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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: English Dave on November 15, 2005, 06:13:01 AM

Title: HCG Doseages
Post by: English Dave on November 15, 2005, 06:13:01 AM
Afternoon gents, just a quick question about HCG dosage. Is it better the run HCG through the cycle (say at 500ius every 5-6 days) or at the end with the last shot (3000ius, then 1500ius 5 days later and then another 2 shots of 1500ius 5-6 days apart) to stop the love jewels shrinking? 
Title: Re: HCG Doseages
Post by: wannabehuge on November 15, 2005, 07:15:43 AM
I think it depends on how long your cycle is. If I'm doing a 22 week cycle then at about week 8 or 10 I'll take 2000i.u.'s every 5th day. Then at the end of the cycle 2000i.u.'s every 5th day. If its a short cycle say 8 weeks then I'll just do it at the end.
Title: Re: HCG Doseages
Post by: davinci on November 15, 2005, 06:23:26 PM
what are your guys thoughts on my cycle (hcg)

wk1-4 halodrol
wk1 -12 500mg test enth
wk14-17 nolva (tapered down per protocol)

now with this should i run hcg throughout at 300-500 ius e6 d or should i just do like the ohter guy
said and run the 3000iu then 1500 iu hten 2 more shots of same amoutn all spaced aprt 6 days?

if i run this througout imma hve to then run amidrex too thoughts on this?