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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 02:03:55 PM

Title: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 02:03:55 PM
Has anyone heard of anyone just not responding well to tren?  I only ask because as many of you saw in the other thread, 2 weeks in at 150mg EOD SM tren a and 100mg test p EOD, just added in NPP today.  Again, I don't feel shit from anything, or notice anything, and no side effects. 

Sides aren't really the issue with me because, my body never gets sides from ANYTHING = caffeine, preworkouts (LOL) any otc drug, effedrine etc. etc etc.  By no sides, I mean I DON"T FEEL SHIT FROM ANY OF THAT... I was doing Bronkaid 100mg ED with 600mg caffeine, felt fine, and the same.  HOWEVER, results were def there = my body is perfect for bodybuilding drug abuse LOL  But that's a topic for a different time... anyways

Over the past year I have run four different kinds of tren... Dynasty labs (private now I believe) GB pharmaceuticals (fairly new UGL out of England)  and one homemade batch of tren E.. now the SM stuff.... Fellas, I DIDNT FEEL OR NOTICE SHIT from any of that!!!!

True, I thought they were all bunk, so I kept switching brands, but now that I am at SM tren a, nothing but good things this and that, emailed our guy and said quality not an issue... Sorry for the long ass post, but maybe I just don't respond to tren???? 

I'm PISSED!!!! I want veins everywhere, lean this and that gh15 preaches, miracle drug, this and that etc etc etc.. LOL

Thanks for any feedback/ input / help fellas!!!
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 02:20:20 PM
^^ I also don't get ANY sides from superdrol... I also don't feel shit.. no pumps or whatever all these other people claim that it's awesome this and that etc etc... However, I do get some good strength from it, and it hardens me up a little.. other than that.. I think its just ok, contrarty to it being the best oral out there, and strongest, harshest mg for mg etc etc etc... I've run 3 different kinds of SD, PP superdrone (supposedly the best one)  Super DMZ (supposely cream of crop) and Beastdrol.... I always do 30 mg ED upwards of 6 weeks fellas!! No sides etc etc......
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: diamondcut on February 10, 2012, 02:33:27 PM
Like i said on pm god damn it spill the beans on the source so we can out this bunk supplier
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: qbkilla on February 10, 2012, 02:39:27 PM
im like you i dont get sides from anything,,but i do get gains from alot of test tren and eq and alot of gh ,,,all togeather,,,so not sure ...what it was that gave me gains,,,,clen gave me a little sides,,,a little shakes for a while till i adjusted,,,fucking nicotine patch knocked me out almost,,,other than that no sides from gear,,,how about clialis?  does that make ur dick hard?  cialis works for me thank god,,viagra not so much,,,,id up the dose,,,how do you respond to high doses of drol like 150mg,,,maybe run 700mg of tren and 150mg drol to really get some good gains if you dont respond real well to tren
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 02:46:20 PM
im like you i dont get sides from anything,,but i do get gains from alot of test tren and eq and alot of gh ,,,all togeather,,,so not sure ...what it was that gave me gains,,,,clen gave me a little sides,,,a little shakes for a while till i adjusted,,,fucking nicotine patch knocked me out almost,,,other than that no sides from gear,,,how about clialis?  does that make ur dick hard?  cialis works for me thank god,,viagra not so much,,,,id up the dose,,,how do you respond to high doses of drol like 150mg,,,maybe run 700mg of tren and 150mg drol to really get some good gains if you dont respond real well to tren
LOL true, I might try that  ;)

Yeah, I also get nothing at all from clen, even at like 200mg a day... Never tried cialis or viagra, so can't comment on that, and never tried anadrol, but I have a few bottles I can't wait to try!  Just wanted to get a tad leaner before I started-  Anyways, yeah I'm gonna start at 100mg ED so 700 mg a week now and we will see what happens

Appreciate the feedback brotha!
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Overload on February 10, 2012, 03:04:00 PM
Like i said on pm god damn it spill the beans on the source so we can out this bunk supplier

We all know who it is and he's one of the best there is.

This is the only complaint on SM Tren that i have seen and i know tons of people who are on it.

We aren't going after any sources and i assure you the guy in question is 100% legit.

I'm thinking he got a bad batch or there is something else we don't know about the story.

I will not bring heat to a trusted name without legit proof.

We get posters on here all the time who claim they aren't getting what they "expect" from a compound they have never used before.  It happens all the time.  People are quick to jump the gun right now because of the GH drama.  You guys are going to drive the best sources in the game out of reach with this kind of stuff.

I know 3 guys personally that are running 100+mg SM Tren A ED and they are loving it, I've known these guys for 10 years and they wouldn't bullshit me.

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: growing lad on February 10, 2012, 03:28:11 PM
We all know who it is and he's one of the best there is.

This is the only complaint on SM Tren that i have seen and i know tons of people who are on it.

We aren't going after any sources and i assure you the guy in question is 100% legit.

I'm thinking he got a bad batch or there is something else we don't know about the story.

I will not bring heat to a trusted name without legit proof.

We get posters on here all the time who claim they aren't getting what they "expect" from a compound they have never used before.  It happens all the time.  People are quick to jump the gun right now because of the GH drama.  You guys are going to drive the best sources in the game out of reach with this kind of stuff.

I know 3 guys personally that are running 100+mg SM Tren A ED and they are loving it, I've known these guys for 10 years and they wouldn't bullshit me.


Me & fast lane both got a bad batch then.

I ran 200mgs ed towards the end. Then gave up.

I've offered to send the tren to any member in uk for them to see as otherwise I'm binning it.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 03:42:50 PM
We all know who it is and he's one of the best there is.

This is the only complaint on SM Tren that i have seen and i know tons of people who are on it.

We aren't going after any sources and i assure you the guy in question is 100% legit.

I'm thinking he got a bad batch or there is something else we don't know about the story.

I will not bring heat to a trusted name without legit proof.

We get posters on here all the time who claim they aren't getting what they "expect" from a compound they have never used before.  It happens all the time.  People are quick to jump the gun right now because of the GH drama.  You guys are going to drive the best sources in the game out of reach with this kind of stuff.

I know 3 guys personally that are running 100+mg SM Tren A ED and they are loving it, I've known these guys for 10 years and they wouldn't bullshit me.

Exactly, I agree 100%, I'm not here to bust this guys balls, and I have never jumped to the conclusion that it IS bunk gear.  I was merely questioning it and looking for some feedback, and mainly questioning and doubting myself.  Because, I refuse to believe that it is bunk or a bad batch!!! LOL  I'm also looking to preserve the quality of the source as well  8)

One thing is for sure though, I will run it 100mg ED from now on out, and if nothing happens... well, you know the rest  ;D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Oly15 on February 10, 2012, 03:59:11 PM
Damn it seems like ur body is anti eveeything. Almost as if you don't have any androgen receptors or very few. I don't think this is the case but it is a mystery why you aren't seeing anything at 600 mg of tren a week. Maybe your body requires higher doses to get the same effect..
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: nosleep on February 10, 2012, 04:02:54 PM
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Overload on February 10, 2012, 04:09:29 PM
I would just keep running it and see what happens.

I know for me personally I can feel when I'm on Tren, but i know people who get zero sides from it.  If i was on 200mg ED i would be very irritable and have red skin, but sides are not the best indicator of a product's effectiveness.

Keep us posted.

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: qbkilla on February 10, 2012, 04:14:25 PM
how is the color of that tren have you ever 1x got the cough?  my last tren cycle i coughed after 1 shot that was it,,,is the color darker and more piss colored than the other vials like E and EQ from the same chef?  it should be noticable more amber color all tren i have seen is
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 04:25:35 PM
Damn it seems like ur body is anti eveeything. Almost as if you don't have any androgen receptors or very few. I don't think this is the case but it is a mystery why you aren't seeing anything at 600 mg of tren a week. Maybe your body requires higher doses to get the same effect..
Damn, I hope not lol
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 04:26:46 PM
Yeah, good one bro  ::)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 04:28:07 PM
I would just keep running it and see what happens.

I know for me personally I can feel when I'm on Tren, but i know people who get zero sides from it.  If i was on 200mg ED i would be very irritable and have red skin, but sides are not the best indicator of a product's effectiveness.

Keep us posted.

Will do boss!!

And when you say that those people get zero sides though, does that also mean they can't "feel" it either?
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 04:30:12 PM
how is the color of that tren have you ever 1x got the cough?  my last tren cycle i coughed after 1 shot that was it,,,is the color darker and more piss colored than the other vials like E and EQ from the same chef?  it should be noticable more amber color all tren i have seen is
Yeah bro never once gotten the cough!!! However, from the GB pharma dual tren (100mg tren a 100mg tren E) I had the metallic taste in my mouth after every pin.. however; that was just from the ethyl oleate because I was running 900 mg a week and didn't feel/notice shit lol  >:(  >:(

But, yeah, every color tren I've had has been the same... yellowish, piss color, never amber brownish  :'(

However; I doubt that color is the cause here to be honest
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: prophecy on February 10, 2012, 05:17:18 PM
you should make some tren from the pellets and try that.

if you still dont feel anything, then obviously yourr body is the issue.. not the tren  ;)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Ripped190 on February 10, 2012, 06:06:43 PM
Sounds like the tren I got.. I got a little harder on it but no strength increase at all :(
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: ecto2meso on February 10, 2012, 06:19:58 PM
Surprised you guys dont make your own from pellets. You know its good quality and its way cheaper, doesnt make sense to buy it from some lab im my opinion.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 10, 2012, 06:22:36 PM
you should make some tren from the pellets and try that.

if you still dont feel anything, then obviously yourr body is the issue.. not the tren  ;)
lol true.. problem is I really don't have any desire to be a fucking chemist lol... but in all seriousness, yeah your right, alot of people homebrew and from what I hear it's not hard at all, and not even that time consuming.. I guess I will eventually get around to it sometime  ;)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: nosleep on February 10, 2012, 06:34:40 PM
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: chess315 on February 10, 2012, 09:02:42 PM
 I never have been fond of tren maybe if your taller and cut out test you just lose to much water and look lengthy or stringy. I have always felt that way about it. I have no doubt its a great steroid and this and that just never cared for it. It just seems to make me drop to much weight always plus mental side I have no doubt at 700mg + it is kick ass i did run that with pellets but I'm just not fond of that steroid maybe with no side effects it would be worth it. I can be benching near 400lbs and tren makes my strength drop a lot if I lower test. I know i had good stuff to horrible nightmares tren coughs everything. Its a lil different making someone 6'1 look good then 5'5-5'8. Not fond of eq either. If you dont get sides jack up dosage I think 300mg tren just don't do much for me excpet side effects I don't care what gh15 or who says. Im sure hgh would help with some of the fullness that tren can take off you. If I ran 700mg i think i would slowly morph to a zyzz type build but 700 is no picnic I tell ya
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: aesthetics on February 10, 2012, 10:08:58 PM
you should make some tren from the pellets and try that.

if you still dont feel anything, then obviously yourr body is the issue.. not the tren  ;)

this right here ^
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: SamsonD on February 10, 2012, 10:42:47 PM
Fuck man, if you don't respond to tren, what else is there?
I'm using same shit as you and its off the chain.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 10, 2012, 10:56:17 PM
in 12 years in th industry even tho did not year much about tren 10 years ago

i never heard about tren non responder

i call it bunk plain n simple
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: jon cole on February 10, 2012, 11:19:17 PM
tren non responder = bunk responder.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: SamsonD on February 10, 2012, 11:32:05 PM
in 12 years in th industry even tho did not year much about tren 10 years ago

i never heard about tren non responder

i call it bunk plain n simple

I dunno man, bunk from PP?  I suppose it may be possible there was a bad batch but...
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 10, 2012, 11:43:17 PM
I dunno man, bunk from PP?  I suppose it may be possible there was a bad batch but...

even apple make bad iphone ,, shit happen even in th elite
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: growing lad on February 11, 2012, 01:48:30 AM
I dunno man, bunk from PP?  I suppose it may be possible there was a bad batch but...

Superman isn't pp. just a business partner. Pp only hgh.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nasty Nate on February 11, 2012, 08:04:25 AM
how is the color of that tren have you ever 1x got the cough?  my last tren cycle i coughed after 1 shot that was it,,,is the color darker and more piss colored than the other vials like E and EQ from the same chef?  it should be noticable more amber color all tren i have seen is

this is stupid. ive seen all different colours of tren, it's the fuckin oil they put it in it that makes it the colour it is. not how strong or "good" the tren is...  ::)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 11, 2012, 12:23:20 PM
Some great replies in here fellas!! I appreciate all the input.. no shit, it is very hard to believe of a "non-responder" lol.. I refuse to believe and tell myself everyday like "oh it will kick an, and make excuses like that to make me feel better.. LOL.. anyways, yeah just sucks I guess that I must have got a bad batch on the SM... I definitely agree about the home brewing idea.. The thing that also sucks the most is FOUR DIFFERENT kinds of tren in the past year = ALL BUNK = WTF!!!!!! Fucking huge waste of money then... it is what it is a I guess..

Anyways, appreciate the ideas and feedback fellas, and I'll either make my own tren or get it elsewhere, and let you know if I'm still a "non-responder" haha

P.S. Just popped 50mg of ephedrina and felt like I had to let all you hormone junkies know!!  ;D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: chess315 on February 11, 2012, 06:06:31 PM
Some great replies in here fellas!! I appreciate all the input.. no shit, it is very hard to believe of a "non-responder" lol.. I refuse to believe and tell myself everyday like "oh it will kick an, and make excuses like that to make me feel better.. LOL.. anyways, yeah just sucks I guess that I must have got a bad batch on the SM... I definitely agree about the home brewing idea.. The thing that also sucks the most is FOUR DIFFERENT kinds of tren in the past year = ALL BUNK = WTF!!!!!! Fucking huge waste of money then... it is what it is a I guess..

Anyways, appreciate the ideas and feedback fellas, and I'll either make my own tren or get it elsewhere, and let you know if I'm still a "non-responder" haha

P.S. Just popped 50mg of ephedrina and felt like I had to let all you hormone junkies know!!  ;D
you said u started 2 weeks ago I usually dont feel side effects from tren until some time in as illogical as that sounds. I think your tren is maybe not the problem
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: qbkilla on February 11, 2012, 07:26:41 PM
this is stupid. ive seen all different colours of tren, it's the fuckin oil they put it in it that makes it the colour it is. not how strong or "good" the tren is...  ::)

tren should not be light as say prop,,,,if it looks like prop whose to say they dont put fucking prop in there instead and save $$.  ive never seen a tren from a chef that was the same light color as their other oils so that says something.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nasty Nate on February 11, 2012, 07:44:34 PM
tren should not be light as say prop,,,,if it looks like prop whose to say they dont put fucking prop in there instead and save $$.  ive never seen a tren from a chef that was the same light color as their other oils so that says something.

yellow tren, orange tren, red tren... all were good. everytime i shot the different colours i always got the same nasty metallic taste in my mouth and tightness in the chest. honestly the way you'll tell if it's tren or not is by using it anyway... my body is vascular and i can eat shitty on tren and stay hard, feel like a beast... on just test im watery(even prop) and dont look as impressive, not much difference mentally except increased libido.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 11, 2012, 07:54:03 PM
color come from oxidation ,, i doubt it mean something
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: g101 on February 11, 2012, 10:53:16 PM
you want non oxidized tren !
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 12, 2012, 12:31:53 AM
you want non oxidized tren !

it make sense but customers expect color from tren

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: WillGrant on February 12, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
in 12 years in th industry even tho did not year much about tren 10 years ago

i never heard about tren non responder

i call it bunk plain n simple
This.. You dont "feel" or get any form of sides from tren then its shit gear plain and simple - real tren whacks a wallop.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: aesthetics on February 12, 2012, 03:40:05 AM
all ugls get bad batches some times because their powders all come from china. happens and you just throw the stuff away when it does not much else you can do except maybe use it for cooking oil  :D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: gatorr on February 12, 2012, 04:14:14 AM
If you over heat it it will be dark. Heat it just right it will be golden color the oil has nothing to do with it. Ive made lots of homebrew tren and if i over cook it it will almost orange, cook it just right and its golden yellow same oil and everything.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Kervin on February 12, 2012, 07:00:44 AM
first time i ran tren it was 75mg/eod i felt it was getting leaner on it, never got cough too. Didn't had any sides except the smallest things would bother me and i would get really pissed for stupid things at just 75mg eod
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 12, 2012, 08:47:55 AM
Some of the latest replies are kind of comical to be honest ; "real tren will give you sides" etc etc etc... but if you honestly think about it, who fucking says so?  Internet boards?  Your OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES ?  Just think about it fellas, we all say everyone is different and reacts differently to compounds, but just because your "supposed" to get bad sides from tren, and one doesn't it means it's bunk?  Just some food for thought, all in good will  8)

Again, running FOUR different brands of tren and ALL THE SAME RESULTS (no sides, no effects, no nothing, feel the same) and DOSING EVERY ONE OF THE BRANDS between 500 - 900 mg a week? COMON NOW!!!!! WTF

Again, either I have shitty fucking luck going 0-4 and recieving all bunk tren (which dynasty labs [private] has a good rep) now SM or....... my body just doesn't respond to tren

Started day 15 doing 900mg a week now, if nothing happens at the end of THIS WEEK, it's BUNK... I'll keep you posted fellas!!

P.S. Really think to yourselves what I first stated in the post  ;D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 12, 2012, 08:49:15 AM
Excellent post and very good thinking. SM is gold. PERIOD.

We dont need Kig-like situations again because noobs dont know what tren does and thinking they will be jacked to the core within 72hrs.

Know your stuff and chefs

Ok bud  ::)  ::)

Running 550mg for the first two weeks and now starting 900mg a week.... but yeah, it's gold 

Great Post.......  ::)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 12, 2012, 09:47:47 AM
^^ Not trying to sound like a dick in anyway bro, because I do agree with your post IN GENERAL, as Overload did make a great post, (which I also agreed with on page 1)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Treninghard on February 12, 2012, 09:59:29 AM
^^ Not trying to sound like a dick in anyway bro, because I do agree with your post IN GENERAL, as Overload did make a great post, (which I also agreed with on page 1)

brew your own, only way to go
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Benoitlapierre on February 12, 2012, 01:55:27 PM
This.. You dont "feel" or get any form of sides from tren then its shit gear plain and simple - real tren whacks a wallop.

with masteron prami nolva n aromasin , tren side are minimal ,,, if testo intake are low
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nicademus on February 12, 2012, 04:50:22 PM
If I was a cook I would make sure all my stuff gave the worst possible sided effects.  Hell it would be 99% sides, because most of the people here don't seem impressed with a product unless they get major acne, killer cough, or start pissing blood.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 12, 2012, 05:20:02 PM
If I was a cook I would make sure all my stuff gave the worst possible sided effects.  Hell it would be 99% sides, because most of the people here don't seem impressed with a product unless they get major acne, killer cough, or start pissing blood.
Yet another TERRIBLE POST  ::) (unless not directed at me)... dude read the fucking posts/replies in here, again only if directed at me/ my posts

I've said for about the 3rd time in this thread I'M NOT CONCERNED WITH NOT GETTING ANY SIDES (if you read the OP and my other replies my body doesn't react / get sides from ANYTHING) 


Hope this helps some of you other ignorant, noob posters that feel to give their input and parrot what others say  ;)  ;D  8)

Again, not trying to be a dick; if you meant to just state that in general terms, then fine, I agree with you LOL (but this is not the case in my pertinent situation)  ;D

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nicademus on February 12, 2012, 05:24:31 PM
Don't flatter yourself mine is a general statement.  But it sounds like you got that trenper tantrum syndrome so maybe it isn't bunk?
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 12, 2012, 05:49:53 PM
Don't flatter yourself mine is a general statement.  But it sounds like you got that trenper tantrum syndrome so maybe it isn't bunk?

I hope so brotha!!!   ;D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: StackedDec on February 12, 2012, 07:46:33 PM
without aromasin or anything similar, etc my sides are even with any other aas, they might hit a little faster than other inj.

acne, little water ret, trouble sleeping (unique to tren) and edgy (much less than dbol, tbol, winny, even primo)

no cough  no bad taste and no reason to ever come off!  lol jk

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Arnold jr on February 12, 2012, 08:28:33 PM
For whatever it's worth to this thread, for the most part, I never had side-effect problems with any gear with a few exceptions. Blood pressure always stayed perfect, even with massive amounts of Dbol it wouldn't move much...the only thing that ever affected my BP poorly seemed to be when Nandrolone doses went too high.

As for Cholesterol, low HDL but never once high LDL.

Acne...never from a steroid...exception, PCT periods would sometimes cause breakouts on my back or shoulders but this was short lived and nothing to write home about.

Some kind of uncontrollable aggressive feeling...never...even with 100mg Tren-a a day.

Libido issues, sometimes, but always correctable.

Liver enzymes...always increase with oral use but never to the point of alarm...exception, using pro-hormones and on that basis alone I hate PH's.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but the overall point, if side-effects are how gear is being measured, well, this is just ridiculous.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nicademus on February 12, 2012, 09:28:36 PM
Yup I agree 100%

I feel it's dangerous to-in some degree(glorify sides).  I get the feeling people on this board would downgrade a steroid that put on 20 lbs of muscle with zero sides as opposed to a steroid that yielded 10 lbs of muscle with wicked acne and crack-like insomnia.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Arnold jr on February 12, 2012, 09:44:32 PM
Yup I agree 100%

I feel it's dangerous to-in some degree(glorify sides).  I get the feeling people on this board would downgrade a steroid that put on 20 lbs of muscle with zero sides as opposed to a steroid that yielded 10 lbs of muscle with wicked acne and crack-like insomnia.

If you supplement properly and only with high quality products, if you're already healthy and take care of yourself in a way that promotes good health almost all adult men should be able to supplement problem free. We're all unique to a degree, and some of us won't tolerate certain things as well as others; however, if side-effects abound, nine times out of ten they can be corrected or you're more than likely doing something wrong.

Anyway, I hate threads like this, they only promote the popular perception of anabolic steroids and what most people think about steroid users....this kind of crap drives me crazy!
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 13, 2012, 02:27:08 PM

I hope you two can read, or have read the fucking thread, and are just making those posts IN GENERAL to the other people posting ABOUT SIDES,


END THE FUCKING THREAD ALREADY, don't need some other idiot coming in and saying sides this sides that FFS

(Also, again, if the posts were just stating your opinions and speaking aloud, fine, not trying to be a dick in any way)

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 13, 2012, 02:34:41 PM
In conclusion, thanks for all the help fellas, and the great replies!!!

To wrap it up, two weeks of the tren at 150mg EOD and now it's been 4 days at 150mg ED, so it's pretty fucking safe to say it's bunk or I don't respond.. for the fellas who never read, no sides, NO RESULTS, no feeling anything, no veins, no hardness, NO FUCKING STRENGTH

I guess I just received a bad batch of the SM = bunk = in the business world, if you fuck up no excuses = shit's still garbage, no room for error in business folks, don't care how good the "source" is.... My personal opinion and actually true in fortune 500 companies
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Overload on February 13, 2012, 02:54:44 PM

Then stop making these threads.

Whether you like it or not, people are going to give you their opinion on the matter, even if you aren't asking for it.

Even if you don't like what they say, you can at least act like an adult.

I hope it all works out for you man.

Are you sure it's not working? You seem to be yelling a lot the last few days.  ;D

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 13, 2012, 03:06:42 PM
Then stop making these threads.
This was the first one I made  ??? lol (I had just commented in the other one, that's probably what you were thinking)

Whether you like it or not, people are going to give you their opinion on the matter, even if you aren't asking for it.

Even if you don't like what they say, you can at least act like an adult.
Very true, your right  8)

I hope it all works out for you man.
Thanks Boss, I appreciate it!!!!
Are you sure it's not working? You seem to be yelling a lot the last few days.  ;D

LOL, I guess it just might, because you seem right, along with that other fellow that said the same thing... Maybe I should get in a big altercation tonight and see what happens  ;)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: notsureifsrs on February 14, 2012, 12:14:18 AM
For whatever it's worth to this thread, for the most part, I never had side-effect problems with any gear with a few exceptions. Blood pressure always stayed perfect, even with massive amounts of Dbol it wouldn't move much...the only thing that ever affected my BP poorly seemed to be when Nandrolone doses went too high.

As for Cholesterol, low HDL but never once high LDL.

Acne...never from a steroid...exception, PCT periods would sometimes cause breakouts on my back or shoulders but this was short lived and nothing to write home about.

Some kind of uncontrollable aggressive feeling...never...even with 100mg Tren-a a day.

Libido issues, sometimes, but always correctable.

Liver enzymes...always increase with oral use but never to the point of alarm...exception, using pro-hormones and on that basis alone I hate PH's.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but the overall point, if side-effects are how gear is being measured, well, this is just ridiculous.
What is the point of alarm?
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: beverast on February 14, 2012, 12:55:37 AM
Maybe you accidentally bought Tren-E.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: growing lad on February 14, 2012, 01:00:08 AM
In conclusion, thanks for all the help fellas, and the great replies!!!

To wrap it up, two weeks of the tren at 150mg EOD and now it's been 4 days at 150mg ED, so it's pretty fucking safe to say it's bunk or I don't respond.. for the fellas who never read, no sides, NO RESULTS, no feeling anything, no veins, no hardness, NO FUCKING STRENGTH

I guess I just received a bad batch of the SM = bunk = in the business world, if you fuck up no excuses = shit's still garbage, no room for error in business folks, don't care how good the "source" is.... My personal opinion and actually true in fortune 500 companies

So that's me & fast lane that got shit tren ace! Supermans golden!! Lol

Iv bought 5 x bunk tren ace, 5 x bunk test prop 1 x bunk letro but 2 x real t3!

Great result that was
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: ChevChelios on February 14, 2012, 02:06:29 AM
Should had bought oxide,little more pricey but everyone says better quality that SM....sorry for you guys,it always sucks to have bunk gear,always  :-X
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 14, 2012, 09:27:20 AM
So that's me & fast lane that got shit tren ace! Supermans golden!! Lol

Iv bought 5 x bunk tren ace, 5 x bunk test prop 1 x bunk letro but 2 x real t3!

Great result that was
You got bunk prop too?  I'm thinking the prop I got is bunk too.. HAHA!!! What a joke  ::)
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 14, 2012, 09:29:13 AM
Should had bought oxide,little more pricey but everyone says better quality that SM....sorry for you guys,it always sucks to have bunk gear,always  :-X
Damn dawg, I heard the exact opposite, that some people had bunk oxide... well, in retrospect then, yeah, I guess I should have gone oxide lol

P.S. Did you get the msg about Timisoara and the mall?
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Arnold jr on February 14, 2012, 10:44:14 AM
What is the point of alarm?

Back years ago I was taking that 1-AD stuff and my liver enzyme value reading was at 76...that's what a 70yr old alcoholic's readings would look like. As soon as I stopped, it took about a month and my values were back to normal. Same thing happened all PH products I ever tried....never once happened with Dbol, slightly elevated with Anadrol and Winstrol but nothing of any concern.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: tbombz on February 14, 2012, 10:50:33 AM
im using superman ripped mix right now, only supposed to contain 50mg of tren acetate per ml, but just  1 cc of the shit can give me tren cough like a mother fucker, that tells me it has legit tren in it, and a good dose, probably more than 50mg/ml. not to mention that its working like real steroids do in terms of muscle gainz.  i prefer oxide to sm because with this sm just a few cc in a muscle and i gotta stay away from it for a fewdays to avoid swelling and scar tissue.. but with oxide i could put a hwole bottle in the same muscle everyday and never have any pain, swelling , scar tissue, etc..

  as for fast lane...   from what i can tell.. you think everything you have tried so far has been bunk, from every source? you said you tried 4 different types of tren, gear from several different sources, like 5 different types of superdrol, big doseages of clen, etc.. and not once did you ever get a side effect or any results.. it was all bunk?  that sounds like a personal problem, not one with the sources and gear..  non responder? maybe..
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 14, 2012, 05:34:35 PM
im using superman ripped mix right now, only supposed to contain 50mg of tren acetate per ml, but just  1 cc of the shit can give me tren cough like a mother fucker, that tells me it has legit tren in it, and a good dose, probably more than 50mg/ml. not to mention that its working like real steroids do in terms of muscle gainz.  i prefer oxide to sm because with this sm just a few cc in a muscle and i gotta stay away from it for a fewdays to avoid swelling and scar tissue.. but with oxide i could put a hwole bottle in the same muscle everyday and never have any pain, swelling , scar tissue, etc..

  as for fast lane...   from what i can tell.. you think everything you have tried so far has been bunk, from every source? you said you tried 4 different types of tren, gear from several different sources, like 5 different types of superdrol, big doseages of clen, etc.. and not once did you ever get a side effect or any results.. it was all bunk?  that sounds like a personal problem, not one with the sources and gear..  non responder? maybe..
Yeah bro, I will say this, the SM prop and tren (probably all the prop though) give terrible PIP...

Anyways, yeah man, tren from four different sources, I mean, yeah it could have all been bunk, but the chances of that? That would be quite sad lol.... That's the thing, I was hoping for every one of them to be bunk, just to keep myself happy and looking forward to trying a new source and new tren for it to hopeful "work" LOL... Not responding LOL Exactly, it's like WTF does that even mean?

Secondly, yeah tried 3 different Supedrol's BUT I DID GET THE EFFECTS, However; didn't "FEEL" shit from any of them like all these other people claim... HUGE PUMPS, VEINS, this that etc etc tec NOT ONE BIT, didn't feel any different no sides, all I got was a little strength increase.. so I'm neutral on that

Third, about the clen, yeah huge doses, and nothing, BUT it was liquid research chem, so probably bunk, as I'm not concerned with that.. but yeah again, no sweating, shaking hands, heart this that etc etc..

EPHEDRINE, I do 100mgs of bronkaid for 3-4 weeks at a time, when I do run it... However, IT DOES WORK for me LOL,, BUT, no sides at all, and I DON"T FEEL ANY DIFFERENT

Ultimately, to take away from all this... like I said in the OP... I never "FEEL" any different taking anything... So, If I get all the EFFECTS, without the SIDE effects.. then in a perfect world, that = PERFECT

So, to wrap all of this up fellas, I will be making home brew tren from pellets by the end of the week, SO for all of you curious minds and people following, (and for myself lol) THIS WILL BE THE FINAL ASSESSMENT, if this shit doesn't work, then ITS A FACT MY BODY DOESN'T RESPOND to TREN

Wish me luck!!!

P.S. I'm very confident this will work and am very excited (but that's what I said after eveyr new source of tren, and especially the SM  ;)) LOL (Because lets be honest, and as BLP said, who the fuck doesn't "RESPOND" to tren?  ;D

Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: Nicademus on February 14, 2012, 05:44:25 PM
Im getting the last word on this thread just to drive you crazy because you won't shut up about it.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: crazepharmacist on July 23, 2013, 11:17:06 AM
Anyone know whatever happened to this guy? I PM'd him no reply. He hasn't posted in about a year or so.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: a_ahmed on July 23, 2013, 12:37:15 PM
Yeah and the thread is a year old bump master  >:( ;D
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: crazepharmacist on July 23, 2013, 03:50:42 PM
maybe the side effects finaly kicked in ;D

tren non responder,eh?

fake gear, shit diet, dont know how to train, so much factors.

this is what happens when gullibel think you can just do something on gear and the results come by themselves

Bull, he said he went up to like 2 grams a week. He would have felt something at that dose, regardless of diet or training. Insomnia, sweats, etc. not necessarily muscle growth. There are people out there that don't respond to hormones. I think I'm one of them, hence the reason for my bumping of this thread. I've been on testosterone 3g+ a week, absolutely no effect. I have bloods confirming my levels were through the roof. Though this was after the first time I used testosterone. The first time was through my doc TRT. Gave me a 300mg cypionate shot in the buttocks and within a few hours I could feel increased hunger. Next morning woke up with morning wood, something that had been missing for years prior. Next day weighed myself and I was up 5 lbs of water weight. Lasted about a month with the shots he was giving then all the effects faded. I don't even gain an ounce of water weight anymore for some odd reason, even on the 3+grams. I don't use AI's either. I'm beginning a tren ace cycle now and not noticing anything either.

Used proviron as well, no effect. Same with Deca. Dunno what the fuck is wrong with me. My erections and libido suck too.
Title: Re: Tren Non-Responder?
Post by: crazepharmacist on July 23, 2013, 04:07:58 PM
3G+ a week and no effect?! WTF?

Yeah, mate. I used propecia in the past for a year. Thinking that may have something to do with it. Might have deactivated my androgen receptors? HCG is pretty much the only thing that gives me a sense of well being. Used to gain water weight on that too. I actually like the increased water as my muscles fill up, clothes fit tighter, lifts go up and my joints feel swell but now I'm not even gaining water from HCG anymore. Dunno why.