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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: whork on October 04, 2012, 03:01:01 AM

Title: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: whork on October 04, 2012, 03:01:01 AM
I mean this as a compliment ;D

He sounded great tonight. Im pretty impressed.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: 240 is Back on October 04, 2012, 04:10:34 PM
My guess is that he spent a week on high protein, high greens diet.  Lots of cardio.  Botox maybe, nice skin facial.

looked young and spry, much better than he did in the last few months.  he's been hiding away preparing for debates.

Obama looked like he worked an 8 hour day at a desk, forgot the coffee, and had to rush to give a speech for 90 minutes at a brightly-lit PTA meeting.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 04:25:59 PM
My guess is that he spent a week on high protein, high greens diet.  Lots of cardio.  Botox maybe, nice skin facial.

looked young and spry, much better than he did in the last few months.  he's been hiding away preparing for debates.

Obama looked like he worked an 8 hour day at a desk, forgot the coffee, and had to rush to give a speech for 90 minutes at a brightly-lit PTA meeting.

Obama never worked an 8 hour day in his life. 
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: 240 is Back on October 04, 2012, 04:44:22 PM

Obama never worked an 8 hour day in his life. 
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: a_ahmed on October 04, 2012, 05:38:29 PM

Obama never worked an 8 hour day in his life.  

Serious question, do you even HAVE a job? You sound like a jobless hobo who is an mk ultra project, that has so much time to copy paste a billion retarded articles about the evil democrats and the glorious republicans.

I mean it's one thing to be passionate (albeit for a retarded cause that is not really a cause), but every time I log on there are literally 20 new threads relating to obama/democrats suck.

Wouldn't have believed that I'd live the days when AI robots exist. Fascinating.

I wonder where your mk ultra self destruct switch is. It must be obama related. I wonder if you have a flip switch which can go from democrat to republican. Imagine it gets flipped from republican to democrat mode... that would be interesting. Then again an on/off switch would be more useful.

You know, Obama came especially to destroy you personally. In the end, I bet you are a jobless hobo, while Obama will leave office bling ba da bing, rich, laughing at you like he laughs at everyone in america.

None of these 'candidates' give a damn about you, they're all $$$ taking orders from their masters.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: Fury on October 04, 2012, 05:42:05 PM
Serious question, do you even HAVE a job? You sound like a jobless hobo who is an mk ultra project, that has so much time to copy paste a billion retarded articles about the evil democrats and the glorious republicans.

I mean it's one thing to be passionate (albeit for a retarded cause that is not really a cause), but every time I log on there are literally 20 new threads relating to obama/democrats suck.

Wouldn't have believed that I'd live the days when AI robots exist. Fascinating.

I wonder where your mk ultra self destruct switch is. It must be obama related. I wonder if you have a flip switch which can go from democrat to republican. Imagine it gets flipped from republican to democrat mode... that would be interesting. Then again an on/off switch would be more useful.

You know, Obama came especially to destroy you personally. In the end, I bet you are a jobless hobo, while Obama will leave office bling ba da bing, rich, laughing at you like he laughs at everyone in america.

None of these 'candidates' give a damn about you, they're all $$$ taking orders from their masters.

How many posts have you logged about your fake pedophile prophet in the last 1-2 months? You're posting about that clown all day, Jag the Mohammedan.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: a_ahmed on October 04, 2012, 06:53:59 PM
How many posts have you logged about your fake pedophile prophet in the last 1-2 months? You're posting about that clown all day, Jag the Mohammedan.

Defending against lies of a bunch of ignorant people is quite different than raving about elephants and donkeys that really will not benefit you. For a change you could get a quran and read it vs repeating yourself and looking ignorant in my eyes.

It's also pretty sad to see people fighting over elephant and donkey when they are the same coin.

If people want real change in America they should be revolutionary and vote and endorse someone like ron paul. Instead you are given a bag of morons to pick from who ultimately are filtered down the chain and you are left with two idiots that are funded by the same people.

Your vote is basically symbolic. The RNC/DNC convention 'voting' was a fraud, scripted, yet where is the outrage to that fraud? It was a news blip on ignored mainstream channels and life goes on.

Sad indeed. So one begs the question. What are you ravelling on about? Your bickering about elephant and donkey is totally meaningless and will echo into the abyss. Your time spent is time wasted.

Americans need to take back their country instead of trying to take over foreign countries. You need to fix your country, before you ever even ponder about 'fixing' other countries like you've already fixed for decades with bombs. You need to start getting out of debt by stopping warmongering.

Romney is a war fetish, while obama turned out worse than bush by starting 5 more wars.

Your country's infrastructure is downspiraling to shit, your economy is downspiraling to shit, your civil liberties are spiraling to shit, and you are bickering over elephant and donkey filtered down 'candidates'.

It's really sad. Each one of you is trying to prove that the other is a fraud or a crook. And yet they both are. So it's amusing to watch but sad at the same time. Trying to talk about 'scandals' and affairs, and petty issues...

If I was an american I would vote for Ron Paul... I would fight for Ron Paul. He actually cares about people and is not a sell out. He is a man of his word. A man with integrity and principles. Someone I respect.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on October 04, 2012, 07:26:38 PM
until the party clash is between the RP camp and the Romney camp all the idiots who vote for RP are just ensuring that Obongo gets reelected and throwing away their vote.  i'd love to live in a country where our biggest two parties were the repubs and the libertarians but that's not reality.

until then RP voters are idiots.

..and usually conspiracy-obsessed burnouts who don't know shit about shit.
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 04, 2012, 08:04:29 PM
The Idea That Barack Obama Was Stoned Is Not Outlandish.
vanity ^ | October 5, 2012 | Nathan Bedford
Posted on October 4, 2012 10:56:08 PM EDT by nathanbedford

The Idea That Barack Obama Was Stoned Is Not Outlandish.

The man has lost a lot of weight. He has a history of drug abuse. By his own admission he has been unable to focus on one of the most important events of his life, scheduled to occur in front of 70 million people. His published schedule reveals a pattern of empty hours. His image has deteriorated markedly with dark shadows under his eyes, sagging cheeks, and generally a hangdog look which is commonly associated with drug abusers. He was listless in the debate. He could not maintain eye contact, a signal of drug abuse. He had trouble formulating his words. He was slumped in his posture. His eyes appeared dilated.

If Obama is in fact addicted to some mind altering substance one would expect his physical condition to deteriorate as it apparently has and one would expect his mental and emotional faculties to deteriorate as well. Obama is well known as a procrastinator, witness his dithering over the surge in Afghanistan and his inability to give a go-ahead order when pressed more than once to take out Osama bin Laden. Procrastination and inability to make decisions, of course, are tipoff symptoms of drug abuse. Liberals complain that Obama failed to bring up Romney's alleged "gaffe" about "the 47%" and that omission, which liberals regard to be utterly inexplicable, becomes completely inexplicable if it is considered to be the product of a drug abused mind. This failure which is so important in liberal eyes is merely one failing in a 90 minute epic failure all of which can be perfectly explained as the product of a drug distracted mind.

Obama himself admits to a history of drug abuse. Most observers have simply discounted the possibility that the abuse continues probably because Obama, superficially at least, presents himself as a model family man. But what if his marriage is a sham, a contrivance of Reverend Wright and his "down low" program of finding women who were willing to marry homosexual men and thus provide a cover for the men to remain in the closet? Has Obama been leading a double life as a homosexual? If so, is there anything in that existence which would preclude drug abuse? Would one not be at all surprised if these characteristics ran parallel? If someone is living a lie on one level would not he be expected to live a lie on another level?

What is there in Obama's situation that precludes the diagnosis of drug abuse?

To believe that Obama's drug abuse ceased because he is a family man is to rely on an unreliable determiner. Nor is the abuse of drugs by a president unprecedented, John F. Kennedy abused drugs and it was covered up. In fact, John F. Kennedy was widely regarded to be a model family man and he was a secret drug abuser who was President of the United States. We know from John F. Kennedy's history that merely occupying the White House does not preclude drug abuse. If we consider how few real press conference's Obama's handlers have exposed him to, if one considers his utter dependency upon teleprompters, if one considers the very careful stage management of Obama's public appearances, if one considers the severe limitations on Obama's schedule, one can understand that these rather unusual behaviors are completely consistent with drug abuse and absolutely necessary to conceal drug abuse.

Obama might have been incapable of prepping for this debate because of his inability to concentrate and remain focused. He has canceled his security briefings but not his nocturnal excursions to rub shoulders with celebrities or to raise money from celebrities, the rich, and other "sophisticates." If we consider the people he prefers to associate with, celebrities, entertainers, sports figures, "sophisticates," one sees the upscale drug culture. He has every evening open for these people but no time at night for Netanyahu in no time during the day for Congress. Did he absent himself at dinnertime from Netanyahu to take dinner with his family, on its face a preposterous notion, or was he driven by withdrawal symptoms to re-medicate? The glitterati are the people Obama apparently prefers to play with, but whom is he dependent upon? We all know that he has handlers at the public level who promote and protect his public image. We know that he had a very strong Chief of Staff in Rahm Emanuel and we know further that Obama is notoriously distracted from the day-to-day workings of the government. It is the fact that "Obama care" should properly be called "Pelosi care" because Obama abdicated the particulars to her. Personal control over Obama himself apparently seems to be centered and two women, his wife, who might well be a wife in an arranged marriage for the very purpose of committing a public fraud, and Valerie Jarrett who has been described as Obama's "Rasputin." This syndrome is certainly congruent with a drug dependent personality reliant upon his enablers and controllers.

All of this is speculation, but it does provide a coherent explanation for Obama's conduct in office and for his public near breakdown at
Title: Re: Is Romney on steroids?
Post by: a_ahmed on October 04, 2012, 08:27:30 PM