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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: the trainer on March 18, 2012, 05:33:56 PM

Title: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: the trainer on March 18, 2012, 05:33:56 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: MCWAY on March 18, 2012, 05:59:56 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.

Who says having a social life means partying and staying out late?

Besides, even the best bodybuilders (natural or not) live a fairly spartan lifestyles. Look at Dorian Yates, not exactly a party animal.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: the trainer on March 18, 2012, 06:13:37 PM
That is my point on steroids you can stay out late, not sleep 8 hours and still look good on steroids.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: g101 on March 18, 2012, 06:38:59 PM
natural = no point in training

unless you are 15, 16 aka young enough to train naturally for a few years to develop a base... after that you get stuck unless you use some type of hormone/fat burner etc... and usually you hop on board the hormones because you're sick of being stuck and it's frustrating while the guy next to you eats what he wants.. half-ass trains in the gym and looks 10x better than you  :-\

sad yes... but very true
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: makaveli25 on March 18, 2012, 06:44:54 PM
Natty training sucks if you don't have great genetics. Doesn't feel like you get what you put in to it.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Arnold jr on March 18, 2012, 06:48:12 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.

Dumb things are said on everyday, I've said them myself, but this one above takes the cake.

natural = no point in training

unless you are 15, 16 aka young enough to train naturally for a few years to develop a base... after that you get stuck unless you use some type of hormone/fat burner etc... and usually you hop on board the hormones because you're sick of being stuck and it's frustrating while the guy next to you eats what he wants.. half-ass trains in the gym and looks 10x better than you  :-\

sad yes... but very true

I wouldn't say there's no point if you're trying to look like a pro bodybuilder, but worthwhile if you're just trying to stay in shape and be healthy....this is most people.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: che on March 18, 2012, 06:49:22 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.

The worst part for me was the eating part it was like a having a full time job , I didn't drink but I had plenty of social life /party .
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: bradistani on March 18, 2012, 06:49:42 PM
you sound like you know your stuff there , little man

if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: mr.turbo on March 18, 2012, 06:49:58 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.

excellent post best I've read in some time
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Jaime on March 18, 2012, 06:50:36 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.

I have never been above 8%, i don't even pay attention to what i eat, get insomnia too, bad theory.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: njflex on March 18, 2012, 08:10:18 PM
blah,blah,,,,,its what u put into it ,,,flip the coin and do drugs dosen't mean u could sit on couch and swell to your dream build either.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: chess315 on March 18, 2012, 08:30:34 PM
 eating is not that much more improtant for a natural jesus christ where do you guys get this shit look at prison shows some of the biggest naturals in the world eat shit prison food with maybe a can of tuna or some milk stolen from the chow hall. You can be natural and eat 3 meals a day and a can of tuna or a little extra protein and look just as good as if you ate fucking pat banyas diet or close. Im not a big beleiver in true bodybuilding natural you can life weights work to a 300 bench and 500 deadlift and look good.  5% bf and weigh a 200-250 no way. 210 10-12% yes. Even 220 14% your going to look great compared to the public
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: howardroark on March 18, 2012, 08:34:41 PM
Training naturally you can ruin your joints. Thank God for deca.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: chess315 on March 18, 2012, 08:40:14 PM
 If i had to train natural I would walk around 12-15 % and powerlift with arm training. And just very little leg training from seeing people train in institutions its very clear to me you can hold more upper body muscle with less leg muscle as a natural I don't care what supersquats or old sources say if your natural and your legs get bigger it pulls from you upper body. Common knowledge in natural powerlifting
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Parker on March 18, 2012, 08:58:26 PM
natural = no point in training

unless you are 15, 16 aka young enough to train naturally for a few years to develop a base... after that you get stuck unless you use some type of hormone/fat burner etc... and usually you hop on board the hormones because you're sick of being stuck and it's frustrating while the guy next to you eats what he wants.. half-ass trains in the gym and looks 10x better than you  :-\

sad yes... but very true
And possibly has 10x the health problems as you. And wastes his money as well...
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: bladerunner on March 18, 2012, 09:56:22 PM
And possibly has 10x the health problems as you. And wastes his money as well...

 ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: SF1900 on March 18, 2012, 09:58:16 PM
natural = no point in training

unless you are 15, 16 aka young enough to train naturally for a few years to develop a base... after that you get stuck unless you use some type of hormone/fat burner etc... and usually you hop on board the hormones because you're sick of being stuck and it's frustrating while the guy next to you eats what he wants.. half-ass trains in the gym and looks 10x better than you  :-\

sad yes... but very true

Stupid comments of the year. Some people have no desire to look like Ronnie Coleman. Some people just train to look and feel good. You can train natural and have a good build.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: g101 on March 18, 2012, 10:01:43 PM
And possibly has 10x the health problems as you. And wastes his money as well...

really ? health problems from steroids ? death from steroids too? show me some proof about these health problems... yeah they can cause acne hair loss cholesterol problems etc but how are those exactly "health" problems they are not life threatening ..

benefits FAR outweigh the negatives. infact steroids and GH will prolong your life assuming you don't go the narcotics route

it's the narcotics that are ruining lives everyday with the cigarettes and the alcohol... not the steroids....
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: g101 on March 18, 2012, 10:03:10 PM

Stupid comments of the year. Some people have no desire to look like Ronnie Coleman. Some people just train to look and feel good. You can train natural and have a good build.

I am talking in competitive terms here... I have some friends who are truly natural.. but are far from looking decent or looking good.. it's always the 2 extremes.. either skinny and ripped or big and fat  :-\
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: SF1900 on March 18, 2012, 10:04:49 PM
I am talking in competitive terms here... I have some friends who are truly natural.. but are far from looking decent or looking good.. it's always the 2 extremes.. either skinny and ripped or big and fat  :-\

I disagree. You can be ripped and have a decent build. Skinny is going to the extreme. You wont be huge, but you can be in damn good shape with some amount of muscle. Obviously, good genetics are needed, and you will never be really big and ripped without gear.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Primemuscle on March 18, 2012, 10:11:31 PM
if you are training naturally you have to watch what you eat, get plenty of sleep cannot stay out late, stay away from alcohol pretty much cannot have a social life if you want to be rip and cut.
When you are on steroids you can drink, stay out late eat what you want have a big social life and still be big , so the bottom line is if you want to be big bodybuilder and live a normal life get on the juice.

This is assuming one believes staying up late, drinking and eating poorly is a life worth saving. It also assumes that being big and muscular at any cost is a life worth having. I tend not to agree with you on both counts.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Arnold jr on March 18, 2012, 10:15:47 PM
really ? health problems from steroids ? death from steroids too? show me some proof about these health problems... yeah they can cause acne hair loss cholesterol problems etc but how are those exactly "health" problems they are not life threatening ..

benefits FAR outweigh the negatives. infact steroids and GH will prolong your life assuming you don't go the narcotics route

it's the narcotics that are ruining lives everyday with the cigarettes and the alcohol... not the steroids....

I agree, the benefits can far outweigh the's not even close. Further, the risk associated with use are often blown way out of proportion, but that doesn't mean serious risks can't exists...especially when you supplement with little regard to your health. For example, prolonged high blood pressure...extremely damaging, and if you're taking high doses and not living a lifestyle that promotes the continuation of such levels you're eventually going to pay the price. Further, large buildups in DHT will most certainly cause prostate enlargement...regardless of how special one believes they may be. Supplement with DHT based steroids non-stop at high doses and you will have a problem at some point.

All of this said, it doesn't mean the problems can't be reversed should they occur...they most certainly can be. In any case, my overall point is the truth regarding health and steroids is usually in the middle between what the anti-crowd says the the blind user reports.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: musclecenter on March 18, 2012, 10:18:17 PM
 ::) ::) ???
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: chess315 on March 18, 2012, 11:39:54 PM
I agree, the benefits can far outweigh the's not even close. Further, the risk associated with use are often blown way out of proportion, but that doesn't mean serious risks can't exists...especially when you supplement with little regard to your health. For example, prolonged high blood pressure...extremely damaging, and if you're taking high doses and not living a lifestyle that promotes the continuation of such levels you're eventually going to pay the price. Further, large buildups in DHT will most certainly cause prostate enlargement...regardless of how special one believes they may be. Supplement with DHT based steroids non-stop at high doses and you will have a problem at some point.

All of this said, it doesn't mean the problems can't be reversed should they occur...they most certainly can be. In any case, my overall point is the truth regarding health and steroids is usually in the middle between what the anti-crowd says the the blind user reports.
do you take in account the negatives such as getting on internet forums and talking to queers and nut cases alot also lol and can that be reversed?
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: NeilGM on March 18, 2012, 11:43:47 PM
natural = no point in training

unless you are 15, 16 aka young enough to train naturally for a few years to develop a base... after that you get stuck unless you use some type of hormone/fat burner etc... and usually you hop on board the hormones because you're sick of being stuck and it's frustrating while the guy next to you eats what he wants.. half-ass trains in the gym and looks 10x better than you  :-\

sad yes... but very true

I disagree with this. If you can train and be happy with your physique natural well this is the best way. Obviously you not going to look like a body builder but not everyone wants to. Plenty of guys keep a half decent in shape physique without gear etc, they may not be big or ripped to the bone, but if they happy then good for them. It's a shame we have to use drugs to look the way we (people who are not happy with natty or bad genes) want to but thats how it is I suppose
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Army of One on March 19, 2012, 02:30:38 AM
eating is not that much more improtant for a natural jesus christ where do you guys get this shit look at prison shows some of the biggest naturals in the world eat shit prison food with maybe a can of tuna or some milk stolen from the chow hall. You can be natural and eat 3 meals a day and a can of tuna or a little extra protein and look just as good as if you ate fucking pat banyas diet or close. Im not a big beleiver in true bodybuilding natural you can life weights work to a 300 bench and 500 deadlift and look good.  5% bf and weigh a 200-250 no way. 210 10-12% yes. Even 220 14% your going to look great compared to the public

lol, half the people I know started taking steroids when they got IN to prison, its easier to get them inside than out, in the UK anyway
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: The Grim Lifter on March 19, 2012, 04:23:19 AM
If i had to train natural I would walk around 12-15 % and powerlift with arm training. And just very little leg training from seeing people train in institutions its very clear to me you can hold more upper body muscle with less leg muscle as a natural I don't care what supersquats or old sources say if your natural and your legs get bigger it pulls from you upper body. Common knowledge in natural powerlifting

Not only is this true, ripped legs make it harder to have a ripped upper body. The body has to hold fat/water somewhere. My legs are shredded, arms too, any excess weight goes to the stomach and chest, which to get close to ripped makes me so hungry i have to eat junk.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: wes on March 19, 2012, 05:10:53 AM
I hardly think that being natural and working out is gonna` ruin anyones life any time soon.
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: Colemans#1 on March 19, 2012, 05:15:44 AM
Who says having a social life means partying and staying out late?

Besides, even the best bodybuilders (natural or not) live a fairly spartan lifestyles. Look at Dorian Yates, not exactly a party animal.

it is well known that dorian IS a party animal
Title: Re: Natural training can ruin your life.
Post by: oldtimer1 on March 19, 2012, 05:17:31 AM
really ? health problems from steroids ? death from steroids too? show me some proof about these health problems... yeah they can cause acne hair loss cholesterol problems etc but how are those exactly "health" problems they are not life threatening ..

benefits FAR outweigh the negatives. infact steroids and GH will prolong your life assuming you don't go the narcotics route

it's the narcotics that are ruining lives everyday with the cigarettes and the alcohol... not the steroids....

Do you really need a list of all the pros with kidney, prostate and heart problems?  Are you kidding? This is a small subculture of guys using drugs to look good in a mirror and the amount of pros with health problems is really alarming.