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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: alphaanimal on January 30, 2012, 11:17:20 PM

Title: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 30, 2012, 11:17:20 PM
my current cycle is as follows
testE 250ed
tren ace 100 ed
eq 200 ed
deca 250 ed
anadrol 100 ed
gh 7.5 in am then again pm. both subq

using slin also but im type one diabetic.
my question is i am wanting to incorperate igflr3 and igf des1,3, and peg mgf with this, im looking for timing and dosing advice with these. also am i taking the gh at a good time splitting it up like that? im curious of how i should time all these shots not the aas,but the gh and others. i am looking to put on a massive amount of size with this so i can compete at a high level, thanks for any input. also if theres anything else i can do to better this let me know thanks.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: SmoofCat on January 30, 2012, 11:27:15 PM
my current cycle is as follows
testE 250ed
tren ace 100 ed
eq 200 ed
deca 250 ed
anadrol 100 ed
gh 7.5 in am then again pm. both subq

using slin also but im type one diabetic.
my question is i am wanting to incorperate igflr3 and igf des1,3, and peg mgf with this, im looking for timing and dosing advice with these. also am i taking the gh at a good time splitting it up like that? im curious of how i should time all these shots not the aas,but the gh and others. i am looking to put on a massive amount of size with this so i can compete at a high level, thanks for any input. also if theres anything else i can do to better this let me know thanks.

you are on like fucking 6 grams of gear a week if not more than that... what in god's name do you look like ?


1. stop shooting the gh sub q. shoot it Im in the delts.

2. cut the test down and cut the deca OUT.

3. with a cycle this insane, why is your tren ace so low? up the tren to 200 mg ED at least, if not 250.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 30, 2012, 11:36:50 PM
can i take that much tren if im planning on staying on for at least 8 months? the reason for deca was because i had a minor tear in my hamstring 2 months ago. why are you opposed to deca by the way?
Title: Q
Post by: SmoofCat on January 30, 2012, 11:42:43 PM
can i take that much tren if im planning on staying on for at least 8 months? the reason for deca was because i had a minor tear in my hamstring 2 months ago. why are you opposed to deca by the way?

because deca is aesthetically the worst of the steroids, and by a long shot. it does horrible things to the physique. it also is the only steroid that actually requires you to be on more testosterone than it mg for mg, or else your cock won't work. this all adds up to a bloofy physique.

yes you can take that much tren! i am on roughly a gram of tren right now and will stay on that for a couple years!

just trust me on dropping the deca and upping the tren ace while keeping the EQ where it is. It is entirely up to you on whether or not to lower the test. You are after all on a lot of GH, so you can have the test high if you want! But if you keep the test in, drop the anadrol. If you drop the test, keep the anadrol in.

This is all in the bible. Right now your cycle has the framework to be AMAZING. But you absolutely need to make some adjustments now.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: aesthetics on January 30, 2012, 11:44:15 PM
6.3 grams a week, how do you feel on that?

are you running any ancillaries like blood pressure meds, pain killer, etc...
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: diamondcut on January 30, 2012, 11:46:30 PM
im not here to offer my opinion as i havent gone that insane but please let us know how things work out for you

good luck and have fun
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 30, 2012, 11:54:04 PM
load up on garlic all throughout the day for bp i have some bp meds on hand and havnt needed painkillers. btw does anyone have any advice on the igf pegmgf and hgh use. thanks
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: ChevChelios on January 31, 2012, 12:46:06 AM
Up the ace,lower test,drop deca,jump to 20 iu gh,forget about igflr3 and stuff.Report back with a picture,your cycle could have lot's of potential is products are legit.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: FAST LANE on January 31, 2012, 07:32:33 AM
you are on like fucking 6 grams of gear a week if not more than that... what in god's name do you look like ?


1. stop shooting the gh sub q. shoot it Im in the delts.

2. cut the test down and cut the deca OUT.

3. with a cycle this insane, why is your tren ace so low? up the tren to 200 mg ED at least, if not 250.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: FAST LANE on January 31, 2012, 07:33:09 AM
How long are you gonna run the anadrol for??
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 31, 2012, 09:36:47 AM
planned on running drol as long as i can without having health issues. also if i do the gh into the delts do i split them up and do them both in the morning and then do them both again in the evening?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 31, 2012, 12:21:35 PM
considering lowering the deca to 1 gram a week and increasing tren to 200 ed thoughts on this.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: aesthetics on January 31, 2012, 12:28:39 PM
considering lowering the deca to 1 gram a week and increasing tren to 200 ed thoughts on this.

Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: aesthetics on January 31, 2012, 12:31:07 PM
your cycle is pretty much a shotgun approach to anabolism but it definitely will get the job done. there's really not much else you can do to increase your overall size except upping the HGH. maybe you can tweak the cycle and drop or add certain things to get a specific effect but, you know when you hit 6.3grams a week not really going to be much better when you up the dosage on the steroids.

those igf-1 peptides are the definition of snakeoil, absolute garbage. don't buy that shit, especially if you are on insulin already as that's all they're good for anyways, their insulin like effects.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Swlabr on January 31, 2012, 12:34:48 PM
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: lyquid on January 31, 2012, 06:29:17 PM
Personally I think deca is amazing. Gh15 has even said he's never heard of deca Dick till he came here. I get bloated and bloofy on test and deca too like everyone else. Everuyone runs test with deca. When u run deca without test its amazing period but no one wants to try it. It makes u look super round in the muscles and a lot leaner than test. Deca converts to estrogen half that of test, so no idea why everyone always says deca is so bad for bloat. Try deca without test ull look full in the right places and lean. And ur Dick will work amazing. Funny thing is iu went and added abit of test few weeks ago. Guess what happened. Softest boners ever .

So bare this in mind.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: SmoofCat on January 31, 2012, 06:53:18 PM
Personally I think deca is amazing. Gh15 has even said he's never heard of deca Dick till he came here. I get bloated and bloofy on test and deca too like everyone else. Everuyone runs test with deca. When u run deca without test its amazing period but no one wants to try it. It makes u look super round in the muscles and a lot leaner than test. Deca converts to estrogen half that of test, so no idea why everyone always says deca is so bad for bloat. Try deca without test ull look full in the right places and lean. And ur Dick will work amazing. Funny thing is iu went and added abit of test few weeks ago. Guess what happened. Softest boners ever .

So bare this in mind.

agreed that deca alone gives you a good aesthetic look. actually amazing.

however i personally can not run deca without test. it is the one steroid that actually does not let me get hard. i need the test to get an erection.

i can run up to a gram of tren per week with no test and have no libido issues at all. i am shooting blanks, but i can fuck my girl 5 times in a night on tren with no test.

on deca alone i can't even get it up.

no joke.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 31, 2012, 06:59:56 PM

ill weigh myself tomorrow im 6 foot bare minimum low 240s right now bodyfat percentage is low 10 at the max but im assuming its a little less. i turned 25 this month. ill get a camera this week and post pics. i want to keep progress pics through this bulking phase anyway so ill post them throughout if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Morsprincipium on January 31, 2012, 07:45:43 PM
ONLY use IGFLR3, it has more localized effects compared to des...this is what you want.

If you have IGF-1 circulating through your system it ends up going into the places with the most receptors...your intestines.

Say hello to a turtle shell belly once those cells mature.

IGFLR3 immediately post-workout....use it on the muscle group you just worked.  Inject straight into it for localized effects.  I've been using it for years, only peptide I'll use besides GHRP-6.

Alot of guys don't like deca...I use 750mg/week of it.  Love it.  Run it along with 1200mg of tren too.
Prolactin effects aren't too bad just throw in some cabergoline and you'll be spot on. I'd run some more test personally though.

Cycle looks fine to me....pretty hefty but if you can handle the sides go for it.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 31, 2012, 08:27:19 PM
but if i site injected des every ten minutes for say an hour post workout into the muscle trained wouldnt i avoid the gut growth i would get from lr3, just asking also whats the deal with the gh shots into the delts. is there a purpose behind it? would my delts actually grow more from doing this?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Morsprincipium on January 31, 2012, 08:31:30 PM
but if i site injected des every ten minutes for say an hour post workout into the muscle trained wouldnt i avoid the gut growth i would get from lr3, just asking also whats the deal with the gh shots into the delts. is there a purpose behind it? would my delts actually grow more from doing this?

I wouldn't, it's your body man.  Try it out and if you see intestinal growth stop using it.

It gets absorbed faster than sub-q, I would inject IM or IV if you're a crazy fucker

Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on January 31, 2012, 09:16:49 PM
ok im sorry but im kind of confused i thought des was in and out and igflr3 stayed in system for 24 hours, which way stays away from the gut and causes more site injecting growth?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Morsprincipium on January 31, 2012, 09:43:56 PM
Stays in the system longer, yes.  But the effects are more localized as opposed to des which will circulate throughout your body.

I would just stay away from it...only reason I've implimented it is because I'm hitting plateau even with large amounts of HGH and insulin.

The most growth will come from the other stuff you're using...this is just the fine-tuner if you will.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Brocty on January 31, 2012, 10:06:50 PM
Jeeeeezaaas that's a shit fuk pile of gear in you bloody system mate!

have fun with that
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on January 31, 2012, 10:15:49 PM
way too much deca ,,, 1gr is enough n add prami

deca + tren is a no no , it either deca or tren ,, mix both u could hav lactating nipples lol

 rest of cycle is fine will add masteron + aromasin + prami

 maybe less anadrol when stomach goes weak or stop it if too harsh
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 01, 2012, 06:58:11 AM
how much masteron? last time i did mast tren test together and my body changed visually for a bit but i seemed to hit a wall and didnt feel like i could grow while i was on it just felt hard and tight.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 01, 2012, 06:59:03 AM
can someone chime in on the injecting growth into the delts thing. will it cause localized growth or what?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: aesthetics on February 01, 2012, 07:17:21 AM
can someone chime in on the injecting growth into the delts thing. will it cause localized growth or what?

probably but it's very minimal. i notice localized fat loss in my stomach when i pin sub-q
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 01, 2012, 08:16:37 AM
how much masteron? last time i did mast tren test together and my body changed visually for a bit but i seemed to hit a wall and didnt feel like i could grow while i was on it just felt hard and tight.

your right masteron wont do much but will b a healthier anti estrogen on lipids ,

once u had do aromasin for 4 weeks obviously

 wil do everything equal 150mg tren enan 150 masteron enan 150 testo enan everyday + prami 2.5 am pm ( i foudn caber n dostinex harsh ,, prami your happy n horny n gh releaser n easy on stomach )

i wrote all enan esther ,since , you mention long esther testo enan ,

but i prefer , testo ace . master prop , tren ace blend ,, quick acting easier on mind health

 lentus 100ui ed morning or 50ui you follow track waist , gh am pm 10ui , if can handle joint pain n sleeping pattern

anadrol if can handle , even + eq , even + primo lol
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: matrixgh on February 01, 2012, 10:35:51 AM
I will cut test down to 250mg a week or replace with prop and add masteron and keep the rest the same.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 01, 2012, 01:17:57 PM
why such low test isnt it the staple for everything
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: matrixgh on February 01, 2012, 01:49:56 PM
why such low test isnt it the staple for everything
first of all you running almost 2g of test and 700mg drol that alot of estrogen side you will get, fat and water and plus you not taking any aromatase inhibitors, second gh with the dosage you take would not help to fight this problem
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: BiGHer on February 01, 2012, 02:36:13 PM
My thoughts... first as I always ask... what are your goals?

I would adjust the cycle so it looks like this:

Test E 250 shot twice per week (Mon and Thurs)
Test Prop 100 - EOD
Tren Ace 100 - 1.5 CC ED
EQ 200 - EOD
Primobolan 100 - ED
Masteron - As needed for Anti Estrogen
Anadrol - 150 mgs ED (if you are lean enough at starting point)

With the HGH - you're working with 15 iu's ED so break this down randomly each day.  this is something I learned fairly recently and really makes a difference.  What I mean is... some days go 7.5 am/pm... others 15 iu blast post workout... skip a day and double up the next day.  do 3 injections on 5 iu or 5 injections of 3 iu... constantly random.  this mimicks how GH is released in your body as a child and in my experience has actually proven more effective for muscle growth.

What was your thinking when you wrote out this cycle?  Sure, it's almost 6 grams of gear per week not including orals, but why did you choose these compounds at these doses, etc?  Also, at almost 6 grams per week, if you can afford it, up the GH.

Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: NeilGM on February 01, 2012, 04:02:26 PM
That is allot of stuff for 240 around 10%, your nuts! 25 as well, jesus! RIP son
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 01, 2012, 06:05:40 PM
My thoughts... first as I always ask... what are your goals?

I would adjust the cycle so it looks like this:

Test E 250 shot twice per week (Mon and Thurs)
Test Prop 100 - EOD
Tren Ace 100 - 1.5 CC ED
EQ 200 - EOD
Primobolan 100 - ED
Masteron - As needed for Anti Estrogen
Anadrol - 150 mgs ED (if you are lean enough at starting point)

With the HGH - you're working with 15 iu's ED so break this down randomly each day.  this is something I learned fairly recently and really makes a difference.  What I mean is... some days go 7.5 am/pm... others 15 iu blast post workout... skip a day and double up the next day.  do 3 injections on 5 iu or 5 injections of 3 iu... constantly random.  this mimicks how GH is released in your body as a child and in my experience has actually proven more effective for muscle growth.

What was your thinking when you wrote out this cycle?  Sure, it's almost 6 grams of gear per week not including orals, but why did you choose these compounds at these doses, etc?  Also, at almost 6 grams per week, if you can afford it, up the GH.

i doubt th difference between 150mg n 100mg is grandiose

but it only a theory i could not handle anadrol more then 100mg a day
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: L.L on February 01, 2012, 06:08:43 PM

stop flirting
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: L.L on February 01, 2012, 06:10:07 PM
cycle is a mess ,bro...too much shit..EQ and DECA  together?/ why??
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: BiGHer on February 01, 2012, 06:36:47 PM
cycle is a mess ,bro...too much shit..EQ and DECA  together?/ why??

PIMP! Lol...

Show him whats up bro and turn that into a cycle that you would draw up
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: BiGHer on February 01, 2012, 06:37:50 PM
i doubt th difference between 150mg n 100mg is grandiose

but it only a theory i could not handle anadrol more then 100mg a day

I have to admit, I like anadrol.  Strength I get from it is fun and it fills me out well.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: matrixgh on February 01, 2012, 08:14:05 PM
cycle is a mess ,bro...too much shit..EQ and DECA  together?/ why??
some ppl stack eq with deca just for the joints benefits
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: BiGHer on February 01, 2012, 08:23:30 PM
some ppl stack eq with deca just for the joints benefits

People do use Decq just for its joint benefits.  However, I think you can enjoy the joint benefits of it at a much lower dose than 250 mg ed
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 01, 2012, 08:27:35 PM
i want to grow as much pure muscle as possible im in the off season but dont want bodyfat to get any higher than ten so i dont have to drasticly diet for comp. i chose eq for slow solid gains, deca because i tore my hamstring two months ago and thought it would help prevent another injury, tren because theres nothing better, anadrol because it causes great size gains, test because ive never ran a cycle without it and growth is appearently the end all be all drug. im trying to put on as much size as possible if that helps any. im open to change things, just trying to get the sickest gains possible, and as far as cost i have great source so cost isnt a problem. i can up gh to 20 if it will make a significant difference. as far as that goes would you run it every day or 5 on 2 off or what? like i said im pretty much just looking for the ultimate cycle for insane muscular gains, i dont care about being shredded right now, i dont ever totally lose my abs anyway so im not that worried about trying to cut after the bulk. also if you suggest a cycle and dose can you give me a suggestion on calorie intake to get huge as well. thanks alot
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 01, 2012, 08:33:10 PM
I have to admit, I like anadrol.  Strength I get from it is fun and it fills me out well.

yes of course but 150 much different then 100 ?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 01, 2012, 08:34:02 PM
cycle is a mess ,bro...too much shit..EQ and DECA  together?/ why??

eq = make performance, condition ,  rbc + epo

deca nourish joint

that my brologic gym rat view
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: matrixgh on February 01, 2012, 08:43:26 PM
when you on gh and slin you don't count calories.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 01, 2012, 08:54:42 PM
when you on gh and slin you don't count calories.
is there not a round about number to at least shoot for? or a minimum number of grams of protien and carbs?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: matrixgh on February 01, 2012, 09:08:33 PM
is there not a round about number to at least shoot for? or a minimum number of grams of protien and carbs?
there is no numbers you eat when you hungry dont count calories , carbs more importent when you on this cycle, you only start watching your calories when you getting close to the show
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 01, 2012, 11:10:12 PM
fat intake nourish hormones and your on steroid , fat intake is primordial

i like off season , 200 gr fat - 400 gr protein 600-1000 carb ( karbolyn + vitargo )
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Rearden Metal on February 02, 2012, 07:18:30 AM
 BLP, you say no deca w Tren. What about NPP and Tren???
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: wes on February 02, 2012, 08:37:25 AM
Way to much gear per week,unless you`re Ronnie.

Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: alphaanimal on February 02, 2012, 03:54:52 PM
fat intake nourish hormones and your on steroid , fat intake is primordial

i like off season , 200 gr fat - 400 gr protein 600-1000 carb ( karbolyn + vitargo )
thanks ill use this as my starting point and modify do to my bodies response.
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 02, 2012, 04:08:42 PM
BLP, you say no deca w Tren. What about NPP and Tren???

i heard it been done , i will say for genetic that never get gyno or got surgery done ,,, wil say real low npp 200mg max

will do that direction in case of minor injury

 im no guru but been cycling 6 years overall
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Swlabr on February 02, 2012, 04:48:01 PM
stop flirting

no homo ;D
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Rearden Metal on February 02, 2012, 10:37:34 PM
i heard it been done , i will say for genetic that never get gyno or got surgery done ,,, wil say real low npp 200mg max

will do that direction in case of minor injury

 im no guru but been cycling 6 years overall

I ran 100mg ea Tren/NPP/test prop for a few weeks after my show. Was ripped so estrogen was low. Created an awesome look but I wonder if I can take the same at 9%?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 03, 2012, 04:29:57 AM
I ran 100mg ea Tren/NPP/test prop for a few weeks after my show. Was ripped so estrogen was low. Created an awesome look but I wonder if I can take the same at 9%?

why not ,, specially if had work wonder ,, you will have a harder less watery off season

 light slin with tren in off season work well

you had used femera n prami on contest ,, no gyno symptom ?
Title: Re: this is a hardcore cycle i only need experienced vets opinions on this.
Post by: BiGHer on February 04, 2012, 03:56:19 PM
yes of course but 150 much different then 100 ?

Actually yes, I do think so.  Obviously results will vary per response, but 150 compared to 100 is a 50% daily increase in this anabolic... over time the difference definitely matters.