Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 02:55:32 AM

Title: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 02:55:32 AM
Honored to interview moments after his win.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on September 30, 2012, 03:25:32 AM
Whose the guy with the 1989 "wannabe yuppie bold pinstripe and yellow tie" ensemble?

Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: PJim on September 30, 2012, 03:28:04 AM
Comes across EXTREMELY irate.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 03:41:06 AM
Great interview chief 8)
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on September 30, 2012, 03:41:48 AM
"You came out throwin haymakers"  LOL

He was goin over the gameplan till 5.00am and started again at 7.00am.
WTF?   why is the interviewer not asking him what the fuck he's on about?

Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: TRIX on September 30, 2012, 03:44:31 AM
Wtf strong arsehole. Guess Cedric was right
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: IceCold on September 30, 2012, 04:05:04 AM

what a fucking baby.

it looked like phil was gonna cry.

ronnie and dorian never acted that way if the show was close.

phil was so upset u would have thought his source just cut him off and is now going to be the chef for kai.

after he said it was a secret for what he and hany did before the night show, phil realized he better say somethng, like it was food, when we all know it was insulin loading and diuretics.

he said he has the worst appetite...didnt flex run a feature where phil eats 800 grams of protein a day...

phil knows if it wasnt for the grape fruits, kai would have the crowd expected
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Cleanest Natural on September 30, 2012, 04:19:33 AM
Honored to interview moments after his win.
I like you dude ...

.. but after he started rolling his eyes explaining how his tightness the second day came from "eating" I turned it off disgusted.

We all know how you get that muscular and what you do to come in sharper. Why not talk about it? Or at least avoid asking questions that make him lie lie lie worse than a 4 yo ...

Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on September 30, 2012, 04:32:35 AM
You mean the guy in the bold pinstripe trying to look like a professional lawyer or accountant is the OP in this thread?  ???

Holy shit man, why didn't you ask him something worthwhile?  It was several minutes of nuthugging. You can tell by his eyes that he has anger management issues.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 04:48:08 AM
phil heath is the legit runner up this year, i dont care what runner up has to say.

whats the champs-kai greene-say on this?

Haha, like your style and I agree on this. Other than this and Branch's placing, the judges did a pretty good job this year.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: JasonH on September 30, 2012, 05:17:37 AM
Good interview.

Phil came across PISSED. Dunno if it's the side-effects of the drugs but the guy came across as having a real chip on his shoulder. Looked like he was gonna kill somebody.

He obviously takes a lot of things said about him on the message boards extremely seriously.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: G_Thang on September 30, 2012, 05:18:46 AM

i seen the pics and vids yesterday before sleep and thought thats it i can go to bed, ill wake up tomorow to basicaly confirm kais win.

but in order to beat reigning olympia you have to destroy him, not just beat him

he won, the judges know this full well.the thing is he wil only be awarded next year, if he comes in this condition again.

yes, branch -and im fully serious- shouldve been 11th or worse.

he looked terrible.

it wasn't clear cut. in the first comparison phil had that athlete's mentality (in bbing it's the flex wheeler shitty personality) while kai was laxed and smiling, not fully hitting his poses.  the judges even had them come out to do a 2nd comparison.  i'm not sure if they were trying to find away to give it to kai if he competed against phil, but kai lost the show right there.  hit the fucking poses HARD with phil next year, bring the attitude or whatever it takes.  that cerebral shit don't work in a pose-down with phil's TRUE persona, not that shit he sells on camera, which isn't the true phil.  anyway, one of the best mr Os since early ronnie prime.

branch - please go the fuck away. 5th was a gift.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Papper on September 30, 2012, 06:02:08 AM
 ::) phil heath is a drama queen for sure, like flex wheeler...

"we don't get the respect we deserve" "didnt get any sleep" bla bla

he really gets riled up over this, full of himself, crying emotional.

"we can do anything"

he seems to forget he just won a men in thong pageant.

Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on September 30, 2012, 06:10:39 AM

what a fucking baby.

it looked like phil was gonna cry.

ronnie and dorian never acted that way if the show was close.

phil was so upset u would have thought his source just cut him off and is now going to be the chef for kai.

after he said it was a secret for what he and hany did before the night show, phil realized he better say somethng, like it was food, when we all know it was insulin loading and diuretics.

he said he has the worst appetite...didnt flex run a feature where phil eats 800 grams of protein a day...

phil knows if it wasnt for the grape fruits, kai would have the crowd expected

Ronnie did
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on September 30, 2012, 06:19:14 AM
He seemed really agitated , I'd like to know the real story behind why he like this , I think Kai got to him and never really saw him as a threat and now he's scared. Kai got to him I don't think Phil can handle the pressure , I know he reads this board wait until he sees a good majority favored Kai lol
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Croatch on September 30, 2012, 06:20:29 AM
I just got word from Phil's trainer on the last minute adjustments made:
"2 plums, oatmeal, 2 scoops whey, morning snack @730am...just before showtime, 1 apple, 2 pears, 6oz. water"

He mentioned something about the combination of simple sugars and complex cards provide a synergistic response, helping Heath to take the title.
Looks guys, don't spread this tip around, as this was told to me in utmost confidence I wouldn't say anything.

Oh man, listening to this guy is a bit rough.  He seems wound up on amphetamines and not too happy for someone who just won an Olympia title.
I'm sure the diet, drugs, stress, sleepless g4p night caught up with him.
Best part, the strain to smile for the camera at the end.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 08:15:28 AM

i seen the pics and vids yesterday before sleep and thought thats it i can go to bed, ill wake up tomorow to basicaly confirm kais win.

but in order to beat reigning olympia you have to destroy him, not just beat him

he won, the judges know this full well.the thing is he wil only be awarded next year, if he comes in this condition again.

yes, branch -and im fully serious- shouldve been 11th or worse.

he looked terrible.

It's hard to "destroy" someone on this level. How many times did this really happen in the 'O history? Even a genetic freak like Ronnie needed to battle for his crowns.
Back to Phil & Kai, Phil has a better waistline & flow, but Kai has a better back (esp the mid part), chest width, legs & bicep peaks; important qualities that made him the better man. Dennis & Toney deserved better placings above Branch, and Dexter above Shawn.
Damn, I'm still waiting for the routines replay part II  >:(
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: nkhp on September 30, 2012, 08:48:15 AM
So Phil is a total tool confirmed by this video. you would think he lost listening to this garbage. Team Kai!!!!

you almost want to puke when he starts talking about secrects and then says its what he ate ::)
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Shockwave on September 30, 2012, 08:49:14 AM

it wasn't clear cut. in the first comparison phil had that athlete's mentality (in bbing it's the flex wheeler shitty personality) while kai was laxed and smiling, not fully hitting his poses.  the judges even had them come out to do a 2nd comparison.  i'm not sure if they were trying to find away to give it to kai if he competed against phil, but kai lost the show right there.  hit the fucking poses HARD with phil next year, bring the attitude or whatever it takes.  that cerebral shit don't work in a pose-down with phil's TRUE persona, not that shit he sells on camera, which isn't the true phil.  anyway, one of the best mr Os since early ronnie prime.
What are you talking about?
One man was calm, cool and collected, the other was a crybaby bitch. Athletes mentality my ass.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 09:15:54 AM
Glad you mostly enjoyed the interview.

I tried to tap into what he was feeling at a highly emotional time and without him having had time to regroup and gather his thoughts.

I thought he was honest in his comments. He did not try to come across as anything, just let out what he felt.

Although some of you knock his comments, it would have been a lot worse if he tried to be all cheesy and nice. Make no mistake this is a mentally exhausting day for anyone at this level. Both Phil and Kai had been up all night and were both rightfully exhausted.

Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Cleanest Natural on September 30, 2012, 09:18:45 AM
Glad you mostly enjoyed the interview.

I tried to tap into what he was feeling at a highly emotional time and without him having had time to regroup and gather his thoughts.

I thought he was honest in his comments. He did not try to come across as anything, just let out what he felt.

Although some of you knock his comments, it would have been a lot worse if he tried to be all cheesy and nice. Make no mistake this is a mentally exhausting day for anyone at this level. Both Phil and Kai had been up all night and were both rightfully exhausted.

Are you going to tell us that you honestly thought he was honest when he answered how he got sharper?? Food??

Come on man... not everyone here is a dumb kid who buys supplements you know  ;)
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 09:20:53 AM
I didnt expect him to say exactly what he did, I was trying to tap into how he felt and think I succeeded in that.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: dj181 on September 30, 2012, 09:27:04 AM
He obviously takes a lot of things said about him on the message boards extremely seriously.

that's very standard and typical behavior of a true narcissist
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: yates fan on September 30, 2012, 09:33:35 AM
why cant you guys believe food can make a difference,especially simple carbs the day of the show,other than diuretics what drug could help day of show?and diuretics only get rid of water,i have done plenty of shows,where i would eat apple pie filling or a few snicker bars after being flat at prejudging and come in fuller and more ripped.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on September 30, 2012, 09:42:59 AM
why cant you guys believe food can make a difference,especially simple carbs the day of the show,other than diuretics what drug could help day of show?and diuretics only get rid of water,i have done plenty of shows,where i would eat apple pie filling or a few snicker bars after being flat at prejudging and come in fuller and more ripped.

Why would they not carb up for the prejudging?  Why for only the main event?  Are they not being judged for both appearences?
I used to carb up on snickers bars and whiskey on the morning of a show. Made for a great pump.  Was also half pished drunk by mid day but full of bravado and confidence and since I only competed in Scottish contests the fans in the audience were half pished drunk by lunch time on saturdays anyway so they didnt notice everyone staggering about on stage LOL.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 09:56:35 AM
that's very standard and typical behavior of a true narcissist

Perfect attitude for a champion, but not so much for socializing.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: dj181 on September 30, 2012, 10:01:18 AM
Perfect attitude for a champion, but not so much for socializing.

actually man, narcissists tend to be very adapt within the social realm, as they tend to be very charming individuals, but just don't go around insulting them, coz their incredibly fragile egos just can't handle it :D
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 10:15:21 AM
actually man, narcissists tend to be very adapt within the social realm, as they tend to be very charming individuals, but just don't go around insulting them, coz their incredibly fragile egos just can't handle it :D

Well said, they're great "mr/mrs nice" actors. They like to manipulate you to reach their goals and I've dealt with them in several situations. Many creative, commercial & managing folks have this attitude. I've lost my job as a trainer because I started a discussion with a sensitive fagg who was the "manager" of that place.

Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: caseyviator on September 30, 2012, 10:35:02 AM
more duiretics,insulin,simple sugars ..esciline/synthol or what have u...biggest things ya can do to change condition in one day is the diuretics , insuline n sugar for staying pumped n not flattening out..sum guyss use a sauna to.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: POB on September 30, 2012, 11:09:07 AM
Ronnie did

These 2 look better then current
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Parker on September 30, 2012, 11:25:37 AM
He seemed really agitated , I'd like to know the real story behind why he like this , I think Kai got to him and never really saw him as a threat and now he's scared. Kai got to him I don't think Phil can handle the pressure , I know he reads this board wait until he sees a good majority favored Kai lol
This maybe true, Kai has beaten Phil at the Arnold, Kai is the only one competing today, when on, that could beat Phil.

As much as Phil is liked, probably more people give him ish because they whisper, "well he's never beaten Kai when he's on." and "Phil is narrow, he doesn't deserve the title." things like that can get to a person.

At the of the day, I still think he has respect for Kai---that he is formiable, but I don't hink he counted on Kai to be as good as he was.

Surprise, Phil, this is what happens when you have to defend your title.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: arce1988 on September 30, 2012, 12:24:46 PM
  Narrow Gift
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: a_ahmed on September 30, 2012, 12:30:37 PM
lol i dont like kai green personally and i favour phil heath since seeing him two years back.. however... rewatching the vids after watching it live... and even my wife rewatching it with me today... kai green did have a stronger physique even my wife noticed lol. He had more stirations and size.

It was a close call and yeah in this interview heath is pissed and irate.. but quite frankly... seeing how many neg comments there are on getbig its not surprising.

In my opinion NO ONE brought me a WOW factor except the third place dude... he had amazing physique just not size like the other dudes but AMAZING physique...

I am looking forward to next year...

Jay Cutler's still got my heart while he was olympia
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: a_ahmed on September 30, 2012, 12:32:07 PM
more duiretics,insulin,simple sugars ..esciline/synthol or what have u...biggest things ya can do to change condition in one day is the diuretics , insuline n sugar for staying pumped n not flattening out..sum guyss use a sauna to.

Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: arce1988 on September 30, 2012, 12:32:21 PM
  It would have been better for Kai to have won this one
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: nzmusclemonster on September 30, 2012, 12:38:17 PM
Phil is no Ronnie.

Phil is a cock and makes past champs look better.

Ask the tough questions Tony!

Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Disgusted on September 30, 2012, 12:41:29 PM
more duiretics,insulin,simple sugars ..esciline/synthol or what have u...biggest things ya can do to change condition in one day is the diuretics , insuline n sugar for staying pumped n not flattening out..sum guyss use a sauna to.

Not true.  Adenosine Monophosphate
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: slate on September 30, 2012, 02:25:05 PM
Messiah of Muscle is a misnomer.

Tony is the messiah for the money that he will pocket when lazy ass top bbers decide that the money in australia is big enough to justify the pain of flying for 20 something hours one way and then having to go around a country full of branch warren rednecks that happen to live in the south hemisphere

each year tony has to convince these bums to make the travel. last year he was very happy with getting branch , .. now it seems there is no interview with him. When australians dont want you , that means you are fucked. Goodbye Branch
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: jr on September 30, 2012, 02:47:03 PM
Sleep deprivation increases dopamine and can cause mania.

Sleep deprivation is the only technique know to enable a temporary remission of depression symptoms in depressed people.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 04:09:10 PM
Messiah of Muscle is a misnomer.

Tony is the messiah for the money that he will pocket when lazy ass top bbers decide that the money in australia is big enough to justify the pain of flying for 20 something hours one way and then having to go around a country full of branch warren rednecks that happen to live in the south hemisphere

each year tony has to convince these bums to make the travel. last year he was very happy with getting branch , .. now it seems there is no interview with him. When australians dont want you , that means you are fucked. Goodbye Branch

Actually I spoke to Branch backstage several times. He is signed by MD, therefore cannot do interviews with Flex.
Looks like you fucked that one up, better check the facts before you run the mouth.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: TRIX on September 30, 2012, 04:32:48 PM
I love this site :D its hilarious
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: DroppingPlates on September 30, 2012, 04:45:37 PM
I love this site :D its hilarious

And so is ur mom
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: The Ugly on September 30, 2012, 04:57:51 PM
We can do anything?

Cure cancer, mutherfocker.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: slate on September 30, 2012, 05:21:15 PM
Actually I spoke to Branch backstage several times. He is signed by MD, therefore cannot do interviews with Flex.
Looks like you fucked that one up, better check the facts before you run the mouth.

are you telling us that you paying for branch's business class seat to your prison island tony?
or is he traveling coach this year, with Phil up front?

Ps: As a free piece of advice: you should not wear wide striped black suits unless your go to work in the City of London
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: travisma on September 30, 2012, 07:17:45 PM

You are a complete tool. My advice to you is to shut the hell up.... Why have a go at someone whom supports bodybuilding in Australia?

are you telling us that you paying for branch's business class seat to your prison island tony?
or is he traveling coach this year, with Phil up front?

Ps: As a free piece of advice: you should not wear wide striped black suits unless your go to work in the City of London

Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on September 30, 2012, 07:25:27 PM
are you telling us that you paying for branch's business class seat to your prison island tony?
or is he traveling coach this year, with Phil up front?

Ps: As a free piece of advice: you should not wear wide striped black suits unless your go to work in the City of London

Haha you're awesome. Thanks for the fashion tips. You "guys" are normally good with that stuff.
Regular guys don't often notice or comment on what other guys are wearing.

As for how I treat my athletes, once again run the facts before you run the mouth.
Title: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Billy Guns on October 01, 2012, 12:35:12 PM
One would think Phil would be happy and excited about winning but clearly a little birdy got into his ear that he was given a HUGE GIFT with his win over KAI check out how negative he comes across and how he emphasizes his haters
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on October 01, 2012, 12:41:02 PM
have you checked out GH15's website.  They will welcome you there.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Shockwave on October 01, 2012, 12:43:41 PM
Lol @ Phil's eye roll when he said he silenced the Kai fans. He really thinks he's unbeatable.
"Ill assemble my army, were going to battle in 2013"
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Parker on October 01, 2012, 01:08:58 PM
Lol @ Phil's eye roll when he said he silenced the Kai fans. He really thinks he's unbeatable.
"Ill assemble my army, were going to battle in 2013"
Men in thongs, " It's serious bizness!"

"Phil I have to ask you, when did you have your "Shit just got real" moment"?

"Well, it was when I realized, that Kai came with his army of Kai supporters (NYU's Philosophy Dept)."
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Nails on October 01, 2012, 01:20:26 PM
Phil Reminds me Of Apollo in Rocky 2


Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: mesmorph78 on October 01, 2012, 01:26:42 PM
Did hany say phil bought a better package...than last year.... these people will say anything
and yes phil is arrogant as hell the most arrogant ive seen ever
flex used to do dumb shit for the camera but heath is arrogant as hell
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Nails on October 01, 2012, 01:31:26 PM
Yup and both him and Ramdick said that when Phil got on stage , that phil "SILENCED THE KAI CROWED"  ::) ::)
I think that Phil tries to hard to act like Floyd Mayweather or some kind of Real Combat Fighter

Did hany say phil bought a better package...than last year.... these people will say anything
and yes phil is arrogant as hell the most arrogant ive seen ever
flex used to do dumb shit for the camera but heath is arrogant as hell

Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Parker on October 01, 2012, 01:37:21 PM
Did hany say phil bought a better package...than last year.... these people will say anything
and yes phil is arrogant as hell the most arrogant ive seen ever
flex used to do dumb shit for the camera but heath is arrogant as hell
"Oh, and message to Kevin Levrone, I don't knock on doors, I knock doors over mutha___!"

"Now kids, go home and get your mother's permission."

"See that guy over there? He doesn't know that he he's not suppose to bring his girl around guys like us."

"Nasser's back is flat as pancake, and his skeletal structure is about 175 pounds."
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on October 01, 2012, 01:40:32 PM
Men in thongs, " It's serious bizness!"

"Phil I have to ask you, when did you have your "Shit just got real" moment"?

"Well, it was when I realized, that Kai came with his army of Kai supporters (NYU's Philosophy Dept)."
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Nails on October 01, 2012, 01:45:50 PM
LOL, did you catch the ending at about the 8min mark when Ramcock talks about Cutler .. HAHAHAHAH the look on Phils face says it all,

"why you bring up that old washed up whiteboy Fool , Im the champ, FUCK Jchin"
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Wiggs on October 01, 2012, 01:46:58 PM
Phil has turned into a real life Tommy Gun.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: mesmorph78 on October 01, 2012, 01:48:55 PM
"Oh, and message to Kevin Levrone, I don't knock on doors, I knock doors over mutha___!"

"Now kids, go home and get your mother's permission."

"See that guy over there? He doesn't know that he he's not suppose to bring his girl around guys like us."

"Nasser's back is flat as pancake, and his skeletal structure is about 175 pounds."

thats was all banter, flex never dissed competitors on stage.. and flex was straight up "cocky" all the time funny mischievious, clowning
phil behaves like a choir boy..... he sys what he is supposed to say.....
thats the different he is all fake hen faced with adversity he melts all over the place did you see him at the press conference said hat he as supposed, I respect all these guys etc...
The minute he saw kai was on he started to meltdown .... pushing... stepping over the white line etc.... and in the interview sounded angry as if kai should have never challenged him..... Why because everything has always been laid out for him....
spoiled and arrogant
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Papper on October 01, 2012, 01:51:23 PM
Phil Reminds me Of Apollo in Rocky 2

Lol, excellent metaphore

Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: ukjeff on October 01, 2012, 01:54:13 PM
When will these guys realise they are just blokes that lift weights?

Going to battle????
Fuckin LOL
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Frank Clairmonte on October 01, 2012, 01:54:57 PM
Phil has turned into a real life Tommy Gun.

time for Jayky Cutbola to bring philsulina back to his place.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on October 01, 2012, 02:00:15 PM
thats was all banter, flex never dissed competitors on stage.. and flex was straight up "cocky" all the time funny mischievious, clowning
phil behaves like a choir boy..... he sys what he is supposed to say.....
thats the different he is all fake hen faced with adversity he melts all over the place did you see him at the press conference said hat he as supposed, I respect all these guys etc...
The minute he saw kai was on he started to meltdown .... pushing... stepping over the white line etc.... and in the interview sounded angry as if kai should have never challenged him..... Why because everything has always been laid out for him....
spoiled and arrogant

Flex never dissed anyone on-stage? seriously? I thought this was very disrespectful regardless if he claimed that wasn't his intent

The one with Nasser I enjoyed though  ;D
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Papper on October 01, 2012, 02:04:09 PM

Did he think he should win with that back ???
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Bevo on October 01, 2012, 02:05:09 PM
thats was all banter, flex never dissed competitors on stage.. and flex was straight up "cocky" all the time funny mischievious, clowning
phil behaves like a choir boy..... he sys what he is supposed to say.....
thats the different he is all fake hen faced with adversity he melts all over the place did you see him at the press conference said hat he as supposed, I respect all these guys etc...
The minute he saw kai was on he started to meltdown .... pushing... stepping over the white line etc.... and in the interview sounded angry as if kai should have never challenged him..... Why because everything has always been laid out for him....
spoiled and arrogant

Hahahaha you don't know flex then... I wouldn't say I'm best friends with him but I was around flex and his entourage during the late nineties at golds and well let's just say....... You would change your mind what you think of him

Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: the trainer on October 01, 2012, 02:10:02 PM
One would think Phil would be happy and excited about winning but clearly a little birdy got into his ear that he was given a HUGE GIFT with his win over KAI check out how negative he comes across and how he emphasizes his haters

Judging by your recent threads i would say you are one of his haters so i guess he is talking about you.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Nails on October 01, 2012, 02:13:01 PM
For Da Haterz  ;D



Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Thespritz0 on October 01, 2012, 02:15:30 PM
OHHHHHH!!!!  YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  Bring it on.....
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Master Blaster on October 01, 2012, 02:18:21 PM
For Da Haterz  ;D


please tell me thats a photo shop
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Nails on October 01, 2012, 02:21:23 PM



who needs buddies when you got budweiser
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: MikMaq on October 01, 2012, 02:28:58 PM
Phil looks like a little punk. The is the most drama around the o since the 1980.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 01, 2012, 04:29:19 PM
Phil Reminds me Of Apollo in Rocky 2


lol. nicely played
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 01, 2012, 04:31:13 PM
Phil has turned into a real life Tommy Gun.

Damn man. I thought Palumbo was the one dying of Aids.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 01, 2012, 04:33:54 PM
For Da Haterz  ;D




Holy shit someone should chop Jay Cutlers head in the soapy
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Schmoff on October 01, 2012, 04:39:38 PM
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: jaejonna on October 01, 2012, 04:42:25 PM
Sometime during the night he got pissed that everyone wasn't sucking him off hahahaha I wonder if people were yelling 'narrow' in the crowd ahahaha
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: jaejonna on October 01, 2012, 04:43:28 PM
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: slate on October 01, 2012, 04:44:02 PM

this is great
well done
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on October 01, 2012, 04:45:51 PM

lol. can you chop Cutler in the bubble bath with Phil?
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: arce1988 on October 01, 2012, 04:46:18 PM
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Mr Nobody on October 01, 2012, 04:59:40 PM
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Irongrip400 on October 01, 2012, 05:00:36 PM
Was he really talking shit on Jay, calling him "white boy"?
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: 240 is Back on October 01, 2012, 05:17:08 PM
look at it ::) sport? ::) they cant even put their "athlete" behind the line.


Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Hulkotron on October 01, 2012, 05:32:21 PM
"Came out throwing uppercuts" oh brother
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: flipper5470 on October 01, 2012, 05:55:40 PM
You know..."I look better oiled up and in a thong with half of my ass hanging out" is something that only a woman should say...
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Hulkster on October 01, 2012, 05:56:25 PM

Did he think he should win with that back ???

exactly. look at ronnie's traps. he has more muscle in those traps than Flex does in his entire back at that point..
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Pet shop boys on October 01, 2012, 06:31:02 PM


Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: jude2 on October 01, 2012, 07:13:55 PM
Did hany say phil bought a better package...than last year.... these people will say anything
and yes phil is arrogant as hell the most arrogant ive seen ever
flex used to do dumb shit for the camera but heath is arrogant as hell
I hate when the experts" say they bought their best package ever, when we can clearly see they are full of shit.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Mr Anabolic on October 01, 2012, 07:20:43 PM

Now, that is funny!  How did you do that?  Some of you guys are wasting your talents on here.
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: BIG DUB on October 01, 2012, 07:23:15 PM
Phil Reminds me Of Apollo in Rocky 2


Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Swollen_Powell on October 01, 2012, 07:28:45 PM
dat gif, lmao
Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: a_ahmed on October 01, 2012, 07:34:47 PM

Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Alex23 on October 01, 2012, 08:17:01 PM

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! fucking magic.

King approved.

That being said, that was slightly emotional but not a meltdown by any stretch. Phil is generation nothingness (see my posts under my gh15 account) but isn't that empty; he can still carry passion and go for a fight.

William pistol, you hung with the wrong crowd and now pay the price. Let that be a lesson in life for you.

Title: Re: PHIL has a MELTDOWN on Flexonline
Post by: Big N on October 01, 2012, 08:20:49 PM

LOL good job bro!
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: BIG AL MCKECHNIE on October 02, 2012, 05:45:00 AM
There are two types of guy who wear suits like that. Professionals working in the city as accountants or lawyers and guys who are not formally educated but want people to think they are professional.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on October 02, 2012, 06:33:04 AM
There are two types of guy who wear suits like that. Professionals working in the city as accountants or lawyers and guys who are not formally educated but want people to think they are professional.

I'm in neither group so figure that out stud. What would you have liked to see me in?

Actually, I wore a different one on Friday and kept the pinstripe for the finals.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on October 02, 2012, 06:38:17 AM
Tony did a good interview with Phil. Phil did not seem like a jerk. The guy was depleted from working up, and dieting up to, an Olympia.
Maybe the haters don't realise this!
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on October 02, 2012, 06:41:09 AM
Comes across EXTREMELY irate.

the man is tired, depleted and the like. Give him a break.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tony Doherty on October 02, 2012, 06:53:16 AM
I agree. If Phil had of been all cheesy they would have hated. If he would have been cocky they would of hated.
So he was passionate and a bit fired up, which I thought was great. They still hate!

It was unrehearsed and, after being dragged everywhere backstage, for interviews, photos, comments etc. He had not had time to see his family, celebrate, or reflect on his victory at all.

Don't hate, appreciate!
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: michael arvilla on October 02, 2012, 06:55:25 AM
Why would they not carb up for the prejudging?  Why for only the main event?  Are they not being judged for both appearences?
I used to carb up on snickers bars and whiskey on the morning of a show. Made for a great pump.  Was also half pished drunk by mid day but full of bravado and confidence and since I only competed in Scottish contests the fans in the audience were half pished drunk by lunch time on saturdays anyway so they didnt notice everyone staggering about on stage LOL.

  Ima try this!  (great Interview Tony btw)   ;)
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: The Grim Lifter on October 02, 2012, 07:26:39 AM
I thought it was very close but Phil is a bit better in structure. Kai is bigger but seems like bodyparts just thrown together. Conditioning equal. Phil is better. Good interview Tony  :D

Kai needs to come in super shredded he is already bigger than Phil, be better conditioned too and then he can win.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Tito24 on October 02, 2012, 07:27:13 AM
headth needs a good beat
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: njflex on October 02, 2012, 08:07:43 AM
I thought it was very close but Phil is a bit better in structure. Kai is bigger but seems like bodyparts just thrown together. Conditioning equal. Phil is better. Good interview Tony  :D

Kai needs to come in super shredded he is already bigger than Phil, be better conditioned too and then he can win.
GOOD POINTS THERE,,,,kai was super shredded from rear top to bottom minus traps,,,so that makes up a lot but he may never get drier in chest/arms...heath has better relaxed thickness look to him,kai is wider but thins out traps/upperchest area.great top 2 no doubt.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: mesmorph78 on October 02, 2012, 08:23:40 AM
where is the interview with kai....
you never posted the correct link it never worked
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Gosling31977 on October 02, 2012, 08:42:45 AM
Phil was playing it up for the cameras for Generation Iron.  He was going after that tough guy take no prisoners attitude. To me made himself look like a total ass, walking around The Orleans with this smirk and cockiness.  Take away the cameras and lets see what happens,,, sorry Heath you are no Arnold or $20 Lou.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: PJim on October 02, 2012, 09:01:25 AM
the man is tired, depleted and the like. Give him a break.

He may be. How he became irate is beside the point. I'm just noticing how he's coming across to anybody watching it.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Parker on October 02, 2012, 09:03:00 AM
where is the interview with kai....
you never posted the correct link it never worked
I posted it up, it was a good, motivational interview.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Wiggs on October 02, 2012, 09:03:47 AM
I posted it up, it was a good, motivational interview.

please repost.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Parker on October 02, 2012, 09:11:51 AM
please repost.
"Look for the biggest gorilla in your life, and take it's head off."
gives props to Phil and phil's "growth".  (
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: PJim on October 02, 2012, 09:19:29 AM
"Look for the biggest gorilla in your life, and take it's head off."
gives props to Phil and phil's "growth".  (

Pleasant, genuine guy who always seems to have his heart in the right place. You can tell he really loves bodybuilding and for him it's his life. Who gives a fuck about the grapefruit stuff, hell, a lot of IFBB officials/judges/spokespersons etc the past and present have had criminal records...nobody is perfect in this "sport".
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Wiggs on October 02, 2012, 09:21:26 AM
"Look for the biggest gorilla in your life, and take it's head off."
gives props to Phil and phil's "growth".  (

thx, good shit. Much  better than Phil's rant
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Parker on October 02, 2012, 09:35:58 AM
Pleasant, genuine guy who always seems to have his heart in the right place. You can tell he really loves bodybuilding and for him it's his life. Who gives a fuck about the grapefruit stuff, hell, a lot of IFBB officials/judges/spokespersons etc the past and present have had criminal records...nobody is perfect in this "sport".
I think of him as some sort of "bbing monk", contemplative, meditative...someone who has lived "the life", and uses that in a positive way.

I can identify with him on many levels, because, I think (and many times talk) in the same way.

We may see this as a "men in thongs contest", but these two in particular (and the other competitors), it can be spiritual journey....and in the end, you leave it up to subjective judges to "define" you.
Title: Re: Check out my backsateg interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Nails on October 02, 2012, 09:42:49 AM
Did you get the feeling he hates was about to choke out ramdick when he brought up Cutlers name? i did

I didnt expect him to say exactly what he did, I was trying to tap into how he felt and think I succeeded in that.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Nails on October 02, 2012, 09:45:19 AM
anyone in front of a camera conducting an interview should wear a suit and look professional
Great work on the interviews and questions

I'm in neither group so figure that out stud. What would you have liked to see me in?

Actually, I wore a different one on Friday and kept the pinstripe for the finals.

Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on October 02, 2012, 09:59:53 AM
I want to see Tony do an interview with Wiggs.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: Wiggs on October 02, 2012, 10:22:32 AM
I want to see Tony do an interview with Wiggs.

I'd be glad to an instant 25 page getbig plastic.  The Ifbb and Ron would put me in a watch list and I'd be banned from all npc and ifbb events...I wouldn't have curse once. The truth would hurt that bad.

I will say the for once, the IFBB did a good job this year.
Title: Re: Check out my backstage interview with Phil Heath
Post by: dj181 on October 02, 2012, 10:36:45 AM
"Look for the biggest gorilla in your life, and take it's head off."
gives props to Phil and phil's "growth".  (

something like this?