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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: Big_D on November 22, 2005, 10:25:59 AM

Title: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Big_D on November 22, 2005, 10:25:59 AM
I take a protein shake with low carbs after I work out in the morning at 7am

12:30pm lunch: Chicken and Broccoli with extra chicken and white rice

For dinner I have some chicken, turkey or fish with some vegtables and fruit for dessert.
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Double XL on November 22, 2005, 10:27:30 AM
What do you think about my diet?
it sucks
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Arnold jr on November 22, 2005, 11:45:09 AM
Yeah man, that sucks big time.  If you are training hard there is no way you are getting enough calories in there to do you any good.  Start eating often very often 6-8 meals a day.  Don't gorge yourself, but for heavens sake start eating.
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Big_D on November 22, 2005, 11:48:26 AM
Yeah man, that sucks big time.  If you are training hard there is no way you are getting enough calories in there to do you any good.  Start eating often very often 6-8 meals a day.  Don't gorge yourself, but for heavens sake start eating.
I'm trying to drop about 50 pounds. I'm 6'2" 325.
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Blake on November 22, 2005, 12:10:05 PM
You could try the Somalian diet.

It involves going for days on end with no food and running in fear from large predators.  Should work well. 

Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: 250Ben250 on November 22, 2005, 01:33:08 PM

Your diet sucks D. You're starving yourself. At 235 you should be closer to the 2500 calories a day, what's you bf%? You could always go the fat burner route but get your diet in order first. There's some evidence that higher doses of fish oil can shift body comp for the better too, I'm a big fan of those.

When in doubt remember its usually better to perform more "work" than restrict calories further...
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Big_D on November 22, 2005, 02:31:43 PM

Your diet sucks D. You're starving yourself. At 235 you should be closer to the 2500 calories a day, what's you bf%? You could always go the fat burner route but get your diet in order first. There's some evidence that higher doses of fish oil can shift body comp for the better too, I'm a big fan of those.

When in doubt remember its usually better to perform more "work" than restrict calories further...
MY BF is 17%. I am just trying to cut calories but I usually eat once or twice a day. It's been like that for twelve years so I know my metabolism is very slow. I do 20 minutes of tread mill at a 12 incline  about 3.7 mph. It burns 500 calories.  I can't do any more before I have to leave for work at 8:15 am.

I figured, i would eat some carbs in the day and only protein at night.

If my diet sucks, give me an example of a good one that I can follow. I'm trying to get to 8-10% body fat.
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: 250Ben250 on November 22, 2005, 03:23:22 PM
You need to re-think your cardio strategy too. 20 minutes at a moderate pace is doing nothing but training your body to be effecient at a moderate capacity. Start doing some interval training, you'll burn fat and drastically increase your cardio strength. Start off taking those 20 minutes and do a 2 minute sprint followed by a one minute walk until you get to 20, or less the first few times.

You're metabolism might be screwed from restricting yourself for so long, so I would initially start eating your meals by splitting them up and trying for 5-6 per day. After your cardio eat/drink a little, but plan on having smaller meals every 3 hours from there on out. The idea is to coax your metabolism along. You want your body to think - hey, I'm hungry after cardio, but I know I'll be fed every few hours so lets burn this food and start shedding some bodyfat, not - hey, I'm hungry after cardio but I'll only get fed 2 times today so lets hold on to every little calorie for storage so we don't starve to death. See the thinking behind this?

You probably know what foods to eat clean, you just need to up the protein and everything else, shoot for around 230-230 gms and keep your carbs limited to 30-40 gms per meal for the first couple meals, then lower to 20 gms or less by the end of the day. Try eating your healthy fats during the middle part of the day, ideally you're working out at night too with weights, cardio alone won't give you as much benefit.... this might not be the most cutting edge diet outline out there but its worked for me and we have similar stats. I was 6'3" 255 before cutting at @16% bf, now I'm a lot happier at 240, 12-13%, 3 months later.
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Arnold jr on November 22, 2005, 05:25:40 PM
I'm trying to drop about 50 pounds. I'm 6'2" 325.
If you stay with your current plan yeah you will eventually lose weight, after all you are starving yourself.  But the catch is what's going to suck, not only are you going to lose fat, but you are going to lose even more muscle, and in the end you will probably look pretty stupid.  Your body is going to feed itself no matter if you eat or not, and if you don't provide the calories by way of food it's going to get what it needs by tapping in to your muscle. 

Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: ~weed~ on November 22, 2005, 05:46:52 PM
I take a protein shake with low carbs after I work out in the morning at 7am

12:30pm lunch: Chicken and Broccoli with extra chicken and white rice

For dinner I have some chicken, turkey or fish with some vegtables and fruit for dessert.

  I think you should give up meat        ;D    ;)
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: 619Rules on November 24, 2005, 06:20:22 PM
it sucks
Douible XL sucks!
Title: Re: What do you think about my diet?
Post by: Ryder on November 24, 2005, 07:26:32 PM
your diet does suck... if you train you must eat way more than that just eat 6 small healthy meals a day do high reps and get your ass on the tredmill.. all there is to it but your body needs lots of nutriants if your training to any degree at all...