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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: SamoanIrishman on November 21, 2005, 07:56:09 PM

Title: Clen..Illegal here?
Post by: SamoanIrishman on November 21, 2005, 07:56:09 PM
Hey guys, good to be back. After my injury and a bout with cancer, I have a problem. All my treatments and such drained me of my energy and I have just started working out again.

I am starting slow but wish to lose some bf..(9% before cancer, 21% after)..yeah I know a lot to put on in 8 months.

Here's my question.. found a source to get the coveted "ECA" stack but would like to try out Clen. Is it illegal in the US? Canada? Living in the PacNW, Canada is closest.

Lions makes the best from what I gather..any suggestions?

email me..

(PS- I am not looking to take this untill I plateau in my "clean" weight loss efforts")
Title: Re: Clen..Illegal here?
Post by: DIVISION on November 21, 2005, 09:41:27 PM
Is it illegal in the US? Canada? Living in the PacNW, Canada is closest.

Lions makes the best from what I gather..any suggestions?

The FDA does not recognize Clenbuterol as a drug in the US.

So it's not legal or illegal.......I suppose if you're caught with it they may confiscate it, but they can't charge you with anything.

Clen is Clen......I don't see a brand name being a problem here.


Title: Re: Clen..Illegal here?
Post by: Weez on November 22, 2005, 01:30:48 AM
Yeah, I have brought it back across the border many times, and customs just wants to know what it is, and why you have it. I would always tell them the truth, that I am a competitive bodybuilder, and that I am bringing back as much legal stuff legally, that I possibly can. I believe that you are allotted a personal 90 days worth of dosages. So I would load up on the Nolva, the T-3, the Aldactone, and the Clenbuterol. By the way, Div speaks the truth, it is not a "scheduled" substance, but you are "supposed" to have a prescription, just like you would need one for penicillin, or Propecia, or Zyban, or the such.....
Title: Re: Clen..Illegal here?
Post by: SamoanIrishman on November 22, 2005, 11:47:16 AM
Thanks...may try to aquire some when in Canada next. Or...maybe a scientific supply website?

Pharm Grade I take it?

I have other Q's...on obtaining "scientific" anyone?
Title: Re: Clen..Illegal here?
Post by: DIVISION on November 22, 2005, 01:04:25 PM
Thanks...may try to aquire some when in Canada next. Or...maybe a scientific supply website?

Pharm Grade I take it?

I have other Q's...on obtaining "scientific" anyone?

I got connects like Federal Express.........PM me.