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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Coach is Back! on December 15, 2011, 12:47:34 PM

Title: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 15, 2011, 12:47:34 PM
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Dos Equis on December 15, 2011, 01:21:14 PM
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 01:24:34 PM

No chance

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: polychronopolous on December 15, 2011, 01:24:55 PM
Probably not but He's currently tied with Romney in Iowa and his anti-Gingrich ads seem to be having some effect. Some analysts are saying he has a good shot to take Iowa. At the very least he could make it moderately interesting.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 01:27:56 PM
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 15, 2011, 01:36:41 PM
Ron Paul can win.  He has a better chance to win against Obama than Newt.  Newt will force people to vote Obama who don't want to.  Obama would lose some of his base to Paul after Obama has stabbed them in the back so many times.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 01:37:58 PM
To clarify I think he has a slim chance to win the nomination and no chance to beat Obama
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 01:40:17 PM
To clarify I think he has a slim chance to win the nomination and no chance to beat Obama

LOL.  Keep telling yourself that.   

Remember in the perfect storm of obamamania and the worst gop nominee ever bama won by only 5 points.   

All RP or anyone else has to do is move the needle 3 points ansd obama goes back to Kenya.  Between obamas disastrous record, obama fatigue, novelty of first black potus gone, young people weary of his debt slavery, etc, that is good for well over 5 points in the other direction.   
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 01:52:55 PM
LOL.  Keep telling yourself that.   

Remember in the perfect storm of obamamania and the worst gop nominee ever bama won by only 5 points.   

All RP or anyone else has to do is move the needle 3 points ansd obama goes back to Kenya.  Between obamas disastrous record, obama fatigue, novelty of first black potus gone, young people weary of his debt slavery, etc, that is good for well over 5 points in the other direction.   

and you can keep telling yourself that obama was born in Kenya, is secret communist trying to collapse the nation and .... that he will drop out before the election
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 01:55:59 PM
and you can keep telling yourself that obama was born in Kenya, is secret communist trying to collapse the nation and .... that he will drop out before the election

After his speech in Kansas - its not a secret anymore whatsoever.   
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 01:58:23 PM
After his speech in Kansas - its not a secret anymore whatsoever.   

it's still a secret to sane people
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 15, 2011, 01:58:44 PM
To clarify I think he has a slim chance to win the nomination and no chance to beat Obama
you've put absolutely no time into thinking this out.

Paul has a better chance than Newt.  Search the net, there's no shortage of progressives who have had it with being backstabbed by Obama and are openly stating that they're going to vote for Paul.  Republicans, even if they don't like Paul, will vote for him over Obama.  Paul will get 5 to 10 percent of the progressive vote.  They know that the things they don't like about Paul, it's unlikely Paul would be able to accomplish anyway and they know that the big things they like about Paul will matter.  The more they start putting this together in the general the more they might jump ship.  The left is freaking pissed at Obama looking like a third Bush term.

Newt is hated so bad on the left, he'll rally the left behind Obama even if they don't want to vote for him.  Paul is actually liked by part of the left.  Even people on the left that hate some of his policies often like the guy for his honesty and for the policies they agree with.

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 02:04:48 PM
you've put absolutely no time into thinking this out.
Paul has a better chance than Newt.  Search the net, there's no shortage of progressives who have had it with being backstabbed by Obama and are openly stating that they're going to vote for Paul.  Republicans, even if they don't like Paul, will vote for him over Obama.  Paul will get 5 to 10 percent of the progressive vote.  They know that the things they don't like about Paul, it's unlikely Paul would be able to accomplish anyway and they know that the big things they like about Paul will matter.  The more they start putting this together in the general the more they might jump ship.  The left is freaking pissed at Obama looking like a third Bush term.

Newt is hated so bad on the left, he'll rally the left behind Obama even if they don't want to vote for him.  Paul is actually liked by part of the left.  Even people on the left that hate some of his policies often like the guy for his honesty and for the policies they agree with.

how would you having any way of knowing that?

RP is an affable guy, pricincipled and consistent but kooky and even somewhat dangerous (for example he would be a disaster for the economic recovery).   

He has ardent supporters but is not poplular with mainstream Republicans and when he starts talking about getting  rid of FEMA, Department of Education, etc...  he's guaranteed to not get any Obama voters
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Freeborn126 on December 15, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
Of course he could win, the only people that don't want him to are false conservatives like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly.  Americans are waking up to their deception now.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 02:18:14 PM
how would you having any way of knowing that?

RP is an affable guy, pricincipled and consistent but kooky and even somewhat dangerous (for example he would be a disaster for the economic recovery).   

He has ardent supporters but is not poplular with mainstream Republicans and when he starts talking about getting  rid of FEMA, Department of Education, etc...  he's guaranteed to not get any Obama voters

LOL.   How is the obama recovery going? 
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Freeborn126 on December 15, 2011, 02:25:24 PM
It is so laughable how all the neo cons are on full assault of Ron Paul the past two days now that it is apparent he will win Iowa.  Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Coulter, all saying the Bachmann and Santorum are more conservative than Paul.  What a joke.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 02:30:06 PM
LOL.   How is the obama recovery going? 

better than it would be if RP had taken over in 2009
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 02:31:08 PM
better than it would be if RP had taken over in 2009

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on December 15, 2011, 02:31:24 PM
how would you having any way of knowing that?

RP is an affable guy, pricincipled and consistent but kooky and even somewhat dangerous (for example he would be a disaster for the economic recovery).   

He has ardent supporters but is not poplular with mainstream Republicans and when he starts talking about getting  rid of FEMA, Department of Education, etc...  he's guaranteed to not get any Obama voters
How would I have any way of knowing that lol?  Well when you see other progressives making a case for Paul it's not imaginary.  When you see polls where in a hypothetical matchup Paul is the only republican taking a nice chunk of progressive votes, it's not imaginary, people are voting in the polls that way.  When you clearly see how much the right hates Obama, it's not imaginary to know they'll vote for Paul over Obama.

If Paul takes just 5% of the progressive vote from Obama, Obama has no shot to win.  My guess is he can take up to 10%.

I could ask how could you know Paul or Newt can't win.  It's sounds like you're going by gut instinct in stating that for sure.  I've at least studied the polls, political climate an what progressives are actually saying.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 02:31:48 PM
and all would have MUCH worse under RP
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 02:35:43 PM
and all would have MUCH worse under RP

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: loco on December 15, 2011, 02:51:05 PM



No chance

Ron Paul brings people together.     ;D
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 15, 2011, 02:56:22 PM


No chance

Ron Paul brings people together.     ;D

I still have not seen straw offer one coherent defense of obamas policies to date yet he still supports him. 
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 03:02:58 PM

safe bet he would have cancelled or greatly restricted TARP (which would have mean massive bank failures with ripple effects throughout the economy), not bailed out the auto dealers (causing massive spike in unemployment, not done a stimulus ( I know you think would have been a good thing but in reality it would have exacerabated unemployment),  he probably wouldn't have negotiated to raise the debt ceiling (again - that would have been a disaster) and on and on

keep in mind

I don't expect you to understand or agree with any of that

You've already admitted many times that you would have done nothing if you were in office in 2009 and you've admitted this would have made the economy much worse....and somehow you think creating more unemployment and financial unheaval would have somehow benifited us in the long run.

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 03:03:33 PM

I still have not seen straw offer one coherent defense of obamas policies to date yet he still supports him. 

I criticised him more than I've defended him

do you recall that?
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Skip8282 on December 15, 2011, 03:29:04 PM
Iowa, NH, and SC.  Depending on how he does with these 3 should determine it.  His structure in SC is somewhat different and he's comparatively way, way, way late to SC.

Did I mention way late to SC?  :)

Anyhoo, I still wouldn't brush him off right now.

Of course Newt is somewhat late to SC too, so......
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Dos Equis on December 15, 2011, 03:51:01 PM


No chance

Ron Paul brings people together.     ;D

lol.   :)
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 04:51:19 PM
better than it would be if RP had taken over in 2009

Fuck off, you neo-Keynesian c\/nt.

Your "multiplier effect" theory is demolished. Destroyed. Discredited. DEAD.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 04:55:51 PM
Fuck off, you neo-Keynesian c\/nt.

Your "multiplier effect" theory is demolished. Destroyed. Discredited. DEAD.

brilliant come back

as always

I'd ask you to back up your claim but I know you won't and can't
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 05:06:13 PM
brilliant come back

as always

I'd ask you to back up your claim but I know you won't and can't

Why should I back my claim up when you're the jerk-off claiming that RP as President would have led to a worse economic recovery?
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:16:10 PM
Why should I back my claim up when you're the jerk-off claiming that RP as President would have led to a worse economic recovery?

because all of your claims are usually bullshit or you base them on something you've read which is bullshit or you base them on something you've read which doesn't arrive at the conclusion you claim (i.e. you don't understand what you've read)

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 05:17:48 PM
because all of your claims are usually bullshit or you base them on something you've read which is bullshit or you base them on something you've read which doesn't arrive at the conclusion you claim (i.e. you don't understand what you've read)

Yawn. Besides talking shit and stalking people I can say with near certainty that you have never backed up a single claim you make and about the only thing you usually do is run from threads that you're challenged in. Feel free to do it here as any defense of the claim you made will lead to you massively embarrassing yourself.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:28:08 PM
Yawn. Besides talking shit and stalking people I can say with near certainty that you have never backed up a single claim you make and about the only thing you usually do is run from threads that you're challenged in. Feel free to do it here as any defense of the claim you made will lead to you massively embarrassing yourself.

the only one who stalks anyone on this board is you

I provide links and sources for virtually all my claims if they are available and if they are are not then I'm point out (often repeatedly) that it is my opinion

If you knew anythign about RP you'd know that he wouldn't have been in favor of bailing out the auto companies.

That alone would have created much more unemployment as not only would the auto makers be out of buniness but it would have devastated the supply chains and all the other businesses that are related or tangential to the auto dealers.

I could write another 20 paragraphs giving you examples but what would be the point

why are you always so angry all the time?  I assume it's because you're a profoundly insecure young kid who's life sucks so you come on to GB and try to act like a know it all and then get really mad when you get called out for your bullshit
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 05:30:45 PM
the only one who stalks anyone on this board is you

I provide links and sources for virtually all my claims if they are available and if they are are not then I'm point out (often repeatedly) that it is my opinion

If you knew anythign about RP you'd know that he wouldn't have been in favor of bailing out the auto companies.

That alone would have created much more unemployment as not only would the auto makers be out of buniness but it would have devastated the supply chains and all the other businesses that are related or tangential to the auto dealers.

I could write another 20 paragraphs giving you examples but what would be the point

why are you always so angry all the time?  I assume it's because you're a profoundly insecure young kid who's life sucks so you come on to GB and try to act like a know it all and then get really mad when you get called out for your bullshit

No shit? I wasn't in favor of bailing them out, either. And it looks like I would have been 100% vindicated. Not only will the taxpayer lose billions on that joke of a bailout, but those companies are complete shit. They're riding on massively overproduced inventory that is sitting in the lots and collecting dust.

Feel free to read as they've gone into great deal on the jokes that are GM and co. right now.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:35:17 PM
No shit? I wasn't in favor of bailing them out, either. And it looks like I would have been 100% vindicated. Not only will the taxpayer lose billions on that joke of a bailout, but those companies are complete shit. They're riding on massively overproduced inventory that is sitting in the lots and collecting dust.

Feel free to read as they've gone into great deal on the jokes that are GM and co. right now.

nothing on your link pertains to the bail out of the auto industry
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 05:40:14 PM
nothing on your link pertains to the bail out of the auto industry

Try searching on the site, retard. Or do you think they only discuss the bailouts? You are one stupid fuck.

I suggest you don't start posting, though, as neo-Keynesian jokes like yourself usually end up running off crying.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:41:33 PM
Try searching on the site, retard. Or do you think they only discuss the bailouts? You are one stupid fuck.

I suggest you don't start posting, though, as neo-Keynesian jokes like yourself usually end up running off crying.

try learning how to post a link retard
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 05:42:45 PM
try learning how to post a link retard

Why would I waste my time?
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on December 15, 2011, 05:47:38 PM
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:47:42 PM
Why would I waste my time?

jesus christ man you're really a dumb fuck

why would I waste my time digging through a site trying to guess which bloggers post you're referring to ?

Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on December 15, 2011, 05:49:16 PM
jesus christ man you're really a dumb fuck

why would I waste my time digging through a site trying to guess which bloggers post you're referring to ?

Straw, you should really check out zerohedge, it has a great reputation for calling it as it is. It wouldnt take you long to find the relevant information regarding the subject of auto bailouts and such.
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Straw Man on December 15, 2011, 05:55:06 PM
Straw, you should really check out zerohedge, it has a great reputation for calling it as it is. It wouldnt take you long to find the relevant information regarding the subject of auto bailouts and such.

thanks and I would be willing to read it but I'm not going to search for the info

btw - I have nothing at all against RP.

I think he's probably the most honest person running and definitely the most consistent in his views

personally, I would like to see him win the nomination
Title: Re: Can Ron Paul Win?
Post by: Fury on December 15, 2011, 06:24:57 PM
Has anyone actually read Coach's link? Does he have more articles like this? I can see the MSM hammering this into oblivion.