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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: tonymctones on September 15, 2012, 09:09:35 PM

Title: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: tonymctones on September 15, 2012, 09:09:35 PM

this is what was chanted in tunisia by the retards...

Title: Re: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 17, 2012, 03:59:27 AM

Intruding Realities

By Jed Babbin on 9.17.12 @ 6:11AM

Under the Unleader, America is creating power vacuums that liberal vanity won't fill.

Reality has a way of intruding, interfering with political hopes and ambitions. The realities of the past week in Egypt and Libya are so clear that they have propelled at least a few European liberals to what they surely regard as an ugly realization that challenges one of liberalism's most precious dogmas.

Since the beginning of the Cold War, liberals here and abroad have always wanted to cut the American superpower down to size. America, in their view, should submit its foreign policy to the learned guidance of its betters among the EUnuchs and the UN. The U.S. should be made to reform, to end its unilateral exercise of power, to drop its cowboy attitude and work harder to get along with its adversaries.

Now they have what they wanted: an American president who has consistently worked to limit American power and has submitted our foreign policy to the judgment of the EU and the UN. Obama went to war in Libya at the request of France and after his first defense secretary said there was no American national security interest in play. He -- and his second defense secretary -- emphasized that the action was undertaken pursuant to authority granted by the UN, not by our Congress. He bows to foreign kings and emperors, insists on decimating the Pentagon's budget and "leads" from the rear.

Last February Obama said, "One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping to restore a sense of respect for America around the world, a belief that we are not just defined by the size of our military." Liberals all over the world should be celebrating the fact that America is withdrawing from its superpower role. Everything is working out just as they've wanted, right?

Well, not so much. America's withdrawal has created a vacuum part of which is being filled by radical Islam. In the past week, there have been riots and attacks on American targets in more than twenty nations.

Now there is a small glimmering of recognition that maybe, just maybe, the world needs the American superpower.

This week's issue of the devoutly liberal Economist magazine contains the first recognition of the problem the liberals have created. Insisting that the "Arab spring" is broadly moving that part of the world to democracy, an Economist editorial declaims that in the "many years" it will take for the Arab nations to become democracies, "America will remain essential to progress."

The Economist opines: "Libya's relative success was largely thanks to American firepower at the start of the campaign against the Qaddafi regime.… America is needed to put more pressure the Gulf monarchies it supports to loosen up their political systems." It calls for more American financial aid, contingent on economic reform, which it says "could make a huge difference."

In the same issue, another Economist article calls for American airpower to establish a no-fly zone over Syria to suppress the regime's use of its own airpower and give the Syrian rebels a chance. But only, of course, after we get UN permission to risk American lives and pay the costs.

Why doesn't France do it or, better still, Saudi Arabia, which has hundreds of combat aircraft and capable pilots? Because they fear Syria's allies -- Iran and Russia -- more than they care about what happens to Syrian people. They want us to take the risks.

What Economist revealed is what liberals here and throughout Europe have always denied: if America doesn't project its power in its own interests and those of our allies, no one else will. We are a nation indispensable to their freedom as well as ours.

The events of the past week prove redundantly that the world will descend into war and chaos if America continues along Obama's path of retreat from leadership and opposition to evil.

Obama is, to coin a term, the unleader. His diplomacy consists of rhetoric unsupported by the threat of military action. And that rhetoric is aimed more at changing our -- and our allies' -- behavior than that of our enemies.

Israeli pleas for support against Iran are met with gauzy assurances of our solid support but nothing more. Hillary Clinton has said that we have no time limits for diplomacy to work on Iran. Just yesterday, Obama's UN ambassador, Susan Rice, said on Fox News Sunday that the only way to end Iran's nuclear weapons program is for Iran to decide to give it up. Diplomatic efforts have never succeeded in changing the Iranian regime's behavior, and won't now.

Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons since the regime took power in 1979. Yesterday, on Meet the Press, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Iran is six months away from having enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb. Unending diplomacy won't lengthen that time.

We learned last week that Obama has failed to attend more than half of his daily intelligence briefings. Policy unsupported by the best intelligence is mere guesswork. Obama's policymaking is ideological, independent of facts, a willful ignorance that borders on criminal negligence. Disorder, indecision, and increasing danger of a huge war are the results of Obama's unwillingness to lead.

The attacks on our Cairo embassy and the Benghazi consulate are prime examples. Intelligence community sources confirm that we had intelligence warnings of the attack on the Cairo embassy that preceded the event by several weeks. Several reports say that Libyan security officials warned of the Libya attack days before it happened. Some of that information had to filter into the president's daily briefings. What did Obama ignore and when did he ignore it?

In these cases, real leadership -- at a minimum -- would have taken steps to protect our diplomatic outposts by withdrawing personnel or reinforcing our security forces. Neither Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took those actions. Now, the Sudan has refused us permission to reinforce security at our embassy. But Obama won't pull our people out.

American leadership might not have prevented last week's attacks, but it could have prevented the assassination of our ambassador to Libya and the deaths of the three men who accompanied him.

Iran is proceeding with its nuclear weapons program in another Obama-created vacuum. Obama has refused to even meet with Netanyahu to discuss possible action against Iran. Obama and his allies insist that we have drawn a "red line" against Iran by saying that we wouldn't tolerate Iran having nuclear weapons.

What that means is that we won't take any action against Iran until it has developed -- and, possibly, deployed -- nuclear weapons capable of destroying Israel. Given the gaps in our intelligence community's ability to penetrate Iran, Obama won't know if it has actually built nuclear weapons until well after the fact. A real American leader would prevent that from occurring, not promise to react to the event when it happens, when it will be far more costly in blood and treasure to face.

What has dawned on Economist's editorial writers won't be recognized by our media before the November election, or perhaps for years to come. It goes too far to challenge the most basic liberal ideology for anyone here to take notice. But what comes after?

Thomas Cahill, in his How the Irish Saved Civilization, provides the answer. On the last day of December 406, the Rhine froze solid, creating a bridge for hundreds of thousands of barbarians to flood into Rome. Rome had fallen from its superpower status long before the city fell to the barbarians. The gradual abdication of the only superpower of its day left a vacuum that was filled by chaos for more than a thousand years.

The world moves at a much faster pace now than it did then. The November election will be our choice between remaining the only superpower defending freedom or leaving the world -- and our interests in it -- to whatever forces choose to fill the vacuum Obama is creating.

Most people don't realize that The American Spectator is published by a non-profit, The American Spectator Foundation.
Title: Re: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 17, 2012, 05:02:34 AM
The Video Did It

The White House finds a root cause of anti-American violence..

Comments (282)


The Obama Administration dispatched Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to the talk shows Sunday to explain the outbreak of anti-American protests in the Arab world. Her message: It's all the fault of that 13-minute anti-Islamic video on YouTube. U.S. policies or foreign terrorists have little or nothing to do with it.
"What sparked the recent violence was the airing on the Internet of a very hateful, very offensive video that has offended many people around the world," said Ms. Rice, a leading candidate to be Secretary of State in a second Obama term, on "Fox News Sunday."

While there is no excuse for violence, she added, "as we've seen in the past with things like 'Satanic Verses,' with the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad, there have been such things that have sparked outrage and anger, and this has been the proximate cause of what we've seen last week."

This followed White House spokesman Jay Carney's remarks last week that the violent protests were a "response not to United States policy, not to, obviously, the administration, not to the American people" but were "in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting."

Mr. Carney all but asked Google to pull the video from its YouTube subsidiary website as inconsistent with its "terms of use," as if an anti-American attack should result in American self-censorship. Google appropriately refused.

Ms. Rice did concede on ABC's "This Week" that the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya might have been the work of "individual clusters of extremists," but she added that it had begun merely as a spontaneous protest against the video.
That doesn't square with the view of Libyan officials, who say they believe the attack was the work of Islamists linked to al Qaeda. Peaceful protesters don't typically carry rocket-propelled grenades and other heavy weapons to a demonstration. The fact that the attack happened on the anniversary of September 11 also suggests terrorist planning.

Enlarge Image

European Pressphoto Agency
Susan Rice, United States' Ambassador to the United Nations.
Ms. Rice's the-video-did-it explanation is no doubt intended to shield Obama Administration policies from any domestic political blame for the attacks. But far worse is the message it sends to adversaries and even friendly governments abroad: Overrun sovereign U.S. territory, even kill U.S. diplomats, and the first reaction of the American government will be to blame Americans for somehow provoking the violence.
Ms. Rice's reference to the 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses" is especially unfortunate since Iran issued a fatwa urging the murder of author Salman Rushdie. Ms. Rice is suggesting that what matters is whether Muslims take offense against some Western statement or work, regardless of its value as art or free-expression. We wonder how Mr. Rushdie feels about having his work linked to the trashy and insulting video "Innocence of Muslims" as a provocation for violence.

It's one thing for the U.S. government to say it isn't responsible for and disapproves of an anti-Islamic video. But it's another to say the video is the reason for anti-American violence. Eleven years after 9/11 and 33 years after the Iranian revolution, it should be obvious that there is no end to the insults that Islamic radicals can imagine or cite as an excuse to foment anti-American, anti-Western protests and violence.
The far greater provocation to violence is the appearance of U.S. weakness. What should really concern the White House is how slow and parsimonious were the denunciations of anti-American violence in Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Yemen and most of the rest of the Middle East. The Administration's feeble response in the last week only invites radicals to use more such excuses to kill more Americans.
A version of this article appeared September 17, 2012, on page A18 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Video Did It.
Title: Re: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 17, 2012, 11:13:19 AM
The day Obama jumped the shark
 Flopping Aces ^ | 09-17-12 | DrJohn

Posted on Monday, September 17, 2012 1:51:36 PM by Starman417

This could be a really simple post. All I have to do is post Drudge headlines. First, these three:

LIBYAN OFFICIAL WARNED USA '3 DAYS BEFORE ATTACK'... Libyan president: 'No doubt' was 'preplanned' starting months ago... Video Purports To Show US Ambassador Dragged, Cheers From Crowd...

and then this one:

Ambassador Rice: Attack NOT Premeditated...

But let's flesh them out a bit.

It is obvious to all but the most mentally impaired that the attack that took the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans was planned. Libyan officials agree. Hell, they even warned Washington.

Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in Libya, a local security official says he met with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating security.

Libya's current President made it clear that this was planned:

Libya President Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf said Sunday that 50 arrests have been made in connection with last week's "preplanned" attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.
"The way these perpetrators acted and moved -- I think we, and they're choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, I think we have no, this leaves us with no doubt that this was pre-planned, determined," Magariaf said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

"And you believe that this was the work of Al Qaeda, and you believe that it was led by foreigners. Is that what you’re telling us?" CBS host Bob Schieffer asked.

"It was planned, definitely. It was planned by foreigners, by people who entered the country a few months ago. And they were planning this criminal act since their arrival," Magariaf said.

And the Obama adminstration?

Um, no it wasn't. It was spontaneous.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi last week was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.
“Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous – not a premeditated – response to what had transpired in Cairo,” Rice told me this morning on “This Week.”

“In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated,” Rice said, referring to protests in Egypt Tuesday over a film that depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud. Protesters in Cairo breached the walls of the U.S. Embassy, tearing apart an American flag.

“We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to – or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo,” Rice said. “And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons… And it then evolved from there.”

Let's recap:

- The attack in Bengahazi was not an attack in a nation's capitol
 - It was the only attack on US assets to include grenades and RPG's
 - It simply happened to occur when Chris Stevens was visiting
 - The attackers knew where the safe house was
 - There was no Marine guard
 - It occurred on 9-11
 - They knew Stevens was coming

I present to you three of the most grand lies in US government history:

Title: Re: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 17, 2012, 03:13:26 PM
Iran will pursue makers of anti-Islam film: vice-president
 Yahoo! News / Reuters ^ | September 17, 2012

Posted on Monday, September 17, 2012 5:54:08 PM by

DUBAI - Iran's government will "track down" those responsible for making an amateurish film clip mocking the Prophet Mohammad, a senior official said, Iranian media reported on Monday.

The video made in California and posted on YouTube portrayed the Prophet Mohammad as a womanizer and a fool. It has ignited a week of violent protests across the Muslim world.

"The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns ... this inappropriate and offensive action," First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi said, according to the Mehr news agency.

"Certainly it will search for, track, and pursue this guilty person who ... has insulted 1.5 billion Muslims in the world."

The Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, condemned to death the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie in 1989 for his novel "The Satanic Verses," saying its depiction of the Prophet Mohammad was blasphemous.

Iranian officials have demanded that the United States apologize to Muslims for the movie, saying it is only the latest in a series of Western insults aimed at Islam's holy figures.

Rahimi did not give details on how Iran would pursue the makers of the film in his remarks...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: "Obama, Obama, We are all Osamas" but its not a reflection of the admin
Post by: Soul Crusher on September 18, 2012, 08:47:51 AM
