28:14 AM
Well, Italy and Germany.  I took two weeks over there for my honeymoon, and let me tell all the Americans on here that have never been.  Go.  It was almost like taking a college course, but you get something out of it, so much to learn.  I figured most people do honeymoons in the tropics, and I have a timeshare in St Maarten in Feb, that this would be the perfect opportunity to go over the Thanksgiving break, and week after. 

We landed in Rome and stayed for three nights, and took a private walking tour of the city, it was great.  then left there and went to Florence for three nights, and while not as great as Rome, it was still a beautiful clean city.  But bring your wallet, the place is expensive.  We then went to Venice for two nights, which was not enough.  Got tickets to the museums, walked through the Doge's palace, etc.  Place was awesome.  Smelled a bit at times, but great never the less.  then we stayed one night in Verona, which  I could have done without, but hey, it was a cool place too.  We left Verona on a train to Munich, stayed there for two nights.  It was awesome, the Bavarian people were great.  Went to a bunch of Christmas markets, and drank Gluwine.  I tell you what, the Germans take christmas seriously, not the commercialized bullshit we celebrate here.  Left there by plane and spent the last two nights in Berlin.  Did a walking tour there as well, saw all of the sites, it was great.  Went to two christmas markets there as well, got interviewed by some German news station, not sure why, maybe to make fun of Americans.

Just wanted to let everyone know it was the trip of a lifetime, I have a totally different outlook on the world now.  You realize how little the rest of the world cares about us, and that they have there own set of problems, and a different view on ours.  Met some very cool peolpe, and made some great memories, I highly recommend it.  On a side note, my wife and I were commenting on how well everyone was put together, no fat slobs, or sloppy dressers.  I guess it is from all of the walking, Americans are lazy.  And finally, how do you guys in Germany not have killer gas and shit your brains out from the food?  It was great, but I was farting nonstop, couldn't imagine hooking up with a chick and here having bubble guts all of the time from the food.  Any comments and discussion on this topic woulld be welcome. :)
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: NYSTATEOFMIND on December 04, 2011, 05:50:04 AM
good stuff

me and my girl went to Denmark, Sweden and iceland 2 months back. first thing i noticeed, VERY FEW FATTIES and everyone rides bikes. it was an awesome experince..looking to go to spain and italy at some point
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on December 04, 2011, 06:10:32 AM
good stuff

me and my girl went to Denmark, Sweden and iceland 2 months back. first thing i noticeed, VERY FEW FATTIES and everyone rides bikes. it was an awesome experince..looking to go to spain and italy at some point

Yeah, bikes were everywhere, along with small cars, and I only saw two pick up trucks, one of which was a small one.  Saw a Dodge Ram in Berlin, dude was driving like a retard, figured him for an American.  I would say Italy is a must, I could have spent a week in Rome or Venice alone.  Florence there are alot of American college kids, exchange students.  Went to a bar, and left as I heard some slutty American chick talking with here trashy mouth, it is embarrassing that is the view they have of us.  Oh, and Jersey Shore, what a bunch of classless tools.  I want to go back maybe in a year and a half(summer 2013) and do two weeks again.  One thing I noticed, Germans are a tall people, I am 6'4, and usually am in the 99%, but not there.  I was above average, but there were some tall folks there.  Thanks for the feedback, just got back last night, and am stoked to be talking to someone about it who has been.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on December 04, 2011, 06:56:02 AM
Nice that you enjoyed your stay.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: affeman on December 04, 2011, 06:58:40 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know it was the trip of a lifetime, I have a totally different outlook on the world now.  You realize how little the rest of the world cares about us,

That's what I'm telling you trailerpark rednecks for years.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: reppingfor20 on December 04, 2011, 07:01:26 AM
good post, really shows how much of a shit hole the US is even though the people in this country are brainwashed into thinking it's the greatest country on earth lol.

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on December 04, 2011, 07:08:24 AM
I live in the dumping ground of europe  :-[
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Xerxes on December 04, 2011, 07:10:25 AM
Sounds like a nice trip, post some pics!
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: johnnynoname on December 04, 2011, 07:14:32 AM
Just got back from your Mom's house.....and, boy, are my dick and wallet empty
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: che on December 04, 2011, 07:15:31 AM
Just got back from your Mom's house.....and, boy, are my dick and wallet empty

Sounds like a nice trip, post some pics!
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: garebear on December 04, 2011, 07:41:12 AM
Sounds like a nice trip, post some pics!
Vintage GB right there.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: dustin on December 04, 2011, 07:43:10 AM
Sounds awesome. Post some naked pics of your wife now.

That really does sound like fun though. My wife and I want to do something like that in the future too.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: johnnynoname on December 04, 2011, 07:43:23 AM
Sounds like a nice trip, post some pics!

sadly, I lied

I haven't had sex in a while

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Tito24 on December 04, 2011, 07:48:34 AM
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Dr Dutch on December 04, 2011, 10:12:55 AM
In Europa Tom would be thinner...
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Dipadidu on December 04, 2011, 10:46:01 AM
In Europa Tom would be thinner...

In europe he would be still healthy
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: reppingfor20 on December 04, 2011, 10:57:28 AM
In europe he would be still healthy

x2, american system bankrupts ppl for healthcare, i doubt most people could afford what they charge, it's theft! 
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: freespirit on December 04, 2011, 10:58:53 AM
x2, american system bankrupts ppl for healthcare, i doubt most people could afford what they charge, it's theft! 

Not much different here in The Netherlands.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: falco on December 04, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
In europe he would be still healthy

No way! we also have Advil under another brand name!
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: James28 on December 04, 2011, 11:37:19 AM
Yeah, bikes were everywhere, along with small cars, and I only saw two pick up trucks, one of which was a small one.  Saw a Dodge Ram in Berlin, dude was driving like a retard, figured him for an American.  I would say Italy is a must, I could have spent a week in Rome or Venice alone.  Florence there are alot of American college kids, exchange students.  Went to a bar, and left as I heard some slutty American chick talking with here trashy mouth, it is embarrassing that is the view they have of us.  Oh, and Jersey Shore, what a bunch of classless tools.  I want to go back maybe in a year and a half(summer 2013) and do two weeks again.  One thing I noticed, Germans are a tall people, I am 6'4, and usually am in the 99%, but not there.  I was above average, but there were some tall folks there.  Thanks for the feedback, just got back last night, and am stoked to be talking to someone about it who has been.

Glad you enjoyed it. Even though I'm British with Germanic ancestry, I still see myself as European first and British second. I'm as at home in Vienna as I would be in Milan, Helsinki, Bruges or Andorra and for some reason get ridiculously pleased if people had a good time here. Nobody I know has a bad view of Americans or anyone for that matter, despite the media's best efforts to create a rift where none exists. I can honestly say apart from a Canadian couple, I've only ever had good experiences with anyone from you neck of the woods. Visit again, there's countless awesome places still left to see. Hell, been roaming this continent tirelessly the past 10 years and still have boundless lists full of things to see and place to go.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Immortal_Technique on December 04, 2011, 12:03:43 PM
It's true, Americans are very fat. Us Brits aren't far behind though  :( Italians and French all seem sexy, stylish and trim as fuck!
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Dr Dutch on December 04, 2011, 12:25:37 PM
Not much different here in The Netherlands.
This is not true, freespirit..
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: freespirit on December 04, 2011, 12:36:57 PM
This is not true, freespirit..
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Dr Dutch on December 04, 2011, 12:41:49 PM
This is not in the same league as what reppingfor20 said....
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: lovemonkey on December 04, 2011, 01:13:17 PM
A similar thread I created in '09 to describe the other perspective (

Just a few quick general observations from a foreigner(some good, some bad):

-Walmart is a fucking hilarious experience, watching minorities and white trash with their dumb ass kids buying stupid shit. The employee's are even worse.

-Americans in general above the age of 25-30 look unhealthy which usually reflects their obsession with bad types of food. They are either very fat or look like they're full of toxins with their pale horrible skin.

-Girls are either bottom of the barrel or SMOKING hot. Such a diverse amount of ethnicity so there's no real "standard".

-Never knew that saggy old, washed out, unstylish jeans could be so in style. Almost everyone except for hot college students had the most bland and boring taste in fashion.

-Very unusual and interesting architecture. Everything has more color to it. You can tell that the country is still young since there is not a lot of old buildings around. Everything is built around vehicles. I knew I was in America when I saw a drive-through Dunkin Donuts. (I caught a NYPD officer in the act of buying donuts, made me smile)

-I love the college partying scene, explains a lot about blinky's popular thread.

-21 years drinking age and 16 years driving is off the scale retarded. I think a lot of americans agree on this.

-American people ALWAYS smile in front of the camera, never saw them taking a spontaneous photo... Everyone always had to pose pretending to be happy.

-Never seen so many disclaimers in my entire life. Half the commercials are devoted to disclaimers. Never knew it was so dangerous to take a simple cough medicine 

-All kinds of goverment info that I saw (signs, ads etc) presumed you were a retard. They always had to threat you with x amount of years in prison and fines if you broke this and that law etc. A lot of information or advises you got was to plant fear in you.

-People get fired a lot easier and quicker. Do your job properly or get kicked out.

-They ask you "wazzup" or "how's it going" not caring about the answer they get.

-Americans in general worry a lot about staying "PC" but behind closed doors I heard a lot of people saying "fucking n*ggers". Black people I met that didn't act "ghetto" could probably be counted on two hands. Nothing racist about it, just stating my experience. Everything jewish or holocaust is not to be joked about. 

-No one dared say they are American. It's always "I'm half Irish and quarter Italian blabla". The country has been around since the 18th century and most of the immigration happened a long time ago, time to say that you're american, no?

-They are usually very sociable and devote a lot of effort to make sure their guests have a pleasant stay.
-American traffic is very calm and even though I'm not aware of all the traffic rules there is, driving around was not a problem. Every sign and traffic information was worded out for you. I did see a lot of teenagers driving while texting and not paying attention. Michigan roads are fuckin terrible.

There's a lot more I could add, but that's the stuff that came out on top of my head. Of course it's easy to be very critical of another country when it's different from your own, but I've tried to stay pretty impartial and honest. Most of my stay was in the northern part of states... mainly Michigan, Ohio and New York. I thought it would be interesting for some of you people to hear a foreigners experience of america that is not based on what they see or hear on the television. I worked and lived there for 4 months. Successfully I might add.
In the end you realize we're all humans and whatever difference there might be in culture or political climate it's not what's important. I made a lot of good friends over there and had a blast for sure.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Natural Man on December 04, 2011, 01:17:43 PM
with globalization everyone s living the same lifestyle nowadays everywhere in occident.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Crossbow on December 04, 2011, 02:11:37 PM
Glad you enjoyed your trip to our old continent - also well done on picking the cities - you picked some of the best Europe has to offer.

As a European who loves to travel (including 3-4 trips to the US every year), I'm a bit surprised how harsh people here are on the US, where I always have a great time.

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 02:19:54 AM
Well, Italy and Germany.  I took two weeks over there for my honeymoon, and let me tell all the Americans on here that have never been.  Go.  It was almost like taking a college course, but you get something out of it, so much to learn.  I figured most people do honeymoons in the tropics, and I have a timeshare in St Maarten in Feb, that this would be the perfect opportunity to go over the Thanksgiving break, and week after. 

We landed in Rome and stayed for three nights, and took a private walking tour of the city, it was great.  then left there and went to Florence for three nights, and while not as great as Rome, it was still a beautiful clean city.  But bring your wallet, the place is expensive.  We then went to Venice for two nights, which was not enough.  Got tickets to the museums, walked through the Doge's palace, etc.  Place was awesome.  Smelled a bit at times, but great never the less.  then we stayed one night in Verona, which  I could have done without, but hey, it was a cool place too.  We left Verona on a train to Munich, stayed there for two nights.  It was awesome, the Bavarian people were great.  Went to a bunch of Christmas markets, and drank Gluwine.  I tell you what, the Germans take christmas seriously, not the commercialized bullshit we celebrate here.  Left there by plane and spent the last two nights in Berlin.  Did a walking tour there as well, saw all of the sites, it was great.  Went to two christmas markets there as well, got interviewed by some German news station, not sure why, maybe to make fun of Americans.

Just wanted to let everyone know it was the trip of a lifetime, I have a totally different outlook on the world now.  You realize how little the rest of the world cares about us, and that they have there own set of problems, and a different view on ours.  Met some very cool peolpe, and made some great memories, I highly recommend it.  On a side note, my wife and I were commenting on how well everyone was put together, no fat slobs, or sloppy dressers.  I guess it is from all of the walking, Americans are lazy.  And finally, how do you guys in Germany not have killer gas and shit your brains out from the food?  It was great, but I was farting nonstop, couldn't imagine hooking up with a chick and here having bubble guts all of the time from the food.  Any comments and discussion on this topic woulld be welcome. :)

Wonder how this holds up today...
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on May 18, 2017, 03:36:55 AM
I've been several times since and the indigenous people are being pushed out big time. It's changed a lot in the past six years or so. Still a good time and I'd recommend going.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: heenok on May 18, 2017, 03:39:53 AM
I always can spot an american tourist by how sloppy they dress. Oversized polo, cargo shorts, ugly sport shoes, optional cap.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 04:05:14 AM
I've been several times since and the indigenous people are being pushed out big time. It's changed a lot in the past six years or so. Still a good time and I'd recommend going.

so being replaced by arabs, migrants, rapefugees, blacks, etc etc etc?
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Tapeworm on May 18, 2017, 04:43:23 AM
The best travel advice for the innocent American abroad I ever heard came from the legend himself, Mr Rick Steves. 

He sagely advises us to use universally understood words to overcome the language barrier, communicating with the native European thusly:

I don't say, "Excuse me, my car is broken." I point to the vehicle and say, "Auto kaput."
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Kwon on May 18, 2017, 04:56:25 AM
Wonder how this holds up today...

Not today it wont!
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on May 18, 2017, 05:31:25 AM
I always can spot an american tourist by how sloppy they dress. Oversized polo, cargo shorts, ugly sport shoes, optional cap.

True. But not all Americans are slobs, but a lot of slobs are American. I tend to dress nice and quit speaking my "American" when I see a group of loud morons speaking English. I don't want to be associated with that.

Funny what you say about the Polos. I always see people in ill fitted tight Polos with narrow shoulders and pot bellies. Mostly Italians or North Africans I think.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: SuperTed on May 18, 2017, 05:58:09 AM
The major cities in Europe are still great to see. A lot of history, culture and events to enjoy. If you wish to see a more traditional Europe less affected by globalization, you'd be better off visiting Eastern Europe though.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: phreak on May 18, 2017, 06:20:22 AM
The major cities in Europe are still great to see. A lot of history, culture and events to enjoy. If you wish to see a more traditional Europe less affected by globalization, you'd be better off visiting Eastern Europe though.
Actually I think the smaller towns are better. Not as 'ethnic' yet, and often with a lot of culture too.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Tapeworm on May 18, 2017, 06:30:12 AM
Americans battling a pot of yogurt for 1st prize in this thread.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on May 18, 2017, 06:39:10 AM
The major cities in Europe are still great to see. A lot of history, culture and events to enjoy. If you wish to see a more traditional Europe less affected by globalization, you'd be better off visiting Eastern Europe though.

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: denarii on May 18, 2017, 02:30:09 PM
Once on the amalfi coast a cruise liner pulled into the local town and disembarked Americans.  Honestly I have never seen fatter people. They swarmed the ice cream stalls as well.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: mazrim on May 18, 2017, 02:34:40 PM
Heading to Norway in September.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 04:50:47 PM
Yeah I'm thinking Poland, Czech, fsu countries, Hungary, are the way to go these days.

Too bad, always wanted to see the history in France and Italy and Spain.  Too bad it's ruined.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 05:38:08 PM
self indulgent twaddle


Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: tres_taco_combo on May 18, 2017, 05:41:11 PM
good write up, i have never been to europe

if you could, would you do several trips to europe or 1 epic 2 month jounrey
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Megalodon on May 18, 2017, 06:21:16 PM
I was starting to think the new media was sensationalizing until I read the OP was in 2011. Europe was really taken down in 6 short years.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on May 18, 2017, 06:24:34 PM
I was starting to think the new media was sensationalizing until I read the OP was in 2011. Europe was really taken down in 6 short years.

Exactly. I've been back several times, usually twice a year, since then and the big cities are nightmarishly worse than before.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 07:35:44 PM

you revived a 5 year old thread just to confirm your own smugness about the world - you will do well here

smugness?  brah i hate where things are going, how europeans are shooting themselves in the foot, how western society is driving itself off a cliff...
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 18, 2017, 07:37:11 PM
Exactly. I've been back several times, usually twice a year, since then and the big cities are nightmarishly worse than before.


Fuck, man.

Did I miss the best Europe had to offer, then?

Aware me on where to go/see/do in Europe in 2017.  Your description from 2011 made it sound amazing.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on May 19, 2017, 12:01:26 AM

Fuck, man.

Did I miss the best Europe had to offer, then?

Aware me on where to go/see/do in Europe in 2017.  Your description from 2011 made it sound amazing.

The best is yet to come.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 12:20:57 AM
The best is yet to come.


brb germany, 40% of kids under age of 5 are migrant born.


 >:( >:(
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Skylge on May 19, 2017, 12:52:00 AM

brb germany, 40% of kids under age of 5 are migrant born.


 >:( >:(

In Antwerp (Belgium) 67% of kids between 10 and 20 years of age are non-western (Source: HUMO, a liberal weekly)

Solution: stay in city centers, or go to affluent white smaller cities
Avoid suburbs and anything outside touristic areas and you will be fine

Although....we were in Italy in 2011 and 2013....and even in small towns along the western coast lots of black africans trying to sell counterfeit bags and watches...groups of them....that was not the Italy we were hoping to see...they were quite pushy as well wanting to sell their illegal goods
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: heenok on May 19, 2017, 02:25:56 AM
True. But not all Americans are slobs, but a lot of slobs are American. I tend to dress nice and quit speaking my "American" when I see a group of loud morons speaking English. I don't want to be associated with that.

Funny what you say about the Polos. I always see people in ill fitted tight Polos with narrow shoulders and pot bellies. Mostly Italians or North Africans I think.

They are usually polite tho just dressed very sloppy.
Unlike the chinese, wearing givenchy or gucci stuff head to toe but rude, loud and generaly retarded
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: BigCyp on May 19, 2017, 03:10:15 AM
Glad you enjoyed it man, you should have popped over to Essex to sample the easiest European whores on the planet.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Kwon on May 19, 2017, 04:41:55 AM

Fuck, man.

Did I miss the best Europe had to offer, then?

Aware me on where to go/see/do in Europe in 2017.  Your description from 2011 made it sound amazing.

Germany, France and Sweden are sore sights these days.

You should have visited those countries 20-30 years ago.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on May 19, 2017, 04:53:18 AM

brb germany, 40% of kids under age of 5 are migrant born.


 >:( >:(

And, what is your point? It's all over, or what?
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 04:54:55 AM
Germany, France and Sweden are sore sights these days.

You should have visited those countries 20-30 years ago.

Wasn't yet alive  :o
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 04:57:19 AM
And, what is your point? It's all over, or what?

My point is I don't want to see africa or pakistan or iraq or syria when i go to fucking germany, mate.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Tapeworm on May 19, 2017, 05:01:23 AM
Glad you enjoyed it man, you should have popped over to Essex to sample the easiest European whores on the planet.

A Eurometro appeared.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on May 19, 2017, 05:02:29 AM
My point is I don't want to see africa or pakistan or iraq or syria when i go to fucking germany, mate.

You ebil Nazi!  ;D

Nobody with some dignity left and of Euro-descent wants to.
I guess my "the best is yet to come" has been wrongly affiliated with positive outlook on the current eurocuckery.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Kwon on May 19, 2017, 05:04:48 AM
And, what is your point? It's all over, or what?

All of those countries have turned into Cuckistan.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 05:06:28 AM
You ebil Nazi!  ;D

Nobody with some dignity left and of Euro-descent wants to.
I guess my "the best is yet to come" has been wrongly affiliated with positive outlook on the current eurocuckery.

LOL your posts made it sound as if you were in favor of importing all these third-world monkeys en-mass and letting them leech off the socialist systems and dilute and ruin staunch european society that has deep history and extraordinary culture.

(and no, all cultures are NOT created equal.  don't you dare show me some african wildman with a plate stretching his lower lip and compare that to the art of the renaissance, for example.

...fucking hell.)

Maybe eastern european countries will become the stalwart of the values of old europe.  One can hope...
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Kwon on May 19, 2017, 05:11:16 AM
LOL your posts made it sound as if you were in favor of importing all these third-world monkeys en-mass and letting them leech off the socialist systems and dilute and ruin staunch european society that has deep history and extraordinary culture.

(and no, all cultures are NOT created equal.  don't you dare show me some african wildman with a plate stretching his lower lip and compare that to the art of the renaissance, for example.

...fucking hell.)

Maybe eastern european countries will become the stalwart of the values of old europe.  One can hope...

Stretching lips is one of the most important rituals of a wedding ceremony.  
When a girl reaches age 15 or 16 years old, it means that she is ready to be the real woman. Therefore, the old African woman made her the incision on the lower lip and knocked out two front teeth, so they didn't hit on the plate. During the time she inserts girl a small plate.

Over the years, the sizes of the plate increase, while the lip is stretched. According to the old tradition, the larger plate can carry a woman; the greater will be the amount of the redemption at the wedding. Women may not do this, but then she'll lose respect in the eyes of others. But, as bigger the plate, as women are more appreciated among men.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 05:14:57 AM
^^ oh christ, kill me now.

how do the fucking idiots PUSHING for these sorts of people to come streaming in not realize what they're doing to their own land?

it's literally conquest through immigration.  i'm not even talking migrants or refugees, i'm talking about the blind welcoming of all these other folk into formerly wonderful western countries to dilute and ruin everything they've ever had., would you invite a dirty, smelly, drugged up hobo into your own home?  And then tell the rest of his junky friends to come in, too, crash on your couch, do drugs on your floor, pawn your jewelry, etc etc etc.

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: _bruce_ on May 19, 2017, 05:27:19 AM
LOL your posts made it sound as if you were in favor of importing all these third-world monkeys en-mass and letting them leech off the socialist systems and dilute and ruin staunch european society that has deep history and extraordinary culture.

(and no, all cultures are NOT created equal.  don't you dare show me some african wildman with a plate stretching his lower lip and compare that to the art of the renaissance, for example.

...fucking hell.)

Maybe eastern european countries will become the stalwart of the values of old europe.  One can hope...

The Eastern Euros are of course some kind of bollwerk - the eastern euros I talk to, mostly women, are pretty pissed at the western fuckups and even if you do not know a chick, after ~3 minutes of smalltalk it's like "what are all these non-euro people doing here?!?".
Although we're in a bad situation, do not call it a day. There's a huge number of young people who are very aware of what's going on and the only thing they need is unification and leadership to blossom.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Stephano on May 19, 2017, 05:45:11 AM
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 08:44:56 PM
The Eastern Euros are of course some kind of bollwerk - the eastern euros I talk to, mostly women, are pretty pissed at the western fuckups and even if you do not know a chick, after ~3 minutes of smalltalk it's like "what are all these non-euro people doing here?!?".
Although we're in a bad situation, do not call it a day. There's a huge number of young people who are very aware of what's going on and the only thing they need is unification and leadership to blossom.

Tell me more, plz, need some hope that Europe can be salvaged
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: OLKE_TEXAS on May 19, 2017, 11:01:23 PM
^^ oh christ, kill me now.

how do the fucking idiots PUSHING for these sorts of people to come streaming in not realize what they're doing to their own land?

it's literally conquest through immigration.  i'm not even talking migrants or refugees, i'm talking about the blind welcoming of all these other folk into formerly wonderful western countries to dilute and ruin everything they've ever had., would you invite a dirty, smelly, drugged up hobo into your own home?  And then tell the rest of his junky friends to come in, too, crash on your couch, do drugs on your floor, pawn your jewelry, etc etc etc.


You think these people have 10k to be smuggled to europe? They dont even known how to read, write or use a cellphone. Immigrants/refugees who actual reach europe are the more well-off people from syria. Not black africans of primative people.

Where are you from brother, US?
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 11:09:37 PM
You think these people have 10k to be smuggled to europe? They dont even known how to read, write or use a cellphone. Immigrants/refugees who actual reach europe are the more well-off people in most cases.

Where are you from brother, US?

10k isn't a lot.  If that's all it takes to get smuggled in...

But still.  I'm talking more migrants than immigrants.  Fuck though, even immigration, legal immigration, en-masse is a problem.  Globalists don't want to say it though.

Here's the deal.  Each race is afforded its own land where its cultures, laws, values can be upheld.  If you go to another place, you best damn respect that culture.

What I don't like is people from minority cultures coming into prosperous western countries and everyone originally there being forced to bow down to them due to political correctness.

... but tell me I'm wrong and that Europe still stands. FFS, look at OP.  He had great things to say in 2011, and now, just six years later, admits it's all worse.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Ropo on May 19, 2017, 11:32:08 PM

brb germany, 40% of kids under age of 5 are migrant born.


 >:( >:(

And in USA? 99% You are missing the point completely.  Just tiny bit under 100% of Americans are migrant born, there is only something like 5 000  000 native Americans. So what? If European comes to USA, he think it is cool and interesting place to be, filled with angry fat people of all colours there is. When Americans comes to Europe, he stands still with his mouth open, because it takes time to realize it is all true. Yes, cities are clean, yes, air is crystal clear, yes, girls are beautiful and beer is excellent. They need some time to realize it isn't heaven, it is just a completely different place to be, which is going towards that situation where USA has always been: Chaos filled with emigrants and idiots  ;D
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 19, 2017, 11:38:38 PM

And in USA? 99% You are missing the point completely.  Just tiny bit under 100% of Americans are migrant born, there is only something like 5 000  000 native Americans. So what? If European comes to USA, he think it is cool and interesting place to be, filled with angry fat people of all colours there is. When Americans comes to Europe, he stands still with his mouth open, because it takes time to realize it is all true. Yes, cities are clean, yes, air is crystal clear, yes, girls are beautiful and beer is excellent. They need some time to realize it isn't heaven, it is just a completely different place to be, which is going towards that situation where USA has always been: Chaos filled with emigrants and idiots  ;D

If that's true today I've got no complaints.

Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: OLKE_TEXAS on May 20, 2017, 12:18:32 AM
10k isn't a lot.  If that's all it takes to get smuggled in...

But still.  I'm talking more migrants than immigrants.  Fuck though, even immigration, legal immigration, en-masse is a problem.  Globalists don't want to say it though.

Here's the deal.  Each race is afforded its own land where its cultures, laws, values can be upheld.  If you go to another place, you best damn respect that culture.

What I don't like is people from minority cultures coming into prosperous western countries and everyone originally there being forced to bow down to them due to political correctness.

... but tell me I'm wrong and that Europe still stands. FFS, look at OP.  He had great things to say in 2011, and now, just six years later, admits it's all worse.

I agree fully. But europe still stands imo. Dont believe all the propoganda.
But large citys in uk, france, germany, belgium have serious problems that us true.
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: OLKE_TEXAS on May 20, 2017, 12:28:39 AM

And in USA? 99% You are missing the point completely.  Just tiny bit under 100% of Americans are migrant born, there is only something like 5 000  000 native Americans. So what? If European comes to USA, he think it is cool and interesting place to be, filled with angry fat people of all colours there is. When Americans comes to Europe, he stands still with his mouth open, because it takes time to realize it is all true. Yes, cities are clean, yes, air is crystal clear, yes, girls are beautiful and beer is excellent. They need some time to realize it isn't heaven, it is just a completely different place to be, which is going towards that situation where USA has always been: Chaos filled with emigrants and idiots  ;D

 :D :D
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on May 20, 2017, 06:07:56 AM

Fuck, man.

Did I miss the best Europe had to offer, then?

Aware me on where to go/see/do in Europe in 2017.  Your description from 2011 made it sound amazing.

It's not terrible, I'm being a bit fatalistic. It's just that I don't see it with rose colored glasses anymore after an eye opening and one of the most influential books I've ever read.

The Eastern Euros are of course some kind of bollwerk - the eastern euros I talk to, mostly women, are pretty pissed at the western fuckups and even if you do not know a chick, after ~3 minutes of smalltalk it's like "what are all these non-euro people doing here?!?".
Although we're in a bad situation, do not call it a day. There's a huge number of young people who are very aware of what's going on and the only thing they need is unification and leadership to blossom.

We need Jan Sobieski to rise up and do what he did 400 years ago. Or Uncle Adolf, I'd settle for him too.  ;D
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 20, 2017, 01:08:17 PM
It's not terrible, I'm being a bit fatalistic. It's just that I don't see it with rose colored glasses anymore after an eye opening and one of the most influential books I've ever read.

We need Jan Sobieski to rise up and do what he did 400 years ago. Or Uncle Adolf, I'd settle for him too.  ;D

What's the book?
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: kogba on May 20, 2017, 03:05:46 PM
What is the percentage of interracial marriages in London? Is such a marriage openly encouraged there?
I was watching a british movie and all I saw was black men being married or dating white women but NOT vice versa, why is that? Where are the black women, sitting home?
Are most white Londoners such failures/pussies white women don't want them or the women are raised so they have no colour preference?

P.S.: don't even start with political correctness crap, I'm disgust with it. I asked a question out of curiosity and I even remember in the London Olympics commercials about UK that the role model family was an interracial one, as if they had black couples or white couples or asian ones would be bad and "unnatural".
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Top Poodle on May 20, 2017, 04:12:14 PM
What is the percentage of interracial marriages in London? Is such a marriage openly encouraged there?
I was watching a british movie and all I saw was black men being married or dating white women but NOT vice versa, why is that? Where are the black women, sitting home?
Are most white Londoners such failures/pussies white women don't want them or the women are raised so they have no colour preference?

P.S.: don't even start with political correctness crap, I'm disgust with it. I asked a question out of curiosity and I even remember in the London Olympics commercials about UK that the role model family was an interracial one, as if they had black couples or white couples or asian ones would be bad and "unnatural".

Lmao, I know man, this fake forced diversity is such bullshit, goes against all natural instincts and human nature.

Race is a natural dividing line among humans just like age and gender. Oh but wait, gender is no longer a thing as of 2017. Pretty soon, age won't be, either.

Brb pedos self-identifying as 8 year olds
Title: Re: Just got back from Europe
Post by: Irongrip400 on May 21, 2017, 04:25:45 AM
What's the book?

Reflections on The Revolution in Europe: islam, Immigration and The West.