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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Vince G, CSN MFT on September 05, 2012, 05:07:28 AM

Title: Romney tells flood victim to go home and call 211.....
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on September 05, 2012, 05:07:28 AM
Being first on the scene isn't always a great idea if you don't know what the fuck are you talking about.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

Chiarello said she told Romney, "I lost everything" and that the presidential contender advised her on how to get assistance. "He said that he was going to do the best that he could for us," she said.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.

Chiarello said she will likely seek some other shelter because her home was submerged in the flooding. She expressed frustration about the town's lack of flood protection.

"We live outside the levee protection that's why we get all this water because they close the floodgates up front and all they're doing is flooding us out down here," she said. "It's very frustrating, very. We go through Katrina and Rita and now we're going through Cindy, Lee and now Isaac."

Romney's last-minute visit, announced less than 12 hours after he became the Republican nominee, took him to the disaster area ahead of his Democratic rival, President Barack Obama. The president was following with his own visit to Louisiana on Monday, the White House announced.

Romney went at Jindal's invitation, his campaign said. Jindal, a Republican, told reporters Romney had been in touch several days ago to ask how he could help with storm relief and Jindal suggested Romney come down and see the damage for himself. He said he had extended an invitation to Obama as well.

On the visit from the pair of Republicans, Chiarello said, "He’s good. He’ll do the best for us. He has our best interests at heart. I thought he’d be more like a politician, but it was more understanding and caring."
Title: Re: Romney tells flood victim to go home and call 211.....
Post by: 240 is Back on September 05, 2012, 05:20:25 AM
when charley destroyed port charlotte and took power/flooded from my trailer park...

the LAST thing I wanted from any politician was using the place as a photo op.  They're pandering to the other 49 states - THINK about it - there's no power in the areas they visit, so nobody in SW Florida was watching Bush on TV saying "How inspirational".  I have no clue if he visited here, cause we had no electricity or ice or security or phones for a week lol.

I think Obama AND Romney should stay the hell out of hurricane zones, so that police in the area can focus upon getting ice and water to people who don't have them, not running security while POTUS puts on makeup and poses for voters in swing states.
Title: Re: Romney tells flood victim to go home and call 211.....
Post by: dario73 on September 05, 2012, 05:46:38 AM
Yeah, so.
Title: Re: Romney tells flood victim to go home and call 211.....
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on September 05, 2012, 05:54:04 AM
when charley destroyed port charlotte and took power/flooded from my trailer park...

the LAST thing I wanted from any politician was using the place as a photo op.  They're pandering to the other 49 states - THINK about it - there's no power in the areas they visit, so nobody in SW Florida was watching Bush on TV saying "How inspirational".  I have no clue if he visited here, cause we had no electricity or ice or security or phones for a week lol.

I think Obama AND Romney should stay the hell out of hurricane zones, so that police in the area can focus upon getting ice and water to people who don't have them, not running security while POTUS puts on makeup and poses for voters in swing states.

Nah, during a time of pain and suffering, they can always use a good laugh....but yes, politicans need to stay out of these areas.
Title: Re: Romney tells flood victim to go home and call 211.....
Post by: 240 is Back on September 05, 2012, 06:02:37 AM
they help people by sending nat'l guard, ice, water, food, and getting the electricity back on.

During that week in the trailer park with no power, 98 degrees all day... I'd have MUCH RATHER seen a Florida Power & Lighting truck than I would have seen the President to give me a high-five and talk about perserverance and hard work.  Just get the lights back on, I need to flush this festering turd from 5 days back.

It's all about showing voters in the others states that "Look, i'm on the ground, i UNDERSTAND"....   No, all we want is power back, we don't care about being on CNN in this shape, i've been wearing these same socks for 3 days>  leave me alone.