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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: howardroark on May 24, 2012, 09:05:21 PM

Title: Ted Cruz
Post by: howardroark on May 24, 2012, 09:05:21 PM
Racking up endorsements from Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity... something is happening here.

Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 31, 2012, 06:52:36 PM
boom.   Tea Party and Palin rolling to victory.   
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 31, 2012, 07:21:09 PM
Skip to comments.

Tea Party Favorite Wins Texas Runoff
New Yotk Times ^ | July 31, 2012 | ERIK ECKHOLM
Posted on July 31, 2012 10:12:36 PM EDT by lbryce

HOUSTON — Ted Cruz, an insurgent backed by the Tea Party, defeated the candidate favored by Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday in a runoff election for the Republican Senate nomination that revealed a wide rift in Texas between the party establishment and restless, anti-incumbent activists on the right.

With the come-from-behind victory, he is heavily favored to win the Senate seat being vacated in November by Kay Bailey Hutchison and appears likely to become a star of the national conservative movement.

Mr. Cruz, 41, is the latest conservative rebel to bring down an established party leader, tapping into simmering anger and anti-incumbent frustration within the Republican ranks nationwide.

These dissident triumphs include, in this year’s primaries, the defeat of Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana by Richard E. Mourdock and Deb Fischer’s win over a veteran Republican for the Senate nomination in Nebraska. They also echo Marco Rubio’s Senate victory in 2010 over a sitting Republican governor, Charlie Crist of Florida.

Mr. Cruz, who is Cuban-American, has drawn comparisons to Mr. Rubio, another 40-something Cuban-American who quickly became an icon of fiscal and religious conservatives around the country. Mr. Cruz’s rapid ascent has already shaken up the Texas Republican Party.

“Mr. Cruz’s success shows that the center of the state party has moved decisively to the right,” said James Henson, a political scientist at University of Texas. “The Republicans are in much more treacherous terrain, not because of threats from Democrats, but threats from within the party.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Tea Party going to roll in November right over the hard left.
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 31, 2012, 08:18:21 PM
Texas GOP chooses tea party-backed Cruz for Senate (CRUZ WINS!!!!!!!!)
The Atlanta Journal Constitution ^ | July 31, 2012 | WILL WEISSERT
Posted on July 31, 2012 9:43:33 PM EDT by Clintonfatigued

Tea party-backed Ted Cruz has defeated Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.

FILE - In this June 22, 2012 file photo, Texas Senate Candidates Ted Cruz, left, and Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst , right, are seen after their televised debate in Dallas, Texas. Democrats have their thumbs heavily on Republican scales in Senate primaries in Missouri and Wisconsin this summer, hoping to tip the balance and improve their own chances of maintaining a majority in November. The idea isn't as far-fetched as it might sound.

The former state solicitor general won the runoff Tuesday. He'd lost the May 29 primary by a large margin but forced the runoff because Dewhurst fell short of a majority. Cruz advances to the November election to succeed retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Cruz painted Dewhurst as a timid career politician too willing to compromise with Democrats.

The race was seen as a national test of the tea party's influence.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

awesome.   Demint, lee, Paul, Johnson now have Cruz to join in.
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 31, 2012, 08:24:52 PM

Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on July 31, 2012, 08:34:28 PM

Polling in the walker and cruz races show tea party underestimated.
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: 240 is Back on July 31, 2012, 08:58:28 PM
boom.   Tea Party and Palin rolling to victory.   

palin attached herself to the tea party.  she was a spend happy alaskan, remember? 

glen rice approved.
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 01, 2012, 04:46:34 AM
palin attached herself to the tea party.  she was a spend happy alaskan, remember?  

glen rice approved.

 ::)  ::)  ::)

And she helped Rand, Cruz, Ayotte, Allan West, etc get elected.  

Show me anyone from the hard left even close to getting progressives elected on a national stage.

Obama?  LOL - he is kryptonite to anyone seeking office.  
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 01, 2012, 05:04:59 AM
Ted Cruz shocks Texas political establishment, crushes David Dewhurst
 Dallas Morning News ^

Posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2012 1:38:01 AM

AUSTIN — Ted Cruz, the top appellate lawyer turned tea party favorite, shocked the political establishment Tuesday, grabbing the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate and virtually guaranteeing that he’ll be Texas’ first Hispanic senator.

Cruz handily defeated Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in a Republican runoff for the seat of U.S.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ ____

Far leftists are melting down over this guy. 
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 01, 2012, 05:08:24 AM
U.S. Senate - GOP Runoff
 7957 of 7957 Precincts Reporting - 100%

 Cruz, Ted - - - - 631,114 - 57%

 Dewhurst, David - 480,010 - 43%

Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Purge_WTF on August 01, 2012, 06:55:43 AM
  Seeing a Tea Party Conservative roll over a GOP'er makes me smile every time.  ;D
Title: Re: Ted Cruz
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 01, 2012, 08:30:28 AM

By Lisa Mascaro, Washington Bureau
July 31, 2012, 7:59 p.m.

WASHINGTON — In a long-shot victory that could help define the conservative tilt of the Senate, tea-party-backed Ted Cruz defeated an establishment Republican on Tuesday in the hard-fought GOP primary runoff in Texas.

The outcome is not expected to tip the balance of power in the Senate, which is controlled by the Democrats; the Texas seat being vacated is already held by a Republican.

But Cruz's win over Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst provides another example of the tea party movement's influence on voters and turnout — even for a candidate who has never held elected office.

"It's been fascinating to watch," said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who holds the state's other Senate seat and runs the GOP campaign arm in the Senate. He called Cruz's ascent "well-earned," adding, "Part of what it says is people are mad atWashington, D.C. They're mad at what they perceive to be the establishment. And they want some change."

No shortage of heavy-hitting surrogates threw their political might behind the two candidates in a costly showdown. More than $40 million was spent, including $14 million from outside groups, according to records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Sarah Palin rallied over the weekend for Cruz; Gov. Rick Perry spent one of the last days alongside Dewhurst.

Cruz will face Democrat Paul Sadler, a former state representative, in November, but is expected to have the advantage in the Republican-leaning state.

The seat was opened by the upcoming retirement of Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Dewhurst, who has been the state's lieutenant governor since 2003, became the early favorite.

But enthusiasm from national tea party groups propelled Cruz's feisty campaign, and he forced the runoff after Dewhurst failed to win 50% of the vote in the spring primary.

The son of a Cuban immigrant, Cruz, 41, is far from the Washington outsider his upstart candidacy might convey — a point the Dewhurst campaign tried to amplify as outside polls showed Cruz making gains.

The state's former solicitor general, Cruz is a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School. He became the first Latino to clerk for a chief justice of the Supreme Court before working for the Federal Trade Commission, the Justice Department and the 2000 GOP presidential ticket of George W. Bushand Dick Cheney. More recently he has been in private practice in Houston, where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

His arrival in the Senate would bolster the tea party flank, which could emerge from the fall election as a growing force in the chamber even if Republicans fail to net the handful of seats needed to wrest the majority from Democrats this fall.

Tea-party-aligned Richard Mourdock in Indiana had already ousted a longtime Republican senator in that state's primary. Conservative stalwart Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) championed that campaign as well as Cruz's.

Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, wrote Tuesday that the Texas candidates held few ideological differences — both want small government and have traditional values.

"The difference between the two men is simple: Cruz is not willing to compromise even if it means being irrelevant to the legislative process," Rothenberg wrote.

A wealthy businessman, Dewhurst poured $11 million from his own fortune into the race, but that was matched by outside groups seeking to influence the outcome.

The conservative Club for Growth spent more than $5 million against Dewhurst, and the Texas Conservatives Fund spent as much against Cruz, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

"The false narrative continues to be written that the tea party is dead," said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the Tea Party Express. "But the tea party is alive and ready to own 2012."