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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Yannyboy on February 26, 2012, 04:39:06 AM

Title: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: Yannyboy on February 26, 2012, 04:39:06 AM
As title says, who uses them?
Do you consider them necessary for high androgen cycles?
I have used AAS's constantly for 2 years and never used them. I am lucky I have never had to deal with gyno although I have probably retained a fair bit of water on some cycles. I was told water retention can be controlled with diet rather than A.I.'s Also read that they can inhibit some gains.
What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: makaveli25 on February 26, 2012, 06:01:16 AM
I use ten mg of nolvadex for the nips. I don't really care for adex or aromasin. Flattens me out I go for masteron. In the future I might give them a shot again If I run high test.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: T-rex on February 26, 2012, 11:40:52 AM
I use ten mg of nolvadex for the nips. I don't really care for adex or aromasin. Flattens me out I go for masteron. In the future I might give them a shot again If I run high test.

Hey Mak,

Just starting running Mast with my stack. Still running 500ew of sust among my other goodies. I was under the impression mast would balance out the test/est ratio. I was having sore nips, was taking adex as little as possible. No Gyno noted as of yet. So on top of mast you are still throwing some nolva in there? Is mast not capable of controlling gyno growth/sore nips. Ive just assumed sore nips came with the territory. Like I've told you I hate ais, never tried nolva though. I hate the mood/libido problems. Should I lower my sust or like you throw some nolva in there? What's your nolva protocol? Time on? When(just when nips get sore)? And for how long? Have you had any issues with nolva? I heard it has the same shit effects as adex. Thank you for your time sir.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: BodyMachine on February 26, 2012, 11:54:22 AM
I'm on adex .5 mg twice a week, I think it causes lower libido but I have to be on it, my E2 levels were beyond range when I got my blood work done. Get your levels check, gyno/no gyno isn't a good enough indicator.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: SmoofCat on February 26, 2012, 12:02:29 PM
I use 10 mg nolvadex daily and aromodex at first sign of gyno symptoms
. Aromodex does fuck w my libido and it makes me flat, but nolvadex is a must at 10 mg daily for me. It is the best insurance and I almost had some seriously bad sides
Turn into permanent gyno early in my history and I learned then that 10 mg nolvadex is all it takes to prevent and 1-2 days of aromodex cured the proble
 At hand.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: BodyMachine on February 26, 2012, 12:12:34 PM
I use 10 mg nolvadex daily and aromodex at first sign of gyno symptoms
. Aromodex does fuck w my libido and it makes me flat, but nolvadex is a must at 10 mg daily for me. It is the best insurance and I almost had some seriously bad sides
Turn into permanent gyno early in my history and I learned then that 10 mg nolvadex is all it takes to prevent and 1-2 days of aromodex cured the proble
 At hand.

Hmm interesting that you mention flat there Smoof, I noticed the same damn thing on adex. I got to see if I can switch over to nolvadex, no issues with flatness on that I take it?
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: SmoofCat on February 26, 2012, 07:10:45 PM
Hmm interesting that you mention flat there Smoof, I noticed the same damn thing on adex. I got to see if I can switch over to nolvadex, no issues with flatness on that I take it?

personally nolvadex does not make me flat. it only makes my nipples not hurt. i even run nolvadex with masteron. i know this goes against the grain on this board, but i personally do it, because i personally like it. but arimidex is definitely counterintuitive to running steroids in the first place, unless you are going for that twink look. some guys swear by arimidex pre contest, but i don't have enough information or experience in that department to comment.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: BodyMachine on February 26, 2012, 07:58:39 PM
Thanks Smoof. Yeah if figured but jumped on it because my E2 levels were really high. Going to try Nolva instead.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: kscowboy on February 26, 2012, 08:55:36 PM
Anyone libido problems with nolva?  How about nolva with mast (And test of course)
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: hangclean on February 26, 2012, 10:06:22 PM
Hey Mak,

Just starting running Mast with my stack. Still running 500ew of sust among my other goodies. I was under the impression mast would balance out the test/est ratio. I was having sore nips, was taking adex as little as possible. No Gyno noted as of yet. So on top of mast you are still throwing some nolva in there? Is mast not capable of controlling gyno growth/sore nips. Ive just assumed sore nips came with the territory. Like I've told you I hate ais, never tried nolva though. I hate the mood/libido problems. Should I lower my sust or like you throw some nolva in there? What's your nolva protocol? Time on? When(just when nips get sore)? And for how long? Have you had any issues with nolva? I heard it has the same shit effects as adex. Thank you for your time sir.
If you are getting sore nips, masteron will not do fuck-all to fix it.  It's good to use before those symptoms come up, but if it's already happening, masteron is not the answer to the problem.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: Arnold jr on February 26, 2012, 11:10:55 PM
If you are getting sore nips, masteron will not do fuck-all to fix it.  It's good to use before those symptoms come up, but if it's already happening, masteron is not the answer to the problem.

Agreed. Letro is the answer for the above problem.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: lyquid on February 27, 2012, 09:16:31 AM
Fuck gyno that's fixable. Prostate cancer is alot harder to fix. I don't like anti e either. but beat to make sure there in range so u don't get prostate cancer. Even I'd its one armi tab a week some doctors suggest.

Or u can have fun like the one guy on here did. With prostate cancer. Have a five inch hole above Ur Dick for weeks. Prostate removed and u lose a inch of length on Ur penis. And u never will cum again since that's what makes the semen.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: makaveli25 on February 27, 2012, 11:00:06 AM
Hey Mak,

Just starting running Mast with my stack. Still running 500ew of sust among my other goodies. I was under the impression mast would balance out the test/est ratio. I was having sore nips, was taking adex as little as possible. No Gyno noted as of yet. So on top of mast you are still throwing some nolva in there? Is mast not capable of controlling gyno growth/sore nips. Ive just assumed sore nips came with the territory. Like I've told you I hate ais, never tried nolva though. I hate the mood/libido problems. Should I lower my sust or like you throw some nolva in there? What's your nolva protocol? Time on? When(just when nips get sore)? And for how long? Have you had any issues with nolva? I heard it has the same shit effects as adex. Thank you for your time sir.

I just throw it in there for the hell of it sometimes because I have a bunch of it and I guess it's good for cholesterol. Only when I'm using something like dbol though. If I'm taking masteron and test alone no need for the nolva. Say I throw 50mg of dbol in there I will add 10 mg of nolva for the hell of it.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: mik1111 on February 27, 2012, 11:01:58 AM
i love letro, and you can get it cheap these days....
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: makaveli25 on February 27, 2012, 11:03:48 AM
i love letro, and you can get it cheap these days....

You serious that stuff gave me the shittiest sides. I felt like absolute shit! Really effected my mood in a negative way. Like Smoofcat said ealier what's the point of running aas if you're using something as strong as letro with your cycle. It kills all of the gains!!
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: mik1111 on February 27, 2012, 11:37:40 AM
i have zero problems with it... use it every time, in every cycle.
besides nolvadex gives me headaches, so that's pretty much it.

my pct: letro and clomid.

nolva is dead to me
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: T-rex on February 27, 2012, 06:39:05 PM
You serious that stuff gave me the shittiest sides. I felt like absolute shit! Really effected my mood in a negative way. Like Smoofcat said ealier what's the point of running aas if you're using something as strong as letro with your cycle. It kills all of the gains!!

Im good for now. Will prob get a little nolva on stanby. One week on clomid for PCT and i was almost watching the notebook and twighlight. Emotions were horrible. U can see why im hesitant with any ais. Adex at 0.25mg eod when soreness starts usually knocks it out pretty quick with minimal sides.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: CAPTAIN INSANO on February 27, 2012, 07:31:12 PM
I run Aromasin 12.5 EOD....I like it...keeps me dryer with masteron..and doesnt make me feel like shit...

I have Letro,caber,prami on hand for emergency
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: kevinf on February 28, 2012, 09:51:25 PM
Fuck gyno that's fixable. Prostate cancer is alot harder to fix. I don't like anti e either. but beat to make sure there in range so u don't get prostate cancer. Even I'd its one armi tab a week some doctors suggest.

Or u can have fun like the one guy on here did. With prostate cancer. Have a five inch hole above Ur Dick for weeks. Prostate removed and u lose a inch of length on Ur penis. And u never will cum again since that's what makes the semen.

what do you suggest someone runs as a good anti-i to prevent cancer? should the anti-i dose be dependant on how much joose we are currently on?
THanks for the help  :)
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: oni on February 28, 2012, 10:14:33 PM
Don't you need estogen on cycle to make the best gains?
Isn't running an AI counter productive? If you're getting side effects shouldn't you change how you're taking your hormones? I don't see how taking even more drugs is a good solution
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: L.L on February 28, 2012, 10:49:30 PM
I use ten mg of nolvadex for the nips. I don't really care for adex or aromasin. Flattens me out I go for masteron. In the future I might give them a shot again If I run high test.

youre a dick but i iwll throw u a bone here ...the  pm u sent me with your concern is because your body  seems to aromatize the living fuck out of test therefore u need to run an AI even your doses are low , anything  higher than 300mgs of test..aromasin at 10mgs daily or depending how much gear youre taking will keep your estro around 20-30..u need to find that sweet spot that will keep your e2 under 50 and i guarantee you will never have  the problems you asked me about and be able to cycle ever after..
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: MuscleMcMannus on February 29, 2012, 09:49:22 AM
I've never heard a guy say letro doesn't cause massive issues with libido and erectile dysfunction.  That shit is strong.  Be careful.  It will turn your dick off quicker than a retarded girl sucking on a bunion. 
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: makaveli25 on February 29, 2012, 10:02:51 AM
youre a dick but i iwll throw u a bone here ...the  pm u sent me with your concern is because your body  seems to aromatize the living fuck out of test therefore u need to run an AI even your doses are low , anything  higher than 300mgs of test..aromasin at 10mgs daily or depending how much gear youre taking will keep your estro around 20-30..u need to find that sweet spot that will keep your e2 under 50 and i guarantee you will never have  the problems you asked me about and be able to cycle ever after..

I read that over at RX all of those guys over there use aromasin and control their E2. Right now I like what masteron does. Gives me great libido and keeps me dry. When I use test only I will get some aromasin.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: mazrim on February 29, 2012, 10:07:51 AM
but arimidex is definitely counterintuitive to running steroids in the first place, unless you are going for that twink look.
Why is that?

I never really bought the estrogen helping with muscle gains when it is above where it should be. As long as it is kept in normal range you should be fine, no point in going higher then that range. Also studies done with aromasin on males have used as much as 50mg a day and still this did not take them below normal range. And they weren't even on any sort of cycle.
Title: Re: Who uses A.I.'s?
Post by: FAST LANE on February 29, 2012, 12:22:54 PM
I've never heard a guy say letro doesn't cause massive issues with libido and erectile dysfunction.  That shit is strong.  Be careful.  It will turn your dick off quicker than a retarded girl sucking on a bunion. 
Haha!!! That's fucking disgusting thanks for putting that picture in my head.....  :'(