Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: lightweight83 on March 25, 2012, 06:34:18 PM

Title: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 25, 2012, 06:34:18 PM
I hardly ever post here, but I check the site all the time (mostly for laughs and what not).  
I'm 28 years old and am contemplating getting on the sauce.  My friends and I joke about it all the time, but now the jokes have turned to serious consideration.

I was in good shape while in high school/college, but quit lifting when I was 23 and I turned into quite the fatty.  I got back into it at around 25, and have stayed dedicated since then.  I'm 5'11 and weigh roughly 200 lbs,  I think that I'm in pretty good shape overall, but I would certainly like to be bigger/leaner if possible.  

All I'm currently taking is protein shakes 2-3x daily (morning,after workout, before bed) and I also take 1MR before my workout.  I have ZERO knowledge of steroid use, and no one in my gym will talk about them, or admit they take them (even though I know for a fact that there are a few guys that are).  How much money would a decent cycle cost per month?  I'm not a millionaire, so cost is an issue.  

I guess I'm just wondering if you guys think I'm ready for this, or if it's even worth my while?  You can be 100% honest, as it won't hurt my feelings either way, just try to keep shit constructive if possible. lol. These pics are not the best in the world, as the lighting is less that optimal.  I'm much more vascular in person than these pics would show, but they give you an idea as to how I currently look.  


Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 25, 2012, 06:51:56 PM
 You look good bro (no homo)

get yourself a vial of Test and a vial of Deca and a bottle of Dbol, a 10 week cycle of that should cost you around $100, you'll get great results, just shoot 1ml of Deca per week, 1ml of Test per week and a few Dbol tabs per day, keep doing what you have already been doing
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: goomba420 on March 25, 2012, 06:52:47 PM
start off simple .. test prop and npp is good
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 25, 2012, 07:44:13 PM
You look good bro (no homo)

get yourself a vial of Test and a vial of Deca and a bottle of Dbol, a 10 week cycle of that should cost you around $100, you'll get great results, just shoot 1ml of Deca per week, 1ml of Test per week and a few Dbol tabs per day, keep doing what you have already been doing

Thanks for the compliment, and the advice. 
I had no clue they were so cheap.  I guess I always figured it would cost at least $200+ a month, or else why would everyone waste their money on shit from GNC (that does virtually nothing. lol). 

Does everyone else think this is the correct amount of stuff to use?  I wish there was a thread that gave detailed advice for the first time user. 
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Swlabr on March 25, 2012, 07:45:29 PM
Thanks for the compliment, and the advice. 
I had no clue they were so cheap.  I guess I always figured it would cost at least $200+ a month, or else why would everyone waste their money on shit from GNC (that does virtually nothing. lol). 

Does everyone else think this is the correct amount of stuff to use?  I wish there was a thread that gave detailed advice for the first time user. 

There is:
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: evser on March 25, 2012, 08:02:55 PM
100$ for test deca and dbol jesus some of you guys are living the good life
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 25, 2012, 08:07:14 PM
There is:

The cycle advice GH15 gives isn't really what I'm looking for.  The cycles are way too expensive (and possibly too intense) for a first time user I would think.  I'm also not looking to become a professional bodybuilder, but I've always wondered what getting on the sauce would actually do to me.   
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: tbombz on March 25, 2012, 08:09:45 PM
100$ for test deca and dbol jesus some of you guys are living the good life
  ;D  if your still going through the guy in your local gym , your probably paying around 100 just for a single bottle of test.

ive heard of bottles going for as high as 150.

pretty fucking crazy.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Sector on March 25, 2012, 09:07:25 PM
100$ for test deca and dbol jesus some of you guys are living the good life

The cheaper you go the riskier the quality becomes. There are a few good guys out there that make a solid product and truely want to be fair about pricing but its always a risk going cheap.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 25, 2012, 09:21:51 PM
The cheaper you go the riskier the quality becomes. There are a few good guys out there that make a solid product and truely want to be fair about pricing but its always a risk going cheap.

You guys are idiots, if you know where to buy you can get top quality products for very good prices, just because your paying some bullshit price dont mean because someone else gets cheaper that the quality is shit ::)
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: ritch on March 25, 2012, 09:39:20 PM
first cycle? 500mg of test 12 weeks. 1mg of adex 2 maybe 3 times a week. NO need to make this complicated.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 25, 2012, 09:48:53 PM
 if he has never used any hormones superdrol.halodrol that is a very good build. I would guess him to be 10-11% bf very impressive and at the upper limits of what is attainable with no gear.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 25, 2012, 09:51:37 PM
You guys are idiots, if you know where to buy you can get top quality products for very good prices, just because your paying some bullshit price dont mean because someone else gets cheaper that the quality is shit ::)
I fucking kilogram of test powder goes for around $1000 on the open market you can make 300 bottles of test with that so if the vial cost 4$ and the powder also does still leaves a hell of a lot of room for profit.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: howardroark on March 25, 2012, 10:21:49 PM
You look fucking good for a natty. If I were you I'd start with something simple, like 50mg dianabol per day or 500mg test per week, gauge how you react, and slowly add new compounds, increase dosages, etc.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Sector on March 25, 2012, 10:32:41 PM
You guys are idiots, if you know where to buy you can get top quality products for very good prices, just because your paying some bullshit price dont mean because someone else gets cheaper that the quality is shit ::)

Jumped the gun a bit on that one didnt you Schmoe? I never put a price down, the general population wont be able to get into the top chefs who sell at a solid price. Im talking about guys going with a random that  X person vouged for while the guy sells shit dirt cheap. Just saying its risky going cheap unless your into the top chefs.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: aesthetics on March 25, 2012, 11:31:28 PM
get some finaplix, convert it and be set. i would try to cut down a bit while adding more mass at the same time. very easy with tren, just keep calories around 2800.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: howardroark on March 26, 2012, 12:15:15 AM
get some finaplix, convert it and be set. i would try to cut down a bit while adding more mass at the same time. very easy with tren, just keep calories around 2800.

I can tell that you're a big fan of fina. lol. Do you homebrew all your shit from fina and synovex h?
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 26, 2012, 12:18:37 AM
get some finaplix, convert it and be set. i would try to cut down a bit while adding more mass at the same time. very easy with tren, just keep calories around 2800.
that was my first cycle years back 700mg tren from pellets got good results melted the fat off me wish i would have been smarted enough then to have not stopped at 6 weeks.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Schmoe Buster on March 26, 2012, 05:36:00 AM
Jumped the gun a bit on that one didnt you Schmoe? I never put a price down, the general population wont be able to get into the top chefs who sell at a solid price. Im talking about guys going with a random that  X person vouged for while the guy sells shit dirt cheap. Just saying its risky going cheap unless your into the top chefs.

If you are going to be buying gear you best research and put the effort into finding the best sources you can, not just buying off some bloof at your local gym
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: nosleep on March 26, 2012, 06:10:39 AM

Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Sector on March 26, 2012, 11:55:07 AM
If you are going to be buying gear you best research and put the effort into finding the best sources you can, not just buying off some bloof at your local gym

I agree 100%. Problem is, even legit sources dont always have the best quality of gear not to mention the prices can vary from super cheat to over the top expensive. I merely meant to point out, unless you capable of obtaining access to a top chef ( can be harder for some then others unfortunatly ) then be careful how cheap you go when buying gear.

Begginers typically start off with selective scammer type sources or pay overpriced etc etc.

Ive been in the game a few years and I still dont feel like I am into the top sources, I can find cheap gear and I know it works but obviously there is better out there.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Overload on March 26, 2012, 05:57:24 PM
500mg Test 12 Weeks
40mg Dbol 6 weeks

Maybe take some Nolva or Clomid for a few weeks if you want to run PCT.

Do some research, don't stick a needle in your body until you have educated yourself enough to make a rational decision. This stuff isn't to be trifled with.

Also, drop a few shakes and eat some real food. Add some fish and lean meats into your diet.

Gear prices are a "range". You can pay anywhere from $20-120 for a 10ml vial of Test, it all depends on where you get it from. Don't confuse high prices with high quality, some of the best UGL gear in the states is very affordable. I will leave it at that.

Ask as many questions as you wish.

Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: BodyMachine on March 26, 2012, 06:27:11 PM
Solid advice from Overload. Though for a 1st cycle you may not even need the dbol, honestly, and it may raise your blood pressure so watch out for that if you choose to use it. Do not use tren for a 1st cycle. Listen to Overload. Simple is best for 1st
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 26, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
Thanks for all the replies, and the kind words.  I'm a little disappointed that no one ripped on me, or even my shitty apartment bathroom.  I was expecting something like "epic slanted ceiling in 25 sq foot bathroom" or something to that effect. lol.

Thanks for the comment Overload.  I'm actually a little nervous to even stick a needle in my body at all, since I'm a little scared of needles. 
Even though I take 3x shakes a day I also eat 4 solid meals throughout the day, so I'm still eating quite a bit.  I'm gonna try to cut back a little and get to around 190 for the summer, so I'll either limit my late night eating, or cut the carbs in one meal during the day.  I eat lean meats all the time, although I've never eaten fish in my life. 
I understand that the prices aren't set in stone, and that they can differ greatly.  I just was curious as to what I should roughly expect to pay. 

I wish all this shit was legal so it could be discussed in the open and the information was more public and not underground. 
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Borracho on March 26, 2012, 09:14:01 PM
Thanks for all the replies, and the kind words.  I'm a little disappointed that no one ripped on me, or even my shitty apartment bathroom.  I was expecting something like "epic slanted ceiling in 25 sq foot bathroom" or something to that effect. lol.

Thanks for the comment Overload.  I'm actually a little nervous to even stick a needle in my body at all, since I'm a little scared of needles. 
Even though I take 3x shakes a day I also eat 4 solid meals throughout the day, so I'm still eating quite a bit.  I'm gonna try to cut back a little and get to around 190 for the summer, so I'll either limit my late night eating, or cut the carbs in one meal during the day.  I eat lean meats all the time, although I've never eaten fish in my life. 
I understand that the prices aren't set in stone, and that they can differ greatly.  I just was curious as to what I should roughly expect to pay. 

I wish all this shit was legal so it could be discussed in the open and the information was more public and not underground. 

Fuck man, I swear I was just about to. Next time post in the g&o board for better replies  ;D
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 26, 2012, 09:15:37 PM
look like shit hope that helps. epic little bathroom
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 26, 2012, 09:31:31 PM
LOL, thanks for the laughs.  Everyone in this section was WAY nicer than I was expecting.  I would have posted in another forum, but I was looking for some pretty specific advice. 
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 26, 2012, 09:40:43 PM
well you at about the genetic max for a natural ideal person to start juicing hell prolly look better then hlaf of us.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: JaylenTheSuperSaiyan on March 26, 2012, 11:39:14 PM
I was expecting something like "epic slanted ceiling in 25 sq foot bathroom"


200lb at 5'11 great base gl bro
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: chess315 on March 26, 2012, 11:41:56 PM
go post this shit in G&O
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: aesthetics on March 27, 2012, 03:27:46 AM
I can tell that you're a big fan of fina. lol. Do you homebrew all your shit from fina and synovex h?

i don't touch test anymore bro. finaplix is only tren-a, for tren-e you need to go through a UGL
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: Cashfan on March 27, 2012, 03:17:44 PM
Brutal shower curtain liner with no shower curtain.  Good post, good input.  Im in the same boat as you, hunting around for an easy/simple first cycle and source.  It's not as easy as I thought it would be.  Keep us posted.
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: lightweight83 on March 28, 2012, 02:05:24 PM
Brutal shower curtain liner with no shower curtain.  Good post, good input.  Im in the same boat as you, hunting around for an easy/simple first cycle and source.  It's not as easy as I thought it would be.  Keep us posted.

I figured someone might like the high quality shower liner.  Only the finest available at Walmart.  LOL

I'm having a hell of a time figuring all of this out.  It might be a lot longer than I thought before I'm able to get on something.  I'll let you guys know when (if) I do. 
Title: Re: Rookie needs some advice (with pics, bash at will if you'd like)
Post by: godeep on March 28, 2012, 05:30:21 PM
The sooner you get past the fear of the needle the better; too many guys take orals only and the safest and a huge amount can be achieved solely by injectables. My first cycle was at 26 yrs old, Sustanon only, 500mgs/wk - the results blew me away. On your first few cycles don't underestimate the effectiveness of test only and (relatively) low dosages. Be sure to have all your gear, accessories, ancillaries and a proper PCT on hand before you start.