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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Religious Debates & Threads => Topic started by: Thick Nick on September 14, 2012, 05:42:40 AM

Title: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 14, 2012, 05:42:40 AM
In Islam, who is it NOT ok to kill? Let's take inventory. Please if I forget any that ARE ok to kill, feel free to add.

OK to kill:

Yourself...suicide bombers.
Blashphemers...cartoon makers etc.
Infidels...non Muslims in Muslim lands
Apostates...those who try to leave Islam
Civilians...cause they pay taxes
Soldiers...the only legit target prolly
Your Wives...if they cheat
Your Children...if they shame the family
Other Muslims...different factions
Other Muslim women and children...human shields against the infidels
Those who refuse to convert...
Those who refuse to pay the tax for being non Muslim...

Did I miss any? So please explain who is left that it is NOT ok to kill? Serious question.

And I'll save you the trouble...

The crusades!!! The witch trials!!! Christians kill people too!!!
I am talking 2012 current Islamic law, so now you can stay on topic.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 14, 2012, 07:39:43 AM
Forgot rape victims...

Wait can you kill them or just beat them because of shame. I forget.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Man of Steel on September 14, 2012, 08:04:34 AM
Here is an interesting read:

The honourable way out of ‘honour killings’

Honour killings regularly make media headlines. Clan or family members are brutally murdered by one or more relatives because they feel that their victims have brought shame upon them by what is perceived as unacceptable sexual behaviour, marriage partners or dress codes. In order to restore lost honour, blood has to flow. The killings are seen as unavoidable.

There could be as many as 5,000 victims of world wide honour killings every year!1 Explicit laws allowing that brutal practice can be traced back as far as 1075 BC to the Assyrian civilization. They have also been common in the Babylonian and Roman empires.2

This article looks at the conditions that still allow honour killings to happen today. It focuses on the origins behind them and highlights the only viable solution to end the ongoing tragedy.

Conditions that still allow honour killings to happen today

Why are honour killings still prevalent, especially in Islamic countries and among Muslims, despite the fact that the Quran does not officially condone them? While it is true that tribal cultural ways3 sometimes take precedent over religious beliefs, it can be argued that the following verses of the Quran indirectly encourage this despicable practice.

Surah 18, Al-Kahf (The Cave), verses 66 – 84, mention that a boy was killed because he was about to bring his parents grief and dishonour through his unbelief. Muslim commentators are not in agreement whether the servant of Allah who murdered the boy was an angel or a prophet. The important fact is that Allah wanted him to be dead because the boy would bring future dishonour to them.

According to Surah 24, An-Nur, (Light) verse 2, the punishment for adultery is 100 stripes, contrary to hadiths found in Sahih Bukhari, 2.413, 8.805, 814, and 819, where it is stoning to death. Islam prescribes that the family should refer to the law, rather than carrying out their own punishment.

Surah 4, An-Nisā' (The Women), verses 34-35 state that men are in charge of women, being their protectors and maintainers. What happens if they fail in their duty to keep them out of harm’s way or women are simply unwilling to reconcile? The pressure of the Muslim community is on men to control the wives and daughters entrusted to them. In order to keep the honour of the family, be it for cultural or religious reasons, the strain could become so great that murder seems to be the only answer.

Surah 3, Al-i-‘Imran verse 110 proclaims, “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah....” (Sahih International Translation)

Traditionally, this verse has been understood to be addressed to Muslims and Arabs. “Anyone who becomes a Muslim becomes an Arab.”4 There is no distinction between Islam and culture. Islam is the culture of the Arabs. Anything a Muslim traditionally does in his culture is inherent to Islam, whether or not it is in the Qur’an.

Muslims aim to follow their Arab prophet in the way he dressed, kept his beard, ate, dealt with his enemies towards the end of his life,5 etc. There are many beautiful aspects in Arabic culture that are indeed worthy of copying, such as poetry, proverbs and wisdom, humour, intuition, romance, hospitality, loyalty and courage. However, as with all cultures, some aspects are bad, such as superstition, disunity, pride, temper, carelessness, lack of organisation, resistance to authority, pessimism and revenge. Blood revenge still exists in Arab villages. Revenge killings are common among Arab families and tribes. Take for example the animosity between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims that still exists today. It can to a great extent be traced back to their violent ways of determining a successor for their common prophet of Islam.6 Since to be a Muslim is to be an Arab it is quite possible to justify honour killings in that way by labeling them as part of the Islamic system.

A hadith used by some Muslims who follow the Shafi school of Islamic law within Sunni Islam justifies female genital mutilation to reduce their sexual drive. It is hoped that this practice would help to protect women from an otherwise increased risk of losing the honour of their families.7

Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet ... said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.8

The origins behind honour killings

There is no doubt that the concept of restoring relationships of honour through the shedding of blood is found throughout human history in various cultures as well as religions. The earliest evidence is recorded in the first few pages of the Bible. After God created a breathtakingly beautiful and perfect world he put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to lovingly fellowship with him and take care of his work. They were allowed to eat from the fruit of all trees except one, the tree of knowledge of good and evil that would cause them to die. Why did they rebel against God and as a result bring shame into their lives? Satan appeared in the form of a serpent9 and said to the woman:

You won't die. God knows that the moment you eat from that tree, you'll see what's really going on. You'll be just like God, knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil. (Genesis 3:4-5 – The Message)

Behind the disobedience of Adam and Eve was a lack of faith in the word of God. They believed Satan instead, who wrongly promised them to become like God. In doing so they tried to set themselves up as partners with God. Islam calls this ‘shirk’, the unforgivable sin. Since God does not share his Glory with anybody else, the Bible calls this heinous act ‘idolatry’ the substitution of somebody or something (e.g. money, sex, power, etc) for God. It is the essence of all sin and tragically being repeatedly committed ever since! In view of the fact that the first leaders of humanity failed miserably, all mankind suffers from the same problem. (E.g. Gaddafi was a bad Libyan leader and as a result his followers suffer.)

Adam and Eve immediately saw that they were naked and felt a tremendous sense of shame. Before, they were ‘clothed’ in love, the acceptance and security, and importance given by God. After falling into sin their eyes were opened to the sad truth that they were no longer acceptable to God and each other. Our first parents,

… sewed fig leaves together as makeshift clothes for themselves. (Genesis 3:7 – The Message)

Here we find the beginning of man-made religion, a futile attempt to cover up shameful deeds by totally insufficient work. The purpose is to regain the lost love and importance before God and man in one’s own strength. People are wrongly led to believe that there is a chance of their guilt and shame being covered as long as they adhere to certain lifestyles and rituals.10 It does not work because, as mentioned already, the root problem of Adam and Eve was not first of all a lack of work but a lack of faith that led to idolatry (‘shirk’)! The solution to a lack of faith is faith! Besides, those who try to obey God to gain his acceptance use obedience as a means to an end. Any end, focus or goal other than God is idolatry! When they heard God in the garden they became afraid and hid because they still felt naked in spite of their attempt to cover themselves.11

The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)12

This is the first indication where blood was shed by killing an animal to enable sinners to stand in God’s presence again and thereby having their honour restored! The garment made from animal skin was to replace Adam and Eve’s futile attempt to cover their nakedness with fig leaves.13

Their main punishment was the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.14 Consequently, the death Adam and Eve were threatened with if they took the forbidden fruit, referred to the end of their close, personal relationship with God. This spiritual death was followed later by physical death.

The honourable way out of honour killings

So far it has been established from the first pages of the Torah that the real reason behind man’s disobedience was found in a lack of faith towards God and his word. Had the problem just been a bad deed then the main religious answer to focus on doing good deeds would be understandable. However, since a lack of faith lies at the centre of the tragedy, the only logical solution to reverse the separation between God and man has to lie in focusing on faith in God and his word. In the punishment He pronounces on Satan God gives a hint of the nature of that problem-solving faith:

“I’m declaring war between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers. He’ll wound your head, you’ll wound his heel.” (Genesis 3:13 - The Message)

This is the first prophecy of a son of a woman who will kill Satan and in the process will be suffering himself. The Bible identifies him as the Messiah, born by the Virgin Mary.15 God used him as a high priest, a mediator. He must be able to speak on equal terms with both God and man, and so Jesus took on a human nature in order to mediate between us.16

Only God Himself can remove shame and defilement (Arabic: ‘Najis’) that results in spiritual and physical death. Since birth everyone constantly carries inside them the very substances from which they regularly need to be cleansed. Similarly, as darkness cannot be chased away by itself, only through light, there is no way we can get rid of our internally resident impurities through our own ceremonial washings. Just as a candle casts darkness out of a room by entering it, God casts out defilement from humans by becoming one of them.17 He alone would restore the honour of His name in and through a perfect, sinless man, the Messiah Jesus. After all, God is the only one who can lift a person from a position of shame to a position of honour. No one can promote himself. It is an unwritten rule of the east. People know their place, and must remain in it.

As the story of the Torah and Zabur develops through people like Cain and Abel, Abraham and his son, and later through Israel, his chosen nation, the theme of sacrifice plays an absolutely central role. The word ‘sacrifice’ (or offering) is used 1047 times throughout the Holy Bible as the one and only means to get forgiveness:

Then the priest is to take one of the male Lambs and offer it as a guilt offering... (Leviticus 14:12)

Since the blood of animals cannot really forgive sins it served as a symbol for the perfect sacrifice to come:

John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

The time has come, Jesus said. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! (Mark 1:15)

As has become clear, it is impossible for man to save himself. To repent means to realize that sin is deeply offensive to God and people, to be truly sorry about it, and to hate it. It is a personal decision to turn from sin, to forsake it and follow Jesus instead. We are asked to live honourable lives as God intended by doing good deeds out of thankfulness that we are saved. To believe means to trust that Jesus died on the cross for my sin that caused shame and defilement. He paid the punishment for it on my behalf. Through his resurrection from the dead he was victorious over sin and Satan!

Jesus: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)

Jesus: “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever—the Spirit of truth... he lives with you and will be in you.” (John 14:15-17)

Man’s relationship with God is indeed close and personal. Through repentance and faith in Jesus, He lives in them through His Spirit, now and forever! His nature becomes their new nature; He is living in them and enabling them to be victorious over sin and shame! There is no more need for honour killings!

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:21)

God did not just give those who believe in Jesus a new position of honour (forgiveness and cleansing from sin, acceptance, affirmation and inclusion in his kingdom) but a new nature (crediting our lives with His perfection, His right standing!18). Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, that God honours the humble. When they are honoured, they simply grow more humble and turn the honour onto God alone who honours them!

Jesus Christ said: ‘If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.’ (John 7:17)

Are you prepared to choose to do God’s will and follow his truth, wherever it will lead you? Then he promises, you will find out whether his teaching is from God. Pray!  
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: bigbobs on September 14, 2012, 03:16:20 PM
MOS, come on, that's a pretty weak and dishonest article you pasted in blue.  I'm sure you know that no where in islamic teachings does it condone or teach this.  It's an unfortunate cultural issue among some Arabs and East Indians (for example non-Muslim East Indians like Hindus and Sikhs also commit "honour killings" as well as Christian Arabs).  In case there was any doubt here's an example of an Imam who lives near me speaking out against this crime:

As for the blue article, the story of khidr in the Quran does not advocate honor killings.  It's to teach Moses wisdom in his journey, that's the actual moral of the story.  The author intentionally did not include the full story.  It also includes a sinking of a ship by drilling a hole on purpose, rebuilding of a wall for no apparent reason at first that was crumbling, and killing a boy for no apparent reason to which Moses reacts in fury as to why is all this being done while Khidr each time almost seizes to allow him as a companion on his journey as Moses is impatient with hasty questioning.

The outcome and teaching of it to Moses is that he be obedient to God and that only God has knowledge of the unseen and it is up to him to reveal what he wants to reveal and to command whom he wants to command however he wants.

It has nothing to do with an actual "teaching" or advocating of honour killing.

If we're trying to use scripture to find support of honour killings, Ahmed has posted these examples:

"And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)"

"For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. (Leviticus 20:9)"

Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 14, 2012, 03:45:13 PM
I just couldn't hold myself and had to come back when I read what you copy pasted. I will just avoid the political mash up section as it's filled with islamophobes who are bloodthirsty savages and hypocrites.

Your whole article is degenerative as it claims to quote verses in their context, but actually does not and in actuality adds unknown meanings that have nothing to do with the verses. A sign of someone who has not read the qur'an or deliberately wants to mislead people..

Colossians 3:18 ESV:

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

1 Timothy 2:11-14 ESV

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

Ephesians 5:22 ESV

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22-24 ESV

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

There's more including the one where Paul says, women who do not veil themselves should shave their heads.

Your whole attempt was to misrepresnt verses from the qur'an then try to advocate how Jesus is God and he died for everyone's sins, blabla, the end. Sorry my friend... emotional christian evangelizing non-sense does not work on someone learned only someone unlearned.

The story of khidr as mentioned by bigbob is exactly what he said, not what you said.

The verses in the quran that speak about men being protectors of women... is exactly that. It talks about the responsibility that men have towards taking care of women. It no where talks about killing the women for honour or dishonour.

The punishment for adultery in islam is stoning to death as it is in the bible:

Leviticus 20:10 ESV

“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

However the punishment for fornication (unmarried couple) is the whip.

You are a very intellectually dishonest person. The rest that you quote from the bible I won't bother addressing or quoting. You are not winning me or any Muslim to Christianity when we worship God and you call towards a forged belief the trinity a lie that came after Jesus. Everything that Paul thought contradicted Jesus' own teachings+OT. God does not change or deceive, men deceive and your buddy Paul certainly has deceived a lot of people :)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Man of Steel on September 14, 2012, 09:05:27 PM
I just couldn't hold myself and had to come back when I read what you copy pasted. I will just avoid the political mash up section as it's filled with islamophobes who are bloodthirsty savages and hypocrites.

Your whole article is degenerative as it claims to quote verses in their context, but actually does not and in actuality adds unknown meanings that have nothing to do with the verses. A sign of someone who has not read the qur'an or deliberately wants to mislead people..

There's more including the one where Paul says, women who do not veil themselves should shave their heads.

Your whole attempt was to misrepresnt verses from the qur'an then try to advocate how Jesus is God and he died for everyone's sins, blabla, the end. Sorry my friend... emotional christian evangelizing non-sense does not work on someone learned only someone unlearned.

The story of khidr as mentioned by bigbob is exactly what he said, not what you said.

The verses in the quran that speak about men being protectors of women... is exactly that. It talks about the responsibility that men have towards taking care of women. It no where talks about killing the women for honour or dishonour.

The punishment for adultery in islam is stoning to death as it is in the bible:

Leviticus 20:10 ESV

“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

However the punishment for fornication (unmarried couple) is the whip.

You are a very intellectually dishonest person. The rest that you quote from the bible I won't bother addressing or quoting. You are not winning me or any Muslim to Christianity when we worship God and you call towards a forged belief the trinity a lie that came after Jesus. Everything that Paul thought contradicted Jesus' own teachings+OT. God does not change or deceive, men deceive and your buddy Paul certainly has deceived a lot of people :)

I'm gonna say this and you're not going to like, but you've done nothing but pick a fight since you began posting on these boards.  Demanding respect while showing virtually none to others and blasting your platitudes at whomever will respond (which 95% of the time has been just me). 

I believe one of your first statements to me was that I will spend an eternity in hell.  It's completely untrue but regardless I don't care for it.   And the article above, it isn't mine, but it certainly isn't fun when someone posts things that are either taken out of context, interpreted incorrectly or corrupted completely is it? 

Here's the reality, you've been corrupted by the king of this world and that king has made you a slave to false teachings and a false prophet.  I know you feel passionately about Islam, but I pray that you can return to the Christianity you abandoned years ago and finally experience the love, grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit.....opening your eyes to the things unseen. 

If I offended you I apologize....I sincerely do and I will continue to pray for you.  I know my words are meaningless to you, but that is my prayer. 
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 14, 2012, 09:10:09 PM
You quote what you claim as 'scholarship' when it is mere intellectual dishonesty. I blast your lies as they ought to be, lying against God is severe blasphemy and spreading it to others is plain sin.

My warning and reminder to all is that you will burn in hellfire for eternity for worshipping partners with God/that which He created or denying God. That is not my utterance but God's utterance. You claim with conviction you are going to heaven, what is your proof when I asked you, do you have this signed by God, surely you do? You will utter some emotional thing about "I found Christ" which is a meaningless statement.

And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their wishful thinking, Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful." 2:111

Only by the mercy of God, obedience to God and good deeds will any of us enter heaven. Not because you claim to be a christian or jew or a certain race or people or have 'found christ'. Not even a Muslim who simply says I am muslim and i have a 'muslim name'. Speech is to be followed by action, and while we're at it... correct action. A person who does good in this world but denies God will not enter heaven. All that good will remain for this world and futile by denying God. Likewise for someone who worships the creation, they can claim all they want but they do not worship God.

God can forgive all, except ascribing partners to him. Worshipping false gods/creation/etc...

"If only they [i.e. Christians] had stood fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed happiness from every side. There is from among them a party on the right course, but many of them follow a course that is evil" (5:66).

"Oh People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion, nor say of God anything but the truth. Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was (no more than) a messenger of God, and His Word which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. Say not, 'Trinity.' Desist! It will be better for you, for God is One God, Glory be to Him! (Far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs" (4:171).

"The Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is but a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them; how they are deluded away from the Truth! They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary. Yet they were commanded to worship but One God: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him! (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)" (9:30-31).

Claiming conjectures about God is lying against God and the prophets.

Finally why would I return to a religion of desires, a religion of convinence and where you worship a man who you are told is God when clearly everything he uttered was contrary to that claim. Most Christians that turned atheists will say the same of Christianity but will unfortunately abandon faith all together and class all religions the same as Christianity

Many of the People of the Book wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. 2:109

Twisting verses from the qur'an? When I posted actual verses from the bible that teach and encourage actual hounour killings you keep quiet or brush it off or will you like that one fella say oh but that's the OT.

If we are to be intellectually honest and are talking about what the scriptures teach, then be honest and say you are wrong when you are wrong. The qur'an does not teach or condone honour killings. But the bible does.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 15, 2012, 07:03:44 PM
In Islam, who is it NOT ok to kill? Let's take inventory. Please if I forget any that ARE ok to kill, feel free to add.

OK to kill:

Yourself...suicide bombers.
Blashphemers...cartoon makers etc.
Infidels...non Muslims in Muslim lands
Apostates...those who try to leave Islam
Civilians...cause they pay taxes
Soldiers...the only legit target prolly
Your Wives...if they cheat
Your Children...if they shame the family
Other Muslims...different factions
Other Muslim women and children...human shields against the infidels
Those who refuse to convert...
Those who refuse to pay the tax for being non Muslim...

Did I miss any? So please explain who is left that it is NOT ok to kill? Serious question.

And I'll save you the trouble...

The crusades!!! The witch trials!!! Christians kill people too!!!
I am talking 2012 current Islamic law, so now you can stay on topic.

Question repeated since 2 Muslims posted in the thread but blantantly dodge the initial question. According to 2012 Islamic or Sharia law... what did I list that is incorrect?
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 15, 2012, 07:20:38 PM
The way you addressed it as a 'question' is misleading as it has an obviously embedded set in stone set of statements which therefore makes it truly not a question but your own preconceived construct.

However I will address it on Monday inshAllah (God willing), I am busy.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 17, 2012, 08:48:43 AM

The silence in the response to this post is deafening. Thank you. If any of you assclowns claim religion of peace ever again, I will be there to link this thread.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: bigbobs on September 17, 2012, 12:18:34 PM

The silence in the response to this post is deafening. Thank you. If any of you assclowns claim religion of peace ever again, I will be there to link this thread.

The answer is soldiers only.

And some say suicide bombs are allowed if against soldiers.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: King Shizzo on September 17, 2012, 12:30:18 PM
I'm gonna say this and you're not going to like, but you've done nothing but pick a fight since you began posting on these boards.  Demanding respect while showing virtually none to others and blasting your platitudes at whomever will respond (which 95% of the time has been just me). 

I believe one of your first statements to me was that I will spend an eternity in hell.  It's completely untrue but regardless I don't care for it.   And the article above, it isn't mine, but it certainly isn't fun when someone posts things that are either taken out of context, interpreted incorrectly or corrupted completely is it? 

Here's the reality, you've been corrupted by the king of this world and that king has made you a slave to false teachings and a false prophet.  I know you feel passionately about Islam, but I pray that you can return to the Christianity you abandoned years ago and finally experience the love, grace and mercy of the Holy Spirit.....opening your eyes to the things unseen. 

If I offended you I apologize....I sincerely do and I will continue to pray for you.  I know my words are meaningless to you, but that is my prayer. 
A Muslim and a Christian arguing on who will spend an eternity in hell.  Don't you guys see a problem here?
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 17, 2012, 12:35:26 PM

The silence in the response to this post is deafening. Thank you. If any of you assclowns claim religion of peace ever again, I will be there to link this thread.

Did I say when I will post on Monday a response? I said I will therefore I will. I am busy. Since your post makes so many statements it'll take some time to respond. I am busy, I have a life and don't live on here. I am also at work. Some of us have jobs you know.

I will respond, in the meantime I am at work busy working on a project.

Your comment above shows that you already have a made up mind with your preconceived constructs and are not sincere.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Man of Steel on September 17, 2012, 12:57:52 PM
A Muslim and a Christian arguing on who will spend an eternity in hell.  Don't you guys see a problem here?

Actually we're not discussing the highlighted red point; although, that example was what I used to help illustrate a lack of tact on part of ahmed initially.  In many ways he came to pick a fight.....not share his faith.  I certainly consider what he says, but it's his approach in presenting it that also concerns me.  I don't mind using a bit of humor, sarcasm, intellect, outside references, online references, etc...still, I've provided a online debate to show him how a man that agrees with his position presents his case with respect plus it answered some of his other points.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 17, 2012, 01:41:31 PM
In Islam, who is it NOT ok to kill? Let's take inventory. Please if I forget any that ARE ok to kill, feel free to add.

Let me open first and foremost by saying this: Islam did not come for 'killing people' nor did Islam get revealed for 23 years so that the whole religion is about 'punishments' What you are doing is focusing on about the 0.01% while ignoring everything else. Why is it you never ask about the message of mercy in islam. How to treat your parents. How to treat the elderly. How to help the poor? How to help the orphans? Just a few things to think of. How to have a healthy marriage? How to treat each other husband and wife? How to treat children, raise children?

Islam came to GUIDE people to the true and straight path. A complete way of life, bringing guidance from God in all matters of our lives. To be righteous, to do away with corruption and bring justice and peace to the whole earth. It came to guide people away from ignorance. It came to reaffirm that which was before what all the prophets and messengers of God came to mankind for. To do good, avoid evil, and to recognize and worship our creator, the one and only everlasting God. To not worship false deities, to not follow vain desires, to bring justice and ultimately peace to all mankind. United under God.

It's not okay to kill at any time, as you make it seem ‘randomly’. Except for injustice and in war. The third are hudud punishments/capital punishments and there is due process it does not just happen and then the next second someone gets killed.

Yourself...suicide bombers.

29. O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.

As far as suicide bombings, this is an invented tactic of tamil tigers who are not Muslim. Where it started from with Muslims was in Palestine. Their psychological and physical condition is unique. In the sense that they've been occupied for generations and oppressed for generations. Powerless, no weapons to defend themselves. As such they resorted in desperation with this tactic. It's really something out of desperation and it has been justified in the same way wwii soldiers would blow themselves up with a grenade when surrounded by nazis to take them out and themselves as they knew they would die already.

Outside of Palestine it has happened with Muslims, however as of late it seems to happen wherever the US invades. Some have including the president karzai of Afghanistan claimed this is the work of private secuirty firms such as blackwater to instigate chaos to further their goal, the cia, etc... afterall the CIA invented car bombs.

There was even two incidents of foreign troops being caught planting bombs on a bridge dressed as arabs. Or one incident in particular where British soldiers dressed as arabs were setting up a car bomb. They were arrested by iraqi police. The British army broke them out and there was a brief mention of it in the news, a contreversey and then it was shoved under the rug.

God tells us to not kill ourselves. This pretty much sums it up. Suicide is not allowed in islam.

Blashphemers...cartoon makers etc.

Historically there were certain incidents of people who deliberately plotted to cause chaos in society, amongst Muslims and non Muslims. Just like this idiot who made 'innoscence of muslims' basically a gay porn... or Salman Rushdie who not only blasphemed against Islam but Christianity and Judaism and other faiths. Some very vile things. But again, Christians seem to not have a problem if marry is called a whore, or if Jesus is put in urine and blood.

If I recall there was a group of monks at a time when there was a caliph and these monks were spreading lies, rumors and vile things about Islam and Muslims. They were a small independent group. I would have to find the exact case, but in a nutshell, they were told to stop and told to repent several times. They were brought in the court of the caliph and talked to. There was more to the story but I cannot recollect it now. Ultimately most repented and stopped this as it was causing mischief. The few that didn't and persisted were executed. You have to look at it as a larger picture. They were instigating lies, and had evil intentions to cause mischief in the whole of society not only affecting muslims but non muslims as well. People were indeed alot more firm and strict in matters in the past.

Infidels...non Muslims in Muslim lands

Infidels is a christian term. There is no such word in Islam. The word kafir is used for disbelievers and it actually literally means 'those who cover up the truth'

Absolutely not. There is no justification of killing of non-muslims in muslim lands.

A muslim who would harm a Christian for being christian would be punished for this act. As is the case around one of the caliph's times... a governor's son pushed a christian man out of the way and hurt the man, the christian man complained to the caliph and the caliph ordered the muslim boy to be punished. He asked the Christian man to do the exact same to the Muslim man. The muslim did this because he said "i am muslim". Such arrogance. The Christians and Jews are told to complain to muslims for all their problems and calamities. They are under the protection of muslims.

The verses that refer to fighting and killing in the qur'an refer to actual battles. If you read the qur'an you will see that it says quite clearly. No where does it advocate random killing as non muslims seem to think.

The role of islam is to bring justice to all mankind and peace. It's not to randomly kill people.

Apostates...those who try to leave Islam

The ruling for apostasy came about when there was a group of disbelievers who plotted to undermine the moral of Muslims.

They secretly plotted to deliberately claim to join islam then overnight leave, then join, then leave, then join, then leave all one by one. The ruling came to put a stop to this and they of course stopped as they were cowardly people with only the intent of harming Islam.

The other time something of this nature occurred was when after Muhammad (pbuh) left us, a group of people started arising, certain tribes that chose not to pay zakat, and started deliberately leaving portions of islam while still claiming to be muslim. Even certain tribes claiming they each had a 'prophet' and they plotted to take over the muslims and fighting ensued as they were told to desist and repent. To follow islam in its entirety and repent or be fought. It was the leaders that were executed in these battles. After fighting the people returned back to paying zakat and fulfilling their duties as muslims.

Allowing such a group of people to exist they would spread mischief in the ummah and ultimately mischief on the earth. All the effort would have been in vain as to what Muhammad (pbuh) came to reveal to all mankind.

Civilians...cause they pay taxes
In the west refusing to pay taxes you serve prison time.

Civillians who refuse to pay the jizya lose their rights as citizens under Muslims. The jizya only applies to able non muslims. It does not apply to children, women, or elderly. Even men who are poor they do not have to pay jizya. Basically able men who work only. If you are to live under Muslims you have to pay it. It is a miserly 2%. Compared to 40% that alot of us pay in the west it is a joke. Imagine yourself arrogantly refusing to give over 10$ while you make 500$?

There is one example of Khalid Bin Walid, who was a muslim general. When he had to leave a certain region, he paid back the jizya to the non muslims as he said I will be no longer able to protect you so I give you this back.

Those who arrogantly want to live in muslim lands and start fighting muslims to avoid paying jizya will be fought back and subverted until they do or leave.

On the other hand, muslims also pay zakat, which is charity so we don't see it truly as a tax. In either case all this income from muslims and non muslims is to serve the society. It is not to be consummed by leaders.

Soldiers...the only legit target prolly

In war only. And even in war, if they are captured alive, they are to be treated well and fed, taken care of, etc... and told what islam is, and it is their choice if they embrace islam or not.

Your Wives...if they cheat

The punishment of adultery is the same as in judaism and christianity. It is death. It applies to both parties. Men and women.

Islamophobes seem to think that all these punishments apply to women only. They apply equally to both genders.

Unlike in christianity where divorce is forbidden. Islam allows divorce. If a couple is not fit for each other they can divorce. Problem solved. The children are to be still taken care of by the father while not restricted to be with either mother or father, they are their parents and there is no 'custody battles' they belong to both parents except if one side is literally harming the child.

Your Children...if they shame the family
No.  If you are refering to honor killings. There is no such thing in islam. It is in the bible, not in the qur'an.

Other Muslims...different factions
One may not kill any other Muslim as killing a muslim will send you to hell. However if a group arises, a sect arises, which claims lies and distorts Islam, while claiming it is islam yes they are to be fought until they desist, repent and return to Islam. There is only one islam. If they call it something else then they are no longer Muslims or following Islam. An example of that are the Druze. They took from each religion something but they are not muslims anymore. Claiming something not from islam as islam is like claiming you have more knowledge than God or more knowledge than the messengers and prophets of God. It is lying against them and perpetrating lies while claiming it is islam. It is misguidance upon the ummah.

Other Muslim women and children...human shields against the infidels

This is disgusting to even ask. Women and children are to be protected and safe guarded all the time. As God says men are the protecters of women. The same applies to children. This is the kind of idiocy the media spreads.

Those who refuse to convert...
Absolutely not. Wherever Muslims overthrew a government. The citizens were not forced to abandon their faith or embrace Islam. They continued to practice their faith.

To become muslim one has to know what islam is and be consciously accepting this in his heart. Anything else is therefore invalid. That is why we have the 'proclamation of faith'. Shahada. There is no god but God. And Muhammad is his messenger.

To be muslim means to be submit yourself to the will of God. You cannot be made to do this under compulsion but only in your heart. Hence the verse there is no compulsion in religion refering to becoming muslim.


Just as in Judaism and Christianity. Homosexuals are to be put to death once they are exposed or publicly advocating without repentance. They are an abomination to God going against their intended creation and a corruption upon society.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for this.

Also lastly, in any of these cases where there is a capital punishment of death, the people are given a choice to repent and desist from their practices. If they however even advocate it in arrogance, they are to be put to death.

The crusades!!! The witch trials!!! Christians kill people too!!!
I am talking 2012 current Islamic law, so now you can stay on topic.

That which is from God remains the same. It is people who change it. Islam is the same as it was revealed. It is people who chose not to follow it but cannot change it. Christians don't know what to follow or not to follow they just follow their desires. Yesterday homosexuality was wrong, today its okay. Today beastiality is wrong, tomorrow ??? That's what happens when people follow man made laws and their own desires. Whichever the way the wind blows it goes.

Priests not being allowed to marry is not God's law. It is man made law, and look at the result. Children boys and girls are raped by priests.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: James on September 17, 2012, 01:52:47 PM
2 Year Old Christian Girl Raped For Her Family Not Converting To Islam

Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 17, 2012, 02:00:25 PM
2 Year Old Christian Girl Raped For Her Family Not Converting To Islam

I did not watch the whole video as there is nothing that angers me more than hearing about rape or people misrepresenting islam be it muslims or non muslims.

I guess you don't seem to understand something. If a Muslim commits a crime. They are to be punished. They don't get away with a crime because they are Muslim.

If a Muslim man raped ANYBODY. They would be executed for their rape. Period. No exceptions. This is disgusting if true.

That being said, alot of these evangelical missionary videos/websites spread lies and are not trust worthy. The claim that she was raped for not converting to islam. Just WTF? First that is not islam, secondly, probably another evangelical bs lie. Just like pamela geller and her 'muslims are burning people and eating them' bull. In fact in ironically there was a group of Nigerian christians who burning muslims and eating them (was on bbc they were fighting for who gets to eat a muslim's heart). Yet clearly canibalism is not in christianity and this is some filthy vood magic like practice!

I remember when I used to go to christian school their whole emphasis was on 'honor killings' in pakistan... and although i was not muslim at the time, I kept getting angry at them claiming this was from Islam when I knew quite clearly it was from tribal cultural filthy practices rather than Islam. People who are not following Islam but have Muslim names.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 17, 2012, 06:41:03 PM
Of course... nothing bad is done in Islam's name. Even the stuff done in Islam's name.  ::)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 18, 2012, 05:42:41 AM
Let me open first and foremost by saying this: Islam did not come for 'killing people' nor did Islam get revealed for 23 years so that the whole religion is about 'punishments' What you are doing is focusing on about the 0.01% while ignoring everything else. Why is it you never ask about the message of mercy in islam. How to treat your parents. How to treat the elderly. How to help the poor? How to help the orphans? Just a few things to think of. How to have a healthy marriage? How to treat each other husband and wife? How to treat children, raise children?

Islam came to GUIDE people to the true and straight path. A complete way of life, bringing guidance from God in all matters of our lives. To be righteous, to do away with corruption and bring justice and peace to the whole earth. It came to guide people away from ignorance. It came to reaffirm that which was before what all the prophets and messengers of God came to mankind for. To do good, avoid evil, and to recognize and worship our creator, the one and only everlasting God. To not worship false deities, to not follow vain desires, to bring justice and ultimately peace to all mankind. United under God.

It's not okay to kill at any time, as you make it seem ‘randomly’. Except for injustice and in war. The third are hudud punishments/capital punishments and there is due process it does not just happen and then the next second someone gets killed.

29. O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.

As far as suicide bombings, this is an invented tactic of tamil tigers who are not Muslim. Where it started from with Muslims was in Palestine. Their psychological and physical condition is unique. In the sense that they've been occupied for generations and oppressed for generations. Powerless, no weapons to defend themselves. As such they resorted in desperation with this tactic. It's really something out of desperation and it has been justified in the same way wwii soldiers would blow themselves up with a grenade when surrounded by nazis to take them out and themselves as they knew they would die already.

Outside of Palestine it has happened with Muslims, however as of late it seems to happen wherever the US invades. Some have including the president karzai of Afghanistan claimed this is the work of private secuirty firms such as blackwater to instigate chaos to further their goal, the cia, etc... afterall the CIA invented car bombs.

There was even two incidents of foreign troops being caught planting bombs on a bridge dressed as arabs. Or one incident in particular where British soldiers dressed as arabs were setting up a car bomb. They were arrested by iraqi police. The British army broke them out and there was a brief mention of it in the news, a contreversey and then it was shoved under the rug.

God tells us to not kill ourselves. This pretty much sums it up. Suicide is not allowed in islam.

Historically there were certain incidents of people who deliberately plotted to cause chaos in society, amongst Muslims and non Muslims. Just like this idiot who made 'innoscence of muslims' basically a gay porn... or Salman Rushdie who not only blasphemed against Islam but Christianity and Judaism and other faiths. Some very vile things. But again, Christians seem to not have a problem if marry is called a whore, or if Jesus is put in urine and blood.

If I recall there was a group of monks at a time when there was a caliph and these monks were spreading lies, rumors and vile things about Islam and Muslims. They were a small independent group. I would have to find the exact case, but in a nutshell, they were told to stop and told to repent several times. They were brought in the court of the caliph and talked to. There was more to the story but I cannot recollect it now. Ultimately most repented and stopped this as it was causing mischief. The few that didn't and persisted were executed. You have to look at it as a larger picture. They were instigating lies, and had evil intentions to cause mischief in the whole of society not only affecting muslims but non muslims as well. People were indeed alot more firm and strict in matters in the past.

Infidels is a christian term. There is no such word in Islam. The word kafir is used for disbelievers and it actually literally means 'those who cover up the truth'

Absolutely not. There is no justification of killing of non-muslims in muslim lands.

A muslim who would harm a Christian for being christian would be punished for this act. As is the case around one of the caliph's times... a governor's son pushed a christian man out of the way and hurt the man, the christian man complained to the caliph and the caliph ordered the muslim boy to be punished. He asked the Christian man to do the exact same to the Muslim man. The muslim did this because he said "i am muslim". Such arrogance. The Christians and Jews are told to complain to muslims for all their problems and calamities. They are under the protection of muslims.

The verses that refer to fighting and killing in the qur'an refer to actual battles. If you read the qur'an you will see that it says quite clearly. No where does it advocate random killing as non muslims seem to think.

The role of islam is to bring justice to all mankind and peace. It's not to randomly kill people.

The ruling for apostasy came about when there was a group of disbelievers who plotted to undermine the moral of Muslims.

They secretly plotted to deliberately claim to join islam then overnight leave, then join, then leave, then join, then leave all one by one. The ruling came to put a stop to this and they of course stopped as they were cowardly people with only the intent of harming Islam.

The other time something of this nature occurred was when after Muhammad (pbuh) left us, a group of people started arising, certain tribes that chose not to pay zakat, and started deliberately leaving portions of islam while still claiming to be muslim. Even certain tribes claiming they each had a 'prophet' and they plotted to take over the muslims and fighting ensued as they were told to desist and repent. To follow islam in its entirety and repent or be fought. It was the leaders that were executed in these battles. After fighting the people returned back to paying zakat and fulfilling their duties as muslims.

Allowing such a group of people to exist they would spread mischief in the ummah and ultimately mischief on the earth. All the effort would have been in vain as to what Muhammad (pbuh) came to reveal to all mankind.
In the west refusing to pay taxes you serve prison time.

Civillians who refuse to pay the jizya lose their rights as citizens under Muslims. The jizya only applies to able non muslims. It does not apply to children, women, or elderly. Even men who are poor they do not have to pay jizya. Basically able men who work only. If you are to live under Muslims you have to pay it. It is a miserly 2%. Compared to 40% that alot of us pay in the west it is a joke. Imagine yourself arrogantly refusing to give over 10$ while you make 500$?

There is one example of Khalid Bin Walid, who was a muslim general. When he had to leave a certain region, he paid back the jizya to the non muslims as he said I will be no longer able to protect you so I give you this back.

Those who arrogantly want to live in muslim lands and start fighting muslims to avoid paying jizya will be fought back and subverted until they do or leave.

On the other hand, muslims also pay zakat, which is charity so we don't see it truly as a tax. In either case all this income from muslims and non muslims is to serve the society. It is not to be consummed by leaders.

In war only. And even in war, if they are captured alive, they are to be treated well and fed, taken care of, etc... and told what islam is, and it is their choice if they embrace islam or not.

The punishment of adultery is the same as in judaism and christianity. It is death. It applies to both parties. Men and women.

Islamophobes seem to think that all these punishments apply to women only. They apply equally to both genders.

Unlike in christianity where divorce is forbidden. Islam allows divorce. If a couple is not fit for each other they can divorce. Problem solved. The children are to be still taken care of by the father while not restricted to be with either mother or father, they are their parents and there is no 'custody battles' they belong to both parents except if one side is literally harming the child.
No.  If you are refering to honor killings. There is no such thing in islam. It is in the bible, not in the qur'an.
One may not kill any other Muslim as killing a muslim will send you to hell. However if a group arises, a sect arises, which claims lies and distorts Islam, while claiming it is islam yes they are to be fought until they desist, repent and return to Islam. There is only one islam. If they call it something else then they are no longer Muslims or following Islam. An example of that are the Druze. They took from each religion something but they are not muslims anymore. Claiming something not from islam as islam is like claiming you have more knowledge than God or more knowledge than the messengers and prophets of God. It is lying against them and perpetrating lies while claiming it is islam. It is misguidance upon the ummah.

This is disgusting to even ask. Women and children are to be protected and safe guarded all the time. As God says men are the protecters of women. The same applies to children. This is the kind of idiocy the media spreads.
Absolutely not. Wherever Muslims overthrew a government. The citizens were not forced to abandon their faith or embrace Islam. They continued to practice their faith.

To become muslim one has to know what islam is and be consciously accepting this in his heart. Anything else is therefore invalid. That is why we have the 'proclamation of faith'. Shahada. There is no god but God. And Muhammad is his messenger.

To be muslim means to be submit yourself to the will of God. You cannot be made to do this under compulsion but only in your heart. Hence the verse there is no compulsion in religion refering to becoming muslim.

Just as in Judaism and Christianity. Homosexuals are to be put to death once they are exposed or publicly advocating without repentance. They are an abomination to God going against their intended creation and a corruption upon society.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for this.

Also lastly, in any of these cases where there is a capital punishment of death, the people are given a choice to repent and desist from their practices. If they however even advocate it in arrogance, they are to be put to death.

That which is from God remains the same. It is people who change it. Islam is the same as it was revealed. It is people who chose not to follow it but cannot change it. Christians don't know what to follow or not to follow they just follow their desires. Yesterday homosexuality was wrong, today its okay. Today beastiality is wrong, tomorrow ??? That's what happens when people follow man made laws and their own desires. Whichever the way the wind blows it goes.

Priests not being allowed to marry is not God's law. It is man made law, and look at the result. Children boys and girls are raped by priests.

Thanks for responding. Out of curiosity though... all of the above are taking place every day in the Muslim world... no way to dispute that... so you are saying all of the people who are commiting these "crimes" are breaking Islamic law?

If that is what you are saying... where is the outrage from the "real" Muslims and fatwas on those committing these crimes instead of the makers of some stupid movie? By your statement... shouldn't those who stormed the embassies and breaking Islamic law be the ones that are arrested for unjustified killing? The guys who behead people on video... those who do honor killings... suicide bombers... all breaking Islamic law? And not one bit of rioting or unrest? Hrmmm

Your response did exactly what I knew it would... draw out the hipocrasy of Islam. Every single one of the things I listed can be found in numerous examples over and over as accepted behavior... the blind cleric saying civilians can be killed because they pay taxes to the US gov. is on video etc.

Why don't you quote the Kuran verse that says it is ok to do ANYTHING to decieve non believers? Such as say it is wrong to kill people... and then kill them. Your response is the same old tired one people have been using forever. When you good old "real" Muslims start showing some outrage at all these people breaking Islamic law, maybe you will be taken serious. Until then, Islam will be seen for what it is... a death cult following the teachings of a child molester, who bent older religions into something that suited his sick blood lust and sick desires of how to treat women.

When you are ready to post a real honest answer to my question then maybe we can have a real discussion. The real answer from you and your twisted belief system is... that everything I posted is 100% true and you either agree with those tactics OR you are outraged by all of these people breaking Islamic law and you are gonna do something about it. Like protest or riot against the ones breaking Islamic law not some cartoonists or child who can't fight back. Your a fucking coward is what you are.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 18, 2012, 09:25:39 AM
It's not okay to kill at any time [...] except [...]

So it's OK to kill anytime for "injustice." And who defines injustice?

Historically there were certain incidents of people who deliberately plotted to cause chaos in society, amongst Muslims and non Muslims. Just like this idiot who made 'innoscence of muslims' basically a gay porn... or Salman Rushdie who not only blasphemed against Islam but Christianity and Judaism and other faiths.

So it's OK to kill those who say things that you find offensive?

Some very vile things.

So it's OK to kill those who do things you judge to be vile?

afterall the CIA invented car bombs.

Hardly. But even if they did, what does that say? Once something is invented, the gloves are off and the invention should be used with impunity?

Absolutely not. There is no justification of killing of non-muslims in muslim lands.

I'm waiting for hear an "except" - after all, you just finished telling us how it's OK to kill people for injustice. And those who make "vile things."

The Christians and Jews are told to complain to muslims for all their problems and calamities. They are under the protection of muslims.

Some protection...

The role of islam is to bring justice to all mankind and peace. It's not to randomly kill people.

For some definition of justice and some definition of peace.

The ruling for apostasy came about when there was a group of disbelievers who plotted to undermine the moral of Muslims.

And then it was OK to kill... got it.

They secretly plotted to deliberately claim to join islam then overnight leave, then join, then leave, then join, then leave all one by one. The ruling came to put a stop to this and they of course stopped as they were cowardly people with only the intent of harming Islam.

How is Islam hurt by people joining and leaving repeatedly? This story doesn't hold water.

The punishment of adultery is the same as in judaism and christianity. It is death. It applies to both parties. Men and women.

So the no killing thing is out... but at least "everybody else was doing it!" As if that, somehow, makes it ok. What does that say about all three religions?

Unlike in christianity where divorce is forbidden. Islam allows divorce. If a couple is not fit for each other they can divorce. Problem solved. The children are to be still taken care of by the father while not restricted to be with either mother or father, they are their parents and there is no 'custody battles' they belong to both parents except if one side is literally harming the child.

Truly an enlightened viewpoint... now perhaps if you say it three times it will actually be considered binding and final.

No.  If you are refering to honor killings. There is no such thing in islam. It is in the bible, not in the qur'an.

Of course. Everything bad is found elsewhere, and nothing bad is found in your particular grimoire...

One may not kill any other Muslim as killing a muslim will send you to hell. However if [...]

Again with the  "you can't kill ever, unless [reason]". I think people are onto you.

This is disgusting to even ask. Women and children are to be protected and safe guarded all the time. As God says men are the protecters of women. The same applies to children. This is the kind of idiocy the media spreads.

Why would women need protectors?

To become muslim one has to know what islam is and be consciously accepting this in his heart. Anything else is therefore invalid. That is why we have the 'proclamation of faith'. Shahada. There is no god but God. And Muhammad is his messenger.

Repeating vacuous words doesn't signify rational acceptance. Hell, Everlast incorporated the shahadah in one of his songs. Many kids repeat that without knowing what it means.

Just as in Judaism and Christianity. Homosexuals are to be put to death once they are exposed or publicly advocating without repentance. They are an abomination to God going against their intended creation and a corruption upon society.

So it's not OK to kill in Islam... except when the person to be killed is a gay. How many exceptions does that make now? Plus, how can anyone act against their "intended creation"? Can't your god just take away the desire of a gay to suck cock and make him want to fuck pussy? Why does your god even allow such "abominations" to exist?

Also lastly, in any of these cases where there is a capital punishment of death, the people are given a choice to repent and desist from their practices. If they however even advocate it in arrogance, they are to be put to death.

Oh, well that makes it OK then. Truly a civilized, rational and just religion. ::)

Priests not being allowed to marry is not God's law. It is man made law, and look at the result. Children boys and girls are raped by priests.

Right... priests fuck boys because they can't fuck women. If only some pussy had been made available to them... ::)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Man of Steel on September 18, 2012, 09:27:10 AM
No, unfortunately I don't have the capacity to address all your posts point by point (please refer to avxo or syntaxmachine for that type of discussion).  They are excellent in that regard. 

You just interpret it blindly... ;D

I don't think "rational acceptance" means what you think it means.

The Olympians also flourished alongside sciences, philosophy and all other sorts of works. What does that prove?

And what does your thinking tell you when the Qur'an makes ridiculous assertions like the heavens and earth and everything else being created in six days? (50:38) What does your thinking tell you about the ridiculous statement that your imaginary friend "made the earth as a fixed abode" (27:16). I could go on, but I don't want you to overthink, would we?

Yes, I'm sure that learning how to stop using your eight brain cells was a long and arduous process...

And Pastafarianism is the only absolutely pastalicious religion. So?

Islam is just as tainted by idolatry as every other religion out there. Don't you pray towards the Kaaba? And it's been as "tampered and adultered" by men at least as much as any other religion out there. The facts speak for themselves.

Objection. Assumes facts no in evidence. First you have to define God, prove that it exists, prove that he intended to send a message, that the messenger is question is the medium through which the message was delivered, that the message has not been corrupted, and that the message is still valid today. In other words, you have a lot of work to do. Off you go.

If you aren't feeling up to that, perhaps you'll answer a single question for us: why did your almighty imaginary friend need a messenger? Why couldn't he make, say, the stars all line up to spell his name? That would be a much more powerful message that sending a goat herder.

Even if this were true, what does it prove? Nothing, that's what. Oh, and did you enjoy all those details about how he took the virginity of his child-bride with his prophetic penis? Why, perhaps he even told her that "I'm about to prophesize, so swallow, don't spit." Such a man!

That's not true. You can get more information about random people on Facebook. And pictures to boot!

Really? You have intimate details about his bowel movements?

It's quite clear you don't know much about security. Chains of trust of the type you describe are notoriously weak, and for good reason...

Because you're stupid and don't want to deal with the world as it is, but with the world as you wish it to be.

I think you copy-pasted your craigslist "personal" ad by mistake there. 


It's hard to find what you aren't looking for.

Welcome to the Getbig religion board ahmed.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 18, 2012, 09:32:25 AM
Welcome to the Getbig religion board ahmed.

*bows* ;)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 18, 2012, 12:42:45 PM
Thanks for responding. Out of curiosity though... all of the above are taking place every day in the Muslim world... no way to dispute that... so you are saying all of the people who are commiting these "crimes" are breaking Islamic law?

If they are breaking islamic law, for example a muslim raping somebody doesn't mater who/what/reason/etc... they would be punished under islam.

Unfortunately we do not have a caliphate and the west does not want one to happen as it would united the whole muslim world.

Your response did exactly what I knew it would... draw out the hipocrasy of Islam. Every single one of the things I listed can be found in numerous examples over and over as accepted behavior... the blind cleric saying civilians can be killed because they pay taxes to the US gov. is on video etc.

No it just shows that you were not sincere and that I wasted my time even responding to you. You see muslims as 'barbaric' and cite various claims. But apparently America is 'civillized' when it kills and maims millions with expensive weapons.

Why don't you quote the Kuran verse that says it is ok to do ANYTHING to decieve non believers? Such as say it is wrong to kill people... and then kill them. Your response is the same old tired one people have been using forever. When you good old "real" Muslims start showing some outrage at all these people breaking Islamic law, maybe you will be taken serious. Until then, Islam will be seen for what it is... a death cult following the teachings of a child molester, who bent older religions into something that suited his sick blood lust and sick desires of how to treat women.

There is no such verse. You are talking ignorantly and brain filled to think what you want to think.

When you are ready to post a real honest answer to my question then maybe we can have a real discussion. The real answer from you and your twisted belief system is... that everything I posted is 100% true and you either agree with those tactics OR you are outraged by all of these people breaking Islamic law and you are gonna do something about it. Like protest or riot against the ones breaking Islamic law not some cartoonists or child who can't fight back. Your a fucking coward is what you are.

Will you ever ask an 'honest and sincere question' or just use it to spew more ignoramus comments and anger of yours.

It's funny you don't find it cowardly that american troops and armies come with the most expensive weaponery to kill foreigners.

These protests are not just the anger at the continous defamation and lying against muslims, it is the accumulation of decades of oppression, dictatorships, wars, etc... that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for your meddling.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 18, 2012, 07:15:24 PM
And not a single word of condemnation for the behavior... not a denial of it taking place. Just more finger pointing at the west. So it is less of a crime for a Muslim to not follow Islamic law then it is for a non Muslim to not follow Islamic law... so it is all justified. A sick and twisted mindset.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 18, 2012, 09:11:03 PM
How is beheading, suicide bombing and using 4 year old children to endorse heinous crimes doing good or bringing justice and peace to the world.  Muslims are the most confused, hypocritical and juvenile individuals on the planet.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 18, 2012, 09:18:26 PM
a_ahmed isn't answering me... :'(
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 18, 2012, 10:34:27 PM
And not a single word of condemnation for the behavior... not a denial of it taking place. Just more finger pointing at the west. So it is less of a crime for a Muslim to not follow Islamic law then it is for a non Muslim to not follow Islamic law... so it is all justified. A sick and twisted mindset.

Are you on drugs?

How is beheading, suicide bombing and using 4 year old children to endorse heinous crimes doing good or bringing justice and peace to the world.  Muslims are the most confused, hypocritical and juvenile individuals on the planet.

Are you also on drugs?

If someone does not follow islam and does something but has a muslim name. Does that mean islam goes on trial?

Not to mention most of you are recycling words of media hoo haa. How many times must someone respond to you to your recycled claims? Honor killing is a cultural thing not islam. Suicide bombing I've already explained it's origins and use and quoted a verse on the fact that God said do not kill ourselves.

You have to further understand the psyche of these people who have been through oppression for decades. By imposed dictators, by the US, etc...

These protests that turned violent are not just because of this bs 'movie' that basically presents our beloved prophet in a gay porn (disgusting filth)... its just insult on insult. Salt upon salt on wounds upon wounds. However it is anger that is building up from constant slander, constant defamation, constant humilation, constant oppression, constant killing.

Let me remind you. That for the last 30 some years. Egypt was ruled by a military dictator who literally tortured anyone who would pretty much speak about Islam, or get in gatherings except what was prescribed. Friday sermons were WRITTEN and approved by government and after each sermon the 'leader' was praised.

People were BRUTALLY tortured and improsoned. The muslims dont want any stinking dictators imposed on them.

Let me also remind you in the last 10 years alone, 7 countries have been attacked and over a million people have died. It's just sacrilage. There is anger in that part of the world and until the west stops meddling and causing  bloodshed these people will have no peace, no justice and will be angry.

There cannot be peace without justice...

Finally for DECADES hollywood and the media have been villifying muslims, arabs, etc... misrepresenting them.

I am one victim of it. I came to arab countries with FEAR... fear because of what i was shown and told by hollywood, cartoons and media... yet i found a COMPLETELY 100% totally opposite experience to what european/na governments, media and hollywood have been portraying.

I literally went in thinking its all about magic lamps, flying carpets, arab thieves, violent people, angry people, dangerous people, killers on every corner, spying on you on every corner, etc... all kinds of dumb crap. In the end as a non muslim i actually enjoyed living amongst muslims. Far more peaceful human life and living.

As far as progress... its hard to progress when you are constantly being bombed, waged war upon and having dictators rule you and steal the people's wealth.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 19, 2012, 03:10:51 AM
If someone does not follow islam and does something but has a muslim name. Does that mean islam goes on trial?

When THEY specifically say that is why are doing it... Then YES. See there is your blinder. That's my entire point. If they are breaking Islamic law and saying they are doing it in the name of Islam... where is your outrage against THEM? Your outrage always goes to someone else... "well they were provoked... or they are not real Muslims.". Dumbass you made my point for me.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 19, 2012, 04:05:02 AM

You have to further understand the psyche of these people who have been through oppression for decades. By imposed dictators, by the US, etc...

These protests that turned violent are not just because of this bs 'movie' that basically presents our beloved prophet in a gay porn (disgusting filth)... its just insult on insult. Salt upon salt on wounds upon wounds. However it is anger that is building up from constant slander, constant defamation, constant humilation, constant oppression, constant killing. People were BRUTALLY tortured and improsoned. The muslims dont want any stinking dictators imposed on them.

Or maybe you tend to see evil in everything and pessimism in everything instead of the beauty of life. Negatives as opposed to positives. Quite like I said earlier, you are ungrateful to God. If you were greatful to our creator you would see things differently and understand life differently.


Let me also remind you in the last 10 years alone, 7 countries have been attacked and over a million people have died. It's just sacrilage. There is anger in that part of the world and until the west stops meddling and causing  bloodshed these people will have no peace, no justice and will be angry.

There cannot be peace without justice...

Finally for DECADES hollywood and the media have been villifying muslims, arabs, etc... misrepresenting them.

I am one victim of it. I came to arab countries with FEAR... fear because of what i was shown and told by hollywood, cartoons and media... yet i found a COMPLETELY 100% totally opposite experience to what european/na governments, media and hollywood have been portraying.
As far as progress... its hard to progress when you are constantly being bombed, waged war upon and having dictators rule you and steal the people's wealth.

Again same as what i said above. Your perception of gloom and doom in life
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 08:10:55 AM
Or maybe you tend to see evil in everything and pessimism in everything instead of the beauty of life. Negatives as opposed to positives. Quite like I said earlier, you are ungrateful to God. If you were greatful to our creator you would see things differently and understand life differently.

Again same as what i said above. Your perception of gloom and doom in life

Very cute, you copy pasted what I told you in a completely different matter.

No I am just perceiving what is happening on the ground, what has been happening through historical facts.

It's hard to progress when you are bombed every few years. Imposed dictators every few years. People are frustrated. Maybe you should start taking responsibility and stop harassing a 1.5 billion people population
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 08:13:13 AM
If someone does not follow islam and does something but has a muslim name. Does that mean islam goes on trial?

When THEY specifically say that is why are doing it... Then YES. See there is your blinder. That's my entire point. If they are breaking Islamic law and saying they are doing it in the name of Islam... where is your outrage against THEM? Your outrage always goes to someone else... "well they were provoked... or they are not real Muslims.". Dumbass you made my point for me.

You are not making any point, you are just repeating what you want to repeat.

You will leave this thread and continue to be an ignoramus with a construct in your mind of muslims and islam. So when yet again a honor killing story goes blaring for a few weeks in the media (while so much other shit happens), you will be like SEE SEE THEM ISLAM FOLLOWERS.

Even though youll find far more stories of hindus doing honor killings but you wont try to research their religion or even ask.

It shows your ulterior motives.

Like I've said before in this instance, there is absolutley no condoning of this act in islam, it is disgusting and a cultural practice. It is contrary to islam.

Yet it is a teaching in the bible but thats okay you dont follow the bible.  ::)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 08:28:17 AM
Does everything in a non muslim who hates and knows nothing about islam have to always relate to perversion? You guys can't draw anything without perversion. You can't speak without perversion. Shows what a sick and demented minds you have. Some of you when I try to talk to, your every second word is fuck fuck fuck, you want to fornicate everything on the face of the earth? Sickness.

Yet again do you benefit me with that? No you insult me, you insult God, you insult muslims, you insult Muhammad (pbuh) Do you benefit yourself? Absolutely not you just delude yourself further and blaspheme against God almighty.

Now imagine for a second you actually sat down to learn about Islam's teachings instead of repeating vile insults, rumors and misinformation. Which really has no benefit for anyone but what you could learn about islam could benefit you.

The qureish arabs, the pagan arabs tried to do similar things they'd try to ridicule Muhammad, beat him up and his companions, call him a liar, call him a soothsayer and a magician, call him various names and accusations. Yet they did not benefit themselves what so ever.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 19, 2012, 08:33:34 AM
A_ahmed or what ever you name are a boring kunt ::) you spend so much time writing shit on here. sad fuck...
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Man of Steel on September 19, 2012, 08:51:26 AM
Does everything in a non muslim who hates and knows nothing about islam have to always relate to perversion? You guys can't draw anything without perversion. You can't speak without perversion. Shows what a sick and demented minds you have. Some of you when I try to talk to, your every second word is fuck fuck fuck, you want to fornicate everything on the face of the earth? Sickness.

Yet again do you benefit me with that? No you insult me, you insult God, you insult muslims, you insult Muhammad (pbuh) Do you benefit yourself? Absolutely not you just delude yourself further and blaspheme against God almighty.

Now imagine for a second you actually sat down to learn about Islam's teachings instead of repeating vile insults, rumors and misinformation. Which really has no benefit for anyone but what you could learn about islam could benefit you.

The qureish arabs, the pagan arabs tried to do similar things they'd try to ridicule Muhammad, beat him up and his companions, call him a liar, call him a soothsayer and a magician, call him various names and accusations. Yet they did not benefit themselves what so ever.

My humble opinion, continue to represent your faith as honestly as you're able, but don't lace those honest replies with potshots and's off putting to an audience you're wanting to help.   I'm not saying your jabs aren't fitting or even deserved, but if you want to represent peace and light then be that.  

I often pray and ask God to help me help others to clearly see him through my example (unfortunately I sometimes fail).  Even the Christian supporters on these boards sometimes use foul language and attack and insult and indulge in pornography, drug abuse, racism, etc.....  

I get upset from time to time, but I always try to reel it in and remember that even though the discussion involves me it isn't as much about me as it is about the other people I want to share my faith with....I just do my best to live out my faith.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 19, 2012, 09:42:49 AM
Very cute, you copy pasted what I told you in a completely different matter.

No I am just perceiving what is happening on the ground, what has been happening through historical facts.

It's hard to progress when you are bombed every few years. Imposed dictators every few years. People are frustrated. Maybe you should start taking responsibility and stop harassing a 1.5 billion people population
I'm with you on that bro, I just don't think I will ever understand Islam, it must be the english blood in me.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 19, 2012, 10:03:05 AM
What part of what I did to you don't you get? Lol your making posts just proving the point more and more.

"Watch me as I behead these infadels in the name of Allah and Mohamed!!! I blow myself up in the name of Islam!!!

Ahmed: Those aren't Muslims pffft just cause they say they are doing all of those things because they are Muslims and interpreting Islamic law, they aren't!!! And even if they were... They were pushed to do so because of the US. Also... If Christians beheaded some one 200 years ago, then that is the same as doing it in 2012.

Do you even realize that this is what you sound like? A brainwashed dummy? You try and post like you are intelligent or something, but you sound like a brainwashed fucking moron. Do you know that and not care? Or are you so blinded you think you are winning these arguments?
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 10:09:45 AM
Now you're just ranting. I guess you didn't take the time to read.

I knew it was futile, yet I kept my word, that I would respond to you while you claimed we muslims were 'keeping silent'. The reason everyone ignored your particular post was beacuse it was clear what your intentions were just by the way you created the post. You prove that you are an intellectually dishonest individual, who when posing a question already was stating his own dishonest answers as facts and when responded to clearly manifest the truth of the matter, just as i presumed that you are insincere and will continue to bash mindlessly the same lies, misinformations and hate that you already were routed upon.

Secondly I wasn't saying that people doing sinful acts or crimes were not muslims. I was saying if someone has a muslim name, born muslim, etc... but doesn't practice the religion and follows cultural and traditions rather than Islam. You should be aware that they are doing that, and not following islam. You are basically putting islam on trial because some idiot might have raped somebody and you will utter a lie like "oh thats because its islam" when clearly rape is punishable by death in islam.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 19, 2012, 10:30:15 AM
Now you're just ranting. I guess you didn't take the time to read.

I knew it was futile, yet I kept my word, that I would respond to you while you claimed we muslims were 'keeping silent'. The reason everyone ignored your particular post was beacuse it was clear what your intentions were just by the way you created the post. You prove that you are an intellectually dishonest individual, who when posing a question already was stating his own dishonest answers as facts and when responded to clearly manifest the truth of the matter, just as i presumed that you are insincere and will continue to bash mindlessly the same lies, misinformations and hate that you already were routed upon.

Secondly I wasn't saying that people doing sinful acts or crimes were not muslims. I was saying if someone has a muslim name, born muslim, etc... but doesn't practice the religion and follows cultural and traditions rather than Islam. You should be aware that they are doing that, and not following islam. You are basically putting islam on trial because some idiot might have raped somebody and you will utter a lie like "oh thats because its islam" when clearly rape is punishable by death in islam.

I'm not saying anything for them... It's called google, YouTube, and video tape... It is them saying why they are doing every single thing I started this thread with... In thier own words... I do this for Islam. It is you choosing to ignore it. That = agenda. The day even one of you sick fucks says it is wrong to riot over a fucking cartoon maybe someone will take you serious about being different. Until then, silence is the same as condoning the behavior. And as for your Hindu comments... My wife is Indian you idiot... She is catholic but we have many traditional Indian friends. They aren't killing anyone AND even if they were, how does that make what you fucking animals do any better? Again.... Wtfpwned.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 19, 2012, 12:36:33 PM
I don't understand why Western countries have to adapt and 'compromise' to the anti-human stances of Islam when anyone practicing Christianity in one of the Arab countries could go to jail etc...?

Moslem behaviour around the world, especially recently has shown the true mass nature of this cult and its followers.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 12:50:54 PM
You guys are retards seriously. So what if your wife is indian. Mine is african.

My point was, hindus do honor killings, female infanticide, female abortions, etc... its part of that region's demented culture. I don't see you going after them and trying to 'expose them' for 'their religion'. It sounds just as retarded.

You are spreading bullshit, because you are as shitty as hollywood in the 80s with your 'knowlege' of muslims/islam and even arabs (be they christian or otherwise).

Oh yeah, right, them ayrab mozlemz were chasing me with swords down the street because i was a christian. Get real. I've actually LIVED with them for 6 years. You, have 'lived' through the television.

Arabs/Muslims treating me and my family better than some of our own people back here in the west. You don't know squat and are just a bunch of brain garbage filled losers who profess they think they know something about a people when I bet not a single one of you actually read the quran or read the seerah/biography of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

You are ranting rageaholics yet look so stupid in my eyes. Knowlege erases ignorance and raises intellect. False knowledge just raises pride and arrogance.

Reading quotes with 'explanations' by idiot websites is not reading the quran.

You are coming forward basically going.

You: ANSWER ME, did your mother leave jail or is she still in jail?

Me: Huh what?


Me: My mother didn't go to jail nor is in jail

You: Just YES or NO!

You are stating something untrue and making it a close ended question or with some hidden meaning.

Now if you quoted to me in the qur'an something and asked me is this not part of the qur'an PLUS the actual context. Then I could answer you with a yes this is a part from islam or no this is not a part from islam.

Quoting verses 'behead the unbelievers wherever you find them' lol... when it is clearly a battle and swords were the weapon of choice. Does not mean 'behead unbelievers' wherever you find them in your neighbourhood/street/work/etc... Are you a retard?
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 19, 2012, 03:18:31 PM
You guys are retards seriously. So what if your wife is indian. Mine is african.

My point was, hindus do honor killings, female infanticide, female abortions, etc... its part of that region's demented culture. I don't see you going after them and trying to 'expose them' for 'their religion'. It sounds just as retarded.

You are spreading bullshit, because you are as shitty as hollywood in the 80s with your 'knowlege' of muslims/islam and even arabs (be they christian or otherwise).

Oh yeah, right, them ayrab mozlemz were chasing me with swords down the street because i was a christian. Get real. I've actually LIVED with them for 6 years. You, have 'lived' through the television.

Arabs/Muslims treating me and my family better than some of our own people back here in the west. You don't know squat and are just a bunch of brain garbage filled losers who profess they think they know something about a people when I bet not a single one of you actually read the quran or read the seerah/biography of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

You are ranting rageaholics yet look so stupid in my eyes. Knowlege erases ignorance and raises intellect. False knowledge just raises pride and arrogance.

Reading quotes with 'explanations' by idiot websites is not reading the quran.

You are coming forward basically going.

You: ANSWER ME, did your mother leave jail or is she still in jail?

Me: Huh what?


Me: My mother didn't go to jail nor is in jail

You: Just YES or NO!

You are stating something untrue and making it a close ended question or with some hidden meaning.

Now if you quoted to me in the qur'an something and asked me is this not part of the qur'an PLUS the actual context. Then I could answer you with a yes this is a part from islam or no this is not a part from islam.

Quoting verses 'behead the unbelievers wherever you find them' lol... when it is clearly a battle and swords were the weapon of choice. Does not mean 'behead unbelievers' wherever you find them in your neighbourhood/street/work/etc... Are you a retard?

And this post is the end of thread really. You just did it again AFTER I explained to you what I was doing to you. I don't interpret anything from your shotbag religion... I use what your people say against you. Do I think that verse says behead people in 2012? No. But your fucked up religion does... don't give me that's not Islam. It is Islam and until you remove that part of it you are with them and an all around joke.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 19, 2012, 03:32:12 PM
Do I think that verse says behead people in 2012? No. But your fucked up religion does... don't give me that's not Islam. It is Islam and until you remove that part of it you are with them and an all around joke.

So you contradict yourself. You say no it doesn't mean then yes our *insert fornicate word* religion  says so.

I am extrapolating from your 2012, behead comment. It's talking about A BATTLE, and to strike at heads/fingers of enemies (swords were weapons of the day). It doesn't say randomly kill people because they disbelieve.

In fact when Muslims were sent into battle it was ordered by Muhammad (pbuh) not to harm, women, children, men who do not fight, not even cattle or trees, not houses.

If certain Muslims harm innoscent people yes they are in the wrong. I already went over this.

However you seem to not give up of painting Islam a certain way with your magical constructs from your own mind and what the media spoon feeds you daily.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 20, 2012, 03:31:45 AM
You guys are retards seriously. So what if your wife is indian. Mine is african.

My point was, hindus do honor killings, female infanticide, female abortions, etc... its part of that region's demented culture. I don't see you going after them and trying to 'expose them' for 'their religion'. It sounds just as retarded.

You are spreading bullshit, because you are as shitty as hollywood in the 80s with your 'knowlege' of muslims/islam and even arabs (be they christian or otherwise).

Oh yeah, right, them ayrab mozlemz were chasing me with swords down the street because i was a christian. Get real. I've actually LIVED with them for 6 years. You, have 'lived' through the television.

Arabs/Muslims treating me and my family better than some of our own people back here in the west. You don't know squat and are just a bunch of brain garbage filled losers who profess they think they know something about a people when I bet not a single one of you actually read the quran or read the seerah/biography of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

You are ranting rageaholics yet look so stupid in my eyes. Knowlege erases ignorance and raises intellect. False knowledge just raises pride and arrogance.

Reading quotes with 'explanations' by idiot websites is not reading the quran.

You are coming forward basically going.

You: ANSWER ME, did your mother leave jail or is she still in jail?

Me: Huh what?


Me: My mother didn't go to jail nor is in jail

You: Just YES or NO!

You are stating something untrue and making it a close ended question or with some hidden meaning.

Now if you quoted to me in the qur'an something and asked me is this not part of the qur'an PLUS the actual context. Then I could answer you with a yes this is a part from islam or no this is not a part from islam.

Quoting verses 'behead the unbelievers wherever you find them' lol... when it is clearly a battle and swords were the weapon of choice. Does not mean 'behead unbelievers' wherever you find them in your neighbourhood/street/work/etc... Are you a retard?

A person just has to look at the behaviour of all this protesting Moslems around the world at the moment to understand their 'mentality'.

If Moslems are so great and treat you better then maybe stay with them in their own country instead.

If all Moslems did this, we'd be living in a much better world.

That being said the West is also to blame for interfering in these people's affairs, they should pull out all their troops and financial aid and let everyone kill and oppress each other and be happy.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 20, 2012, 12:37:20 PM
Yes I did enjoy living there, and I intend to move there again :)

Ever think that maybe if the west stop fucking with everyone the world would be a much nicer place? Such as oh i dont know, not starting wars, meddling with other people's affairs, imposing puppets and dictators?

The last 100 years have been nothing but political occupations and wars of the middle-east due to who's meddling? Colonialists (British, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch) and America who pretty much took over that job.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: bigbobs on September 20, 2012, 08:57:05 PM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.  I enjoy coming on this forum since I noticed his posts, previously I'd spend all of my time on the G&O. 
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 20, 2012, 11:11:05 PM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.  I enjoy coming on this forum since I noticed his posts, previously I'd spend all of my time on the G&O. 
Personally I find a-ahmed to be slightly crazy, his arguments make no sense and are full of contradictions.  The Muslims deny the immorality of the life of Muhammad,  both in his public and personal life not to mention the lack of authenticity and morality of the Quran, their obvious human rights abuses in modern Islamic nations, and the treatment of women in Islamic law and practice is abhorent.  They also hate freedom of speech, calling to behead those who practice it.  Muslims inability to integrate into other cultures due to their indoctrination and juvenile reactions to perceived slights, their use of terrorism, the concept of Jihad and their extreme hatred of non believers is the last thing I would call Logical.  It doesn't surprise me that supporters of an irrational, sociopathic religion accuse others of being illogical.  You just need to see how upset they get when you disagree with them and their overt psychotic beliefs, they literally wan't to kill you.  And then when you point out the crazy shit Muslims do, they twist and contort the truth to suit themselves.  Nothing logical about a_ahmed or his defence of Islam.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: bigbobs on September 20, 2012, 11:26:29 PM
Personally I find a-ahmed to be slightly crazy, his arguments make no sense and are full of contradictions.  The Muslims deny the immorality of the life of Muhammad,  both in his public and personal life not to mention the lack of authenticity and morality of the Quran, their obvious human rights abuses in modern Islamic nations, and the treatment of women in Islamic law and practice is abhorent.  They also hate freedom of speech, calling to behead those who practice it.  Muslims inability to integrate into other cultures due to their indoctrination and juvenile reactions to perceived slights, their use of terrorism, the concept of Jihad and their extreme hatred of non believers is the last thing I would call Logical.  It doesn't surprise me that supporters of an irrational, sociopathic religion accuse others of being illogical.  You just need to see how upset they get when you disagree with them and their overt psychotic beliefs, they literally wan't to kill you.  And then when you point out the crazy shit Muslims do, they twist and contort the truth to suit themselves.  Nothing logical about a_ahmed or his defence of Islam.

Your huge post/rant basically contains your individual opinion on morality/immoraility and then the bulk of it discusses various generalizations of Muslims in the world and makes the false or should I say "illogical :)" inference that the religion is to blame for the the mis-practices of some Muslims today.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 21, 2012, 01:50:34 AM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.  I enjoy coming on this forum since I noticed his posts, previously I'd spend all of my time on the G&O. 
do not think so .. the guy is a dick and who the fuck are Muslims to tell anyone anything. You live in our lands you do as your told, live our way of life or stay where you are and live your middle age sad lives with your sheep. The guy just writes what they have Brainwashed him with. I for one do not agree Muslims should come to the UK and build their Mosks .. and go on the streets shouting about fucking Allah. Any  guy who comes on here and writes that british/American soldiers are legitimate targets is a piece of shit. If i ever got this guy i would put him in Hospital. Fucking Radical Bastards all i can say is fuck off to your Islamic lands if you do not like the UK, France; Germany, the US.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 21, 2012, 02:48:44 AM
Your huge post/rant basically contains your individual opinion on morality/immoraility and then the bulk of it discusses various generalizations of Muslims in the world and makes the false or should I say "illogical :)" inference that the religion is to blame for the the mis-practices of some Muslims today.
Can't stand religious zealots, they will kill you before they see reason, it's either you believe what they do or your a fucking satan worshipper who doesn't know anything about anything.  No wonder religion is hated.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 21, 2012, 04:14:35 AM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.  I enjoy coming on this forum since I noticed his posts, previously I'd spend all of my time on the G&O. 

Coming from the guy who thinks Nasser was the greatest bodybuilder ever.... ;D
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 21, 2012, 09:10:41 AM
Can't stand religious zealots, they will kill you before they see reason, it's either you believe what they do or your a fucking satan worshipper who doesn't know anything about anything.  No wonder religion is hated.

Ask the resident atheists :) They think they are superior in knowledge to all, the super scientificos :)

They think no one knows anything about anything if they reject darwinism :)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 21, 2012, 09:43:23 AM
Coming from the guy who thinks Nasser was the greatest bodybuilder ever.... ;D


Nasser is not amused


Nasser heard what you said and just chuckled at your little self
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Thick Nick on September 21, 2012, 10:19:50 AM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.  I enjoy coming on this forum since I noticed his posts, previously I'd spend all of my time on the G&O. 

Lol yes I feel owned even as his last post did exactly what I said... Justified every single thing I said at the start of this thread by blaming it all on others. It's actually perfect. If you have debating skills, you are supposed to counter point you don't make the point for them. So your comments are the best ever. Lol.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 21, 2012, 10:42:11 AM
Ultimately, people are usually whatever religion they were taught to be or what their community believes in.

Their are exceptions, but like most things we believe what we were taught as children and it plays a huge role in how our minds and attitudes develop.

Someone born in North Korea and indoctrinated from a young age to be a die-hard Communist probably will be.
A kid growing up around a bunch of Moslems whose family are also Moslems will usually also be a Moslem oneday.

The same goes for a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu etc.
These religions are also often tied in with a part of their culture and national heritage so are to an extent a part of who they are.

Someone brought up as a Buddhist will believe they are right, the same for a Moslem, Christian etc.

Do people who blindly follow their faith not see how stupid this is...?
It's like a lottery, depending on where you were born will usually decide your religion.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 21, 2012, 11:21:01 AM
Ultimately, people are usually whatever religion they were taught to be or what their community believes in.

Their are exceptions, but like most things we believe what we were taught as children and it plays a huge role in how our minds and attitudes develop.

Someone born in North Korea and indoctrinated from a young age to be a die-hard Communist probably will be.
A kid growing up around a bunch of Moslems whose family are also Moslems will usually also be a Moslem oneday. Mate....   is Brain Dead

The same goes for a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu etc.
These religions are also often tied in with a part of their culture and national heritage so are to an extent a part of who they are.

Someone brought up as a Buddhist will believe they are right, the same for a Moslem, Christian etc.

Do people who blindly follow their faith not see how stupid this is...?
It's like a lottery, depending on where you were born will usually decide your religion.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 21, 2012, 12:18:16 PM
Ultimately, people are usually whatever religion they were taught to be or what their community believes in.

Their are exceptions, but like most things we believe what we were taught as children and it plays a huge role in how our minds and attitudes develop.

Someone born in North Korea and indoctrinated from a young age to be a die-hard Communist probably will be.
A kid growing up around a bunch of Moslems whose family are also Moslems will usually also be a Moslem oneday.

The same goes for a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu etc.
These religions are also often tied in with a part of their culture and national heritage so are to an extent a part of who they are.

Someone brought up as a Buddhist will believe they are right, the same for a Moslem, Christian etc.

Do people who blindly follow their faith not see how stupid this is...?
It's like a lottery, depending on where you were born will usually decide your religion.

Sure except I wasn't born into Muslim culture or a muslim family

When it is said to them, “Follow the Commands that Allah has sent down”, they reply, “We will follow only what we found our forefathers practising.”  Well, will they go on following their forefathers even though they did not use common sense and did not find the Right Way!  The mental condition of those who rejected the way of Allah may be likened to that of the cattle whom the shepherd calls but they hear nothing except the sound of shouts and cries. They are deaf, they are dumb, they are blind; therefore they do not understand anything. 2:170-171

Nay!  But they say, “We found our forefathers on a way and we are only walking in their footsteps.” Even so, whenever before you We sent a warner to a habitation, its people of means said, “We have found our forefathers on a way and we are only following in their footsteps.”   Every Prophet asked them, “Will you still go on following the same old way even if I guide you to a more right way than that you found your forefathers following?”   They replied, “We disbelieve the religion with which you have been sent.”  Consequently, We took vengeance on them.  Just consider what was the end of those who denied. 43:22-25
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 21, 2012, 12:31:35 PM
Sure except I wasn't born into Muslim culture or a muslim family

When it is said to them, “Follow the Commands that Allah has sent down”, they reply, “We will follow only what we found our forefathers practising.”  Well, will they go on following their forefathers even though they did not use common sense and did not find the Right Way!  The mental condition of those who rejected the way of Allah may be likened to that of the cattle whom the shepherd calls but they hear nothing except the sound of shouts and cries. They are deaf, they are dumb, they are blind; therefore they do not understand anything. 2:170-171

Nay!  But they say, “We found our forefathers on a way and we are only walking in their footsteps.” Even so, whenever before you We sent a warner to a habitation, its people of means said, “We have found our forefathers on a way and we are only following in their footsteps.”   Every Prophet asked them, “Will you still go on following the same old way even if I guide you to a more right way than that you found your forefathers following?”   They replied, “We disbelieve the religion with which you have been sent.”  Consequently, We took vengeance on them.  Just consider what was the end of those who denied. 43:22-25

By resorting to quotes from a religious text you are only showing a lack of scientific logic and reasoning and this is precisely what makes religious people appear primitive and ultimately incapable of rational debate.

Such a mentality retards the development of the human race.

Those texts mean nothing to me?
Because it was written by some guy in cave for the consumption of desert people and ultimately lead to a war of aggression against the Eastern Roman Empire.

This 'prophet' lead armies and slaughtered people, he caused wars in the same of spreading what started as a cult and eventually forcefully converted their conquered lands.

They then waged a war against the heartland of the Eastern Roman Empire and Europe.

Thankfully, they were repelled or the entire world would still be living in the Dark Ages.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 21, 2012, 12:49:46 PM
By resorting to quotes from a religious text you are only showing a lack of scientific logic and reasoning and this is precisely what makes religious people appear primitive and ultimately incapable of rational debate.

Such a mentality retards the development of the human race.

Those texts mean nothing to me?
Because it was written by some guy in cave for the consumption of desert people and ultimately lead to a war of aggression against the Eastern Roman Empire.
Sorry but unlike europe and christendom, islam had no problem with progress or science. This is historical fact. The dark ages lasted over a thousand years in europe, while the 'golden age of enlightment' as dubbed by even jews was under muslim rule for over a thousand years.

When the crusades started happening is when humanity retarded

What 'retards' the human race is the constant wars being waged by europeans and now americans.

Europeans who didn't know how to shower? Yeah... in the 1800s the british royals appointed a shower surgeon a muslim LMAO.. to teach the royals how to shower. Cleanliness and hygene is a part of Islam.

The amount of inventions Muslims came up with are COUNTLESS and they do not get the credit for it as europeans claim thta they invented or discovered x amount of things. A little bit of historical reading and you get enlightened to realize the truth.

The message of islam is universal. The message of christinaity was pretty much for whites. It is only a modern phenomena that christians have a 'black jesus' and 'asian jesus' and all that other invention non-sense

This 'prophet' lead armies and slaughtered people, he caused wars in the same of spreading what started as a cult and eventually forcefully converted their conquered lands.

They then waged a war against the heartland of the Eastern Roman Empire and Europe.
The funny thing is the christians of that time prefered being ruled by Muslims than by their fellow roman christians who were oppressors and hypocrites bent on only personal power

The prophet (pbuh) didn't 'slaughter people' armies fought armies. Unlike the crusades, Muslims would not attack civillians that was on the order of the prophet (pbuh).

The thing is when the 'awesome' europeans came they didn't even spare the christians they slaughtered the christians living in peace with muslims.

Thankfully, they were repelled or the entire world would still be living in the Dark Ages.
You would still be in the dark ages if it weren't for Muslims.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 22, 2012, 04:08:05 AM
Sorry but unlike europe and christendom, islam had no problem with progress or science. This is historical fact. The dark ages lasted over a thousand years in europe, while the 'golden age of enlightment' as dubbed by even jews was under muslim rule for over a thousand years.

When the crusades started happening is when humanity retarded

What 'retards' the human race is the constant wars being waged by europeans and now americans.

Europeans who didn't know how to shower? Yeah... in the 1800s the british royals appointed a shower surgeon a muslim LMAO.. to teach the royals how to shower. Cleanliness and hygene is a part of Islam.

The amount of inventions Muslims came up with are COUNTLESS and they do not get the credit for it as europeans claim thta they invented or discovered x amount of things. A little bit of historical reading and you get enlightened to realize the truth.

The message of islam is universal. The message of christinaity was pretty much for whites. It is only a modern phenomena that christians have a 'black jesus' and 'asian jesus' and all that other invention non-sense
The funny thing is the christians of that time prefered being ruled by Muslims than by their fellow roman christians who were oppressors and hypocrites bent on only personal power

The prophet (pbuh) didn't 'slaughter people' armies fought armies. Unlike the crusades, Muslims would not attack civillians that was on the order of the prophet (pbuh).

The thing is when the 'awesome' europeans came they didn't even spare the christians they slaughtered the christians living in peace with muslims.
You would still be in the dark ages if it weren't for Muslims.

The reason Europe fell into the Dark Ages was because the Western Roman Empire fell to Barbarians.
As a result it took about a 1000 years to recover back to the standard of civilization the Romans had.
Religious mysticism had replaced scientific reason and logic....much like some religious societies today.

The Pagans were at least able to keep their religion somewhat separate from how they believed the world worked and educated Pagans were smart enough to see them more as stories which were part of tradition.

The reason why the Arabs were in there 'Golden Age' was because of their access to Greek texts and philosophers which they translated....and often got from the Eastern Romans.

Of course, only the Western Roman Empire had fallen to Barbarians.
The Eastern Roman Empire existed till 1453 until the Turks eventually took their capital Constantinople.

The Eastern Romans (Or 'Byzantines', a modern term) carried on many of the traditions of the Romans and saw themselves as still representing the Roman Empire.
They had public baths, ate with a knife and fork and were generally quite literate and looked down on the Latins/Franks of Western Europe as well as the Moslems as both being barbarians.

The invasion of the Arabs brought with it forced conversions and enslavement.
The rule under the Eastern Romans was one of prosperity and relative safety.

The highlighted statement applies to all humans, just look at the 'benevolent' rule of Moslems today....

Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 22, 2012, 06:58:46 AM

Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 22, 2012, 09:33:49 AM
That guy is a redneck tool, been watching his videos. He talks out of his ass and has the education of a typical abcbcnbcfoxcnner
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 22, 2012, 09:51:22 AM
That guy is a redneck tool, been watching his videos. He talks out of his ass and has the education of a typical abcbcnbcfoxcnner
well he uses words...your sadistic scum use swords to cut heads off
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 22, 2012, 09:56:14 AM
Kick Islam out of Europe...Kick them out the US.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 22, 2012, 10:34:27 PM
That guy is a redneck tool, been watching his videos. He talks out of his ass and has the education of a typical abcbcnbcfoxcnner
Translation - He speaks the Truth about Islam and it's practice of Violence and our sick worshipping of a homo/pedo/murderer.  I will add him to my Jihad hit list and in the meantime I will insult him, as only us Muslims are allowed to be intolerant and disrespectful towards others.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 22, 2012, 10:57:07 PM
a_ahmed single-handedly destroying Griffith, Thick Nick, E-Kul, and Avxo!  His debating skills, knowledge, and logic are second to none.

If by "destroy" you mean he continuously posts non-sequiturs, makes blatantly false statements, misrepresents (and misunderstands) scientific theories he denounces and repeats the same nonsense over and over, hoping that repetition will, magically, make them true, then yes he "destroys" us.

Of course, since that's not what "destroy" actually means, your statement serves only one purpose: to indicate just how big an idiot you are since you consider a_ahmed to have a towering intellect.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Skeletor on September 23, 2012, 01:25:48 AM
The reason why the Arabs were in there 'Golden Age' was because of their access to Greek texts and philosophers which they translated....and often got from the Eastern Romans.

Of course, only the Western Roman Empire had fallen to Barbarians.
The Eastern Roman Empire existed till 1453 until the Turks eventually took their capital Constantinople.

The Eastern Romans (Or 'Byzantines', a modern term) carried on many of the traditions of the Romans and saw themselves as still representing the Roman Empire.
They had public baths, ate with a knife and fork and were generally quite literate and looked down on the Latins/Franks of Western Europe as well as the Moslems as both being barbarians.

The invasion of the Arabs brought with it forced conversions and enslavement.
The rule under the Eastern Romans was one of prosperity and relative safety.

Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 23, 2012, 05:01:57 AM
The reason Europe fell into the Dark Ages was because the Western Roman Empire fell to Barbarians.
As a result it took about a 1000 years to recover back to the standard of civilization the Romans had.
Religious mysticism had replaced scientific reason and logic....much like some religious societies today.

The Pagans were at least able to keep their religion somewhat separate from how they believed the world worked and educated Pagans were smart enough to see them more as stories which were part of tradition.

The reason why the Arabs were in there 'Golden Age' was because of their access to Greek texts and philosophers which they translated....and often got from the Eastern Romans.

Of course, only the Western Roman Empire had fallen to Barbarians.
The Eastern Roman Empire existed till 1453 until the Turks eventually took their capital Constantinople.

The Eastern Romans (Or 'Byzantines', a modern term) carried on many of the traditions of the Romans and saw themselves as still representing the Roman Empire.
They had public baths, ate with a knife and fork and were generally quite literate and looked down on the Latins/Franks of Western Europe as well as the Moslems as both being barbarians.

The invasion of the Arabs brought with it forced conversions and enslavement.
The rule under the Eastern Romans was one of prosperity and relative safety.

The highlighted statement applies to all humans, just look at the 'benevolent' rule of Moslems today....

I'll a also add that during the Ottoman Empire's occupation of Greece, priceless treasures were lost - from manuscripts to entire temples and it's amazing that anything survived. Indeed the Ottomans, used the Parthenon to store massive amounts of gunpowder which ultimately exploded. The building suffered massive damage by the explosion and the subsequent and uncontrolled fire which raged afterwards. As a result it was reduced to the state that we see it in today.

Uncivilized fucking barbarians... Bleh.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 23, 2012, 08:27:24 AM
What a moron. Europeans were burning books and libraries muslim and otherwise.

If it weren't for muslims you wouldnt have any greek works preserved. As if Greek works are 'amazing'. Muslims give credit where its due, europeans gave no credit to muslims who preserved these works AND improved upon them and used the scientific method to refute alot of the nonsense of greeks such as that the eyes shoot out rays, when a muslim scientist proved that light goes into the eyes instead. The father of optics and the camera (which is an arabic word mind you).

You're a bunch of clowns :)
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 23, 2012, 11:20:10 AM
What a moron. Europeans were burning books and libraries muslim and otherwise.

If it weren't for muslims you wouldnt have any greek works preserved. As if Greek works are 'amazing'. Muslims give credit where its due, europeans gave no credit to muslims who preserved these works AND improved upon them and used the scientific method to refute alot of the nonsense of greeks such as that the eyes shoot out rays, when a muslim scientist proved that light goes into the eyes instead. The father of optics and the camera (which is an arabic word mind you).

You're a bunch of clowns :)

I don't dispute that some scientific advances came from Muslims. But your blinders are blatantly showing in the statements you make. As for the laughable claims that we have Muslims to thank for the preservation of Greek manuscripts... well, again one only needs to look at the destruction that Muslims perpetrated during the Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 23, 2012, 12:02:22 PM
You are the one that's delusinal and blind yet unmoving as a brick wall. I am unmoving as a brick wall because I know what I utter is true, while you are an unmoving as a brick wall because of your arrogance.

The muslims indeed preserved and bettered the greek works. While greeks came to their conclusions and 'sciences' through mere talk and philosophy, the muslims implemented the scientific method and deductive reasoning, experimentation which is ultimately what the west relied upon.

I know having been educated in the western education system that there is NO mention of islam or muslims in history, sciences, etc... I on my own however studied history to find out about all this.

The best mention of 'muslims' in schools has been that of 'moors' in plays like shakespear, nothing concrete just fictional characters.

It's indeed another great injustice against the rich history of Islam and Muslims.

There would be no renessaince without Muslims.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Griffith on September 23, 2012, 02:37:23 PM
You are the one that's delusinal and blind yet unmoving as a brick wall. I am unmoving as a brick wall because I know what I utter is true, while you are an unmoving as a brick wall because of your arrogance.

The muslims indeed preserved and bettered the greek works. While greeks came to their conclusions and 'sciences' through mere talk and philosophy, the muslims implemented the scientific method and deductive reasoning, experimentation which is ultimately what the west relied upon.

I know having been educated in the western education system that there is NO mention of islam or muslims in history, sciences, etc... I on my own however studied history to find out about all this.

The best mention of 'muslims' in schools has been that of 'moors' in plays like shakespear, nothing concrete just fictional characters.

It's indeed another great injustice against the rich history of Islam and Muslims.

There would be no renessaince without Muslims.

If the Muslims had not been repelled in Spain and the Turks weren't beaten back then there definitely would have not been a Renaissance or an Age of Enlightenment for Europeans.

Europe and the Middle East would probably still be living in the Middle Ages under Moslem rule and China and the Far East would be the last bastions of human civilization.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 23, 2012, 06:15:57 PM
If Muslims took over there would have been an enlightment of europe as there was wherever muslims went
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 24, 2012, 05:39:53 PM
You are the one that's delusinal and blind yet unmoving as a brick wall. I am unmoving as a brick wall because I know what I utter is true, while you are an unmoving as a brick wall because of your arrogance.

You don't KNOW it. You BELIEVE it. There is a difference.

The muslims indeed preserved and bettered the greek works. While greeks came to their conclusions and 'sciences' through mere talk and philosophy, the muslims implemented the scientific method and deductive reasoning, experimentation which is ultimately what the west relied upon.

I know having been educated in the western education system that there is NO mention of islam or muslims in history, sciences, etc... I on my own however studied history to find out about all this.

The best mention of 'muslims' in schools has been that of 'moors' in plays like shakespear, nothing concrete just fictional characters.

It's indeed another great injustice against the rich history of Islam and Muslims.

There would be no renessaince without Muslims.

I don't know where (and in what) you were educated, but in Mathematics, a number of prominent Muslim mathematicians are mentioned when studying the history of the field, especially about their work on the unification of rational and irrational numbers, towards migrating mathematics from a geometric to an abstract interpretation and on solving certain types of cubic equations and conics. al-Khwarizmi also introduced the numbering system we use today, another fact that is prominently presented. The word "algorithm" is used in his honor.

As for whether "there would be no renessaince without Muslims", that's an impossible question to answer.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: a_ahmed on September 24, 2012, 08:17:34 PM
There wouldn't be, because you got the knowledge even the number system through muslims.

You had nothing, you didn't even know how to wash yourself. I guess my european ancestors didn't either lol but that's the point. You inherited from Muslims that is all.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: garebear on September 24, 2012, 08:23:58 PM
Let me open first and foremost by saying this: Islam did not come for 'killing people' nor did Islam get revealed for 23 years so that the whole religion is about 'punishments' What you are doing is focusing on about the 0.01% while ignoring everything else. Why is it you never ask about the message of mercy in islam. How to treat your parents. How to treat the elderly. How to help the poor? How to help the orphans? Just a few things to think of. How to have a healthy marriage? How to treat each other husband and wife? How to treat children, raise children?

Islam came to GUIDE people to the true and straight path. A complete way of life, bringing guidance from God in all matters of our lives. To be righteous, to do away with corruption and bring justice and peace to the whole earth. It came to guide people away from ignorance. It came to reaffirm that which was before what all the prophets and messengers of God came to mankind for. To do good, avoid evil, and to recognize and worship our creator, the one and only everlasting God. To not worship false deities, to not follow vain desires, to bring justice and ultimately peace to all mankind. United under God.

It's not okay to kill at any time, as you make it seem ‘randomly’. Except for injustice and in war. The third are hudud punishments/capital punishments and there is due process it does not just happen and then the next second someone gets killed.

29. O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.

As far as suicide bombings, this is an invented tactic of tamil tigers who are not Muslim. Where it started from with Muslims was in Palestine. Their psychological and physical condition is unique. In the sense that they've been occupied for generations and oppressed for generations. Powerless, no weapons to defend themselves. As such they resorted in desperation with this tactic. It's really something out of desperation and it has been justified in the same way wwii soldiers would blow themselves up with a grenade when surrounded by nazis to take them out and themselves as they knew they would die already.

Outside of Palestine it has happened with Muslims, however as of late it seems to happen wherever the US invades. Some have including the president karzai of Afghanistan claimed this is the work of private secuirty firms such as blackwater to instigate chaos to further their goal, the cia, etc... afterall the CIA invented car bombs.

There was even two incidents of foreign troops being caught planting bombs on a bridge dressed as arabs. Or one incident in particular where British soldiers dressed as arabs were setting up a car bomb. They were arrested by iraqi police. The British army broke them out and there was a brief mention of it in the news, a contreversey and then it was shoved under the rug.

God tells us to not kill ourselves. This pretty much sums it up. Suicide is not allowed in islam.

Historically there were certain incidents of people who deliberately plotted to cause chaos in society, amongst Muslims and non Muslims. Just like this idiot who made 'innoscence of muslims' basically a gay porn... or Salman Rushdie who not only blasphemed against Islam but Christianity and Judaism and other faiths. Some very vile things. But again, Christians seem to not have a problem if marry is called a whore, or if Jesus is put in urine and blood.

If I recall there was a group of monks at a time when there was a caliph and these monks were spreading lies, rumors and vile things about Islam and Muslims. They were a small independent group. I would have to find the exact case, but in a nutshell, they were told to stop and told to repent several times. They were brought in the court of the caliph and talked to. There was more to the story but I cannot recollect it now. Ultimately most repented and stopped this as it was causing mischief. The few that didn't and persisted were executed. You have to look at it as a larger picture. They were instigating lies, and had evil intentions to cause mischief in the whole of society not only affecting muslims but non muslims as well. People were indeed alot more firm and strict in matters in the past.

Infidels is a christian term. There is no such word in Islam. The word kafir is used for disbelievers and it actually literally means 'those who cover up the truth'

Absolutely not. There is no justification of killing of non-muslims in muslim lands.

A muslim who would harm a Christian for being christian would be punished for this act. As is the case around one of the caliph's times... a governor's son pushed a christian man out of the way and hurt the man, the christian man complained to the caliph and the caliph ordered the muslim boy to be punished. He asked the Christian man to do the exact same to the Muslim man. The muslim did this because he said "i am muslim". Such arrogance. The Christians and Jews are told to complain to muslims for all their problems and calamities. They are under the protection of muslims.

The verses that refer to fighting and killing in the qur'an refer to actual battles. If you read the qur'an you will see that it says quite clearly. No where does it advocate random killing as non muslims seem to think.

The role of islam is to bring justice to all mankind and peace. It's not to randomly kill people.

The ruling for apostasy came about when there was a group of disbelievers who plotted to undermine the moral of Muslims.

They secretly plotted to deliberately claim to join islam then overnight leave, then join, then leave, then join, then leave all one by one. The ruling came to put a stop to this and they of course stopped as they were cowardly people with only the intent of harming Islam.

The other time something of this nature occurred was when after Muhammad (pbuh) left us, a group of people started arising, certain tribes that chose not to pay zakat, and started deliberately leaving portions of islam while still claiming to be muslim. Even certain tribes claiming they each had a 'prophet' and they plotted to take over the muslims and fighting ensued as they were told to desist and repent. To follow islam in its entirety and repent or be fought. It was the leaders that were executed in these battles. After fighting the people returned back to paying zakat and fulfilling their duties as muslims.

Allowing such a group of people to exist they would spread mischief in the ummah and ultimately mischief on the earth. All the effort would have been in vain as to what Muhammad (pbuh) came to reveal to all mankind.
In the west refusing to pay taxes you serve prison time.

Civillians who refuse to pay the jizya lose their rights as citizens under Muslims. The jizya only applies to able non muslims. It does not apply to children, women, or elderly. Even men who are poor they do not have to pay jizya. Basically able men who work only. If you are to live under Muslims you have to pay it. It is a miserly 2%. Compared to 40% that alot of us pay in the west it is a joke. Imagine yourself arrogantly refusing to give over 10$ while you make 500$?

There is one example of Khalid Bin Walid, who was a muslim general. When he had to leave a certain region, he paid back the jizya to the non muslims as he said I will be no longer able to protect you so I give you this back.

Those who arrogantly want to live in muslim lands and start fighting muslims to avoid paying jizya will be fought back and subverted until they do or leave.

On the other hand, muslims also pay zakat, which is charity so we don't see it truly as a tax. In either case all this income from muslims and non muslims is to serve the society. It is not to be consummed by leaders.

In war only. And even in war, if they are captured alive, they are to be treated well and fed, taken care of, etc... and told what islam is, and it is their choice if they embrace islam or not.

The punishment of adultery is the same as in judaism and christianity. It is death. It applies to both parties. Men and women.

Islamophobes seem to think that all these punishments apply to women only. They apply equally to both genders.

Unlike in christianity where divorce is forbidden. Islam allows divorce. If a couple is not fit for each other they can divorce. Problem solved. The children are to be still taken care of by the father while not restricted to be with either mother or father, they are their parents and there is no 'custody battles' they belong to both parents except if one side is literally harming the child.
No.  If you are refering to honor killings. There is no such thing in islam. It is in the bible, not in the qur'an.
One may not kill any other Muslim as killing a muslim will send you to hell. However if a group arises, a sect arises, which claims lies and distorts Islam, while claiming it is islam yes they are to be fought until they desist, repent and return to Islam. There is only one islam. If they call it something else then they are no longer Muslims or following Islam. An example of that are the Druze. They took from each religion something but they are not muslims anymore. Claiming something not from islam as islam is like claiming you have more knowledge than God or more knowledge than the messengers and prophets of God. It is lying against them and perpetrating lies while claiming it is islam. It is misguidance upon the ummah.

This is disgusting to even ask. Women and children are to be protected and safe guarded all the time. As God says men are the protecters of women. The same applies to children. This is the kind of idiocy the media spreads.
Absolutely not. Wherever Muslims overthrew a government. The citizens were not forced to abandon their faith or embrace Islam. They continued to practice their faith.

To become muslim one has to know what islam is and be consciously accepting this in his heart. Anything else is therefore invalid. That is why we have the 'proclamation of faith'. Shahada. There is no god but God. And Muhammad is his messenger.

To be muslim means to be submit yourself to the will of God. You cannot be made to do this under compulsion but only in your heart. Hence the verse there is no compulsion in religion refering to becoming muslim.

Just as in Judaism and Christianity. Homosexuals are to be put to death once they are exposed or publicly advocating without repentance. They are an abomination to God going against their intended creation and a corruption upon society.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for this.

Also lastly, in any of these cases where there is a capital punishment of death, the people are given a choice to repent and desist from their practices. If they however even advocate it in arrogance, they are to be put to death.

That which is from God remains the same. It is people who change it. Islam is the same as it was revealed. It is people who chose not to follow it but cannot change it. Christians don't know what to follow or not to follow they just follow their desires. Yesterday homosexuality was wrong, today its okay. Today beastiality is wrong, tomorrow ??? That's what happens when people follow man made laws and their own desires. Whichever the way the wind blows it goes.

Priests not being allowed to marry is not God's law. It is man made law, and look at the result. Children boys and girls are raped by priests.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Stefano on September 24, 2012, 09:24:18 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

How long do you think it took mr taliban lover to write thst load of tripe? 

To achmet the delusional
Gods law and mans law are the same thing since it is man who somehow serves as a conduct for god.whats the difference?

Maybe god needs to attend some toastmaster sessions soxhe can speak up without whispering in one persons ear.
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: avxo on September 24, 2012, 10:29:23 PM
There wouldn't be, because you got the knowledge even the number system through muslims.

The decimal positional system, which al-Khwarizmi popularized was actually Indian in origin and was in use almost 200 years before his time. This isn't meant to take away from any of his other contributions in the field of mathematics, which were interesting and important. Only to point out that the particular number system is irrelevant and unimportant. Summerians, for example, centuries before Islam first showed up on earth, quite happily used sexagesimal numbering systems and the fundamental mathematics remain the same whether you use base 1 or base 2, 10 or 174 and whether you represent the number three with the glyph 3, ༜ or |||.

Can we state with certainly that the Rennaisance could not have happened without Muslims? No, we can't. It would certainly have been different, but we don't know how. You can speculate and make guesses, but your guesses and speculation are... well... guesses and speculation and mean little in this context.

You had nothing, you didn't even know how to wash yourself.

You keep upping the ante with more and more ridiculous assertions. You realize that ruins in Crete and Olynthus, built and destroyed centuries before Muhammad came along and dreamed up of Islam, had indoor plumbing such as flushing toilets, tiled bathrooms, self-draining tubs and hot-water delivery systems, right? You realize that Rome was notorious for its hot water baths, right?
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 25, 2012, 02:35:20 AM
Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Radical Plato on September 25, 2012, 04:29:10 AM

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Title: Re: Serious question for Ahmed and other Muslims...
Post by: Donny on September 25, 2012, 05:02:15 AM