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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Stark on June 03, 2012, 06:54:40 AM

Title: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Stark on June 03, 2012, 06:54:40 AM
I wasn't very surprised when I checked the news this morning and read that three U-Boots build in Germany (in kiel) and delivered to the Israeli navy a few years back have now been officially upgraded by Israel to hold tactical nukes, you don't need to be a Nazi rocket scientist to understand that Iran's desire to join the nuke club will eventually destabilize the whole power balance between Israel and the rest of the middle east.
Of course Israel has tried in vain to find alternative ways to put the balance back in their favor.
Which is of course exactly the reason why they upgraded their German build u-boots to hold tactical nukes since it will give the Israelis the chance for a secondary strike + (and please correct me if I am wrong) with their new and top secret hydraulic delivery system the rockets also don't need to be pre-fueled which could mean first strike capability.
I guess they will have a few of these u-boots parked in front of the coast to Iran in the Persian gulf or Arabian sea at all times - I bet'ya they would also love to have some of these puppies stationed in the Caspian Sea right in front of Tehran just as a big fuck you sign to the Iranians.

Now lets move on, I have no problem with Germany supplying Israel with weapons of any kind, its good for our economy and as far as I am concerned the more religious nuts find a way to part with their life the better for the rest of the world, also it makes for interesting readings and speculations from time to time and mind you I don't have a particular love relationship with the state of Israel, if at all I find their arrogant world politics hard to stomach (the holocaust happened a long time ago move the fuck on and stop with the crocodile tears Israel).
What made me however nearly chocked to death on my cereal this morning was the fact that Germany granted Israel a "discount" of 135 million for the third U-Boot build and delivered.
In return the German government (Merkel has about as much backbone than a fucking yellyfish) hopes to achieve change in the Israel Settler agenda. Which is of course a fucking lie and complete bollox, Germany doesn't give a shit about a bunch of sandcoons shot and killed in the west Jordan land, the reason for the discount was of course payback for the holocaust, its not the first time we gave them a discount for war ships, back in 2009 Isreal sought large discounts on the purchase of two German-built MEKO warship.
Germany is the rich sugar daddy held to random for an very unfortunate incident which happened a long time ago, when ever Israel is a little shy of money they knock on our door and remind us of our collective guild and rest assure the German  government always coughs up the money.
Back in 2009 Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz announced that he will demand a further €450 million to €1 billion in reparations from Germany on behalf of some 30,000 Israeli forced labor survivors - The fun fact is of course that none of the holocaust survivors see a penny of that money - maybe a little but I doubt it after all how many people are still alive that have experience first hand the horrors of the death camps? 30.000? I don't think so.

So whats the solution? Well this might not be the most popular idea in the world nor is it new or extremely radical but I believe we need to stay the fuck out of Israels affairs and let them duke it out by themselves - I bet you the moment they have lost the backing of the world and have to make due with their neighbors in their own time the next second you have peace in that region.
Not another penny should be spend as collateral for the holocaust by the Germans we have paid enough and there is barely anybody left alive that had any real involvement in the Nazi party, 99.9% of Germans are born after the war and do not hold a collective guilt, fuck you if you feel different.


For everybody who is interested please see below for a little film by Rick Steve which strikingly documents these warmongering atomsandniggers, before we finally bomb them away all in the name of peace.

Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Mitch on June 03, 2012, 07:17:05 AM
Laut der Verfassung muss Deutschland an der Seite Israels kämpfen, falls sie angegriffen sind (bzw. wenn sie angreifen oder machen alles, um angegriffen zu werden). Solange die Verfassung so bleibt, ist es sowieso günstig für Deutschland, Israel auszurüsten, egal ob gratis oder nicht.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Stark on June 03, 2012, 07:19:53 AM
Laut der Verfassung muss Deutschland an der Seite Israels kämpfen, falls sie angegriffen sind (bzw. wenn sie angreifen oder machen alles, um angegriffen zu werden). Solange die Verfassung so bleibt, ist es sowieso günstig für Deutschland, Israel auszurüsten, egal ob gratis oder nicht.

Just imagine that
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Dr Dutch on June 03, 2012, 07:36:33 AM
They should give it ALL to Greece, then ?
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: muscularny on June 03, 2012, 07:44:39 AM
funny how people who hate jews have all types of interesting theories

iran is the problem, radical islam is the problem not israel
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Stark on June 03, 2012, 08:07:51 AM
funny how people who hate jews have all types of interesting theories

iran is the problem, radical islam is the problem not israel

Funny how the gullible people who cannot think for them self suspects anybody who criticises te state of Israel automatically with anti semetism
Play that fycking fiddle some place else
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Shockwave on June 03, 2012, 08:12:35 AM
I just want Israel to fucking be let off the chain already.
Let them fucking nuke everyone, wait till the dust settles, start rebuilding.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: quadzilla456 on June 03, 2012, 10:14:19 AM

1. How many Americans died in WW2?
2. How many Europeans died in WW2?
3. How many Jews (6 MILLION!!) died in WW2?
4. How many white Russians died in the Holomodor?

Some interesting facts we do know:
1. Hitler was part Jewish. (
2. The Nazis actively encouraged the settlement of Jews in Palestine prior to WW2. ( ( On this basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Zionists worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration)
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: quadzilla456 on June 03, 2012, 10:25:59 AM
Funny how the gullible people who cannot think for them self suspects anybody who criticises te state of Israel automatically with anti semetism
Play that fycking fiddle some place else
Are Ashkenazi Jews semitic?

The Ashkenazi Jews: Anglo Jewry now makes up 90% of world Jewry. But there is no other group of people on the planet who totally deny their true identity and origins. European Jewry in its entirety totally denies its own European origin. It is interesting to notice that the European Ashkenazi Jewry would refer to non-Anglo Jews as 'Iranian Jews', 'Yemeni Jews', 'Egyptian Jews', 'Moroccan Jews', 'Algerian Jews'. But it almost never is the case that the European Jew is identified with an adjective such as 'European Jew' or 'Ashkenazi Jew' or 'Khazaric Jew'. They are simply referred to as 'Jews' and that is deliberately done to hide their European origins and to shift that origin to Palestine. It is so shaming! It is in fact shameful for a people to totally disown its own roots, its own heritages, and its own customs and steal someone else's. And only Euro-Jewry does and no other people on Earth. The Zulu is proud to be a Zulu and so is the Eskimo and the Yemeni and the Nigerian. The only group who exhibits shame in disclosing their true origins is the European Ashkenazi Jewry! There can never be peace on earth until the Ashkenazi Khazaric people understand that they did not bust out of rocks but out of a region in Europe that used to be called 'Khazaria'. Once they accept their identity, they may then begin to reactivate their dead language of Khazaria the same way they resuscitated a Middle Eastern language of Hebrew and stole it by claiming it to be their ancestral language, the same claim as when they stole Palestine. Conversion to a religion does not also convert once biologic makeup or ancestral heritage. Euro-Jewry's heritage is that of Khazaria!

One is a European Jew and the other a black American Rabbis who happens to be the cousin of Obama's wife. Are they both equally 'Chosen'? Neither is 'Chosen' since both of them are converts to Judaism and neither has any lineage to the the Jews of the Middle East who are supposed to be 'Chosen'.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Dr Dutch on June 03, 2012, 01:21:23 PM
"Ask a nazi" Jew ?    ???   I don't think they will be eager to do that..
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Hugo Chavez on June 03, 2012, 07:44:46 PM
Are Ashkenazi Jews semitic?

The Ashkenazi Jews: Anglo Jewry now makes up 90% of world Jewry. But there is no other group of people on the planet who totally deny their true identity and origins. European Jewry in its entirety totally denies its own European origin. It is interesting to notice that the European Ashkenazi Jewry would refer to non-Anglo Jews as 'Iranian Jews', 'Yemeni Jews', 'Egyptian Jews', 'Moroccan Jews', 'Algerian Jews'. But it almost never is the case that the European Jew is identified with an adjective such as 'European Jew' or 'Ashkenazi Jew' or 'Khazaric Jew'. They are simply referred to as 'Jews' and that is deliberately done to hide their European origins and to shift that origin to Palestine. It is so shaming! It is in fact shameful for a people to totally disown its own roots, its own heritages, and its own customs and steal someone else's. And only Euro-Jewry does and no other people on Earth. The Zulu is proud to be a Zulu and so is the Eskimo and the Yemeni and the Nigerian. The only group who exhibits shame in disclosing their true origins is the European Ashkenazi Jewry! There can never be peace on earth until the Ashkenazi Khazaric people understand that they did not bust out of rocks but out of a region in Europe that used to be called 'Khazaria'. Once they accept their identity, they may then begin to reactivate their dead language of Khazaria the same way they resuscitated a Middle Eastern language of Hebrew and stole it by claiming it to be their ancestral language, the same claim as when they stole Palestine. Conversion to a religion does not also convert once biologic makeup or ancestral heritage. Euro-Jewry's heritage is that of Khazaria!

One is a European Jew and the other a black American Rabbis who happens to be the cousin of Obama's wife. Are they both equally 'Chosen'? Neither is 'Chosen' since both of them are converts to Judaism and neither has any lineage to the the Jews of the Middle East who are supposed to be 'Chosen'.
excellent post. Spot on.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Stark on June 04, 2012, 03:51:08 AM
I just want Israel to fucking be let off the chain already.
Let them fucking nuke everyone, wait till the dust settles, start rebuilding.

That fucking cloud will travel your way as well genius!
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Shockwave on June 04, 2012, 03:58:40 AM
That fucking cloud will travel your way as well genius!
Yes, I know. Its a joke bromosexual.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: a_ahmed on July 21, 2012, 05:50:22 PM
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: a_ahmed on July 21, 2012, 06:02:20 PM
I highly recommend a documentary called "defamation the movie" by an israeli movie maker who tackles the abuse of the holocaust industry and how any criticism of the crimes of israel are labeled as anti-semetism.

Also the book holohoax by norman finkelstein who is a jew albeit not religious and who's family was killed in the holocaust talks about how israel exploits any jewish suffering for their own political gains in israel and how they wash away any criticism of policies or actions of israel by labeling everyone an anti-semite.

Tying in to the first documentary defamation the movie, you will see how the jewish defense league and anti defemation league exploit this whole ordeal and exagerate 'anti-semetism' for petty political gain. They also get caught on hidden camera saying how they practically run the politicians and get their way. Not that much different than arial sharon slipping it on israeli radio that israel controls america dont worry about it.
Title: Re: Why I think Gemany shouldn't pay a penny more towards the state of isreal
Post by: Psychopath on July 21, 2012, 06:11:21 PM
Israel is a piece of shit country, and Jewdiasm is a piece of shit religion.

...Ron, calm down buddy.