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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Donny on April 18, 2012, 10:07:38 AM

Title: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: Donny on April 18, 2012, 10:07:38 AM
I used to do my pullovers on a flat bench but i have tried a Decline bench with a Dumbbell...hits my lats perfect. opinions?
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: Overload on April 18, 2012, 03:10:27 PM
Never done it.

I will give them a shot and let you know.

I have been doing DB and machine pullovers for years and think they are a great movement. I have always done them on a flat bench, but i will try the decline movement.

Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: jpm101 on April 18, 2012, 06:10:15 PM
Donny: Sounds like it may be worth a try. I'm guessing that the  pullover bar/DB will touch the floor at the full extended position behind the head.

Might also remember that the complete stretch is very important in the pullover; straight or bent arm version. Probably a good idea to not have the bar/DB touch the floor at the fully extended position. So maybe raising the decline bench/board up from the floor a bit.  Either way, pullovers are always worth the effort. Do what ever works the best for you. Good luck.

Side Bar: speaking of different versions of the pullover, there is the 180 degree pullover on the incline bench, which can affect the front delts strongly, as well as the lats. Start with the BB (usually) on the upper thighs and lift  straight up and over to a full stretch position over/behind the head...lower the bar slowly and with control to the starting position again. Of course you can do that on a flat bench also. On the incline, the front delts will get more of a work load it seems. Old timers did these versions on a Half Moon bench, for chest size.
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: funk51 on April 19, 2012, 07:57:49 AM
 ;D the old moon bench not many of these babies around anymore.
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: jpm101 on April 19, 2012, 08:14:41 AM
How did I just know that Funk51 would have a pic of the original Moon bench.....just because he would. Good to have photo's of the old time equipment, all part of BB'ing history.

Probably could try and mimic a Half Moon bench with one of those blowup exercises ball, but it wouldn't be the same. Think it would be good for the whole spine, as well as the rib box, with  the stretch and flexibility from using one. There are foot straps on the one I have seen before, think so in the pic also.

With the 180 degree pullover on and incline, that incline should be raised to around 30 degrees or so, to be most effective. Good Luck..

Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: Donny on April 19, 2012, 08:41:45 AM
I have seen the pic before.. but when you think of it it the old school guys were not dumb :)
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: jpm101 on April 19, 2012, 09:34:22 AM
I was schooled by a few old timers, as a teenagers back in '88-'89. Also was loaned a stack of the original Iron Man magazines (when it was a smaller size), going back to the 50's. Iron Man mag was usually right on. Think some of that advise was worth it's weight in gold.

 All kinds of theory's and ideas back then, which the BB'ing vet's like to share with anyone who would listen. All interesting stuff. Made some of my better gains when doing the original 20 rep Breathing Squat protocol. It was hell on earth at first (I though I was in good football shape when I started it...not so) , but after getting adjusted to it (body & mind) produced some outstanding results.

Some of the diet habits were also a bit off the wall. Blenders seemed to be very popular back than, with anything from raw eggs, liver, cottage cheese, honey, milk powder, peanut butter, dates,etc or whatever else that came to mind thrown in.  A gallon of whole or raw milk (on a bulking workout) was usually standard: sip the milk slowly throughout the day. Never chug-a-lug it.  Never the less, I hold great respect for those pioneers, back in the day.  Good Luck.

Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: Montague on April 19, 2012, 09:56:33 AM
A gallon of whole or raw milk (on a bulking workout) was usually standard: sip the milk slowly throughout the day.

I've often admired the simplicity AND effectiveness of that generation of bodybuilders.
No fancy gimmicks or fads; just hard work, smart training, and good nutrition.

It's amazing how far we've diverged from that track.
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: wes on April 19, 2012, 01:03:13 PM
I love DB Pullovers.......never tried them on a decline,but will give it a shot on my next back/lat workout.
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: Donny on April 20, 2012, 04:53:47 AM
The decline i use is maybe 30%. I stack 4 plates  to create a Decline( The plates are rubber coated ones and will not slip ) ;)... works good without the Bell hitting the floor.
Title: Re: Decline Dumbbell pullovers
Post by: WOOO on April 20, 2012, 05:11:52 AM
I love DB Pullovers.......never tried them on a decline,but will give it a shot on my next back/lat workout.

it's how i do them... very different feel from the cross bench version... i tend to go lighter and focus on slow reps with good form... i can really flex my lats on the decline version