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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: SmoofCat on January 27, 2012, 03:50:40 PM

Title: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 27, 2012, 03:50:40 PM
After my competition, I am going to run a cycle that I have been looking forward to running for years honestly. The ONE anabolic I have yet to run is primo, and I am going to give it a shot in a big way.

I have a very large amount of EQ, sustanon, and primo. All top chef. My goals for this cycle are to grow lean period. I am so over the days of high test. But as a disclaimer, I am not going to run no test at all, so when you help me build this cycle, please include at least a little bit of weekly test (sustanon) in the mix.

Build this cycle as if it were for an advanced user. I am used to taking 2-3.5 grams per week regularly, and I am 225 and roughly 6% bf.

Also, would you guys suggest adding another compound? By the time I start this cycle, I will have been on tren for months. So I want to get off it it at that time. But are there any other compounds other than deca and tren (I will never run deca again for personal reasons) that you could suggest?

Hit me.


my thoughts:

1200 mg EQ
1200 mg primo
175 mg sustanon

20 weeks
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Stavios on January 27, 2012, 03:55:41 PM
what do you mean, build a cycle ????

shoot a lot of cc's of all three compounds, as much as you can tolerate and stay with that dose  8)

that's pretty much what I do
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 27, 2012, 03:57:29 PM
what do you mean, build a cycle ????

shoot a lot of cc's of all three compounds, as much as you can tolerate and stay with that dose  8)

that's pretty much what I do

no i feel you, but i have no experience with primo.

can you at least ballpark me what a good amount to grow in the sense of mutation would be? 1 gram weekly? 2 grams weekly?

i refuse to go look it up on the internet. i don't want to hear some homo from elite fitness' cycle of 200 mg primo and 200 mg EQ and 1000 mg test C followed by a 7 month PCT

i want to mutate simply

and i heard a rumor that this is the place to get mutation instructions
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Stavios on January 27, 2012, 04:00:02 PM
back in 2009, I did 1000mg of primo a day, and 1000mg of anavar per week with no testosterone at all

it was an awesome cycle, but I didn't mutate.

from the way you outlined your cycle, you will probably get pretty veiny and tight. Your face will get small as hell and will make you look more impressive.

but you won't be "full"
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 27, 2012, 04:02:52 PM
back in 2009, I did 1000mg of primo a day, and 1000mg of anavar per week with no testosterone at all

it was an awesome cycle, but I didn't mutate.

from the way you outlined your cycle, you will probably get pretty veiny and tight. Your face will get small as hell and will make you look more impressive.

but you won't be "full"

that sounds perfect. full is not the name of my game. i really like being lean, and in the 225-240 range, never above 7% bf @ 5'11''.
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: makaveli25 on January 27, 2012, 04:12:31 PM
That looks awesome imo. You will build some serious lean mass from that. Equipose and primo together would be killer!
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: patriceb on January 27, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Interesting cycle! Will def be productive

Personally I would go with test prop instead of sustanon
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: StackedDec on January 27, 2012, 06:00:51 PM
never done EQ but fucking Primo is the shit, Arnold's fav. mind you.

800mg a week is good, it will add definition, hardness, a little strength, and some increased surface veins.

I would recommend TBOL if you are going for low water retention, with crazy hardness, pumps and veins.

So I would think

1000mg of EQ/wk
800-1000mg primo/wk
250mg test e/wk
80-100mg tbol/day

that would qualify as a mutation cycle
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Overload on January 27, 2012, 06:43:45 PM
Looks good to me.

600mg of Primo a week is the minimum i would ever run.

I have gone up to 900mg a week stacked with Var with good results years ago.

My only suggestion is to maybe throw an oral in there like winny or var.

Good luck.


Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 27, 2012, 07:33:26 PM
Looks good to me.

600mg of Primo a week is the minimum i would ever run.

I have gone up to 900mg a week stacked with Var with good results years ago.

My only suggestion is to maybe throw an oral in there like winny or var.

Good luck.

What are your thoughts of 2 grams primo alone?


Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: flinstones1 on January 27, 2012, 07:44:09 PM
After my competition, I am going to run a cycle that I have been looking forward to running for years honestly. The ONE anabolic I have yet to run is primo, and I am going to give it a shot in a big way.

I have a very large amount of EQ, sustanon, and primo. All top chef. My goals for this cycle are to grow lean period. I am so over the days of high test. But as a disclaimer, I am not going to run no test at all, so when you help me build this cycle, please include at least a little bit of weekly test (sustanon) in the mix.

Build this cycle as if it were for an advanced user. I am used to taking 2-3.5 grams per week regularly, and I am 225 and roughly 6% bf.

Also, would you guys suggest adding another compound? By the time I start this cycle, I will have been on tren for months. So I want to get off it it at that time. But are there any other compounds other than deca and tren (I will never run deca again for personal reasons) that you could suggest?

Hit me.


my thoughts:

1200 mg EQ
1200 mg primo
175 mg sustanon

20 weeks

no gh?
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Rearden Metal on January 27, 2012, 08:11:09 PM
When very lean, close after contest, start by adding back in gh. Then, the first 3-4 weeks, stay on Tren, do 350mg test prop, 900 EQ and masteron as needed.

When saturated w gh, switch to sustanon and shoot 1g for every 10iu gh, drop Tren, drop prop, EQ at 900-1200, add primo at 600.

After 6 weeks, drop sust to 500, keep EQ and primo steady and add in anadrol for 4-6 weeks.

Keep making adjustments as needed. Give new dosages 4 weeks minimally to see if it's working.
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: kscowboy on January 27, 2012, 08:30:07 PM
Any thoughts about adding GH and slim?
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: tbombz on January 27, 2012, 08:57:39 PM
When very lean, close after contest, start by adding back in gh. Then, the first 3-4 weeks, stay on Tren, do 350mg test prop, 900 EQ and masteron as needed.

When saturated w gh, switch to sustanon and shoot 1g for every 10iu gh, drop Tren, drop prop, EQ at 900-1200, add primo at 600.

After 6 weeks, drop sust to 500, keep EQ and primo steady and add in anadrol for 4-6 weeks.

Keep making adjustments as needed. Give new dosages 4 weeks minimally to see if it's working.
or just inject as many cc you can afford/tolerate in those same ratios  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: FAST LANE on January 27, 2012, 09:06:15 PM
what do you mean, build a cycle ????

shoot a lot of cc's of all three compounds, as much as you can tolerate and stay with that dose  8)

that's pretty much what I do

Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: FAST LANE on January 27, 2012, 09:07:39 PM
You going to be running gh, smoof??
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Benoitlapierre on January 27, 2012, 10:15:03 PM
never done EQ but fucking Primo is the shit, Arnold's fav. mind you.

800mg a week is good, it will add definition, hardness, a little strength, and some increased surface veins.

I would recommend TBOL if you are going for low water retention, with crazy hardness, pumps and veins.

So I would think

1000mg of EQ/wk
800-1000mg primo/wk
250mg test e/wk
80-100mg tbol/day

that would qualify as a mutation cycle

wont called it mutation but it a nice sexy cycle who will rock n roll
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Schmoe Buster on January 27, 2012, 11:07:40 PM
Maybe add in Anadrol for the fullness
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: WillGrant on January 28, 2012, 01:41:15 AM
Good if legit Primo
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: tupiniskin on January 28, 2012, 07:10:10 AM
SmootCat have you already decided what ur stack will look like ?
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: aesthetics on January 28, 2012, 07:20:56 AM
no i feel you, but i have no experience with primo.

can you at least ballpark me what a good amount to grow in the sense of mutation would be? 1 gram weekly? 2 grams weekly?

i refuse to go look it up on the internet. i don't want to hear some homo from elite fitness' cycle of 200 mg primo and 200 mg EQ and 1000 mg test C followed by a 7 month PCT

i want to mutate simply

and i heard a rumor that this is the place to get mutation instructions

i agree with stavios, just running as many miligrams of gear a week as you can afford is how you will mutate, doesn't really matter how you break down the splits, just the total mgs of AAS a week. but to asnwer the question, with primo you can grow very well with just primo solo at 1.2g/wk and combining it with another 2grams you'll definitely grow. primo is a little weak, but it's not that weak where you won't grow off 1.2grams, though the gains from it are "quality" in that you won't gain a bunch of water weight so it gives the impression that it is a weaker steroid and why it gets labeled as such by many people on boards (not to mention most of the primo out there is underdosed significantly or fake).

the real reason to run primo is for the cosmetic effects, it will give you fullness in your muscles, kind of like the pharm grade kigs did. capped delts, full looking biceps, etc...

good stuff, just pricey.
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: nosleep on January 28, 2012, 09:32:18 AM

Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: AlphaM on January 28, 2012, 11:03:34 AM
would be good in addition 5-10iu gh/day -> transmutation
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Morsprincipium on January 28, 2012, 11:10:49 AM
back in 2009, I did 1000mg of primo a day, and 1000mg of anavar per week with no testosterone at all

it was an awesome cycle, but I didn't mutate.

from the way you outlined your cycle, you will probably get pretty veiny and tight. Your face will get small as hell and will make you look more impressive.

but you won't be "full"

I thought I read 1000mg of anavar a day at first  :o
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Treninghard on January 28, 2012, 11:16:32 AM
1200mg of primo, u must be rich  :D
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Voland on January 28, 2012, 12:38:22 PM


my future cutting blast.
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 28, 2012, 12:54:18 PM
1200mg of primo, u must be rich  :D

no not really. not at all actually. however i can EASILY afford 3 blasts a year along with 10 vials of sustanon to cruise on... it is basically my one expense other than rent and food. i don't drink or party at all and i am pretty good w my money. my two big expenses are steroids and the various expenses related to my girlfriend (dates. etc).

and i'm willing to drop a very good amount of money to do it right. i hate half assing my blast cycles. and 10 vials of sustanon will hold my bridges off for literally years.

not to get defensive but i am truly anything but rich... i am a phd student and i actually don't make very much  money on the side from my part time teaching.

Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: SmoofCat on January 28, 2012, 12:55:29 PM
PS I am thinking of going one of two directions on this cycle:

1. 1000 mg primo weekly, 1000 mg EQ weekly, 175 mg sustanon weekly

2. 1200 mg primo weekly, 700 mg tren A weekly, 175 mg sustanon weekly

decisions decisions
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Schmoe Buster on January 28, 2012, 01:17:11 PM
PS I am thinking of going one of two directions on this cycle:

1. 1000 mg primo weekly, 1000 mg EQ weekly, 175 mg sustanon weekly

2. 1200 mg primo weekly, 700 mg tren A weekly, 175 mg sustanon weekly

decisions decisions

Number 2
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: nosleep on January 28, 2012, 01:27:29 PM

Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: matrixgh on January 28, 2012, 05:08:55 PM
you going to run 1200 mg primo week? you better invest this money in to gh
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: FAST LANE on January 28, 2012, 06:14:46 PM
i am a phd student....

Good for you boss!!! Keep it up!!
Title: Re: Help me build an advanced cycle. Ingredients: Primo, EQ, minimal test
Post by: Growth NOOB on January 29, 2012, 08:44:37 AM
I'm convinced all you really need at the end of the day is tren, test, and gh, and then an oral.