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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: rondo on September 16, 2012, 11:29:53 AM

Title: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: rondo on September 16, 2012, 11:29:53 AM
I've recently just finished my 16week cycle of test prop and npp

And I'm now nearly two weeks into my PCT. which is just nolva dosed at

60mg day1-4
40mg 2 weeks
20mg 2 weeks

I tried clomid last time but it did not agree with me... I got severe acne and became quite depressed.

The problem is my sex drive has completely disappeared, I think coming off Melanotan 2 hasn’t helped things either. Last night I was due to have sex with the girl I’ve been seeing for the past two months. Knowing I had no sex drive I got myself some Viagra and popped a tablet an hour before. It didn’t work, I couldn’t maintain my Erection and she freaked out. Disaster. I couldn’t really say I've been taking steroids so I just pretended it was nerves.

What would your advice be? Is it too late to add in clomid? How about Cialis? I don’t want this to happen again, my sex drive is usually high on and off cycle but during pct its a different story.

I was thinking of buying some unleashed and maybe cialis?

Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: mik1111 on September 16, 2012, 01:30:16 PM
add clomid.
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: The_Crusher on September 16, 2012, 03:57:40 PM
or add arimidex / aromasin. Your estrogen is too high. You need to keep the E2 in the 30 range to be a happy camper.
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: delta9mda on September 16, 2012, 10:01:39 PM
tube8 or porntube
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: whitewidow on September 17, 2012, 03:13:06 AM
where did you get the viagra? most viagra sold online is fake if it is labelled as pfizer viagra. Pfizer viagra is extremely expensive! unless your insurance will pick up the tab. usually even if you have good insurance they might ony pay for 10 tabs and if you have a bigger script you have to pay for the other tabs out of pocket and it is one of the most expensive tabs possible. if you buy it for ess then 15$-20$ a tab it is fake. You can buy kamagra the indian version for ike 4-5$ a tab and other generic brands for similar prices. UGL viagra is usualy no good.

I would buy some high quaity DHEA and stack it with high grade tribulus.That should help your sex drive after time. stay off gear for a few months if you really want to have a high sex drive a day. Believe me I lost aot of sex drive during cycle. watching bangbros every night on cycle and off cyce will help as well
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: dropship on September 23, 2012, 07:45:29 AM
branded viagra or good generic should of worked was it from an UG lab?
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: rondo on September 23, 2012, 05:52:43 PM
yea it was PFIZER viagra but only at a low (50mg) dosage. I didnt get a headache or feel anything so presume it must of been fake. I got it from the same place i get the rest of my gear from though so completely trusted it.

I've learnt my lesson now anyway, I'm just going to avoid sex in pct haha its not worth the risk
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: local hero on September 26, 2012, 11:09:33 AM
alot of it is in your head too,,,, tell your girl to make an effort and explain why it doesnt just spring up for no reason anymore
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: rph159 on September 28, 2012, 11:22:01 PM
honestly what do you expect to happen when you suddenly remove all the synthetic testosterone in your body. all the fucking female fertility and breast cancer drugs in the world aint gonna change that. still blows my mind that people put that shit into their bodys. hop off the bandwagon and think with you're head bud.
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: rondo on September 29, 2012, 08:21:02 AM
honestly what do you expect to happen when you suddenly remove all the synthetic testosterone in your body. all the fucking female fertility and breast cancer drugs in the world aint gonna change that. still blows my mind that people put that shit into their bodys. hop off the bandwagon and think with you're head bud.

are you referring to people taking nolva/clomid etc or just steroids in general?
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: rph159 on September 30, 2012, 05:28:38 PM
are you referring to people taking nolva/clomid etc or just steroids in general?

the nolva/clomid. i would much rather do "pct" with HRT dose testosterone and actually keep gains and have a functioning dick than put drugs meant only for females in my body just because someone says i should. if the pros can come off completely for a few months to have kids while having done the blast/cruise method for years on end and still not be permanently shut down, im pretty sure the rest of us are more than fine. like i said dude, think for yourself and make your own observations.
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: falco on October 01, 2012, 02:56:47 AM
Pregnyl 1500 every 3 days for 2 weeks.

Nolva is just going to prevent gyno.

Add Dostinex also, half a pill twice a week for like 4 weeks. Your prolactin levels may be high also. Plus your penis will enjoy it.
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: Donny on October 01, 2012, 03:06:09 AM
some girls just expect a man to fuck 3x straight off and to have a hard dick on command. we are not machines... well i have never done Roids and know nothing about them( not that i will say anything bad about them or taking them ) but what i read here scares me....LOL.. Just tell her she needs to "warm you up more"...your sensitive ;D
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: Jay8899 on October 03, 2012, 02:25:58 PM
tube8 or porntube
xvids  ;D
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: Meso_z on October 05, 2012, 05:51:25 AM
Thank God Ive gone through this stage  :-X.. Comming off drugs is a fuckup.
Its mainly a hormone and mind problem. Knowing that you just came "off" you cause this effect to yourself..
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: local hero on October 18, 2012, 04:02:35 AM
Thank God Ive gone through this stage  :-X.. Comming off drugs is a fuckup.
Its mainly a hormone and mind problem. Knowing that you just came "off" you cause this effect to yourself..

are you staying off for good now then?.... i did 2 n half years and it bored me to tears
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: Meso_z on October 23, 2012, 04:39:07 AM
are you staying off for good now then?.... i did 2 n half years and it bored me to tears
hey man how are you doing? B) yes hopefully Im gonna stay off for a longgg time, if not forever..but who knows, we bbers are strange human beings we tend to change our minds at any moment.   ;D
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: local hero on October 27, 2012, 09:05:24 AM
well i was going to stay off forever too,,,,, been back on a while now and im starting to get sick with the shooting up thing again, i just cant be arsed to do it, 3 times a week ends up once a week etc etc

are you happy with how you look?, i didnt mind so much as i was still an ok weight( dont tell get biggers as everyone off gear weighs under 200lbs, shhh)
Title: Re: No sex drive in pct! sex nightmare
Post by: Irongrip400 on October 28, 2012, 05:16:15 PM
How will she not know you were on roids, comin off you shrink. I guess chicks are clueless.