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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: lyquid on January 31, 2012, 06:37:21 PM

Title: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: lyquid on January 31, 2012, 06:37:21 PM
So finally on gh. After taking decent amount of aas and body will never get over a certain weight. Always thought needed even more juice. Well thanks to gh15 I have put on fucking 16.5lbs in about two weeks no¤ leaner than ever and I'm kinda scared that my weight will keep going up lol. Look super full and round just amazing. Barely touching any juice here and there have popped something. But holy fuck gh all rthe way. I do not see how anyone can get big without it.

Will never come off gh now specially how cheap it is for these kind of gains. Its litterarlly how much I eat I keep gaining. I actually cut baxk my eating maybe three k cals a day.

Wish I used gh long ago. Rly can't even imagine if I was on over 500mg a week or 2000 plus others like I was awhile ago.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: SmoofCat on January 31, 2012, 06:51:43 PM
but no need to hate on aas. guys back in the day only had aas, and some of them had fucking awesome physiques. i mean you can achieve that same physique on aas alone if you are genetically made for this.

GH obviously is necessary to be a modern bodybuilder, as in a professional. however, i have currently been off GH for quite a few weeks, and I am on 2.5 grams of tren and masteron (1.25 each) and I am really looking good right now.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: makaveli25 on January 31, 2012, 07:32:05 PM
If you had a nice some of money say 1000 grand and you wanted to blow it on good primo or gh which would you choose?
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on January 31, 2012, 07:42:33 PM
How many IU's are you on brotha?

16.5lbs is alot to put on in 2 weeks...

But yes, GH is very nice.  Was definitely a god send when I started upping my doses and I could lower my AAS useage...sides were getting to be a bit much off huge amounts of tren and such.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: TheGrinch on January 31, 2012, 07:54:50 PM
water imo
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: hangclean on January 31, 2012, 08:15:50 PM
but no need to hate on aas. guys back in the day only had aas, and some of them had fucking awesome physiques. i mean you can achieve that same physique on aas alone if you are genetically made for this.

GH obviously is necessary to be a modern bodybuilder, as in a professional. however, i have currently been off GH for quite a few weeks, and I am on 2.5 grams of tren and masteron (1.25 each) and I am really looking good right now.
that is a great combo.  throw in anavar at 100mgs a day and you will look even awesom-er.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: chess315 on January 31, 2012, 10:44:00 PM
How many IU's are you on brotha?

16.5lbs is alot to put on in 2 weeks...

But yes, GH is very nice.  Was definitely a god send when I started upping my doses and I could lower my AAS useage...sides were getting to be a bit much off huge amounts of tren and such.
Im curious of this to lyquid
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Brocty on January 31, 2012, 11:01:55 PM
Im just happy you have a keyboard with an N in it now!

Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Voland on February 01, 2012, 12:03:42 AM
GH is my hope to. Genetics in a bottle.
How many iu/day?
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: BOW on February 01, 2012, 12:27:47 AM
If you had a nice some of money say 1000 grand and you wanted to blow it on good primo or gh which would you choose?
lol come on bro gh all the way!! Add in an anabolic like eq that should blow primo out the water
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: local hero on February 01, 2012, 12:38:49 AM
as has been mentioned... the real cream of the crop genetic elite can get huge without gh/slin...

have a look at ian harrison here at 18 and 20, this was the late 80's in uk, gh def wasnt being used by 18yr olds

theres a massive physique built on plain old gear.....
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Voland on February 01, 2012, 12:41:03 AM
as has been mentioned... the real cream of the crop genetic elite can get huge without gh/slin...

have a look at ian harrison here at 18 and 20, this was the late 80's in uk, gh def wasnt being used by 18yr olds

theres a massive physique built on plain old gear.....

True but those of use with bad responders with poor genetics have to rely on as much gh as we can afford.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: local hero on February 01, 2012, 12:50:10 AM
yeh, of course.... but the trend here now is all the kids skip plain old gear and jump straight into high dose gh, high dose tren and crazy shit like DNP

if you cant grow on test/decca and dbol this isnt the 'sport' for you
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on February 01, 2012, 10:17:31 AM
yeh, of course.... but the trend here now is all the kids skip plain old gear and jump straight into high dose gh, high dose tren and crazy shit like DNP

if you cant grow on test/decca and dbol this isnt the 'sport' for you


Didn't use HGH until I had years of AAS use under my belt
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on February 01, 2012, 10:30:54 AM
but no need to hate on aas. guys back in the day only had aas, and some of them had fucking awesome physiques. i mean you can achieve that same physique on aas alone if you are genetically made for this.

GH obviously is necessary to be a modern bodybuilder, as in a professional. however, i have currently been off GH for quite a few weeks, and I am on 2.5 grams of tren and masteron (1.25 each) and I am really looking good right now.

Watchu talking about Willis?  Gh15 claims that GH was used as early as the 50's.  Aliens used time machines and injected it into Reeves, Pearl , Arnold, Sergio etc....
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on February 01, 2012, 10:49:28 AM
Watchu talking about Willis?  Gh15 claims that GH was used as early as the 50's.  Aliens used time machines and injected it into Reeves, Pearl , Arnold, Sergio etc....

Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: lyquid on February 01, 2012, 11:25:42 AM
About 5iu I varied it kinda. Some days were three iu than did six iu eod. Than back to four iu ed. I used aas for yrs but like gh15 said some guys just need gh. I responded so amazing in my teens on juice. Than I just kinda stopped responding amazing. Think my gh prob naturally just kinda quit well dropped a lot. Cause I feel like I did on first aas cycle. Gains without doing anything and I remeber my first test dbol cycle. Lost a ton of bf had rippped abs and gained twenty lbs.

Prob cause I was 17 and had amazing gh levels.

a lot of u may think ghrp and mod gfr r crap. But I think I'm gaining so much cause I am on legit of that to. Am using it ten mimutes before my gh shot to create a even higher peak. So if ghrp says what it does I'm technically on probably 12 iu gh. And I believe it. My jaw and whole face muscles get so stiff when I eat sometimes which I never had before. Like I can barely eat after a shot lol. Vieny as heck and getting leaner. I can't post pics but if someone wants to see I can prob email em from here. Atleast from my eyes I can't beleieve How I look. I know I got water weight but it looks like pure muscle. I am gonna use ten iu soon. I def need gh now no doubt about it. Prob run a gram of deca with it soon. But srsly feel like it gave me instant bodybuiler shape. I always looked in the mirrior and thought ya I'm kinda big kinda but rly blocky and not bber look. Now I feel really full and round and feel like I actually got bber genetics.

So for those of you who stop responding to gh def don't wait to try it. it'll bring back ur bbing genetics lol. Also its not that expensive like srsly hundred bucks 4iu or 5iu a day thirty to twenty five days. I havnt even approached my kit being half done I'm scared to see whatll happen lol. I'm sure anyone cud scrum up couple hundred for two months worth. To many guys thinking they need all yre on it. Just do the bodybnuilding for poor thirty days on few months off and back on.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: lyquid on February 01, 2012, 11:32:07 AM

Didn't use HGH until I had years of AAS use under my belt

I feel like aas r worthless on me now without gh. I get crazy horny. But fuck weight goes up ten lbs that's it and it stops never any bigger. Is that way u ended up to after yrs of aas till gh.

How little aas r u on now and how much gh and slin. I'm wondering how far this gh will actually take me.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: aesthetics on February 01, 2012, 11:33:33 AM
If you had a nice some of money say 1000 grand and you wanted to blow it on good primo or gh which would you choose?

gh > tren >      primo/var

Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: aesthetics on February 01, 2012, 11:35:08 AM
water imo

90% of weight gain is water but what matters is where it's at. water inside the muscle looks really good, water sub-q looks like shit.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: shreddedtobones on February 01, 2012, 11:58:38 AM
holy shit lyquid I'm so glad you finally fixed your keyboard !  :o I can finally read your posts without getting a headache haha.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: old_lifter on February 01, 2012, 02:12:53 PM
I feel like aas r worthless on me now without gh. I get crazy horny. But fuck weight goes up ten lbs that's it and it stops never any bigger. Is that way u ended up to after yrs of aas till gh.

How little aas r u on now and how much gh and slin. I'm wondering how far this gh will actually take me.

what brand r u using
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on February 01, 2012, 03:55:18 PM
I feel like aas r worthless on me now without gh. I get crazy horny. But fuck weight goes up ten lbs that's it and it stops never any bigger. Is that way u ended up to after yrs of aas till gh.

How little aas r u on now and how much gh and slin. I'm wondering how far this gh will actually take me.

There's a point to where no matter how much of AAS you use, you will not grow.

This is where you start to implement slin and hgh in.

Right now I'm using 20IU's of omnitrope and 8IU's of insulin with every meal (6)
Test e/c blend @900mg/wk

Anadrol 200mg/day
NPP 750mg/wk
tren 1400mg/wk
Mast 1200mg/wk
I'll probably throw in some more orals as time goes on but I'm gaining just fine off of this
This may seem like alot, but compared to what I used AAS wise years ago some doses are as much as 1/4 of what they used to be. DOn't need as much with growth
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: FAST LANE on February 01, 2012, 07:56:26 PM
There's a point to where no matter how much of AAS you use, you will not grow.

This is where you start to implement slin and hgh in.

Right now I'm using 20IU's of omnitrope and 8IU's of insulin with every meal (6)
Test e/c blend @900mg/wk

Anadrol 200mg/day
NPP 750mg/wk
tren 1400mg/wk
Mast 1200mg/wk
I'll probably throw in some more orals as time goes on but I'm gaining just fine off of this
This may seem like alot, but compared to what I used AAS wise years ago some doses are as much as 1/4 of what they used to be. DOn't need as much with growth
Damn dawg, that is ALOT of shit... sounds delicious though  ;)

Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: gh15 on February 01, 2012, 10:38:57 PM
Watchu talking about Willis?  Gh15 claims that GH was used as early as the 50's.  Aliens used time machines and injected it into Reeves, Pearl , Arnold, Sergio etc....

no!,, what gh15 say if you red bible ws that in specific age you can still do with out hgh ,, in early 20s and in teens,, today competetve not even that you hav eto hav ehgh in blood,, this is what gh15 said! quote me right or dont quote at all,, i dont like this double face balonie ,, you have to be accurate when quoting me fellas,,

gh15 says that hgh is everythign in bodybuild ,, you cant advance without it ,, AND! yes harison was on gh in those pictures,, gh was avalable since 1984 pretty much to all top bodybuild from top amatuer to profesionals ,,russian cadavrs usualy but already syntetic was experiented with and used,, in liar priest case he used cadavars becuase he is from austalia they are late with everything

plese quote me right if you want me to stay part of if not im gone

this is importent for history ,, when im gone and dead i need fellas who read about gh15 to know it was truth and not some mitch match of he say she say ,, qupte me right!

gh15 approved
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: whitewidow on February 01, 2012, 11:15:47 PM
no!,, what gh15 say if you red bible ws that in specific age you can still do with out hgh ,, in early 20s and in teens,, today competetve not even that you hav eto hav ehgh in blood,, this is what gh15 said! quote me right or dont quote at all,, i dont like this double face balonie ,, you have to be accurate when quoting me fellas,,

gh15 says that hgh is everythign in bodybuild ,, you cant advance without it ,, AND! yes harison was on gh in those pictures,, gh was avalable since 1984 pretty much to all top bodybuild from top amatuer to profesionals ,,russian cadavrs usualy but already syntetic was experiented with and used,, in liar priest case he used cadavars becuase he is from austalia they are late with everything

plese quote me right if you want me to stay part of if not im gone

this is importent for history ,, when im gone and dead i need fellas who read about gh15 to know it was truth and not some mitch match of he say she say ,, qupte me right!

gh15 approved

about HGH and other steroids but when it comes to some people-tell me lies- tell me sweet little lies! some fleetwood mac for GH15 his favorite band.-lol
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: wes on February 02, 2012, 09:45:48 AM
There's a point to where no matter how much of AAS you use, you will not grow.

This is where you start to implement slin and hgh in.

Right now I'm using 20IU's of omnitrope and 8IU's of insulin with every meal (6)
Test e/c blend @900mg/wk

Anadrol 200mg/day
NPP 750mg/wk
tren 1400mg/wk
Mast 1200mg/wk
I'll probably throw in some more orals as time goes on but I'm gaining just fine off of this
This may seem like alot, but compared to what I used AAS wise years ago some doses are as much as 1/4 of what they used to be. DOn't need as much with growth
GEEZUS !  :'(
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on February 02, 2012, 05:57:33 PM
GEEZUS !  :'(

Ha and that's just my gear stack   ;D

I'm hovering around the high 250s atm...gotta run alot to keep this size

Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: qbkilla on February 02, 2012, 06:39:17 PM
but no need to hate on aas. guys back in the day only had aas, and some of them had fucking awesome physiques. i mean you can achieve that same physique on aas alone if you are genetically made for this.

GH obviously is necessary to be a modern bodybuilder, as in a professional. however, i have currently been off GH for quite a few weeks, and I am on 2.5 grams of tren and masteron (1.25 each) and I am really looking good right now.

bro how does 1.25g tren compare to 500 or 700 mg?  pretty high dose but i like it,,i will be there one day taking that amount
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: lyquid on February 02, 2012, 07:16:43 PM
Ha and that's just my gear stack   ;D

I'm hovering around the high 250s atm...gotta run alot to keep this size

I needa up my dose. I still think sometimes from yrs of being lied to. Stay moderate doses and the mass will come lol. Needa up my aas use still in the pussy range.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Morsprincipium on February 02, 2012, 08:56:16 PM
Don't go crazy from day should always slowly work your way up.  But eventually, if you want to get to an elite level of bodybuilding prepare to be using a boatload of gear. (As in as much as you can afford, and as much as you can tolerate)
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on February 06, 2012, 01:26:27 PM
Doubt some of those claiming to have used Gh like they've stated have ever even touched the shit.  Gh gives a very different look to the physique in high doses.  It makes everything grow unless you are using it for fat loss at around 4IU's per day whatever.  The guys back in the early 90's throughout the 80's had the best fucking physiques of all times.  2000 things just got stupid and Gh slin became all the rage.  Ever see a Gh abusing bodybuilder come off and try to diet down?  They will forever be a fat fuck with a belly and stove pipey legs.  That's what Gh does to you.  So you gotta ask yourself if you aren't making money with a Gh physique is it worth it?  Probably not.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: Luolamies on February 07, 2012, 04:14:34 PM
Stay moderate doses and the mass will come

Yes it does.

As long as you do things properly, stay consistent and have at least SOME kind of genes for this game.
Title: Re: aas suck. gh is king
Post by: itrain on July 22, 2012, 10:22:02 AM
would like to see the pics too ,, what gh are you using Lyquid