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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: RS on October 03, 2012, 03:53:04 PM

Title: Pharmacom Labs underdosed garbage?
Post by: RS on October 03, 2012, 03:53:04 PM
I did a stupid thing. I went with another reseller instead of my regular chef cause this other guy was running specials on Pharmacom Labs oils - 3 sustanon - $120.  been usinfg it for 3 weeks with a little of my other chef's prop thrown in.  Well since going to this cheap sust I just started feeling real tired and my skin isn't as oily as when I was on my guy's test e and prop (for a kickstart).  Just dawned on my - I'm a fuck moron for going with the "great price".

Anyone else have this experience with Pharmacom Labs oils? 

 Fuckn wasted 3 weeks - and feel like shit on top of it.
Title: Re: Pharmacom Labs underdosed garbage?
Post by: whitewidow on October 04, 2012, 03:15:43 AM
Watch UGL's. you never know who is brewing the gear or where it is being brewed.
Title: Re: Pharmacom Labs underdosed garbage?
Post by: RS on October 04, 2012, 10:37:56 AM
Yea WW I appreciate that. I thought i was gettn a good deal but igot burned. It woild be cool if my Endo would just scribe me enough. 200Mg cyp e2w is leavn me dead after about i days. I was supplementing till i can get back in to get retested and talk her into 200mg a week.   Im working on a hookup to a lab hat has the cleanest tested gear around. Gotta be careful.

thx dude. RS